After the Legend Chapter 26: New arrivals

Ming Na let out a scream, followed by a sharp pain. She fell to the ground. Fortunately, the grass in the forest was thick. She was not killed, but the grass was covered with The crushed ice immediately seeped into her clothes, and she felt pain and cold all over her body.

At this moment, there was a roar from the beast in front of her. As soon as she looked up, she saw a white light coming towards her. She froze completely, unable to move, thinking that this time she was going to die, so she couldn’t help closing her eyes tightly. Fortunately, she didn’t feel the biting chill for a long time, opened her eyes, just saw a thin blue light shield unfolded in front of her, which was about to disappear. She turned her head to look in the direction of the beauty in white, and just saw the other party breathe a sigh of relief, and knew that the other party saved her.

But it’s too early to feel at ease. Although the demon beast has been tortured by her fire poison juice, she can only shake her body from side to side, and her saliva has lost its original strength, but she is too close, still May be injured. She resisted the pain in her body and tried her best to move back, just to avoid a few saliva from the monsters.

The beast seemed to be angry for her to escape, the huge body swept away suddenly, and then a roar, countless gravel and grass clippings roared towards Ming Na, who was so frightened that she threw her head on the ground, As a strong wind blew through, many branches, mud and rubble hit her, and she burst into tears.

The beast roared again, and Ming Na shook a bit, thinking that she would be smashed by another round of branches and rocks, but she was hugged and jumped away, and she came to the edge of the open space in a blink of an eye. , and the place where she was lying is already a piece of frost. When she looked back, it turned out that it was grandpa who saved her. She felt aggrieved in her heart and tears came out: “Grandpa—”

“It’s alright, I’m here.” Xiao Tianjian patted his granddaughter’s head lightly, and without saying anything else, he took the sword and fought in an array.

At this time, the situation in the forest was completely different. Twenty or thirty elves appeared around, attacking the injured beasts with bows and arrows or magic. Although most of the arrows were ineffective, two steel arrows that were black and red were deeply inserted into the monster’s body. It struggled unwillingly, the range of motion became smaller and smaller, and gradually, it stopped moving at all.

Lucien lined up his companions to check, and pierced the beast’s eyes with a long knife. When he saw that it was still motionless, he confirmed that it was really dead. The obviously older elf nodded.

The elf breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked solemnly: “What’s the matter? How did the patrol team put the beasts in? Although it is only a minor, it is not so easy to ignore. Ya and Aurora were in danger, but no one found out. If it wasn’t for Cher to report, they would be in danger.”

The elves all bowed their heads, and the wand-wielding elf questioned the woman in black who had been helped: “You are leaving the station, why don’t you bring guards? The power of beasts will begin to recover after summer, don’t you? Do you know? What would you do if we didn’t arrive just now, or were late?!”

The woman in black lowered her head when she heard the words: “I’m sorry, father, I was negligent.” After a pause, she looked up again: “Just now, that human child threw a bottle of unknown potion on the beast, and it seemed to be given to the beast. Huge damage done. Father…”

The eyes of everyone (elves) immediately fell on Ming Na. Ming Na shrank into Grandpa’s arms, and her men tightly clutched his clothes. Xiao Tianjian asked her seriously: “Ming Na, what did you drop on the beast?”

Ming Na replied in a low voice, “It’s the fire poison juice that Grandpa Sennett used up…”

Xiao Tianjian’s eyes widened: “Is it in a bottle? You put the whole bottle…” Seeing his granddaughter nod, he couldn’t help but have the urge to look up to the sky and scream, that’s enough to make twenty flaming poison arrows, all of them To use it on an underage Warcraft, this is too… wasteful!

But right now he doesn’t have much to say. After all, at such a critical moment, it seems unrealistic to ask a child to consider the amount of poisonous juice, but such a small child would dare to run into the depths of the forest to fight against the beasts, She was too bold.

“Minna, I remember telling you to stay in your room and study your homework in the morning, why did you come here? And you brought such a dangerous potion! To deal with such a dangerous thing as a beast, you can leave it to an adult. Now, what are you doing here?! Do you think it’s fun to be a hero?! Don’t do it again! Next time you see a monster, run to me right away, do you hear me?!”

Ming Na obediently bowed her head to listen to the training, feeling a little aggrieved. She didn’t mean to provoke the beasts, but just followed Xiao La and happened to run into it. She was very brave just now, why did grandpa scold her instead?

