Against the Gods Chapter 1635: Goddess Devil Empress

North Territory Devil Empress, even though the strong plane/level in the east, west, and south three God Territories are like the title, but the their name is rarely known. In Northern God Territory, even in private, they dare to call their name directly from no one.

Chi Wuyao!

Yun Che and Qianye Ying’er have never seen her, and have never had any contact. However, when she appeared in the dark mist…No, it was the moment when she came from voice/sound, no matter Yun Che or Qianye, or anyone who changed to Northern God Territory, they would be completely convinced at the first moment that it was the advent of North Territory Devil Empress !

One step, two steps, three stepsYun Che’s eyes fixed on the slowly approaching woman.

Without the slightest coercion, there is no sense of oppression at all.

When she is like Realm plane/level, even/including invisible aura has disappeared, but just exists there, the whole world will be dominated and core, lowly and surrender will ignore the will and belief, and breed quickly in the deepest part of Soul, Can’t stop.

If Qianye Ying’er does not have Devil Emperor’s blood, and now she has recovered the power of Eighth Level Divine Lord, she will definitely be affected to a great extent.

“Dare to call the name of This Empress directly, you are so brave.”

voice/sound came again, only split second, let the blood of Yun Che forcefully stiffen again tumbling.

voice/sound from Northern God Territory‘s most terrifying woman, which should have been oppressed with horror, but like the sorrow and sigh of the young woman’s deep boudoir, and the whisper of the girl’s close ear. Yun Che’s raised his hands slightly, and when he turned his eyes, pupil light was still dark: “You can also call my name directly.”

Oh?” When the black woman stopped, it was only three steps away from Yun Che. It seemed a little surprised by the reactions of Yun Che and Qianye Ying’er, but then she laughed lightly: “Yun Che. This Empress has heard your name many years ago, and it is such a handsome child.”

Yun Che: “…?”

“It’s you, Qianye Ying’er.” Under the dark mist, a pair of dark gray pupil slowly and wantonly circulated throughout the body of Qianye Ying’er, and the voice/sound of the charming demon became soft and quiet: “It is worthy of the coveted men in the world. Brahma Emperor Goddess, this look and figure make This Empress so envious.”

Under the eyes of Chi Wuyao, Qianye Ying’er has a feeling of being stripped of clothes and carelessly touching, and this feeling is clear and terrible.

She clearly wore a mask, but under her eyes, she seemed to be nonexistent.

“My name is Yun Qianying.” Qianye Ying’er voice/sound ice cold contains prestige, and there is no slight evasion: “Chi Wuyao, we finally met. This day, I have been looking forward to it for a long time.”

Chi Wuyao lightly hummed, and then stepped forward gently, seemingly muttering: “You took Savage Divine Pith of This Empress, bullied Succubus of This Empress, and even disrespected This Empress. You just want This Empress Did you kill you?”

A two-step distance, a distance that no one dares to imagine. Both Yun Che and Qianye Ying’er can feel the soft breath from her.

She doesn’t feel any danger, and she seems to have no sense of oppression or aggressiveness. And her charming demonic sound is enough to instantly destroy all the will of a man…

However, Qianye Ying’er will always forget impossible. The Chi Wuyao in front of it is the woman who left the darkest shadow of the two strongest Divine Emperordu of Eastern God Territory, and the most terrifying person in the world in Qianye Fantian cognition.

She took a gentle step to make Qianye Ying’er almost take a step back in the split second, but next moment was restrained by her, and said: “With your Chi Wuyao, it is not difficult to kill us. But you are so rushed~ busy~ so far, we all know what is going on, why there is so much useless nonsense.”

Chi Wuyao seems to be a non-smile, suddenly reaching extend the arm, finger gently to Yun Che.

With a soft bang, without any aura and profound energy fluctuations, the space ring worn by Yun Che on his hand instantly appeared in Chi Wuyao‘s fingers.

Yun Che is unresponsive.

Chi Wuyao glanced lightly, palms open.


The space ring shattered directly, and the collapsed internal space formed a small spatial whirlpool, and in the palm of Chi Wuyao, one was not bright, but it was extremely pure star light.

At the same time, a pure and unbelievable aura quickly spread out, purifying everything in the surrounding space.

aura of Savage Divine Pith!

It’s a tiny Savage Divine Pith that is about the size of a half fingernail. Chi Wuyao squinted: “It’s really a bad way to bring This Empress over by this small method.”

When refining Savage World Pellet, Yun Che deliberately left He Ling with a small piece of Savage Divine Pith.

Savage Divine Pith has Divine Emperor Jing Tian of that year

The special Soul Imprint note left behind, it can be blocked by Immaculate Formation, but obviously can not be blocked by the space container, otherwise, the Burning Moon Divine Emperor of the Devil Empress will not be cautious to that point.

