After the Legend Chapter 235: The Bud of Jealousy

The next day, Ming Na went to the dark nest from the secret passage to deal with some urgent work. She hesitated about Jada’s marriage proposal. She already had her own answer, but before answering, she still wanted to ask Mellory first. She asked her colleague when he would come over today. When she learned that he had gone to the palace, she explained a few words and walked towards the palace.

I entered the gate with the pass of the security department. I didn’t expect to find Mellory before I met Jada who was approaching.

Jada seems to be quite relaxed and happy, Minna is a little puzzled, shouldn’t he be troubled by the disturbance in Nuojia’s country?

“Good day!” Jada greeted her with a smile from afar, “It’s great to see you, I have good news!”

Ming Na carefully peeked around and saw only a few attendants who passed by cast curious glances, guessing that those big figures are probably still in the parliamentary hall now, secretly relieved, and responded somewhat cautiously: ” Good morning, what good news?”

“One of my country sent an urgent letter.” Jada walked in front of her and lowered the volume, “His Majesty is indeed ill, the potions think that it is likely to be infected with an unknown chronic poison, and has already Let him take the antidote, His Majesty is in stable condition, and his mind is clear, Mrs. Cole has control of the entire palace, preventing other people from plotting again. As long as the antidote is found, His Majesty will be fine.”

Ming Na smiled and said, “That’s really good.” She took out the antidote that she made overnight, “This bottle of red is for you, just the time you took the medicine yesterday, today and tomorrow. Drink half a bottle of each, and the other two large bottles of blueseed potions are all detoxifying. Drink two small cells each time, and you will be fine if you drink them three times. If it is not enough, let your potions do the same. I have more here. recipe”

Jada took the medicine and the formula, with a hint of pity in his eyes, and reached out to touch the corner of Ming Na’s eyes: “I have dark circles under my eyes, did you stay up late last night? Actually, you don’t have to work so hard, anyway, you have to go back with me. “

Ming Na hesitantly avoided his fingers: “Don’t…” She glanced around secretly again, the morning meeting was probably over, and the officials who walked out of the meeting room could already be seen

Jada smiled and didn’t care: “Although the domestic situation is relatively stable, I can’t delay any longer. So I just made a request to your king to speed up the negotiation and trade food and horses for the next three years as soon as possible. The agreement has been decided, we will sign it earlier, and we will go back earlier.” He smiled again: “I mentioned your affairs to your king, but he didn’t object, but he said he would ask your parents, believing that things would get better soon. message”

Ming Na was stunned and furious: “You told him? Why?! I haven’t agreed yet!”

Jada smiled and said, “Aren’t you going to have a bad influence on your father? I just tested the king’s meaning, but I didn’t expect him to be happy, now you don’t need it, right?”

Minna bit her lip and glared at Jada angrily. She didn’t believe that he was really revealing it for such a simple reason. Maybe he wanted to use the king to force her to nod. to marry him

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but want to kick him: “You said yesterday that I will go back with you and stay by your side as an ‘equal friend’ to help you. Now you are doing this without my permission. Telling His Majesty the King something important is respecting me? What is your attitude towards me?!”

Jada restrained her smile a little: “Of course I will respect you but only if you become my wife”

“Then what do you mean, if I didn’t marry you, you wouldn’t respect me?” Ming Na sneered, “I’m so sorry! I originally planned to ask the elders, but now it doesn’t seem necessary. I’ll answer you formally.” She stood up straight and raised her head: “I don’t agree!”

The smile on Jada’s face has completely disappeared. He seems to be mean and a little annoyed: “Why? Just because I said things without authorization?”

“It’s not just that” Ming Na said, “I and you are two different people at all. Although I was moved by your sincerity yesterday, marriage is not something that can be maintained just by being moved by a moment. I asked myself if I love you There is love, however, the answer is that I have always regarded you as half friend and half enemy, I have never considered you as a future marriage partner, and I can’t imagine life with you. I never thought about what to do in the future People get married, but if you really want to choose a marriage partner, at least choose someone with a lifestyle similar to mine.”

“Is there such a big difference in our way of life?” Jada retorted, “When we were together before, we obviously cooperated very well. We just separated for too long and felt unfamiliar. It will get better. Maybe I was impulsive yesterday, but in retrospect, I feel more and more that you are a perfect match for me and nothing else. What kind of marriage partner can someone like you find here? What do you think? Are those dudes of nobles worthy of you?”

