Against the Gods Chapter 1651: Shallow touch

Pā! Pā! Pā!

Chi Wuyao slowly claps hands: “It’s Eternal Sky Divine Emperor, these children of This Empress really can’t hide your eyes.”

Eternal Sky Divine Emperor can detect heart-robbing and soul-robbing, Chi Wuyao is not accidental/surprised, because they are very close and not deliberately hidden.

However, she was able to discover so quickly that it was somewhat beyond her expectation. After all, the heart-robbing and soul-robbing are different now. They have completed the dark compatibility, and their hiding ability is far better than before. Here, it is a dark environment.

“If it’s not afraid of leaking whereabouts, if someone stares at it and grabs a piece of soup, This Empress would like to move half of the Plundered Soul Realm. After all, in the face of the first saint of three God Territories, the vicious Devil emperor, This Empress, was terrified. It’s about to crack.”

In the face of the sarcasm of Chi Wuyao, Zhou Xuzi is like a princess in the clouds, and his face is motionless: “If the Burning Moon and Yama are trailing behind, I am afraid that Old Man is in your hands and you Devil Empress can’t enjoy it alone. Devil Empress Since Self-knowledge, why bother to speak quickly.”

During speaking, his eyes have been uncontrollably biased towards Yun Che at the feet of Chi Wuyao. He was crushed to the ground by the black mist, but he has been struggling hard, and his head desperately raised appears pupil light…Every bunch, he wished to turn into thousands of blood blades, breaking his body to pieces.

“Okay.” It seemed to agree with the words of Eternal Sky Divine Emperor, Chi Wuyao smile converged, and the light words brought the supreme lofty belonging to Divine Emperor: “The person you want, This Empress brings. What does This Empress want?”

When Zhou Xuzi looked so heavy, his arms stretched out and his palms spread out, one purple glow shined out and reflected in everyone’s pupils.

This wisp of purple light is not rich, but it is more crystal clear than the brightest starlight. The moment it shines, it directly penetrates the rich darkness, and the surrounding space, even the distant sky, is reflected in the light purple of one.

Including purple glow is a kind of ancient and vast, supreme aura that can hold the whole world.

Qi of Primordial Chaos!

If Qianye Ying’er is here, you will be surprised.

Because Zhou Xuzi has it, it is…

Savage Divine Pith!

In the description of Eastern God Territory, Savage Divine Pith is the extinct divine item.

When Northern God Territory accidental/surprised got Savage Divine Pith, it surprised Qianye Ying’er.

Even the one who was Brahma Emperor Goddess was like this. It is conceivable that Eastern God Territory, and even three God Territories, no one knew that Eternal Sky God Realm even had a piece of Savage Divine Pith.

But after all, with the divine item like Savage Divine Pith, Eternal Sky God Realm will definitely hide it to peak, and it will never be revealed.

Chi Wuyao‘s gaze fixed on purple glow, and he didn’t move away for half a long time. Even if there was black mist, he could feel the excitement and greed that almost overflowed.

“What a wonderful light, even the most beautiful darkness is so dim in front of it.” Chi Wuyao sighed. Her eyes seemed to have merged with purple glow and did not want to leave.

Suddenly, purple glow is extinguished, Savage Divine Pith has disappeared in the hands of Zhou Xuzi.

The most intriguing thing is the bait that is close at hand, but reappears. Zhou Xuzi knows this well. Ten months ago, he secretly sent Tai Yin and Zhu Liu two big Guardian to bring Kun Xuding into God Realm of Absolute Beginning to fetch Absolute Beginning Divine Fruit in order to melt another Savage World Pellet with this hidden Savage Divine Pith for many years.

He really does everything for Zhou Qingchen.

Tai Yin and Zhu Liu failed to retrieve Absolute Beginning Divine Fruit, and surrendered God Realm of Absolute Beginning, and even [Kun Xuding was also lost], according to Venerable Qu Hui, it was [in the hands of Yun Che]. This Savage Divine Pith also lost its most important value.

However, it is the best bargaining chip to save Zhou Qingchen.

In this world, no one can resist the temptation of Savage Divine Pith, absolutely no.

Not to mention, this is probably the last piece of Savage Divine Pith in primordial chaos today.

