Against the Gods Chapter 1263: The only hope

Yun Che looked up and fixedly looked at Jasmine for a while, but found that she had no joking meaning: “This is of course the most ideal, the state I want to dream of. But … this is God Realm, not Profound Sky Continent and Illusory Demon Realm, how can I … “

“No, you are possible, and it is only you, it is possible!” Jasmine interrupted him, and moved red light‘s staring eyes to stare straight at him, words shocked: “You have this unique Creation God in the world Inheritance. So, you must know one thing, that is … your existence is above all beings in the world! “

Yun Che: “…”

“The year when you followed me at the age of sixteen to rebuild Profound Dao, did you ever think that one day you could compete with Four Great Sacred Grounds of Profound Sky Continent? And in the end, you not only looked down on the entire continent, but only took eight years!”

“When you came to God Realm, profound strength was not as good as Divine Dao, but in just three years, you surpassed all the geniuses of Eastern God Territory and the person named” Divine Child “, champion Profound God Conference.”

“It doesn’t matter whether Heaven’s Fate Realm‘s ‘True God Prophecy‘ can be realized for the time being. And because you have the Creation God heritage, you are far better than anyone else under the same plane/level. Divine Tribulation Realm can beat Divine Spirit Realm, and Divine Spirit Realm can beat Divine King Realm‘s Luo Changsheng … this point. , You should be the clearest. “

“And if you reach the limit Divine Lord Realm that human can reach in the future, then, under the world, Divine Emperor or Dragon Sovereign, no one will be your opponent. Although you were not True God at that time, but also with There is no difference in the current ‘True God‘. “

Jasmine looks at Yun Che, telling a shocking discourse. Equal to profound strength plane/level, Yun Che’s is far superior to others, which means that his limits are doomed to far exceed the limits of others. Therefore, the words of Jasmine are not fantasy …

But it sounds too far away at Yun Che.

Divine Lord Realm, that’s a Realm that he can’t expect at present, and can’t even look up.

Even if he can reach such Realm one day, he will still have to go through quite a long time … In today’s situation, he waits for that day with impossible and impossible with Blue Pole Star until that day.

Yun Che for a long time, then, suddenly I thought: “You mean … Eternal Sky Pearl?”

“Yes, that’s Eternal Sky Pearl!” Jasmine calmly nod: “You have been invincible to Blue Pole Star for eight years, and champion Profound God Conference for three years. Then, if you give you 3,000 years … With everything you currently have, after Eternal Sky Divine Realm practice 3,000 years, Even if you do n’t look down on the world, you can at least keep yourself from being controlled by others! “

“This is a rare opportunity and the only opportunity you have today!”

For an ordinary Divine Dao profound practitioner 3,000 years, he may not be able to break through his next bottleneck.

But giving a peerless genius 3,000 years will probably directly create a powerful person who can shock the world … this is why a thousand “Heaven’s Chosen Child” were selected.

And if it is for Yun Che 3,000 years

As the best Yun Che’s person in the world, Jasmine cannot predict how high Yun Che will grow.

Also, it is completely different from the 3,000 years. Among Eternal Sky Divine Realm, it is 3,000 years that is compressed to three years and is absolutely safe.

Yun Che’s‘s eyes changed significantly, but he shook his head: “I did think about it, but it doesn’t work. 3,000 years is not really a long time for the strong of God Realm, but my life adds up. Only for decades, 3,000 years suddenly became isolated from the world … This is a terrible thing to think about. “

“I know your concerns.” Jasmine said calmly: “But you should also know that there is no time in cultivation. If you have no heart and focus on cultivation completely, you will not feel the passage of time. In God Realm, a lot of The retreat of the strong is often thousands of years past, but in their perception, it may be only a few years or even days. “

“And Eternal Sky Divine Realm is a place where you can fully focus on cultivation. This 3,000 years will be far shorter in perception than you think, will not change your personality, and will not blur or distort your memory. What you care about will only make you incredibly powerful without knowing it.

