After the Legend Chapter 58: Crow (below)

Utane’s home is located in the urban area of ​​Camegaarde. It occupies a very large area with green grass and colorful flowers. The house is located in a large garden and surrounded by iron railings. The houses in Camecca are very special. The poor are only made of wood, bark and grass, but the houses of the rich are made of stone, plastered with lime mud, and large and small shells are glued to the walls. , The roof is a local specialty bark, warm in winter and cool in summer, and has a special texture.

Yutan’s daughter received the news early and stood in front of the house waiting. She is a ten-year-old girl, wearing a white quilted gown embroidered with colorful patterns, with fluffy little curly hair, two big round eyes, a delicate face, small thick lips, and a very pleasant voice . As soon as she saw her father, she shook off the hand of the nanny beside her and rushed up to hug Youtan: “Dad, I miss you so much!”

Yutan hugged her tightly, hugged and kissed: “Dad misses you too, my poor baby, it’s lonely at home alone? Don’t worry, Dad will stay at home for a while longer this time, and Dad will accompany him well. My little baby.” After that, he kissed his daughter’s little cheek a few times.

Minna sees it from behind and can’t help but think of her father. Although Anlong loves her very much, he has never shown such enthusiasm. She was slightly envious, thinking when will her father stop going out to work and stay at home with her and her mother?

After making out with his daughter, Yottan turned around and smiled at his old friend: “Don’t take offense for a momentary gaffe. This is my daughter Sibilla, who is ten years old this year, a few years older than your Mingna. Month. Sibilla, this is Earl Shaw, Dad’s good friend, and his little granddaughter, Minna.”

Sibila stared at Xiao Tianjian curiously: “You are the Earl Xiao that my father said? The number one expert and the richest person on the mainland? You look so young.”

Xiao Tianjian laughed and teased her: “Yeah, then you are the Sibilla that Yotan said, the little princess who is cuter than an angel? You look so… petite.”

Sibila raised her head proudly: “I am!” After a pause, she added: “I’m not petite, I’m cute!”

Youtan and Xiao Tianjian both laughed, which Ming Na thought was amusing. Grandpa once taught her that if people praise her, she should be “modest”. Although this practice is not the same as what her parents said, she is used to it. The little girl from Cameron I met now is really not “humble”. Even if she looks cute, she doesn’t need to be yelling everywhere.

I don’t know if it was because Ming Na’s eyes revealed a little bit of what she was thinking, Sibilla looked at this little girl who was cute in her eyes but half a head taller than her, and felt a little unhappy: “Your name is Minna? Why are you looking at me like that? Don’t you think I’m cute?”

Ming Na hurriedly waved her hand: “No, no, of course you are cute. I keep looking at you because you are cute.” She quietly glanced at Grandpa, wondering if she was right.

Xiao Tianjian winked at her, and then said to Yutan: “Come in, it’s quite windy outside.” Although the climate in Kamaca was warm, it was late autumn after all, and the sea breeze was somewhat chilly.

His words reminded Youtan: “That’s right, my little darling, come into the house, don’t catch a cold.” After that, he picked up his daughter and invited Xiao Tianjian’s grandson and grandson to enter the house.

The house is not big, it looks similar to Minna’s house in Edun, but there are a few more rooms, and the outer walls are covered with shells. Ming Na thought that there would be a fishy smell in the house, but after entering, she found that it was actually no different from the houses on the mainland, except that the windows were not open very much, and the room seemed a little dim, but soon a servant brought oil lamps.

Minna noticed that the clothes the servants wore were short and simple, almost a piece of thick long cloth digging a hole, putting it under the headgear, and then tying a grass rope around the waist, and those tied around the waist were cloth belts or clothes Those who are more particular about the hem are more respectable butlers or high-level servants, and Sibilla’s nanny, perhaps because of the full-time care of the little master, is favored, and she wears a turquoise necklace more than other high-level maids. The dress is a frock, also embroidered with simple trim.

