After the Legend Chapter 223: That night (2)

Alfred III smiled and nodded to the foreign guests, then raised his glass and said, “Today, I am very happy that all the guests have come from your country for my birthday to come to me Expressing my best wishes, it is my great honor to invite us to a toast together, may our friendship…whether nationally or privately…last forever, and grow stronger and stronger”

Everyone raised their cups and said in unison, “May the king have a happy birthday

May the friendship last forever”

Everyone drank the wine, and immediately there were attendants holding glass jugs and interspersed in the crowd, pouring new ones for the people

Walfred III smiled happily, raised his hand and announced: “Everyone, please enjoy the delicious food and wine here, the orchestra will present the most wonderful music” He snapped his fingers, and the musicians who were already waiting in the corner of the hall They played upbeat music, and he politely extended his hand to the Queen, and Queen Lorna, who was dressed up, pursed her lips and smiled, followed him down the dance floor and danced.

Others also acted, some danced with their pre-appointed partners, some made temporary invitations to their favorites, and some even quarreled over the right to dance with a beautiful girl. However, considering that all the members of the royal family were present, I had to lower my voice, which seemed to be peaceful in the hall

Minna wanted to dance with Alex, but now she can only accompany Manda to the side of the hall, whispering to her repeatedly

Manda looked pale and looked at Selig, who was dancing with Princess Noga in the middle of the hall. She was so skinny that she was wringing her handkerchief with her skinny hands, her teeth almost biting her lower lip

Beryl, who was standing beside her, also had a livid face. She kept looking in the direction of the second prince. Finding his vision, he was a little frustrated, and he called Herbie, the attendant by his side, and whispered a few words

At the end of the song, the people on the dance floor took a break and dispersed. After a while, the band played another lyrical song Young men and women join

Hubert came to invite Beryl, but she refused very coldly After talking for a few words and looking at Alex cautiously, Alex waited until the former turned to look for other dance partners, and when Alex left with the excuse of taking a drink, he turned his head and said to the eldest daughter viciously: “This is How many times is this?! Didn’t I tell you to get closer to him? Why did you refuse?!”

Beryl raised her head: “I’m not interested in that kind of man!”

Lilith was choked back and her eyes widened until the eldest and turned to stare at the second daughter: “Manda! Don’t make that kind of face! Since it’s impossible, think about the young talents tonight. I’ll wait. I’ll ask Mrs. Ball to introduce you to some dance partners.”

Manda’s eyes didn’t move: “I’ll be alone without my mother.” She stared at Selig holding Princess Stella’s hand and saw the princess look at him coquettishly Speaking with a hint of helplessness on his face, he listened to the gods with a bit of connivance.

Minna handed the handkerchief at a loss: “Didn’t he ask someone to send a letter to tell you not to worry? It’s just a political need.” If the two countries really wanted to marry, she would have already received information from the Security Agency. Now it’s just a matter of The gossip is spreading everywhere. It can be seen that it is a rumor. Besides, Princess Nuojia’s main marriage is also a marriage with the real crown prince. Now whether the second prince will become the new crown prince has not yet been determined. It is impossible to announce the news tonight

But Manda can’t understand this. She hears rumors that the second prince is about to get engaged to Princess Norga almost every day, and she occasionally meets Miss Duras at a tea party in another place. The son of a nobleman is engaged and his father, Earl Elon, can hear the members of the noble council all day discussing what benefits this marriage will bring to Eastor or how rich Princess Stella’s dowry will be, or the relationship between the prince and the princess. Harmony often travels together. The father and mother often lament that they lost a good marriage. Although she avoided Manda, it is not difficult for her to know.

Is Selig really going to marry someone else? Does he really want to give up their relationship?

Manda clung to the sapphire pendant on her chest, the necklace’s face didn’t match the pale yellow dress she wore, but it was given to her by Selig after the two were sure of each other’s feelings The first gift is of great significance

Beryl glanced at her and sneered: “What? Don’t you give up? I told you a long time ago, don’t expect the impossible! If it wasn’t for you, how could it be delayed until today? ?!” She glanced at the second prince angrily, and then pushed Manda towards the door: “If you can’t bear it, go back, lest everyone be happy and you will be the only one crying!”

Ming Na quickly stopped her: “What are you doing?!”

“It has nothing to do with you!” Beryl pushed her hand away and was about to pull Manda out. The latter struggled a few times and cried, and Lilith screamed in disapproval: ” Oh! Beryl!”

This small movement caught the attention of the people around, and they all stopped talking and turned their heads. Lilith blushed and tried to maintain a decent smile on her face, but she squeezed out a sentence between her teeth: “Hurry up and stop me. , what a shame!”

Beryl let go, Manda covered her mouth with a handkerchief, with tears in her eyes, she watched her sister Minna frowning at them with a little fear, and suddenly heard Alex’s voice behind him: “What’s wrong? What happened?” She turned back and sighed, took the hot milk tea in his hand, and handed it to Manda: “Take a sip, relax

We can sit by the side” Manda smiled reluctantly and didn’t take the cup

At this moment, the queen suddenly clapped her hands and made a gesture in the direction of the orchestra. The musicians played another piece. Compared with the previous piece, this piece was more lingering. A love song, the queen has never appeared at a birthday party. The queen looked at the second son who was about to walk back to his seat with a smile on his face, and gave him a slight push: “Please ask Princess Stella to dance again, aren’t you? Is it easy to talk about?”

