After the Legend Chapter 232: Nuo Jia’s internal trouble (Part 2)

Della staggered and was thrown on the sofa by Jada, listening to his instructions, her heart was beating wildly, her eyes were rolling, trying to come up with a reasonable reason

Ming Na avoided several Nuojia people, whispered a few words to the security colleagues who followed, and left first for convenience. She walked into the room where Jada’s cousins ​​and sisters were, and closed the door.

Jada was questioning Stella, but the latter refused to admit that she had anything to do with the purple-clothed woman, insisting that she was just chatting with her, she glanced at Minna, and said, “Cousin Jada, don’t you? Listen to the provocation of the East people, they want to alienate the relationship between our Norga royal family!”

Minna raised her eyebrows and turned to look at Jada to see what he had to say

Jada sneered when he heard the words: “Really? Don’t think I’m a fool! If you really don’t care, she will come to you again and again? It doesn’t matter your maid will try to talk to her in the backyard?! You think I Are you blind?!”

A trace of panic flashed across Stella’s face, her eyes rolled, and she cried, “So what? She sympathized with my experience and kindly wanted to help me stay with my lover and pass the news for us, okay? I don’t want to sacrifice my own happiness for Nuojia, so I asked her for help, Cousin Jada, you always love me the most, why can’t you think about me?” She wailed loudly, tears streaming down her face, she was so angry out of breath

Jada originally hated her for her intention to undermine the interests of the country, but when she said that, she was relieved a lot. Seeing her crying pitifully, he had always loved her again. Said: “As a princess, you belong to the country from the moment you were born. How can you ignore the country because of your own interests? When I was in Nomonka, I asked you, and you clearly agreed at that time. already”

“That’s because I didn’t know I would meet true love in Ito!” Stella cried, “I used to think it didn’t matter, but now I can’t accept marrying someone else! Why is a princess to serve the country? Sacrifice? I have suffered for so many years since I was a child, what has the country done for me?! I am not reconciled!”

Jada felt sad. Of course he knew what his cousin’s family had suffered in the past. Although he wanted to help at that time, the Queen Mother and Prince Mario were on the top, and the ministers and nobles were watching. He could do it. He was very limited, and naturally felt a little guilt in his heart: “Don’t cry, you won’t suffer like that again in the future. The princes in East are all decent people, no matter who you marry, you will be happy. “

“I don’t want it! I don’t want it! There is only one person I love! I don’t want to marry someone else!” Stella cried and glanced at her cousin quietly, knowing that he probably already believed in herself, secretly relieved

Minna folded her arms and leaned against the door to watch the good show and couldn’t help but want to laugh: “Your Highness Princess Stella, shouldn’t you mean El Benda by your lover? But he doesn’t love you at all? You don’t act like you’re really in love with him except for the occasional pestering and if you really love him why would you steal his diary? Why would you write an anonymous letter to betray your cousin? Don’t tell me you love him too much Alben is so in love with other countries that he would rather betray his own relatives”

Stella’s face has become hideous, she stares at Ming Na fiercely, like a wolf who is ready to bite at any time and can’t wait to pounce immediately

Jada’s face was full of anger and anger flashed in her blue eyes, and she grabbed Stella and said sharply, “How dare you lie to me? Say it! Why are you sending anonymous letters?!”

Stella struggled with a pale face: “I don’t know what you are talking about!”

Jeda refused to admit that she couldn’t face her cousin, and he couldn’t be cruel to her, so he could only stare at her

Someone knocked on the door. Ming Na heard that it was a code from a security department colleague. She hurriedly opened the door and went out. After a while, she turned back with a piece of paper and closed the door and waved to Jada

Jada walked over suspiciously and asked, “What? Did you catch someone?”

Stella was shocked and hurriedly bent down to cry in a low voice, but her eyes were rolling

Ming Na approached Jada and whispered, “The department has already drawn a portrait of the woman based on my companion’s dictation.” She unfolded the paper in her hand to show him, “I saw her with my own eyes when I was chasing after him just now. I turned into a dead end alley, but when I entered the alley, I found that the alley was empty, surrounded by a few meters of high walls, I couldn’t get over it, how did she escape? I think she looks familiar, look, do you recognize this woman?”