Yun Che can erase the dark power of my child body, this is Devil Empress‘s personal promise.” Zhou Xuzi said, unless he is guaranteed by Chi Wuyao, he will not take a huge risk to come here seriously: “Hope Devil Empress… Not playing Old Man.”

Eternal Sky Divine Emperor, the power of Plundered Soul of This Empress, you

In those days, I had personally learned the experience. You are too look down upon This Empress. “

The Chi Wuyao language fell, his palm suddenly fell, and it stuck to the head of Yun Che’s. A piece of terrifying black qi spread down from the top of his head, and only split second, Yun Che’s struggled and screamed completely stopped.

With the palm of Chi Wuyao, Yun Che has been raised. He slowly stood upright, but his hands were weakly sagged, the black qi on his head quickly dissipated, but his eyes didn’t see the pupils, and even the slightest color.

Yun Che, tell This Empress.” Chi Wuyao said lightly: “Who is the most **** person in this world?”

Yun Che body stiff, dull eyes, mechanical opening and closing of lips: “Zhou…Tian…Old…Dog…”

The face of Zhou Xuzi is immobile, but the five fingers are slightly folded.

Zhou Qingchen becomes Devil, is it your hand?” Chi Wuyao asked again.

“Yes.” Yun Che replied.

“Since it is the darkness you planted, then you must have a way to get rid of it, right?”


There is no emotion, hoarse and difficult words, but it is the answer that Zhou Xuzi dreams of.

Instead, he is nearby Zhou Qingchen… The person who should be the most excited, but there is not much reaction, as if he has not been awakened from the confusing heart of Devil Empress.

The last anxiety was finally erased. Zhou Xuzi was like Shi Yijun, with a slight tremor in the pores all over his body.

The whole body of Yun Che, and even the pupil of the eye, releases Soul aura belonging to Chi Wuyao. There is no doubt that he is completely under the “Plundered Soul” ​​of Chi Wuyao. In this state, any words he speaks, impossible is false.

The power of Plundered Soul of Chi Wuyao, he and Qianye Fantian had taught it personally ten thousand years ago. The word “terrible” is far from enough to describe.

Yun Che has a powerful Dragon Soul, which is well known. But it was still planted under the “Brahma Soul Seek Death Imprint” of Qianye Ying’er, and it was only after the Shen Xi that it was slowly removed.

And Qianye Fantian personally said that Chi Wuyao‘s soul power is far above him, and there is a strangeness that he can’t understand.

Ten thousand years ago, even characters like Divine Emperor Jing Tian “suddenly died” in her hands, to control Yun Che, for this terrifying‘s Devil Empress, it is almost effortless.

“How do you hear clearly enough?” Chi Wuyao turned his eyes.

The current Yun Che is indeed under the Plundered Soul of Chi Wuyao, without any falsehood.

Otherwise, impossible has concealed the eyes of such characters as Zhou Xuzi.

But… the initiative to break Plundered Soul is not only in the hands of Chi Wuyao.

Yun Che’s Soul, ninety-nine has been robbed by Chi Wuyao. But sticking to the last trace, you can break everything in split second. Because…that is the power of Darkness Everlasting!

Dark carriers that Darkness Everlasting can control, will it not include dark devil soul!

However, this kind of existence that even True God cognition overrides, how can Zhou Xuzi peep through.

The Savage Divine Pith is reproduced in the hands of Zhou Xuzi. The mysterious bright purple mandala re-emerges into the darkness. Zhou Xuzi solemnly said: “Order Yun Che to remove the darkness of body. After the completion, the last Savage Divine Pith in this world will be owned by you Devil Empress. !”

Chi Wuyao squinted her eyes and smiled with charm: “chuckle chuckle, Eternal Sky Divine Emperor, do you think This Empress is a three-year-old child of naive childish? First help you understand, then can Savage Divine Pith, This Empress still feel it!”

Eternal Sky Divine Emperor has a weak eyesight, words is heavy clang, and there is no doubt: “Old Man is Eternal Sky Divine Emperor, words Tianyu (heaven’s decree)! No matter who you are, even if you are North Territory Devil Empress, Old Man export promise, it is also words of enormous weight, heaven can be proven!”

In the east-west south three God Territories, the promise of Eternal Sky Divine Emperor is indeed the Tianyu (heaven’s decree) that no one will doubt.