Selig frowned, and Stella asked with a sweet smile, “Is it okay?” With a hint of pleading in his eyes, he sighed and had to take her hand and walk down the dance floor again, lowering his voice: ” Well, I’ll let my coachman take you there and say hello to his butler…”

“Thank you! Selig” Stella immediately smiled brightly like a flower, seeing Manda in the distance with another burst of heartache, and immediately turned her head, covering her mouth and weeping

Ming Na had a headache: “Didn’t you say you would believe him? Why are you crying now? Obviously you will be strong and never doubt him”

Manda shook her head painfully: “His letter said so, but…everyone is telling me that he is going to be engaged to someone else, and now what I see in my eyes also confirms this fact, you call me How can you trust him?”

“How can a woman who only waits foolishly succeed? You who know nothing but cry, how can you get the love of a prince?!” Beryl swayed coldly, Ming Na turned her head and glared at her, but she was unmoved

Alex suddenly interjects: “Miss Manda, since you think everyone thinks that way, why don’t you ask him? It’s what he thinks that counts, isn’t it? Suspicion just because of what other people say, Is this the only level of love you have for the Second Highness?”

“No!” Manda choked and retorted, “I am willing to believe him, as long as he tells me to believe”

“Then what are you doing now?” Alex frowned and stared at her, “If it were me, someone suddenly said to Minna one day, I betrayed her, you ask Minna, she Would you believe it?”

Manda was stunned and looked at Ming Na, who was somewhat inexplicable: “How do you say me? Of course I don’t believe it, what kind of friendship do you have with me?! Even if you really betray, I don’t need anyone else. come and tell me”

Alex smiled and looked at Manda: “Similarly, if someone told me that Minna betrayed me, I wouldn’t believe it, I’d rather ask her personally because to me, she’s better than The people who say those words are more important”

Minna blinked, suddenly a little embarrassed

Manda was stunned for a long time. She bit her lip so hard that it was bleeding. Suddenly, she lifted the hem of her skirt, pushed aside everyone in front of her, and rushed towards the second prince. : “Serig!”

Ming Na didn’t hold back and was startled: “What is she going to do?!” Beryl also followed nervously

When Manda rushed to the second prince Selig, the hall was silent, the musician stopped playing, and everyone was looking at her, wondering what she was going to do, who knew about her relationship with the second prince I will discuss it in a low voice in private

Selig released Stella’s hand and looked at the sweetheart in front of him with some confusion: “Manda, what’s wrong with you?” Stella was also full of questions

Manda held back her tears and asked loudly: “Everyone is saying, you are going to be engaged to this princess, is this true? Have you forgotten our agreement? You are going to give up ours Feelings?!”

Serig is taken aback: “How is this possible?! Didn’t you read my letter?”

The queen was already stunned, and hurriedly called the attendant: “Hurry, pull her down! This is just ridiculous!” She whispered to Duke Jada: “It’s because the attendants are not careful enough to make this crazy. I’m so sorry that the woman came in”

Jada glanced at her and said nothing

Lilith rolled her eyes and fainted. She was supported by the eldest son Bevan who hurried over. The younger son Feld hurriedly picked up her feather fan and fanned her. Minna looked in front of and behind, I had to rush over there to rub the medicated oil for her

Selig looked at his mother dissatisfied, turned back and took Manda’s hand: “Don’t worry about it, you go back first, I will find you soon”

“No!” Manda shook her head, “I want an affirmative answer! Can’t do anything but wait, it’s too painful, please tell me, would you still be with me? For a lifetime Not separate? Just like you swore!”

“Guard!” the queen yelled angrily, and the king frowned to stop her: “Calm down, queen!”

“How do you tell me to calm down?!” The queen shook his hand and shouted, “Guard! Guard!”

“Don’t come here! What do you want to do?!” Selig stood in front of Manda and angrily stopped the surrounding soldiers, he turned his head and shouted to the queen, “Queen Mother! Don’t do this! Manda is my future wife, you can’t do this to her!”

There was a burst of exclamations from the crowd, and almost everyone turned their attention to Princess Stella who was standing aside. She seemed to be a little confused and looked at Selig in confusion

“You don’t even know what you’re talking about!” the queen screamed, being pulled by the king vigorously: “Enough! There are guests here, queen!”

The queen finally calmed down, but when she thought that her perfect plan was disrupted like this, she was angry and anxious, and her eyes immediately turned to Elon

Elon’s face was pale, he walked up to Selig and said, “Second Highness, Manda is too reckless, she shouldn’t do such a thing on this occasion, please forgive me, I have to take her with me. go back”

Selig looked hesitantly at Manda, who looked at him with tears in his eyes, showing a poignant smile. He grieved and took her into his arms: “I’m sorry, Manda, I made you suffer.” he was happy

Turning around to face his parents, he said in a loud and clear voice, “Father, my mother married Manda and will be with her forever. No matter what happens, my heart will not change, please grant us Bless you!”