“Then you don’t have to worry about it.” Ming Na suppressed the displeasure in her heart. Even the noble youths of Ito are all playboys, right? Jada’s words scolded both Alex and cousin Bevin: “Anyway, it’s impossible for us! You always say you need me, why can’t you

, do I need to? “

Jada’s face sank. He originally thought things would go smoothly. Yesterday, Ming Na was clearly shaken. Could it be because of that young magician? Jada shook his head, throwing this thought away. Now he is in a hurry to end the negotiation and return to China. He has no time to think about rivals and coax girls. He decided to use some means. As long as he finds a way to make up for it later, there should be no problem. It was easy to soften his heart and he said: “Perhaps you think you don’t need me, but does your country need my promise? I have already hinted to your king that as long as the marriage is successful, I will never attack East, Norga and Norga. East will also be a forever ally”

“There are no permanent allies in the world” Ming Na suddenly remembered what her grandfather had said, and her thoughts were very clear, “Don’t think that such a threat can make me surrender. You said that you would not invade our country, can you really do it? “

“What?” Jada startled

“We signed a covenant with Nuojia three years ago. If you will abide by it, you don’t need to sign a new one. If you will break it one day, then what’s the use of signing more covenants? What?” Ming Na looked at Jada and smiled, “The current situation in your country is so complicated, it will take a lot of time to stabilize, right? In order to enrich the national treasury and feed the people, it will take several years to develop the national strength. , but also slowly digest the half of the Wesha territory until everything is over, when you have enough strength, at least ten or twenty years later, you are incapable now, even if you don’t sign a covenant, you won’t provoke a war; When you have the ability, even if you have a covenant, you will still fight if you want. If I really agree to your marriage proposal, I will regret it at that time, can I go back?”

Jada’s face changed: “Don’t believe me?”

Ming Na shook her head: “It’s not that I don’t like you, I just know what you are, Jada, you are not the kind of person who would sacrifice the interests of the country for personal feelings to unify the mainland, it’s your dream, even if you can’t do it. When you arrive, you will expand your territory as much as possible. You are a man, a man who stands at the top of a country’s power. It is impossible to give up your ambition. I can already predict what kind of contradictions and pains you will experience after becoming your wife. ”

Jada Zhang, found himself unable to argue that maybe he was subconsciously and didn’t really give up the expansion plan, just admitted that it couldn’t be implemented in ten years. He looked at Ming Na, surprised by how much she knew about him, Once again, he decided that he didn’t want to lose her: “Minna…I don’t know what to say, but I’m really disappointed…you’ll be my wife”

Ming Na smiled lightly: “I think, you are probably too lonely, so you beautified the memory of me getting along with you, but forgot that from the beginning, we were hostile and sorry, we still Be friends”

Jeda closed her eyes and opened them again, with a flash of struggle in her eyes: “If I could promise…”

“No guarantees” Minna interrupted, “You know you can’t do it”

Jeda was silent, feeling depressed and uncomfortable in her heart, but she couldn’t vent it out. Ming Na watched and was about to comfort him when she suddenly heard someone calling her: “Miss Minna! Why are you here? ?”

She followed the voice and saw that it was Albon. He looked at Jada and then at her, with a look of surprise in his eyes

Only then did Ming Na realize that there were already a lot of pedestrians on the road, and many people looked at her and Jada, whispering to each other, she couldn’t help but cry badly

Albon spoke again: “Do you want to go back? There is still space in my carriage”

Ming Na hurriedly gave him a grateful look: “Of course, thank you.” She hurriedly turned around to say goodbye to Jada, then followed Alben to leave Jada with a stern look, just as she was about to hold her, But when he saw his secretary beckoning to him outside the gate, he seemed very anxious. He had explained to his secretary before that if there was any urgent report in the country, he had to notify himself as soon as possible. Could something happen again in the country? He was busy putting aside Minna’s affairs for a while and greeted Preth

Minna followed Elben into the carriage and left the palace, she was relieved to see Jada’s figure getting further and further away from her

Albon pursed his lips tightly and hesitated for a long time before asking, “What’s the matter with you and that Duke Norga? I heard that he intends to marry you?”

Ming Na’s eyes widened: “No way? Even you know?!”

“Lord Mellory and I were both there just now” Alborn stared at her, “Your Excellency said you and the Duke have known each other for a long time, but did you agree before he would propose to you?”

Ming Na hurriedly said: “Of course not, I just rejected him”

“That’s the best.” Alben turned his head away and said after a while of silence, “You’re too careless. There were people coming and going in that place just now, and rumors will spread soon, and you’ll be in trouble.”

Minna shrank her head: “I was very careful, it was his words that made me so angry, so I forgot…” She secretly glanced at Alban: “Did McLory scold me? ?”

Alben snorted coldly, and immediately realized that she was not the person he usually snorted, so he cleared his throat and replied, “I didn’t scold you, but he said that your situation would be very embarrassing, and he would I have arranged for you to leave in the near future, and I will come back after the rumors disappear, so that you should be mentally prepared.”

“Oh…” Ming Na lowered her head, already scolding Jie in her heart

Ten times, and self-examination, but she still holds a thread in her heart: speaking in the middle of the road, the volume is not loud, and the people around are quite far away~, no one should hear it, right?