She suddenly remembered that Ludlow didn’t know what was wrong, so she secretly glanced at him and saw him sleeping in the arms of an adult male elf with his eyes closed. relieved.

When the woman in black heard Xiao Tianjian’s words, she snorted coldly, “This child has some courage. You claim to be a hero, yet you want others to be cowards? What an amazing way of education.”

Xiao Tianjian was a little embarrassed, and it was difficult to refute her, so he turned to ask the beauty in white: “Funoa, are you all right? Are you injured?”

The beauty in white, Princess Fnoya, gave him a meaningful look and shook her head lightly: “I’m fine, only some skin injuries, it’s already healed.” She turned back to the elf behind her and said, “Take someone with you. Let’s take a look in the town, the patrol team doesn’t seem to show up yet, I don’t know if anyone in the town is injured, if anyone is seriously injured, let me know immediately.” The elf responded, and greeted a few companions and rushed towards the town. .

Xiao Tianjian saw that Finoya was either asking if the other elves were injured, or checking the situation of the half-elf child.

The stick-wielding elf gently tapped the ground under his feet with his wooden stick, and when Xiao Tianjian turned his gaze to him, he said, “It seems that the poisonous rocket has a good effect, we don’t need to argue any more, the next action is , I hope you can continue to assist us.” Xiao Tianjian hurriedly responded, the elf nodded and signaled the others to leave with him.

Xiao Tianjian was about to go up and say something to Finoya, but her sister took the lead: “Sister, I didn’t expect Ludlow to have such a talent, what a surprise. We took him back to the station to observe for one night. Well, it’s safe.”

Funoa was a little surprised: “Is this okay? Mother said…” “Mother did say that non-elves can’t enter the station.” Princess Aurora smiled proudly, “But even humans can go in to discuss matters, our What happened to the kid staying for one night? He even saved us.”

Funoa laughed when she heard the words, and asked the other elves to pick up the child and leave. Xiao Tianjian was about to catch up, but Ming Na grabbed the sleeves: “Grandpa, I hurt so much…” Xiao Tianjian looked down. Granddaughter, she was shocked. Ming Na was covered in blood all over her body, and her right foot was slightly twitching. He couldn’t care about anything else, he picked up his granddaughter and ran to Huanling Town.

Ming Na only felt more and more pain on her body, plus there was a lot of ice in the forest, and the cold was getting heavier. She trembled slightly, and it wasn’t until she returned to the inn’s room that her grandfather found a large bucket of hot water, poured several bottles of potion into it, and let her soak in it, and then she felt warm.

Xiao Tianjian went to find the medicine for the cold, and told his granddaughter to wash her body by herself. Ming Na took off her clothes and watched the large and small holes on her body heal slowly under the potion, and the pain gradually disappeared. It was amazing. Could this be the medicine that Grandpa Sennett made again?

After taking a shower and changing into clean clothes, Ming Na limped to the big bed and lay down on it, her body was limp and exhausted. She yawned and fell asleep.

It was already night when she woke up. She found that all the wounds on her body had been medicated and bandaged. A thick bandage was tied on her right foot. It was warm and had a faint fragrance. What is the medicine.

Xiao Tianjian was busy beside the bed and seemed to be packing something. Ming Na asked curiously, “Grandpa, what are you doing?” Xiao Tianjian turned around and smiled: “Awake? The rice is still hot on the bedside table, so eat it quickly. .I’m packing my bags and going out for a few days.”

Ming Na, who was leaning against the bedside table, was stunned when she heard the words, her mouth flattened: “You’re leaving me again!”

Xiao Tianjian hurriedly said: “I’m not going to leave you, grandpa is going to kill the monsters in the snow, have you forgotten? Grandpa made those flaming arrows to kill them. Now the weather is getting cooler and cooler, if we wait until winter Going further, their strength will increase, so they will not be easy to kill, so start early. Think about the situation during the day, only one half-elf was injured today, but it will be difficult to say next time. You don’t want people in town to be killed by monsters. right?”

Ming Na tilted her head and thought for a while, thinking that she still likes this town and those half-elves, she nodded and said, “Okay, but I’m going too, I won’t cause you any trouble.”

“That can’t be done.” Xiao Tianjian was startled, “Today you almost died, that’s just a juvenile beast, not every time you can be as lucky as today, stay here obediently, You have to recuperate.”

Ming Na moved her hands and feet, and found that she had to go a long way because of her own situation. She had to agree, but asked Grandpa to come back as soon as possible: “Grandpa promised to go back in a month or two at most, Grandpa Marshall. Still waiting for us, it’s been a month and a half now, grandpa can’t talk without counting!”