The Yun Che’s does know about practice without years, but he still shook his head and sighed: “I promised Caiyi (colored clothes) before coming to God Realm, and within five years, no matter what the result, I will go back. Now It has been more than three years. If I entered Eternal Sky Divine Realm, I would not be able to go back within five years as promised. Not only did I keep my word on them, but also made them think that I had accidental/surprised in God Realm … “

“Is it important to have a refreshment, or is it important that you and their lives are safe, or even Blue Pole Star‘s life or death!” Jasmine voice/sound is harsh, she understands that all of this comes from Yun Che‘s desperate pursuit of herself, her heart and soul I have been trembling unstoppably, but the light of the eyes and voice/sound are getting more and more chill: “Ninth Level Heavenly Tribulation, True God Prophecy, also, body, those things that Dragon Sovereign Divine Emperor can not understand … You could it be that really do not know what these will bring you? “

“In the battlefields of Eternal Sky God Realm, Divine Bestowment Battle, everyone will only show their bright and proud side. However, leaving the battlefield of Divine Bestowment Battle does not have enough self-protection power. Why should you resist to reach you next? Secret minion! “

“Not enough power, why do you go back within five years? Are you going to take the entire Blue Pole Star to the funeral!”

Yun Che: “…”

Jasmine eyes slightly narrowed, his eyes are like two sharp blades of pierce heart, stabbing Yun Che straightly: “Now, the entire God Realm is spreading your reputation, Dragon Sovereign announced that he will accept you as a righteous son, and various Divine Emperors rushes to you Out of the olive branch, this time you were brought to Star God Realm, and you are also a “guy”, but the hidden crisis behind this endless scenery … is thousands of times bigger than what you feel and imagine! “

“You are so big that I have been protected by impossible. The only hope is Eternal Sky Divine Realm … you must go!”

“…” Yun Che listened quietly, although his eyes were a little dark, but his face did not change much. He is a very sensitive person to “crisis”. What Jasmine said, he thought about every sentence, but also made him realize that he still far underestimated the horror of this crisis.

For a long time, he gently nod: “Okay, I listen to you.”

Jasmine‘s eyebrows stretch slightly, but there is still deep worries deep in her eyes. She voice/sound slowed down: “Two years from the time you promised to return, also. These two years are 2,000 years of Eternal Sky Divine Realm, if ‘ After 2,000 years ‘, you feel that you are enough to face the current crisis, then you can use Illusory Stone to forcibly leave Eternal Sky Divine Realm and return to Blue Pole Star, which is not a breach of promise.

“If you can’t … two years later, I will tell them in a special way to prevent them from worrying, so don’t worry.”

Jasmine voice/sound is bland, but she says her hands are slightly tight when she says these words.

Two years later …

She was then …

Yun Che didn’t notice the difference in Jasmine, or that he wouldn’t doubt it at all, he was slightly relaxed, and nod again: “Okay! Now that I have decided to enter Eternal Sky Divine Realm, Eternal Sky 3,000 years … I will not waste it.”

“Very good.” Seeing that Yun Che fully accepted, Jasmine felt a slight tingling in his heart, and also let out a long relaxed breath: “Entering Eternal Sky Pearl is after one month. After half a month, you will return to Eternal Sky Realm.”

Why is “Eh? half a month later? “Yun Che is incomprehensible. Seeing Jasmine with great pains, he was so excited that once he entered Eternal Sky Pearl, it would be” 3,000 years “. Now he just wants to stay with Jasmine as long as possible, the better.

“Before you enter Eternal Sky Divine Realm, Eternal Sky Realm is the safest place for you.” Jasmine said: “Eternal Sky Realm is a very respectable King Realm, Eternal Sky Pearl is willing to use Eternal Sky Realm, this is the most solid proof. Those who ask you Of the Divine Emperor that threw an olive branch, only Eternal Sky Divine Emperor will not give you a low-handed dark hand. The others are not credible.

“Fifteen days is the limit where you can stay here. The fifteenth day is the big wedding day of Moon God Emperor, countless Star Realm and all ‘Heaven’s Chosen Child‘ will go to Moon God Realm, you are no exception, otherwise you will touch Some people ’s nerves. “

“The Moon God Realm group gathered, no one would dare to make trouble, and staying in Eternal Sky Realm is safe enough. After entering Eternal Sky Divine Realm, you will be in an absolutely safe situation between ‘3,000 years‘, because those people no matter how觊觎 You, impossible also broke into Eternal Sky Divine Realm. “

“I see.” Yun Che nod. Fifteen days … Star God Realm arrived, but only for fifteen days with Jasmine. However, this is the result and the crisis he brought about, which he must bear.