However, the Chi Wuyao of Yan Yan glanced at him, and suddenly he laughed, not a smile, not a low smile, but a wanton laugh, like hearing a funny joke: “words of enormous weight? Hahahaha…… Eternal Sky Divine Emperor, do you deserve these four words?”

“Good attractive with This Empress nearby Yun Che, tell This Empress, do you deserve these four words?”

“…” Zhou Xuzi was ordered to vulnerable spot, full of uprightness, perseverance, arrogance, and undoubted moment collapse, can’t speak for a while.

Yun Che fell into the hands of Chi Wuyao. With the power of her Plundered Soul, all the secrets of Yun Che body must have been cleaned up.

And everything that he created after his betrayal of Yun Che’s was undoubtedly the deepest and most hated part of Yun Che, Chi Wuyao would not know.

His great reputation in Eternal Sky Divine Emperor…especially his heavy promises, in Chi Wuyao, directly reduced to jokes.

“Why? There is nothing to say?” Chi Wuyao sneered. continued: “In those days, Yun Che saved all of you, not just your life. If you didn’t have Yun Che, you might have no roots.”

“But in a blink of an eye, because he exposed dark profound strength, you turned your face on the spot, as if saving your life never seemed to exist. It is estimated that in recent years it has been covered more strictly than your crotch. It is more up to you Eternal Sky Divine Emperor took the lead and led three God Territories to sack and kill with all his might. Even the planet of his origin, destruction has no residue left.”

Eternal Sky Divine Emperor‘s complexion changes again and again… It will be no surprise that she will know Chi Wuyao of Yun Che Plundered Soul so clearly and in detail.

“And your son, who is also dark profound strength, is the jealous East Territory‘s biggest saint. Instead of cleaning up the portal, he hides it strictly and holds the only piece of Eastern God Territory Savage Divine Pith, come to this place of North Territory and beg me to be the emperor of DevilAiya Aiya.”

“An odour-ridden Divine Emperor is the first saint of Eastern God Territory to admire. It seems that this Eastern God Territory is nothing but a smelly place.”

Although I knew that Chi Wuyao‘s eloquent words were all forcing him to fall into passiveness, Zhou Xuzi still had a spasm of the heart string, several breaths in a row, and finally finally calmed down, and then slowly spit out six words: “Devil Empress, you stay How?”

He doesn’t want to have any entanglement in this matter anymore, he doesn’t even have an excuse, he doesn’t want to hear a word again.

“Simple is very easy.” Chi Wuyao said: “Although this is the place of North Territory, This Empress does not bully you. You and I will put the required things into formation, and then formation merges, and then pull out the forces at the same time. Required.”

“So, if one party has delusions and fails to withdraw in time, the formation will not open, and no one can get the other party’s things, it is fair.”

“No…may!” Zhou Xuzi directly refused, said solemnly: “Savage Divine Pith is dead, and Yun Che is living! Savage Divine Pith is in your hand, it is yours. And Yun Che is in the hands of Old Man, still for You control it!”

“Oh, joke.” Chi Wuyao sneered faintly: “If This Empress lifts Plundered Soul, guess, will he save your handsome son? I’m afraid he would rather not be obedient suicide ten thousand times.”

“Then if you refuse to order, Old Man is not empty, how can it be fair.” Zhou Xuzi said: “You can’t believe Old Man, Old Man also can’t trust you with reason.”

“Then it takes a lot of chanting.” Chi Wuyao was not in a hurry, but instead turned around in a leisurely manner, and looked at the quiet and indifferent Yun Che around him, his mouth slightly curved.

Under the black mist, a jade-white hand stretched out, touching the fingertips on the face of Yun Che’s, and then caressed frivolously.

“What a good boy,” she said softly, smiling, and the eyes seemed to be overflowing with water and compassion: “If he can get Evil God Divine Power of body, if he can pick it off that day, there will be tens of millions of Savage Divine Pith.”

This Empress is still worried about handing you over to Eternal Sky old man. If he suddenly knocks you out and kills him, how distressed This Empress will be.”

She exhaled gently, voice/sound became softer and slower, then small head moved forward, flowery lips lightly opened, a little pink tongue like pearls and jade exposed, with a fragrance of soul, gently on the neck of Yun Che’s.

1: You: fu (not bá!)

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