Jada took the portrait and squinted: “It looks very strange, but it seems that these purple eyes have been seen somewhere…” This kind of eyes is not too late, plus the owner is If he has seen a beauty of this level, he should remember it very clearly. How could he not remember it?

“The first time we met in the desert was when you rescued Junia. We once saw two men in black, a man and a woman, following the necromancer next to Prince Mario. She has light purple eyes and is covered with a veil, but she looks very seductive. Most importantly, she is called Princess Pobystella’s maid. When she saw the purple-clothed woman in the backyard that day, she was called this. name!”

Jada’s eyes widened: “Necromancer?!” He turned his head sharply to look at his cousin, his face had turned from ashen to bloodless: “How could it be… Stella, how could you talk to those Devils mixed up?! Don’t you know what they have done to us Nuojia?!”

Seeing that she had been exposed, Stella turned her head away and kept her mouth tightly closed

When Jada saw this, he knew that he and Ming Na guessed right, and his heart was angry and painful: “We Nuojia have killed so many people in the war, and so many lands have been polluted, and life is more difficult than before. , as a royal family, you don’t want to sacrifice for the country, but you know the sins of those people, how can you still be deceived by them?!”

He turned around and grabbed Minna: “I remember when you went to the Elf Forest and got a lot of life springs, right? This spring can eliminate demons

Illusions? Do you still have it? give her some”

Minna is a little embarrassed: “I’ve run out of land, but…Alex may have some leftovers, I’ll ask him later”

Jeda knew who Alex was. Thinking of how close he and Minna were when they met in the palace last time, he felt a little uncomfortable, but saving his cousin was more important, so he nodded in response

Stella fought a cold fight and shouted: “Don’t! I’m not deceived by the demons! We are just exchanging interests with the demons! I help them a little, and they help me achieve my goal, but I No magic!”

Jada asked coldly, “What is the exchange of interests? Make it clear!” Seeing her hesitation, she became cruel and asked Ming Na again, “Do you have a magic weapon from the Light Sect?”

Stella’s body trembled, she swallowed her saliva, and said, “I said I said… Poppy and the others, after they were taken out of the mainland, sacrificed most of their strength and many of their comrades, and then they struggled to escape from the mainland. Climbing over from the snowfield, Moyu thought that the reason why they failed last time was because of their relationship with the Light God Cult, so… they planned to… disguise themselves as Chengren, sneak into the upper ranks of the aristocrats of various countries, and slowly change the land administration of each country, waiting for their support. When people have power, they can ban the Light Sect in an open and fair manner! Expel the Bright Cultivators, and in a few decades and a hundred years, when the Light Sect no longer exists on the mainland, it is time for them to invade again…”

Both Ming Na and Jada couldn’t help but take a deep breath, only to hear her continue: “Poppy and another accomplice are in charge of East, but they spent more than half a year with no results, so they had to Help me…”

Ming Na hurriedly stepped forward and asked, “Did they want you to steal the handbook of the head of the Heda family? Why?!”

Jada also stared at Stella. She was scared for a while, and closed her eyes and said everything: “Their plan has never been successful. Remembering that Duke Heda had bought many nobles, he wanted to Get the list, find some evidence, and use it to threaten those people to do things for them…”

It turned out to be like this…Minna glanced at Jada, thinking that he actually used a similar method with Poppy and the others to threaten others to leak secrets, which shows that there is nowhere to be decent

Jada had a pale face, staring at Stella: “Why… If you say that Easter’s affairs were instructed by others, then why did you agree? What is your purpose? Shouldn’t it be…” He smiled, “Do you want to be a queen? Or is it uncle he…”

“What? Can’t you?!” Stella stared back unexpectedly, “My father is also the son of my grandfather, but he is only two years younger than your father, and has always been the most favored by grandfather. Since my uncle died Now, it should be my father who can inherit the throne! Gale took my father’s throne, Mario killed my mother, broke my father’s leg, and their mother locked our family in a shack Let’s live like prisoners in our castle! They are big sinners and should die! Not only did you not avenge your uncle, but you became the enemy’s lackey! I despise you! You all deserve to die! My father The real king, my brother is the real prince!” She sneered: “In order to make me a tool of marriage, you gave me a princess title, do you think I would be grateful? Dream! When my father becomes king, I will be a real princess, I will marry whoever I like, and do whatever I want!”