What does the second prince’s words mean? Would he rather give up his marriage with Princess Nuojia and marry the daughter of an earl? Not a smart choice for someone who is likely to become a crown prince

But when he saw the surprised smile on Manda’s face, he didn’t regret it at all, and his eyes towards his parents became more determined

The queen trembled with anger. If her eyes could kill, she had already killed the girl who seduced her son a thousand times, but the king frowned slightly and asked in a deep voice, “Selig, are you sure? Even if If I ask you to choose between your right to the throne and the girl next to you, will your mind change too?”

There was a commotion in the hall, and then it was as quiet as death. Everyone was staring at Selig’s mouth, wondering how he would answer

Selig squeezed Manda’s hand, he could feel her shaking slightly, but he gave her a wide smile and turned to his father: “Yes, Father, my heart will not change. “

The queen screamed, her face was as pale as a dead man, but the king laughed, and snapped his fingers: “What are you waiting for? Play music! Love is the eternal theme, let us be the most beautiful feeling in this world. Cheers!” The attendant quickly brought the wine, and he raised his glass to face the crowd, but people still couldn’t react, they raised their glass in a daze, responded sparsely, and then they all sobered up when they finished drinking

The cheerful music sounded, Selig smiled and took Manda’s hand and led her around in a circle. After a while, more than ten couples of men and women joined the dance floor, the colorful skirts were turning, and the center of the hall As if blooming a huge flower

The seats of the Nuojia embassy were quiet, and everyone’s faces were a little unsightly. The envoys from other countries invited their dance partners to leave, and they still stood motionless

The third prince, Gardmond, came out of nowhere and ran to Princess Stella with a smile: “Your Highness, can I ask you to dance?”

Stella originally seemed to be looking at something, but she was taken aback: “What?”

“Dance!” Lord Gardmond reached out his hand politely, “You are the most beautiful woman in the entire hall. I want to ask you to dance, won’t you refuse?”

“Hey! Third Highness, this is too much!” There was a coquettish protest from the center of the hall, and Gardmond waved his hand without turning his head: “Bienka, you are too old for me. ”

Bienka glared at him sullenly, and threw the small bouquet decorated on her skirt, and then several other disgruntled beauties threw the flowers on Gardmond, but Gardmond smiled and took them all After I got off, I formed a bunch and sent it to Stella: “Flowers match beauty, Your Highness Princess, look at the flowers, don’t reject me.” The surrounding people laughed kindly and whispered about the little prince. Really childish

Stella also laughed dumbly and tapped him on the ground: “Okay, my little prince, for the sake of the beautiful flowers”

Gardmon cheered and ran to the dance floor with Stella. In fact, he was not dancing seriously, he was just pulling her to play, and he walked through the crowd, making her giggle.

Jada’s face is a little better, but the look at Valfred III and Queen Lorna is still a little unkind: “Excuse me, what’s going on?”

Walfred III smiled and said: “Young people are playful, don’t you dance? May I introduce you to a beautiful dance partner?” Glancing at her, he looked up to find the lonely noble girl

At this moment, the figure flashed, and his daughter Sarah suddenly stood in front of him. He was a little surprised: “…” Thinking of the behavior of the younger son just now, his heart warmed, and he pulled up his daughter’s Holding her hands, she smiled and said to Jada: “My daughter Sarah, although she is not as good as your sister, she is also a great beauty to me!” Sarah was staring angrily behind her, and she was a little surprised to hear this. , but soon calmed down and looked at Jada with a smile

Jada smiled faintly, took Princess Sarah’s hand and walked to the dance floor, but on the way, she glanced at her subordinate, the other party nodded knowingly, and left quietly

The queen glared angrily at the person who appeared next to her: “Beryl… Cardo, what were you doing just now?!” She clearly saw that this woman pushed her daughter just now

Beryl changed her coldness and smiled, “Her Royal Highness, there is not only one kind of marriage”

The queen was taken aback: “What did you say?!”

“If Princess Noga marries the future King of East, the prince born in the future will be half of Noga’s blood.” Beryl approached her and lowered her voice, “Is such an heir to the throne really suitable? ? However, if our Princess of Ist becomes Queen Noga, it means that the future King Noga, half of Ist’s blood, is a descendant of you and His Majesty!”

The queen’s eyes lit up, and she looked at her daughter and Duke Jada on the dance floor, thoughtfully

Beryl let out a sigh of relief. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Selig and Manda running hand in hand through the crowd and running towards the outline. Suddenly, she felt extremely dazzling. She bit her lip, looked left and right and no one noticed her, then quietly follow up

Hyatt, who had been sitting in the corner, noticed her whereabouts. He beckoned to the guard Herbie and whispered something, and the latter pushed his wheelchair and followed

(The big four-corner relationship showdown… In the next chapter, Minna confronts Jada, what will happen?)

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