Unfortunately, the facts did not develop as she wished. Rumors about Duke Norga’s proposal to Viscount Maiton spread within half a day, and soon spread to the palace and Duke Norga’s marriage Object Sarah Princess Ears

Princess Sarah is extremely angry. As the only daughter of King Valfred III of East and Queen Lorna, she has always been doted on, especially after returning from the danger of Weisha that year, her parents are more obedient to her , all kinds of pets

She considers herself to be the most beautiful princess in the world, and she has outstanding talents. In the future, no one can be a husband. After a few years, she finally met Jada, who is actually the crown prince of a country. , regardless of appearance, talent, status and wisdom, she is worthy of her. She has already made psychological preparations to become Queen Nuojia, but she did not expect to be disturbed by a woman she had never heard of!

Although that woman is also called Minna, she doesn’t think that the other party is the same person as the little girl who helped her in her memory. The little girl clearly said that she was from Shaonan and was sent to Encore by Perdica. The temple of the earth is gone, and now he is either going home or dying in the war, right? Of course, it is also possible to escape.

The woman who had the cheek to lure her prospective fiancé, heard that she was the daughter of Viscount Maiton, a mere nobleman, or the daughter of an illegitimate child, actually dared to covet Queen Noga’s throne? ! If it wasn’t for the kindness of the father, how could her illegitimate father become a noble lord? ! The surname Xiao…Kado people are utterly hateful! That Manda had disgraced brother Selig and made him lose his right to the throne, and her arrogant sister Beryl was pushing herself at the ball! What a ridiculous family! If it wasn’t for the friendship between the father, Gu Nian and Earl Xiao, they would have been kicked out of Yidong long ago!

Sarah became more and more angry, and stood up abruptly: she can’t be silent anymore, she must teach that hateful woman a lesson!

She rushed to her mother’s bedroom, shouting all the way: “Mother, mother! Someone is bullying me! You have to help me out!”

Queen Luo was packing her luggage and seemed to be planning to go out. She frowned when she heard her daughter’s cry: “What’s wrong?”

“That Minna Xiao… Cardo actually seduced Duke Jada, are you just watching your daughter suffer such humiliation?!”

Wang rubbed his forehead painfully: “It’s still undecided, what is it? Duke Jada is going back to the country, and it shouldn’t be so soon to decide on a marriage. You need to learn more about the rules of being a queen from the teachers. I also need to know more about the customs of Nuojia, so that I can become familiar with the life there as soon as possible in the future.

“That’s not a gossip!” Princess Sarah pouted, “It’s obviously true! What happened to the queen mother? You have been so cold to us recently, and you have to go out every day, what are you doing? !”

With the help of the maid, the queen put on a hooded cloak, pulled down the brim a little, and covered half of her face: “Don’t worry about this, if I can succeed, even if your marriage with Duke Jada fails It doesn’t matter.” She raised her feet and walked away, ignoring her daughter’s call, and there was only one thought in her heart: this is the last time, as long as she can succeed, the lost throne will be returned, and then, let alone a Mingna… Cardo The entire Xiao…Kaduo, she will completely eradicate it!

Princess Sarah looked aggrievedly at her mother leaving, wondering what happened to her recently. Could it be because of her second brother’s marriage that her temperament has changed drastically? Sarah’s heart secretly added a crime to Ming Na. She turned her eyes, she remembered a person, and immediately ran to the palace

“Perdica, Perdica!” Across the distance, Sarah called out the name of the chief of the guards, Perdica. Your Royal Highness, are you looking for me?”

Sarah hastily pulled him into the room: “Perdicca, you hurt me the most, don’t you? If I get hurt, you’ll help me no matter what, right?”

Perdicca hesitated for a moment: “Is His Highness referring to that rumor? Although I am also angry for you, this involves allies. As the guard of the royal family, it is inconvenient for me to interfere”

Sarah’s mouth is flat: “Don’t you take it as your responsibility to protect your family’s interests? This matter directly threatens my interests, how can you not interfere?”

“Princess…I safeguard the interests of the Wang family as a whole…”

Sarah stared at him for a while before she said, “Do you think that Minna… Cardo seduces Duke Jada, and only hurts my interests? You are wrong!” She sternly said, “She does this, destroying The marriage between the two countries not only harms the interests of the royal family, but also has a very bad impact on the future of the country. But after the father and mother, because her father is the lord of the border guard, it is inconvenient to directly reprimand her. At such times, you do not appear. , who else can come forward?”

Perdicca thought for a while and found that she was right. If the marriage between the two countries was really affected by that girl, it would also be a blow to His Majesty the King’s prestige, so he asked, “What should I do if Your Highness eliminates me?”

Please remember the domain name of the first publication of this book: . Ghost Blowing Lamp Mobile Version Reading URL:

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