After the Legend Chapter 9: Responsibility and Choice

Ming Na has always loved to practice on other people since she learned the two tricks, and her favorite practice object is Winnie, because the fat nanny is big enough and slow to move, and it is always easy to get caught . Winnie always screamed and resisted at first, but when she heard that this was Earl Xiao’s “unique martial skill”, she immediately became obedient and let Ming Na rub it.

Dora saw the miserable state of the nanny, left her unethically and went straight to the shoe store to get new boots made for Anlong. When she had just said goodbye to the proprietress of the shoe store and left, the seamstress of the tailor shop next door stopped her.

The middle-aged woman with red hair screamed at her with a turkey-like voice: “Oh, Mrs. Cardo, it’s so nice to see you. I was just about to ask you, what Does the riding suit fit? You know it’s too big, I’m afraid it won’t fit you, but your husband insists he’s right. This is the first time I’ve ever made a riding suit. I can’t think of a lady as elegant as you. I’d wear that too.”

Dora was stunned, and asked in a longer voice, “Ride—horse—pretend—?”

“Yes, of course.” The old seamstress pretended to be surprised, “Don’t you know? It’s too bad, did your husband do it for someone else? Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to. , Mr. Cardo is a well-known decent person, how could there be another… um… lover?” She blinked innocently, but she didn’t know how contrived her expression was.

Dora’s anger rises, ridiculous country woman, thinks that she can hold the handle of making fun of her? dream! She immediately put on an arrogant expression: “I know what’s going on. We discussed it the other day that we will go to Maiton to ride a horse in the fall. Mr. Cardo must have wanted to surprise me. Tyler Madam, you broke my husband’s mind, but don’t worry, I’ll treat it like I don’t know.” After speaking, he raised his head high, turned and walked away, pretending not to hear the whispers of the seamstress and the proprietress of the shoe store behind him. .

But as soon as she left the sight of the two of them, anger rose in her heart. A woman in a riding suit! And the dress size is bigger than hers! Who else but Veronica? ! When did this woman return to Chidun? Anlong is still hiding from her?

The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became. She immediately changed direction and headed to the knight training center, and decided to ask her husband for more information.

The knight training center is located in the south of the small town, not far from their home. The entrance is a large courtyard. Soldiers pass by in twos and threes, some with horses, some with weapons, and some are laughing and playing. Dora cautiously avoided the messy men, and hurriedly responded to the greeting of a knight in a half-old knight’s uniform and a pipe, lowered her head to explain her identity, and asked where her husband, Anlong, was. . The knight gave her a slanted glance, then pointed to a row of houses not far away with a smile: “I saw him go there just now, take your time, ma’am.”

Dora said thank you vaguely and went to the row of houses. It was the first time she had come back to her husband’s work, and she had no idea where the houses were. After bumping into a knight who was making out with two scantily clad women, and a few soldiers immersed in gambling, he finally came to a room that looked clean and decent, with the name card of the knight captain hanging on the door. She guessed that this was the captain’s office, and was about to knock on the door when she heard her husband’s voice coming from the room.

Anron said, “Thank you so much, Captain Knight, I really don’t know how to repay you.”

The knight captain smiled and said: “It’s nothing, Cardo, you know that the May Day is coming soon, and everyone here will not have the heart to work. Besides, the task of armament manufacturing has been completed, everyone has worked hard. After so long, you should relax. In the past, there were many people like you who took leave and went out. As long as we didn’t tell us, the people above would never know.”

An Long smiled, thought about it, and said earnestly: “This may be an unkind request, but… if possible, can you please claim that you sent me on a business trip? Especially… yes My family… say so?”

“Oh?” Knight was a little surprised, but quickly put on a knowing smile: “I see, don’t worry, your wife won’t know.”

An Long knew he must have misunderstood: “It’s not like that, it’s just… I have a friend who wants me to do a little favor, and you know, women are always verbose when it comes to making friends with men, I don’t want her to know.”

Dora was trembling with anger when she heard this outside. Again! Again! ! A friend wants him to do a little favor? Besides Veronica, who else? Could it be that he didn’t even spend May Day with his family? And in order to help that woman, he even colluded with his boss to lie to his wife? ! When did An Long learn to use this method against her? !

When Anlong walked out of the office and saw his wife standing in front of the house with a face full of anger, he knew it was not good, and hurried over to comfort her. Before he could speak, Dora asked, “What are you trying to hide from me?!”