The oil lamp brought by the servants, at first Ming Na thought it was no different from the ones on the mainland, but after smelling the faint fragrance, she realized that it was not ordinary lamp oil, but something a bit like grease . She had seen a lot of materials from potions professor Sauron, and after a brief recollection, she remembered that it was the fat of some kind of deep-sea fish. It was okay to use it to light a lamp, but it seemed that only the royal palace and the great nobles could afford it. ? However, she quickly thought that this kind of oil is valuable on the mainland because of its small amount, but on an island like Cameron, it is probably not worth much, right?

She is thinking wildly here, and Xiao Tianjian and Youtan have already discussed the room allocation during the temporary stay. The grandparents and grandsons each occupy a room. In order to make the children more close, Ming Na’s room is arranged in the west Beside Billa’s room. Sibilla stared at Minna, pouting at her father, “That room is mine too, why should I give it to someone else?”

Youtan smiled embarrassedly at Xiao Tianjian, and whispered to his daughter: “My dear, don’t you always say that you are alone at home, no one to play with you, it’s boring? You also say that other children are stupid and dull. I don’t deserve to be your friend. Ming Na is very smart, she has been to many places, and she is the granddaughter of Dad’s good friend, so you can be a good friend with her.”

Sibila thought for a while, then nodded reluctantly: “Okay.” She stretched out her hand to Minna: “Then I’ll be your friend.” Mingna looked at Grandpa’s expression and held it with a smile Her hand, but there was some reluctance in her heart. This sibila is so disgusting! Who wants to be her friend?

Yutan said to his old friend a little ashamed: “I’m so sorry, my child rarely sees outsiders and doesn’t know the world, but she is a good child.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” Xiao Tianjian waved his hand, not taking it seriously. He knew that this old friend lived outside all year round, and he would inevitably be spoiled for his daughter. In fact, he had seen many more willful children than Sibylla, and even his eldest son Yunlong had many bad problems when he was a child. In contrast, Sibylla It’s already considered good, and his little Mingna is the most obedient child.

Grandpa has already made a statement, so it’s natural for the good boy Ming Na to say anything. She has studied in the Magic City for two years, and has a lot of experience in getting along with her peers. Although she is not very happy, she still gets along well with Sibilla. Probably because she came to Cameron for the first time, she didn’t know much about the island, and she always dragged Sibilla to ask questions, the latter thought this new friend was stupid and didn’t know anything, although she acted very well. Impatient, but in fact still very proud of my heart. After going back and forth, the two little girls actually looked like good friends.

Seeing this, Xiao Tianjian was relieved, and quietly said to Youtan: “I have something to investigate. Leave for a while, and the child will be taken care of by you.” Youtan had heard him say that he met Following the clues from his fellow villagers (although he didn’t know where that village was), he hurriedly replied, “Don’t worry, leave it to me. My family’s nanny is very reliable, and Ming Na will be taken care of well.” Xiao Tianjian then left with peace of mind.

Minna and Sibylla were chatting happily and didn’t notice his departure at all. Yutan has been instructing his subordinates to distribute the brought goods in the study room, and even ate lunch in the room. Ming Na thought her grandfather was with him, so she wasn’t suspicious. When she knew that her grandfather went out alone to investigate the girl who stole the boat, it was already dinner time, and she was very angry when she was dumped by her grandfather again.

Bad Grandpa! To leave her alone again, hum! She followed him all over the continent, when did she drag him behind? He had something important to do, how could he leave her behind? She is not a baggage, she can throw it away if she wants to!

Ming Na secretly made up her mind that she would never let her grandpa succeed again next time.

Yotan is eating with his daughter at the other end of the table. Sibilla kept putting her favorite food on her father’s plate, while Yotham simply took a few bites with the child’s hand and fed her some nutritious and delicious meat.