Jada staggered back two steps, with a sharp look in his eyes: “In order to achieve this goal, would you rather sacrifice the interests of the country and the people? What made you have such ambition? For a vacant throne, willing to Cooperate with the Demon Realm that almost destroyed Nogardi!”

“What does the country and the people’s interests concern us? What did the country and people do when our family was suffering?!” Stella sneered, “As long as I can make my father a king, I don’t care what others do. You say it’s a virtual throne? I tell you! You’ll never be crown prince! My father will be the new king soon!”

Jada’s eyes widened, and she was about to refute, but Ming Na found a clue in Stella’s determined tone, and hurriedly grabbed him: “Don’t scold her in a hurry, ask what’s going on, you now If you are not in the country, will something happen that you don’t know about?”

Jada was awakened by her words, and asked Stella what was going on, but the latter smiled contemptuously, turned her head away and said nothing. “What’s the hurry? Did you forget that we have a way to restrain her?” She took out a small eight-pointed star pendant: “This is a gift from Father Riedel on my birthday last year. It is said to have invited three bishops of light. Blessed.” She shook the pendant in front of Stella, reciting words in her mouth, and recited the prayer of light

Stella hid back in horror, trembling all over her body. After a while, she fell down on the sofa and rolled over: “Don’t read…don’t…” She was sweating coldly, but her body became hot, and there was a burning sensation The smell comes out

There was a flash of unbearableness in Jada’s eyes, but reason prevailed. He took a step forward and said solemnly: “Tell me everything, or I will let her keep reading!”

Stella gritted her teeth and refused to give in. Ming Na simply pressed the pendant on her forehead, and then reached out to hold her down to prevent her from moving. She let out a shrill scream: “Let me go! …I said!”

Jada hurriedly opened Minna: “Come on!”

“Demon… The people from the Demon Domain gave us a poison, mixed with incense, and if people inhale it for a long time, the body will slowly deteriorate… It won’t take a month to die. My brother sent the spice mixed with this poison. Gave it to Gail…it’s been half a month…”

Jada was shocked: “What?!” On the other hand, Minna was more calm: “Don’t panic, His Majesty Gale II once took my potion, and no matter how powerful the poison is, it will be discounted.” Jada heard the words He also calmed down a little, and looked at Stella with a cold look: “What about other than that? Even if Uncle Gale dies, your father can’t be a king!”

Stella bit her lip, a little unconvinced: “Who said no?!

You have a son, you failed to visit, and you are not in the country, you are the closest by blood, otherwise my brother can succeed! We have already contacted some royal families and ministers, and they will support my father and brother! “

“The throne is not guaranteed by blood alone,” Jada snorted, “otherwise, why did Your Majesty choose me instead of looking for Luther? Your brother is not strong and has a dark and cowardly personality, so His Majesty does not look down on it. Without His Majesty’s approval, how can your father sit on that throne?!”

“Luther?” Stella sneered, “The two brothers are dead long ago! Do you think our poison will only be used against Gale? Who else is there besides us in the Royal Family of the Near Branch?” She glanced at it. Jada glanced and said nothing

Ming Na was taken aback by her eyes, she secretly looked at Jada’s face, the latter also noticed it, touched her own face, and suddenly remembered that on the way to Nuojiadi, her cousin used a coquettish tone. I gave it to myself and asked him to carry a small sachet with him every day, and his face suddenly turned blue

Taking out the sachet, he handed it to Minna, looking at Stella without a trace of pity in his eyes: “Just stay with me! I’ll take care of you after returning home!” After Ming Na went out, she ordered someone to lock the room tightly and take charge of the key in person

Preth carefully reported the news of the maid’s escape, and Jada’s face was sinking: “Inform the officials of the East Foreign Office that one of our court maids has eloped with an Easter, and we must find her back. Come, whether you live or die, you must meet people!”