With plane/level of Sky Poison Pearl, placing Savage Divine Pith in Sky Poison Pearl should be able to isolate everything perfectly, so that Devil Empress cannot track Soul Imprint records. However, Yun Che and Qianye Ying’er cannot fully determine this.

With their strength and situation at that time, they did not have the qualifications to face with Devil Empress, and even the slightest possibility could not be underestimated, so they immediately chose to temporarily leave Northern God Territory and escape into God Realm of Absolute Beginning.

Now, Yun Che is using this to the contrary, leaving a small piece of Savage Divine Pith in an ordinary space ring, which will not expose aura, but will not isolate the Soul Imprint. In order to attract Devil Empress Chi Wuyao to lock them as soon as possible. ‘S position appeared in front of them.

After being aware of Devil Empress, in her position, impossible must come in person. It’s about Savage Divine Pith and impossible sending ordinary people. The biggest possibility is Succubus.

And to defeat Succubus by this means is to inform Devil Empress that the equal cooperation between them can begin.

And a coincident Heavenly Monarch event, and the fourth Succubus Yaodie that accidental/surprised attended, greatly simplified the process.

“But you’re still hooked.” Yun Che’s‘s gaze passed through the dark mist, and vaguely saw, indeed, a pair of dark gray pupils.

They took the initiative to find Chi Wuyao, and Chi Wuyao took the initiative to appear to find them, these are two different concepts.

Aiya.” Chi Wuyao snorted: “You child, you really don’t like talking.”

Her finger bent slightly, playing with that little Savage Divine Pith: “What about the remaining Savage Divine Pith?”

“Used.” Yun Che said.

Chi Wuyao five fingers gathered at the same time: “Stealing Savage Divine Pith of This Empress is actually so straightforward. Are you really so confident… won’t This Empress kill you?”

Her words still resented and laughed, and she couldn’t hear the slightest anger. However, the surrounding space, dark aura, and even all the elements are completely stagnant at this moment.

“You can try it.” Yun Che only has rigid ice-cold regardless of the expression and voice/sound.

And what he stands in front of is North Territory Devil Empress, which is scared by any creature in Northern God Territory!

One hand stretched out, pushed the Yun Che away, and the Qianye Ying’er stood at the the front of the Chi Wuyao, saying: “Need to negotiate this kind of thing, let me know. Especially Chi Wuyao, I have been interested for a long time .”

“Negotiations?” Chi Wuyao smiled with a soft lip and a sweet voice: “This Empress, but she is more interested in sex.”

“Cooperate with us.” Qianye Ying’er looks at Chi Wuyao and ignores her demonic sound demon words: “These two words passed Nanhuang Chanyi, and they first came from you. I think this is also the purpose of your appearance before us today. “

“That was the year.” Chi Wuyao said slowly: “Although, you were not rejected that year. But Succubus who bullied This Empress, snatched Savage Divine Pith of This Empress, and now is so disrespectful to This Empress, no matter what, It’s an unforgivable death penalty.”

Qianye Ying’er said: “In Center Ruins Realm, we helped Nanhuang Chanyi a lot, but it was reasonable to get a little reward and use chips from insurance.”

“And for Savage Divine Pith, we got it from Thousand Desolations Divine Cult, and Thousand Desolations Divine Cult seems to have an unusual connection with Burning Moon Realm. Even if it is to find the root, it is at most taken from Burning Moon Realm, not from you Plundered Soul Realm. If you To investigate, you should also go to Burning Moon Realm.”

“As for being disrespectful to you…” Qianye Ying’er smiled indifferently: “Chi Wuyao, although you are the famous Devil Empress, but we have not yet made us low-eyed, sincere and fearful qualifications. I think you will not be able to afford, let alone Want such a collaborator.”

chuckle chuckle…” The words of Qianye Ying’er made Chi Wuyao laugh arrogantly: “People with big tones, This Empress have seen a lot. But they are just two dead dogs who fled come out from Eastern God Territory, but the tone is still big. It’s so scary, it’s really eye-opening for This Empress.”

“Oh,” Qianye Ying’er also sneered out loudly, and voice/sound was as low as Ruyuan: “The funeral dog will also bite, and it will bite harder and crazier.”

The Chi Wuyao laughter ceased, and the eyes narrowed into two long and narrow gaps: “It’s Brahma Emperor Goddess. It’s more than what the annoying kid listens to.”

Chi Wuyao.” Qianye Ying’er‘s eyes narrowed at the same time, silently resisting the Soul turbulence brought by demonic sound of Chi Wuyao: “What you want may be to get rid of the Northern God Territory cage, or to change the fate of the entire Northern God Territory. Yun Che and me What I want is to let that three God Territories… fall to abyss forever!”