Ming Na watched the scene of them falling in love with each other, and poked at the roasted conch meat and noodle cakes on her plate with some depression. Although Sibila kept saying that their food was the most delicious on the island, Minna still thought the food in Cameron was strange. There was cream in the bowl of kelp fish soup, and it smelled strange. Fishy smell, she is not used to it.

“Master, master…” Someone at the door called Yotan in a low voice. Ming Na heard the reputation and saw that it was the first mate on the ship. What would happen?

Yutan was a little unhappy when someone interrupted the meal, but seeing his subordinates seem to be very anxious, he coaxed his daughter a few words and walked out of the restaurant.

Ming Na saw from a distance that he was listening to what the first mate said outside the door, and his face became ugly. When he returned to the restaurant, facing his daughter’s coquettishness, he actually didn’t have a smile on his face.

Minna asked curiously, “Uncle Yotan, what happened?”

Yutan forced a smile: “It’s nothing, there’s a little thing on the dock, it’s resolved.” Then he comforted his daughter who was throwing a tantrum because of his cold reaction. Ming Na didn’t quite believe what he said, and pretended to continue eating, but kept looking up at him.

After dinner, the two little girls played for a while, and Xiao Tianjian came back. Minna squinted at him a few times, snorted coldly, and turned her head to ignore him. Xiao Tianjian touched his nose and touched her head with a smile, but she avoided him. He walked up to Yotham embarrassedly and coughed twice, “I’m sorry, is this kid naughty?”

“How come? Minna is very obedient.” Yotan laughed, “How are you doing? Any clues?”

Xiao Tianjian nodded: “I found a family that took her in for a few days. It is said that she came down from the holy mountain. Later, she was separated from her companions and could not make a living on the island, so she went back. I don’t know if it’s true or not, I’m going to go around and check it out.”

“Holy Mountain? What’s that place?” Ming Na heard the word next to her, became curious, and forgot about her anger with her grandfather.

Sibilla said: “The Holy Mountain is on the sea to the north of Cameron, only three kilometers from the island. It is the family burial place of the former king and the place where sacrifices were held, so it is called the Holy Mountain. Do you know?”

Ming Na nodded, but she was a little puzzled: “Did Grandpa mean the girl who stole the boat? What did she do in the place of sacrifice? Is she the daughter of the former king?”

Yutan laughed: “Kamecca is now the Elder Council, and the royal family has been extinct for hundreds of years. How can there be a king’s daughter? There is nothing on the holy mountain except trees and stones, and it will be reported from time to time. There are some strange noises, and it is said that there are ghost fires, so few people usually go there. Could Xiao’s fellow villager live there because they can’t live on this island? But although there are caves there, they can’t be found. There is no fresh water, so I am afraid it will be difficult to survive.”

Xiao Tianjian agreed with this. He had visited that holy mountain once out of curiosity. Except for some miscellaneous trees, rocks, and cemeteries, there were no wild fruits in the entire mountain. The only food that could be eaten were grass roots and fish. If that girl doesn’t know the skills of survival in the wild, it may be difficult for her to survive. Counting the days, it was about two or three days ago that she went to the holy mountain, and he probably still has time to get there.

After thinking about it, he said to Yutan: “I am going to the holy mountain, I am afraid I will borrow a boat from you again.”

“What are you polite? I’m glad to help you.” Yotan turned around and instructed the butler to find a few capable crew members, and added, “The medium sea ship is too big, and I have a smaller one at home. You can take that boat. It’s very fast, and it only takes a day to reach the holy mountain.”

Xiao Tianjian thanked him happily. Ming Na was eager to try: “Grandpa, grandpa, I’m going too!”

“What are you going to do? There’s no fun in that holy mountain, and the sea breeze is cold. You’d better stay here and play with Sibilla.”

“No!” Minna pouted, “You didn’t call me when you went out today, obviously there’s no danger… How could Grandpa do this? I came to Cameron to play, not to live in the house. !”