“Yes! I’ll go”

Ming Na was holding the sachet, and she had already figured out how to prepare the medicine in her mind, but she was mocking: “It was obviously your maid who escaped, but she actually put our Istria into the water! I went back to the security office and said One sound, guaranteed to be much faster than you!”

Jada didn’t say anything, just walked back to the room with a sullen face, Minna followed, closed the door, and asked, “Are you in a bad mood?”

“I don’t understand” Jada took off his strong mask and sat down on the sofa in frustration, “Why did Uncle and Stella think like this? They can hate Mario and the Queen Mother, and they can be hostile to them. Your Majesty, but I… I am a close relative to them, and I did my best to help them when they were under house arrest. I sent a lot of things and hired a good doctor for them. Because of these, I have been scolded by the Queen Mother countless times. Time! Why…they still curse me to death?!”

The most unbearable thing for him is that his uncle’s family only wants to be on the throne and doesn’t care about the country and the people. How can such a successor manage the country well? Thinking of his eccentric and gloomy uncle, and his cowardly and cowardly cousin, he felt even worse, and he wondered if they couldn’t see that others supported them and just wanted to find an obedient puppet?

Even though he has been helping the king run the country all these years, there is no reason for them to do this to him! In any case, Uncle Gale didn’t hurt them directly. Even with the opposition from the Queen Mother and Mario, Uncle Gale did not forget to send someone to feed their family, and turned a blind eye to his relief. Poisoning a brother and a nephew with one eye… What’s the difference between this behavior and Mario’s father and son?

Jada closed his eyes in pain: “I thought they could be trusted even if they couldn’t help me…” He even planned to find a good fief for his uncle’s family when he became king Thinking of them living a safe and prosperous life, he opened his eyes and shot a sharp

Ming Na listened silently and patted him on the shoulder to show comfort. Finding that he seemed to have some signs, she thought about it and said, “I was kidnapped and sold when I was a child”

Jada was startled and looked up at her suspiciously

She smiled and continued: “When I just ran away from the bad guys, my heart was full of hatred for them, and I wanted to kill them all, and I did so and set fire to it” See Jada’s eyes Shooting her admiring eyes, she said lightly: “I don’t know if there were any dead people at that time. After returning to East, I found that my parents were being persecuted by others, and they sent out another ruthless attack and poisoned several people.”

She looked Jada in the eyes and sighed: “Maybe you’d appreciate it but in fact, I regret it now”

Jada was surprised: “Why?”

“Because I hurt a few innocent people” Ming Na said, “I suffered too much at that time, so I was blindfolded by anger and tempted me to do something wrong. I feel that your uncle, cousin and Cousins ​​and the others, probably because they suffered and you seemed to be doing well, so they were jealous and wanted revenge. If they could live peacefully, maybe they would stop holding grudges in a few years, but at this time, The people from the Demon Realm seduced them, so they went down the wrong path.” She took his hand: “Don’t let your anger cover your reason because of their betrayal, and you will be responsible for this crime for the rest of your life. Put your resentment on the devil, don’t let yourself become a devil”

Jada looked at her for a long time before softening and nodding: “Okay”

Ming Na smiled happily, jumped up and looked at the big shoes in the room, then took out the simple potion cooking table, prepared the antidote, and said in her mouth: “Fortunately, I just added the materials a few days ago, Otherwise, it won’t come out! Just wait for a while, I’ll make a simple dose for you to drink first, and then refill it in two days, and you’ll be fine. Take it home”

Jeda looked at Ming Na’s busy figure, and she felt incredibly peaceful. It was amazing. He was so angry just now, but now he feels that even if all his relatives betrayed him, he still has someone he can trust. Lonely and helpless

Suddenly, he had an idea, and he immediately asked: “Ming Na, would you…would you like to go back to Nuojia with me?”

Ming Na took a meal and looked up at him in amazement

(Big show on weekends, ask for pink tickets~~>_

Please remember the domain name of the first publication of this book: . Ghost Blowing Lamp Mobile Version Reading URL:

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