After the Legend Chapter 44: The river bends to the south

The terrifying face showed a puzzled expression: “You are…” Only then did Ming Na realize that this was actually a human being. Although he looked terrifying, he was wearing an all-white coarse cloth robe with a collar around his neck. Wearing a thin silver chain, the pendant is a silver eight-pointed star. This is a monk of the Light God Cult.

Ming Na had heard a lot of things about the Shinto religion from her religious mother since she was a child. When she found out that the person in front of her was most likely a priest, she put down most of her fears, but since the other party was beyond human ability With the ugly face she has, she still doesn’t dare to speak to him.

Xiao Tianjian knew this priest, he didn’t need to see the face of the other person clearly, just by looking at the bare head and pale complexion, coupled with the hoarse voice, he had already guessed who it was. He stared straight at the other party and said coldly: “If you really don’t recognize who I am, then I’m really lucky. Haven’t you been guarding the orphanage in Mengli? What are you doing here?!”

The ugly priest suddenly realized, and finally recognized Xiao Tianjian: “It turned out to be Your Excellency Earl Xiao, it’s really been a long time, you… how did you become like this?” The epic hero at this moment is a servant of the wind and dust, described as embarrassed, and also With a pair of big **** feet, it was too far from the high-spirited image he had in mind, no wonder he couldn’t recognize it.

Xiao Tianjian didn’t want to say more about himself, but just repeated the question just now, and Father Del didn’t ask any more questions, explaining that he was transferred to the temple in Anke City, and had just traveled from Weisha West. The Oasis of the South is back with sermons. Looking at the injuries on Xiao Tianjian and Ming Na’s feet, he asked attentively, “You guys are not badly injured, can I treat you?”

Ming Na was overjoyed and was about to nod her head in agreement, but was interrupted by her grandfather’s words: “You don’t have to be kind! My firm spends money on good deeds every year, and I don’t plan to donate money to you! You don’t want to hit us! Idea!” Ming Na turned to look at her grandfather, only to see his eyes widened, but the turbidity in his eyes hinted at his current unfavorable situation.

She opened her mouth, feeling embarrassed. Having been with her grandpa for so long, of course she knew that he didn’t like the Light God Cult, but she heard that the clergy were very kind and kind people, so why did grandpa hate them? Could it be because the priest outside the carriage was so ugly that Grandpa didn’t want him in? But Grandpa’s situation is really bad, ask the priest to cast a healing technique, won’t it get better? She whispered, “Grandpa, the priest can use magic…”

“That kind of magic doesn’t do us any good!” Xiao Tianjian interrupted his granddaughter, “It’s just that the wound on the surface healed, but in fact the wound is not healed at all. I never believe in the so-called healing techniques of these magic sticks! “He looked up and chased the Father Riddle: “Come on, we don’t need you.”

Father Riddle sighed, did not force it, lowered the curtain and left the carriage they were sitting in, but turned around a moment later and handed Minna a small bottle: “This is what the locals use to treat her feet. The blistered herbal juice of the caravan owner, use it.”

Xiao Tianjian was about to refuse when he held his hand: “Your Excellency Count, this is not my thing, you always have to think about your child.” Xiao Tianjian didn’t say anything, Ming Na happily took it. She began to think that the scary-looking priest was actually a good man, and thanked him with a sweet smile. Father Riddle smiled and waved his hands. Dirty teeth were exposed between his split lips. The whole face became terrifying. Minna froze when she saw it, and her body shrank back involuntarily.

The concoction works very well. Ming Na feels that her feet are much better, so she applies it to her grandfather again. He twisted it for a long time, but he still obeyed his granddaughter.

Minna whispered about Father Riddle’s origins, and then asked why Grandpa hated him so much. Xiao Tianjian scratched his head and said, “He used to be the head of the Mengli Orphanage, I can’t stand the way he looks for money everywhere, and his name… is not a good person, let alone his appearance… ” Ming Na recalled the pale face, and gave a cold war: “Indeed, he looks so terrible, no wonder grandpa hates him.”

Xiao Tianjian twitched the corners of his mouth, explaining to his little granddaughter how if he told her that “Tom Riddle” was the name of the big devil in a certain series of novels, that big devil was also a pale-skinned bald monster , I am afraid there are more things involved. Father Riddle in this world is said to be not born ugly, but cursed. But he has lived in this world for so many years, and he has never seen anyone turn into a monster because of the so-called curse. Naturally, he will not believe the rumors. In this way, this Riddle looks particularly suspicious.

Like them, the number of pedestrians and motorcades heading southeast gradually increased, and many went in the opposite direction, and small oases and settlements began to appear on the roadside. When night fell, they finally arrived at Anchor City.

This is a city located at the junction of Weisha and Shaonan. It is backed by the high mountains of Fan’a. On the mountain, a clear stream winds down and flows from the edge of Anke City to form a small river that goes straight to the south. This river separates Anke City from a mountain pass on the border of Vatican, and there are residential houses and towns on both sides. Therefore, it can also be said that Anke is actually located at the junction of the three countries.