“We ask for different things, but we have the same enemy. That is to say, our cooperation is to integrate each other’s power, but in the end there will be no benefit points

Why don’t you be happy with the differences and disputes? “

“Good speaking, very good.” Chi Wuyao seems to be praising, but at the next moment, her voice will change subtly: “Yun Qianying, you and I have been in two worlds, and have never met each other. I know a lot about This Empress, but it really makes This Empress curious.”

“Know you? Oh, joke.” Qianye Ying’er‘s eyes are bleak: “The hardest, the most impossible, and the most ridiculous thing in this world is to know a person. I don’t know you, but there is one thing, I am incomparable Be sure.”

Oh?” Chi Wuyao seems to be blinked eyes.

“You have great ambitions, either for yourself, or for Northern God Territory. Your trial tens of thousands of years ago has proved everything.” Qianye Ying’er said slowly: “It’s just that the status of Northern God Territory and the power of three God Territories make You have only been dormant for ten thousand years, but your ambitions will never disappear in half.”

Chi Wuyao raised his hand and tapped his chin: “Where are you confident?”

“Well, Qianye Fantian, the old dog who remembers me the most in front of me, is you. This old dog’s description of you also has an invisible impact on my temperament.” Qianye Ying’er said enough Words that make anyone dumbfounded: “You are like me, you are extreme people, and you are looking for things that others dare not pursue.”

“And for this goal, you can choose everything and sacrifice everything. And we, we can help you achieve… and the only person who can let you achieve all this.”

“You are coming so fast, you are just afraid that Yama Realm and Burning Moon Realm will find us before you. That’s why you should be so reserved.”

The two women “negotiated” in the ear, and Yun Che’s did not speak again. His eyes turned to the west, the corner of his mouth moved slightly…it seemed to be a mocking arc.

This Empress has nine Succubus, twenty-seven demon spirits, and three thousand six hundred soul waiters. The dark spirits that can be ordered are trillions of dollars. You can turn this Northern God Territory upside down with just a few fingers. What does This Empress bring? Just because you defeated Yaodie?”

“Only our two people, in this vast world, of course, can not make any waves. But…” Qianye Ying’er voice/sound slowed down, words shocked: “With us, you Chi Wuyao want to annex the other two King Realm… “

“It’s so easy!”

“Merge two King Realms” and “Easy to turn your backs”, which in everyone’s perception, are words that basically impossible appears in a realm, will trigger, but only snorting, ridicule and laughter.

However, Chi Wuyao did not ridicule, let alone laugh, and her answer was two words that made Qianye Ying’er stunned briefly:

“Very good.”

It seems that she is waiting for such a sentence…anyone who should have heard it will only feel ridiculous.

“If it is such a bargaining chip, it is indeed enough.” She Youyou slowly said, but immediately, the voice slightly changed again: “Since, what you want is equal’cooperation’, then before this , Should we settle the debt first? How can we be equal if we have debt?”

“Debt?” Qianye Ying’er‘s eyes narrowed.

Savage… Divine… Pith.” Chi Wuyao said softly, and wept like: “Brahma Emperor Goddess, you shouldn’t be really naive enough to think that This Empress will turn to that Burning Moon Divine Emperor because of your words?”

Qianye Ying’er: “…”

“When you met Chanyi, your cultivation base was just Divine Sovereign Realm. In just two years, it was actually Divine Lord Late Stage. It seems that This Empress, the Savage Divine Pith, is used in your body. It is worthy of Sky Poison Pearl. The Savage World Pellet, this kind of innovation, but makes This Empress jealous.”

“If a woman is jealous…” Chi Wuyao‘s flowery lips gently squeezed: “But it will be terrible Oh.”

Yun Che and Qianye Ying’er frowned at the same time.

Savage World Pellet requires not only Savage Divine Pith, but also Absolute Beginning Divine Fruit. The latter may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, and Chi Wuyao‘s words, are completely convinced that they got Savage World Pellet.

In addition, it is not surprising that she knows that Yun Che body has Sky Poison Pearl, but why would she know the melting ability of Sky Poison Pearl! ?

“Okay.” Qianye Ying’er said calmly: “Savage Divine Pith has been transformed into Savage World Pellet and cannot be recovered. If this irretrievable ruined the harmony, it would be too the gains do not make up for the losses. So, this Savage Divine Pith is counted as you Chi Wuyao gave us a great gift to show the sincerity of cooperation.”

“And we, of course, should give you a decent return. And this return… I think you should have received it.”

“…?” Yun Che was startled.

Oh?” Chi Wuyao waited for her.

“Why?” Qianye Ying’er mysteriously smiled: “Has Zhou Xuzi could it be that not heard from you yet?”

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