After the Legend Chapter 142: Claws in the dark

Under the moonlight, Minte quietly crouched behind the rocks and observed the situation of the Nuojia military camp in the distance. Today, he was ordered by Mellory to become a teenager again and participate in this exploration together with several other security personnel. Action

The Nuojia military camp is laid out according to the traditional customs of their country. The central military tent is at the front of the center. In terms of location, there is also a high platform in the training super, which is the place where the generals and officers in the barracks give lectures or issue orders

At this time, in the Nuojia military camp, most people are already asleep, only the soldiers in charge of the night are still walking around. The military tent is silent at the moment. The high-ranking officers have all moved into the North District, and the ones left outside the town are the ordinary soldiers, horses and luggage, which account for more than 70% of the troops, and almost all of the latter two are placed in the rear camp

Yesterday, more than 20 carts suddenly came to the rear camp. Sargent, the deputy palace guard next to Jada, personally brought people to confirm. He also ordered the soldiers to guard closely in shifts and forbid anyone to check the cars on board. After he issued this order, the scouts and security personnel on the East side found that the Nuojia army began to mobilize personnel and actively prepare for the battle, and it seemed that something was brewing

General Novard and Mallory both suspected that they might launch a new attack, so they sent someone to find out, if the car was really the rumored new type of artillery, then Mintel and others also had to add fuel by the way. something like gunpowder destroys it

Tonight’s moonlight seems to be particularly bright, illuminating the ground brightly, Mintel is secretly anxious, it is almost midnight, if the moonlight is so bright all night, how can they sneak into the enemy camp?

A colleague touched it from the back and whispered, “I can’t wait any longer, the time will be too late, why don’t we… let’s make some noise to distract the enemy’s attention?”

Minte shook his head and was about to say something when he suddenly saw a large dark cloud drifting from the sky, gradually covering the moon, and the surroundings suddenly became much darker. Opportunity to sneak in, you pay attention to my signal before taking the next step”

The colleague hesitated for a moment: “This… we can also go in”

“I know” Minte smiled, “but I’m more familiar with their way of doing things, and they can run fast. Let me take the lead first, find out the place, and then let you come over. It’s better than a few people walking around in the enemy camp. Just bump it”

My colleague remembered the order made by Mellory before he left, and hesitantly responded, but he didn’t really believe that the young man in front of him could really take on the important task

Mintel smiled wryly when he saw this. Most of the security officers who followed Mellory this time were from the Western Intelligence Department and a few were from the Headquarters, but none of them had cooperated with him. At most, they had heard of some internal It is rumored that he has an extraordinary background and has made a lot of great achievements. It is not even clear that “Ming Na” and “Minte” are the same person. It is normal that they have doubts. When this kind of thing happens, he misses the old Luma I haven’t come out since I entered the Vatican territory. Now I’m trying to get rid of the Central Holy See’s vigilance.

Sliding gently down the hillside, Minte sneaked into the back of Noga Barracks by night and avoided a group of patrolmen, then quickly crossed the passage of the camp to hide in the shadow of a tent, and saw another team of soldiers patrolling by He hurried forward silently and counted to fifty-nine in his heart just in time to reach the baggage area. As soon as he hid behind the tent, he saw a group of soldiers walking past the tent.

Mintel sighed softly. Fortunately, the information he stole from Prince Lawler’s study contained many famous generals’ fighting styles in the territory. Among them, it was mentioned that Sargent arranged for the patrols of the guards to be patrolled by several teams of troops and horses. There is only one minute difference between each team. There is very little room for people to take advantage of the situation. In addition, Jada manages the barracks and always puts the baggage in the right rear position, so he can find it smoothly.

At this time, the moon was not bright, so Mintel could only vaguely see twenty or thirty sturdy carriages parked in a large circle in the open space. It doesn’t pretend what it is, it just exudes an indescribable smell. It seems to be some kind of spice mixed with other things. There are as many as forty or fifty soldiers guarding the cars. Although there are many people yawning in the dead of night, it is obviously impossible to sneak in and see the situation in the cars under the strict guards of ten meters.