Although the west side of the city is still quite sandy, the east and south sides are more green than Murray. This is the economic center of the southern part of Weisha, and it is also an important border town in the northern part of Shaonan. There are many shops on both sides of the street, but from time to time soldiers pass by with their waist knives. In the same way, I quietly asked my grandfather, only to know that it was Shaonan’s army.

Since the Weisha sand pirates invaded 31 years ago, Shaonan has stepped up the defense of the border. Even knowing that the sand pirates have been disbanded, most of them have become gangsters, except for some people who have been incorporated into the regular army. After fighting for territory, Shao Nan still did not dare to relax.

As an important economic town, Anke City also has a branch of the Xiao family business, and fortunately, the branch here did not retreat. Unlike other branches that Ming Na has seen, most of the people in the Enke branch are from Shaonan. Except for the deputy manager who is from East China, only a few guards or apprentices are Weisha nationals. The steward was a white-bearded grandfather who received Xiao Tianjian’s grandparents very warmly. What makes Minna happy is that most of the people in this branch are from the local area. Although they heard about An Long, they did not take it out on the children.

After more than ten days, Ming Na finally took a hot bath, brushed her body clean, and then ate a delicious hot meal. There are doctors in the branch specially equipped for employees, but their medical skills are only mediocre. He can deal with the blisters on Ming Na’s feet. Xiao Tianjian’s poison of snakes and scorpions, but he is at a loss, and even proposes to go to the temple in the city to invite a priest to come. Using the healing technique, Xiao Tianjian was so angry that he expelled him at that time.

In the end, I consulted a few Weisha elders from the neighbors. They were quite experienced in this kind of thing.

Minna breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that her grandfather was safe and sound. After returning to a stable and comfortable environment, she really let go of her worries at this moment. However, the extreme joy gave birth to sadness. I don’t know if it was because she suddenly relaxed after being in a tense state for a long time, Ming Na fell ill.

She only felt that her body was extremely hot, but after a while she was shivering from the cold, the wound on her feet was burning hot, and her stomach became hot at some point. Blisters, something seemed to be ringing in her ears, and the noise made her forehead hurt. After being ill for two days, the situation did not improve, and even a strange breath appeared in her body that was swirling around, and there was a tingling feeling in her legs from time to time.

In a daze, all she could hear was her grandfather talking to a few people she didn’t know, saying things like “remnants of poison”, “overworked”, “beyond the limit”, “magical chaos”, etc. Then, someone fed her a bitter and stinky medicine. After drinking it, a coolness entered her stomach from her throat. She felt better. When she opened her eyes, she saw her grandfather sitting in front of her bed. .

He looked a little haggard, and his eyes were full of worry: “Is it better? I didn’t expect that there were still remnants of that poison. Fortunately, the potion Friedo gave at the time was still there, which could temporarily suppress the poison.” /

Ming Na’s brain is still a little unclear, but she only knows that she seems to be poisoned: “Grandpa, will you be fine after drinking this medicine?”

“I’m afraid not.” Xiao Tianjian sighed, “I asked someone to use a healing technique on you to temporarily suppress your disease, but to cure it, you must find a way to find a way to do it. We will go south by boat tomorrow and go to The magic capital.”

Minna had caught a glimpse of Father Riddle at the door. He had just picked up a few purses from the white-bearded old steward, smiled at her from a distance, and turned to leave. Ming Na didn’t have the strength to be afraid anymore. She was a little moved. Grandpa hated the priest so much, so he still asked him to treat her. Grandpa was so kind to her.

She hugged her grandfather’s neck and acted like a spoiled child. Xiao Tianjian smiled and touched her thin face, feeling guilty. This little granddaughter has been with him for so long and suffered a lot, and he must make good compensation for this child in the future.

The people from the Encore branch prepared a boat for them to go south, and they also sent a boatman who was familiar with waterways. When Ming Na was carried by her grandfather to the dock, she fell in love with the boat when she saw it.

The boat is not big, only about five or six meters long and two meters wide, which is a very common size of boats in the river. There are two cabins on the ship, both of which are square wooden houses. The front one is brighter, with a small bed, a small table and a small cabinet, a large window beside the bed, and a curtain with yellow flowers on a powder blue background. , it was prepared for Minna. The other room was shared by Xiao Tianjian and the boatman.

Ming Na sat on the cot, looked left and right, felt the ups and downs of the boat, then stretched her head out the window to see the scenery outside, and was pulled back by Xiao Tianjian: “Be careful, don’t fall into the water. Mingna said excitedly: “Grandpa, this is the first time I have traveled by boat! When my grandfather returned from our house to Matt, I went to the pier with my parents to see him off, and we also went aboard to see it, but I never did.” Never lived on a boat.”