Sibilla was a little unhappy after hearing her say: “My house is the most comfortable, you can live here, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?”

Ming Na ignored her and just stared at Grandpa. Xiao Tianjian was sweating a little, but he still said bravely: “The holy mountain is difficult to climb, and it is haunted. What are you doing in such a place as a child? Even the crew members sent by Uncle Yotan, I only intend to let them on board. Wait. It’s too boring, you might as well stay here and play. At most, Grandpa promises you that when I get back, I will take you to the fun places on the island of Cameron Island. I know several places. We can Go catch the big fish, and the pretty starfish and the crab the size of the washbasin, have you ever eaten lobster? I tell you, it is absolutely delicious.”

Ming Na looked at him suspiciously for a while before slowly saying, “Then grandpa has to come back soon.”

“No problem! I’ll be back in three days at most!” Xiao Tianjian was quite confident about this. After all, he had been to Shengshan Island and knew where to hide people.

The housekeeper came to report that the crew was already waiting outside, and Yuttan hurriedly asked Xiao Tianjian to go out to select candidates.

Actually, Xiao Tianjian doesn’t care about this matter at all. The people under his old friend are naturally capable. He just wants to sail along the seaside, and his requirements are not high. But Yuttan insisted, and he would no longer hold back. However, when he saw that Corbyn was the first person waiting outside the door, his face sank slightly, and he glanced at Yotan, but in the end he didn’t say anything, just randomly selected the two crew members beside Corbyn. .

He went back to the house with Yutten after he had chosen the person, the crew members dispersed, and the chosen person hurried to the ship to make preparations. Corbyn stood quietly in front of the house, his face pale.

Ruhl – who was one of the candidates – had planned to go with another crew member on the ship, but he stayed and comforted Corbyn: “Are you all right? Don’t worry, the boss can trust you. , won’t fire you just because someone said a word or two.”

“But that is a noble man, I heard that he is also the benefactor of the boss.” Corbin said sullenly. Ruhl was also a little worried when he heard the words. The former smiled when he saw this: “Forget it, as long as I don’t appear in front of that master for a while, I’ll be fine as soon as he leaves. Go to work, be careful not to offend him.” Ruhr nodded solemnly.

Farewell to friends Corbyn is back on his way home. Because he lives in the city and has a good relationship with the housekeeper’s assistant, he will get news in time to fight for this job. Most of the other crew members go home, but it is cheaper for the crew members who live in the boss’s shop.

Going along the street, the environment becomes darker and darker as you go, and the buildings along the road gradually change from shell stone houses to wooden houses, and then simple sheds made of bark and hay. By this time he had returned to the lower city. At an alley not far from home, he met two younger sisters who came to pick him up, a nine-year-old and a thirteen-year-old.

The two girls greeted him happily: “Brother, have you received a job?” Seeing Corbyn shaking his head, they were all disappointed. His eldest sister was a little anxious: “What should I do? The people who wanted the debt just now came again and took all the money from the family.”

Corbyn exclaimed: “Is it all? Even the money to buy medicine for my mother…”

The eldest sister nodded: “The gold coins and wages that my brother just took home are all… Brother, what should we do now? We paid back one gold coin, and we still owe nine, and mother’s medicine money is gone, brother. I haven’t received a job yet…” She couldn’t help but burst into tears: “Just now that person said that he will give us another month, and if he doesn’t pay back the money, he will… sell my sister and me…”

The little sister also cried: “Brother, I don’t want to be sold…”

“Don’t cry, don’t cry.” Corbyn gently hugged the two younger sisters and comforted them, “Brother will think of a way, and will never let those people take you away!”

Although he said this, Corbyn felt heavier when he heard the faint sound of his mother’s cough coming from the house.

(Corbyn’s name means “raven”, and he is a character who has an important influence on Minna’s fate.)

Please remember the domain name of the first publication of this book: . Ghost Blowing Lamp Mobile Version Reading URL:

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