Xiao Tianjian squinted his eyes and pulled away a fake smile: “Don’t worry, I will definitely – hurry – come back as soon as possible!”

He didn’t send a letter back for several days after he left, but Ming Na heard from Old Qiao that things should be going well. It seems that a lot of monsters in the snow field have been killed, and she is relieved. For several days, she was forced to stay in the room because of her mobility problem and could not go out. Except for the occasional chat with Old Joe and the half-elf boy Leif, she could only read books or practice magic by herself.

She was surprised to find that her magic power seemed to have improved, but since she left the old magician’s house, she had not practiced meditation for several days. Why did her magic power increase instead?

Unbelievable, she stopped worrying. Seeing that her injuries were almost healed, she threw all the books aside and ran downstairs.

When she came to the restaurant downstairs, she was a little surprised to find that there were new customers in the store. Unlike the half-elves, these people were sturdy, and some of them even had beards. Judging from their clothes, they should be similar to Humans like her, some like the mercenaries I’ve seen in the Edonian tavern, but for some reason, these people always give people a feeling that they are not easy to mess with.

They were gathering in the restaurant to drink and talk, and it was a bit noisy, and the half-elves avoided it. Ming Na cautiously approached the long table and said hello to Lao Qiao, who said happily, “Good day, Xiao Mingna, are you all healed?”

Ming Na smiled and nodded: “I’m all done. Thank you Uncle Qiao for the medicinal soup. It’s delicious.” Old Qiao cheerfully said, “Are you hungry? Lunch will be ready soon.” A wooden bowl of hot soup came, which was full of mushrooms and plant tubers, and then picked a bunch of red fruits on the window: “Here, is this your favorite?”

Ming Na thanked him loudly, took the fruit and ate it, and chatted with Lao Qiao about his grandfather while drinking soup. Old Qiao said with a smile: “There should be a letter back today. If there is no accident, they should have killed all the monsters. Maybe before winter, we can go back to the place where we used to live to get some old things, no? I know it’s still there.”

“Where you used to live?”

“That’s right, the place we used to live was actually a secret gathering place for half-elves, but not many people lived there. It’s where we store our things.” Old Joe smiled and said: Ming Na was puzzled, but suddenly turned her face and looked behind her: “What does this guest want?”

Ming Na turned her head and saw that it was a mercenary who was putting his ears close to them. When Qiao discovered it, she said a little embarrassingly: “It’s nothing… I think the soup is good, can you give me a serving? ?”

“Wait!” Lao Qiao responded coldly, turned around and sent a basin to the mercenaries’ table. He seemed to inadvertently knocked on the tree stump beside him with a cigarette stick. The table, the table top suddenly cracked with a big While muttering that the wood was not strong, he glanced at a few mercenaries, and then turned back to the long table.

As soon as he left, a few mercenaries started whispering, seemingly interested in the crack on the stump table.

Minna whispered to Old Joe: “Who are they?”

“A new human mercenary.” Lao Qiao pouted, “It’s not an old guest, he probably asked others for tips, he came by himself, he didn’t understand the rules, he roamed around the neighborhood casually, and even followed the patrol team. There was a fight. It was because of them that the patrol didn’t find you in danger in the forest on the day the monsters came.” He took out a basket of apples from the kitchen and handed it to Minna: “Take and eat with the little prince. Well, these people stay in the store, I don’t know what will happen, you go out and hide and come back for dinner.”

Minna nodded in agreement. After eating, she grabbed the basket and ran out. Not long after running away, something hit his calf for a while. He felt weak for a while and fell to the ground. Two apples rolled out from the basket. She got up and was about to pick it up, but someone grabbed the apple one step ahead of her.

It was a middle-aged man, one of the mercenaries I saw in the store just now, cracked his mouth and smiled at her, showing his blackened teeth: “Little sister, why are you walking so carelessly? Come and come. , it’s almost ready.”

Ming Na’s heart fluttered, she took the apple carefully, thanked her, and wanted to move on, but was stopped by another mercenary: “Don’t rush to leave, it’s rare to see this in a place like this. Compatriots, you are also human, right? Chat with your uncles.”

It was a man in his thirties, with a long and deep scar covering half of his face, with a toothpick in his mouth, looking at her with a smile.

Ming Na was caught in the middle of two men, and she was terrified.

Please remember the domain name of the first publication of this book: . Ghost Blowing Lamp Mobile Version Reading URL:

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