Xiao Tianjian said with a smile: “Do you like it? I’m afraid you will get seasick. Shaonan is a very good place. We will go all the way south to see the scenery on both sides of the strait, and we will soon arrive at the magic capital. When you are well, I’ll show you some more fun.” Now that he had reached this stage, he was not in a hurry to send the child back, and asked someone from the branch to bring a letter to Anlong and his wife, and the little granddaughter would stay and treat her disease slowly.

Ming Na just thought it was fresh, she wanted to get off and walk around on the boat immediately, but was stopped by her grandfather, because the injury on her foot was not yet fully healed, plus the overloaded walking for nearly ten days before. She suffered a lot of damage to her legs, and she must rest now.

In desperation, she had to stay on the cot, watching the boat slowly slide on the water, leaving the original dock. On the shore, the figures of the branch manager and others who came to see them off gradually became smaller.

The river gradually opened up, and there were several more boats of similar size accompanying them. On the way, they passed through several villages and stopped to rest. The enthusiastic villagers would use small sampans less than three meters long to transport all kinds of food or supplies to them and other boats to sell. Those things included various native fruits, fragrant grilled fish, home-brewed sweet wine, and dumplings made of a food Xiao Tianjian called “rice”, as well as brightly colored clothes. Ming Na was originally very interested. But Xiao Tianjian refused, leaving only the food.

Things are cheap, one silver coin can buy enough food for three people for a day. The branch manager carefully prepared enough silver coins and copper plates for them, and even prepared a bag for Minna to buy snacks when she needed it.

Minna noticed that the people in the village seemed to be preparing for the celebration, so she asked the boatman for advice, but the answer was that they were preparing for the May Festival.

Ming Na was stunned, recalling last year, when Grandpa first arrived at their house, the whole of Edonia was preparing for the May Festival. It’s been almost a year, and time has passed so quickly.

Boatman Boydman rocked the boat unhurriedly and said, “The May Day in Shaonan is different from Easter’s. Celebrating the victory of the war 30 years ago is only part of it. In fact, our The May Festival has a history of thousands of years. I heard that the fields in the south are preparing to harvest the first batch of grain this year. It is a bumper harvest. In addition, the **** is about to marry a concubine. This year, the whole country will celebrate it. .”

He is a small but athletic man, with a long oars in one hand and another on his feet, rowing the boat with a peculiar rhythm. Although he usually doesn’t talk much, when someone strikes up a conversation with him, he will talk endlessly. Right now, he is very interested in introducing Shaonan’s May Festival customs to Xiaomingna. One of them is that people scoop up river water and pour it on each other to pray that diseases will not come, because in Shaonan, water is life. A symbol of the country’s densely populated river network, there is almost no place without water.

Ming Na listened with relish, but Xiao Tianjian on the side smiled and said, “Isn’t it the Water Splashing Festival? There is also one in my hometown, but it is not using river water. Fortunately, the river here is still clean, otherwise the water splashed on the body, there would be If it doesn’t work, I don’t know, people must be sick.”

Baldman laughed, pulled out his hand and shook it: “No, no, the water **** will bless us.”

Ming Na knew what grandfather meant by “hometown”, so she quickly asked, “Does grandpa also have this custom? Tell me about it.”

Xiao Tianjian smiled and introduced to his little granddaughter what he knew about the Yunnan Songkran After crying in the desert, he was no longer afraid to mention the events before the crossing. Although he knew in his heart that the little granddaughter might not be able to understand his words, at least it would give him a chance to recall the past, so as to ease the growing homesickness in his heart.

Two days later, the boat reached a dam. The dam body is about three stories high, and the whole is made of wood. It looks a few years old, but it is still very strong.

Ming Na watched in amazement as the huge gate slowly rose, but was knocked on the head by her grandfather: “Fool, this is just a small dam, I am surprised now, what if I see a bigger one later?”

“Is there a bigger one?” Minna hurriedly asked, she had only seen a small dam on the river near Edonian before, and it was half smaller than this.

“Of course there is, so keep your mouth shut.” Xiao Tianjian was angry and funny, but Baoderman, who was oars in front of the boat, smiled and turned back: “Little Miss, after the gate is Ori, there is another river. From there, the river going down will be even bigger. We will encounter more dams in the future, but the biggest one is at Doro Port, but the dam near Yini is not too small. It is this one. Five times!”

Minna’s mouth opened wider.

The gates are raised, and more than a dozen boats and fish pass through. As soon as she passed the dam mouth, Ming Na felt her eyes lit up, facing a big river lying in front of her, and the sun shone on the water, reflecting the sparkling waves. As expected, a river flows into the waterway to the west, and not far to the southeast is the large town of Ori built on water. There are countless small piers along the river, and thousands of boats are docked in them, rippling gently with the river.

(Shaonan, Zeguo, is a country where gentleness and enthusiasm coexist. Please add Suzhou to Venice and Spain…not on the shelves for the time being, please feel free to watch it~~)

Please remember the domain name of the first publication of this book: . Ghost Blowing Lamp Mobile Version Reading URL:

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