An Long was at a loss for words, not knowing what to say.

Dora asked again, “I just met Mrs. Taylor, the tailor, and she told me you made a riding suit with her, much taller than me, for Veronica? What did she do? When did you come back to Chedun? Why didn’t you tell me?”

Anlong doesn’t know how to answer: “Dora, listen to me, things are not what you think…”

“What do you think I’m thinking?” Dora’s eyes turned red, “Every time she comes, you have to meet her alone, or go out and don’t know what to do, I ask what you all said. What did you do, but you refuse to tell me. If you really don’t care, why can’t you tell me? I just want to protect my family, and you still think I’m long-winded?!” She turned her head and cried.

Anlong stretched out his hand to pull her, but she was thrown away. He was about to say something, but found that the people around him had noticed their movements, and they were talking in a low voice in private, and even the captain probed his head with great interest. He didn’t want to be the talking point in his mouth, so he hurriedly said, “This is not the place to talk, let’s go home and talk about it.” Then he forced his wife to go home. Dora calmed down a little at this time, and didn’t want to lose face in front of everyone, so she only struggled twice and followed him away.

When she got home, Ming Na rushed over with a big smile on her face and said to her father, “Dad, I have learned those two tricks. You can test me.” As soon as she finished speaking, she discovered that there was a relationship between her parents. The atmosphere is a bit wrong: “What’s the matter? Did you quarrel again?”

An Long smiled and hugged her and kissed her: “It’s okay, Mom and Dad just have some things to discuss, you can go play first, or practice a few times, then Dad will come to test you, if you find that you didn’t study well, I’m going to be punished.”

Ming Na responded with a loud voice and ran out happily. Dora watched her daughter go away, turned her head and sneered: “You are very good at lying, and you just sent the child away like this.”

Anlong looked at her helplessly: “Do you want to let the children know about our dispute? It’s not good for her at all.”

Dora walked into the study silently, and when Anlong closed the door, she said, “Can we talk now? What does Veronica want you to do for her again? Why do you prefer to lie to me? ?!”

Anlong opened his mouth and sighed, and decided to reveal something to a limited extent: “Veronica is ill, she has no relatives here, I just…I just take care of her…”

“Sick?” Dora was a little stunned, but quickly returned to her normal expression, “Then why didn’t you tell me? Am I the kind of narrow-minded woman who would care about a patient?” Although she She knew in her heart that this was likely to be true, but she couldn’t take care of so much at this time: “Also, she is sick, you can take care of her if you want, why do you need to take leave? You have to hide it from me? You…” She froze. Eyes, “You want to pretend to be out of business? Why?! Are you going to move in and live with that woman?!”

An Long said helplessly: “I just want to send her back to Yidong City. She will be back in a few days.”

“What?!” Dora raised her voice suddenly, “You forgot that I once said that if you want to go with that woman, I will take the child back to Matt Harbor. Don’t you care? !”

“Dora, Veronica will get sick, and I’m responsible. She…she went to Maiton to find a friend, and encountered some sad things, because no one was around to take care of her, so she fell ill If I had gone with her, this wouldn’t have happened. I just…I just wanted to make amends.”

“There’s no need for that!” Dora thought about it quickly, “If it’s just to send her back to Idong, it just so happens that Goodwin is planning to leave these days. I gave him the gift last time. He had mentioned it once. Just leave Veronica to him, he’s a real gentleman and will take good care of the lady, and his carriage is big and comfortable for the sick. It couldn’t be better.”

She thinks it’s a brilliant idea, but Anron doesn’t think much of it.

Goodwin Chulov, the youngest son of the former Chancellor of the Exchequer, Duke Chulov, and his family are also on the suspect list. Although the duke was once very powerful, because the mediocre eldest son and heir could not take over the burden of the family, he even wanted to hit his son-in-law. The power of their family is not as strong as before. According to his father Xiao Tianjian’s analysis, such a family is likely to take risks in order to regain power. And Goodwin and Veronica arrived at the northern border at about the same time. When Anron wrote to Amon to report Veronica’s disappearance, Goodwin was also in the northern fortress. Compared with the senior branch leader of the Security Service with more than two decades of experience, he is more willing to believe that someone else betrays the country.

Therefore he categorically rejected his wife’s suggestion: “No, Chulov cannot be found, he is not suitable.”

Dora looked at him disappointedly: “You probably think you’re the only one who’s right? So what else is there to say? If there really isn’t anything between you, why can’t you ask someone else to help?”