“Your fifteen days here …” Jasmine‘s eyes slowly turned cold: “I will never let that Old Bastard approach you.”

Old Bastard? Who?” Yun Che asked.

“Huh, it’s Star God Emperor as you know it,” Jasmine coldly said.

Yun Che stared, mouth slightly opened, speechless for a long time.

Star God Emperor, Jasmine’s father Ah… … she actually uses “Old Bastard” to match!

Yun Che has known for a long time that Jasmine resents his father, but he did not expect to reach such a level … This is the first time in this life that I heard someone call his biological father Old Bastard.

It can be seen that Jasmine‘s resentment against Star God Emperor has clearly reached the point where ordinary people cannot understand.

“You do n’t think it ’s easy here for this period of time here.” Jasmine‘s eyes condensed: “Within fifteen days, you must … ah!”

Jasmine‘s voice/sound has not fallen, Yun Che is suddenly moving forward, two warm arms gently embrace her in his arms, and hug slowly.

“You … I haven’t finished it yet!” Jasmine subconsciously wanted to push him away, but … body, nose end, and Soul were all under Yun Che’s aura, and her Heavenly Slaughter Divine Power seemed to disappear and disappeared. The arms on Yun Che‘s chest were so soft that he couldn’t push him away.

“Of course, I have to listen to Jasmine.” Yun Che closed his eyes and put Jasmine‘s petite body in his arms little by little, with gentle and careful movements, and then a little overbearing: “But, yes Now for me, nothing is more important than holding you in my arms … “

Jasmine … I managed to find you, but only … fifteen days …”

Listening to the nightmare voice/sound and Jasmine‘s body softened a little, she closed the eyes and fused tightly with Yun Che’s body.

No sobbing sound, but her shoulders were shaking.


Caizhi spent several hours outside and happily returned to Star God Palace of Jasmine. As soon as he entered, he saw Jasmine’s form.

Elder Sister!” She cheerfully shouted, came to the side of Jasmine, said with a smile: “I just heard a lot of good news outside, my brother-in-law is so amazing, it actually attracted Ninth Level Heavenly Tribulation, also called Child of Heaven’s Way, even Dragon Sovereign wants to take him as a son! “

“Brother?” Jasmine frowned: “No randomly call allowed!”

“Hee hee, it doesn’t matter anymore.” Caizhi is not panic at all, but smiles like flowers blooming: “I heard that Oh, Eternal Sky Divine Emperor and Divine Emperor Fantian are rushing to collect brother-in-law as direct disciple, Divine Emperor Fantian is still the main It was proposed to marry Qianye Ying’er to her brother-in-law. Although Qianye Ying’er is a nasty bad woman, she is so high after all that she wants to marry her brother-in-law. There will be no more obstacles between Elder Sister and her brother-in-law. Come on, hey! “

She has always believed that the obstacle between Jasmine and Yun Che is the identity gap between difference of heaven and earth and them. In this way, Jasmine resolutely did not see Yun Che, it was indeed protecting him.

But now that this “obstacle” is no longer there, she is full of joy, and the words “brother-in-law” are shouting incomparably.

“Gibberish.” Jasmine said angrily: “I’m his Master!”

But Elder Sister, you clearly said you severed your master and disciple relationship.” Caizhi said.

“That’s not what you think about.” Jasmine looked solemnly: “I and he … are more like the same affection as you, so don’t make any more noise.”

“Huh, it’s not.” Caizhi flowery lips swiftly refuted: “The way you miss him is completely different than when you miss Elder Brother.”

Jasmine: “???”

“After the death of Elder Brother, every time you think of him, aura will be very dull and make me dare not approach. However, in recent years, you have always been as if you lost your soul and have time to connect me to you You didn’t notice it when you were around. “Caizhi shook his head and then shook his head:” It’s not the same! “

“…” At Jasmine stunned, the eyes were completely silent. It took a while before I suddenly turned to eyes, coldly said: “Forget it, what do you call and what do you call, I’m looking for you, it is an important thing. “

“What’s up with Ah??”

“I want you … to teach Yun Che Heavenly Wolf’s Divine Tome of Imprisonment!”

It disappeared for a while, and finally came back alive … strive for more this month -_-

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