Anlong looked at his wife deeply: “Dora, can’t you trust me more? I only love you one, why do you just refuse to believe it?”

Dora shook her head slowly: “I always believed, but what did my belief get in return? Anron Cardo, do you know what life I lived before marrying you? I never need to worry about money, and I don’t have any worries. Every day I sing, play the piano, paint, dress up, make clothes, buy jewelry, and go to dance parties. When I’m bored, I just find a sunny afternoon tea party with my girlfriends and talk about it. Interesting topic. That’s how I grew up. But what about after marrying you?”

She looked at her hands, “For your self-respect, I refused my father’s sponsorship, and I am willing to come to this country place with you to live a hard life. I learned to make myself clothes, and I learned to make tea and snacks. , learned to plan carefully, and use thirty gold coins a month to arrange the life of the whole family. I have to shovel the garden, weed and plant flowers and prune branches, I have to bargain with butchers and hawkers, and I have to endure everyone here. No matter how rude, dirty, shameless, and insidious they were! My skin became rough, my features became haggard, my words and deeds became rude, but I put up with it. It’s all because of love You. But…if your love has changed, then what has I been doing all this time?!”

When she said the latter, she broke down in tears. Hearing this, An Long felt extremely sad: “I know that you have suffered a lot for me, and I assure you that this kind of life will not last long.” Nothing major will happen, maybe he can take advantage of this time to return to Ito and ask for a different place. Dora is indeed not suitable to live in such a small place.

Dora stopped crying and raised her head hopefully and asked, “So… you promised me not to go with Veronica?”

Anlong opened his mouth and shook his head slowly: “No, Dora, I have the responsibility to send her back. It’s two different things at all. There is no innocence between me and her, let’s not quarrel over these things anymore. Is it possible?”

“Innocent? Just look at the way she looks at you, and the way she looks at me, you know what she’s thinking, but you want me to believe you have nothing with her? I’m also a woman, you and her Can’t fool me.”

“Damn, why do you have to hold on to this matter?!” Anlong really didn’t want to argue about it any more, “I’ve decided to send her back, I’m serious! Dora, Don’t get caught up in this!”

“Ah? Really? You’re finally telling the truth?” Dora stood up abruptly, “You finally think I’m annoyed, don’t you? I know I’m not the elegant and beautiful girl I used to be, but honestly , your Miss Veronica is not too cute!” After saying that, he opened the door angrily and went out.

“Where are you going?” Anlong hurriedly asked.

“Go to hell!” Then there was a thud of footsteps going upstairs.

Anlong had a sudden headache.

He was really tired of this kind of quarrel between husband and wife over a little misunderstanding, but if he told his wife the truth, he would inevitably mention his secret mission, which would violate the safety department’s confidentiality policy. Dora doesn’t understand politics, and the power struggle in Ito City The struggle between countries is just a chat at a tea party for her, and she can’t understand how many risks are involved. Therefore, from the moment he chose this path, it meant that he had to hide it from her for the rest of his life. However, do you really want him to have an emotional rift with his wife for this kind of thing?

He was worried when he suddenly heard the sound of babbling outside and the cry of his daughter Minna. He had an ominous premonition and rushed outside immediately. Sure enough, he saw his wife was pulling her daughter, and she There is a large suitcase at hand.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“What else? Of course I took the child back to Matt Harbor. Since all the sacrifices I made for you are meaningless, why am I staying here?!” Dora said coldly.

“You can’t do that. It’s not necessary!”

“Then, are you willing to give up your original plan and not go with that woman?”

Anlong looked at his wife’s face for a long time before making a painful decision: “No, Dora, that’s my responsibility.”

“She’s your responsibility?! What about me? What about Minna? What are we?!” Dora burst out.

“Of course you are my responsibility, you are my family, and Veronica…” is my companion, the law of the security agency, must not betray companions, no matter when and where.

But he couldn’t get it out, so Dora was disappointed: “Can’t you say it? Then there’s nothing to say. The kids and I won’t get in your way.” Then she picked up the box and pulled Minna over , regardless of the child’s struggle, we must go out. Anlong hurriedly pulled the box and didn’t put it away.

At this moment, a voice came from outside the door: “What happened? What happened?”

Xiao Tianjian is back.

Please remember the domain name of the first publication of this book: . Ghost Blowing Lamp Mobile Version Reading URL:

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