Mint carefully circled the open space without finding a loophole People will be scolded if they find out!”

A voice came from inside: “It’s good to know what to urge!” Then I saw a young soldier walking out with his trousers up next to a carriage, and glanced inside curiously. At a glance, he said to his companion: “I don’t know what is in the car?”

His companion whispered: “What do you care about it? Captain Sargent said, no one is allowed to see it! Not even close, come back!” The soldiers on the other side have noticed this. The situation on the edge of the land has changed, and I frequently look over. I hurriedly walked towards the carriage ring, trying to pull him back, but he had already stepped into the carriage ring, carefully picked up a corner of the tarpaulin, and looked inside to see that his companion was stomping his feet in a hurry. Go up to pull him

Mint watched their pulling with a cold eye, looked at the soldier beside him frowning and glanced in their direction, and gave a few words to his companion on the other side, then walked towards the camp and into the carriage ring When the soldiers of Nella’s companion saw this situation, they became even more anxious. They pulled the companion in their hands, only to find that he had been pulled into the car by someone, and was shocked

Mint’s eyes widened suddenly, watching the two soldiers being dragged into the carriage one after another, there was no sound at all, and then there was a faint smell of blood wafting out, mixed in the aroma, not obvious, But he can’t hide his sensitive nose

The carriage swayed a few times, and then there was a strange noise, but it soon recovered. He killed two soldiers, but wasn’t he Nuojia Di’s secret weapon? Why deal with your own people?

Three posts were vacated at the periphery of the carriage circle for a while, and the soldiers dozens of meters away could not see the situation here. Looking at the situation in the circle, he was immediately stunned

A monster with a black body, or a giant insect. It looks like the kind he has seen near the small mountain village in the east mountain outside the city of Nomonka. It is only a few circles smaller and only half the size of a carriage. Big shoes, but equally vicious and ferocious, it was lying on the side of the carriage, with bloodstains under it, and the gray-green uniform was shattered into several pieces scattered around. Minte could also clearly see that the soldier with the long knife on his waist just now was standing still. Lying on the ground next to you

His feet were a little weak, and he didn’t dare to catch a breath, so he slowly backed away. Suddenly, the monster turned his head to his side. He hurriedly flew back and jumped away. After arriving at the nearby tent, I dared to look back

However, the monster didn’t catch up. He just turned his head to the other side and took a few glances, then slowly retracted into the carriage with the bloodstains, then hooked the door with its flexible tail and closed the door, shaking it slightly, and falling a little. At this time, the moon emerged from the clouds, and Mintel could clearly see by the moonlight that those were spice crumbs

The surroundings are calm again. If it hadn’t been for the bloodstains and rags on the ground, maybe Mintel would have thought it was a dream

Are the twenty or so carriages filled with such monsters? Where did Jada find them? How could he do this? ! Wasn’t it the Nuojia nationals that it ate just now? !

Mint bit her lip and decided to return to report the news immediately and must figure out a way to deal with this monster!

He was about to turn around when he heard footsteps. After he hurriedly retracted the tent, he looked carefully, only to realize that it was Jada! He was so angry that he couldn’t wait to beat the other party right away! Even if it is to obtain more resources for its own citizens, these innocent lives cannot be sacrificed!

Jada frowned and the soldiers saluted him. He just waved his hand and told them to leave. Several soldiers looked at each other, hesitantly stepped back, and Jada walked to the carriages step by step

What does he want to do?

Mintel narrowed his eyes and was shocked when he saw that he actually reached out to lift the tarpaulin from one of the carriages. !

“Your Excellency!” A male voice stopped Jada’s movement. He turned his head in displeasure, and when he saw it was Sargent, he slowed down: “Why are you here?”

Sargent ran over panting, grabbed Jada and walked out: “Your Excellency! Why did you come here in the middle of the night?! Shed is going crazy looking for you, you are the supreme commander in the army, Please don’t be so willful!”

Jada wrestled away from him in a funny way, coughing lightly: “I know it’s wrong to run out without permission, but I really want to know what’s in this car.” Turning his head, he was saying: “Since I am The supreme commander in the army should know everything in the barracks, even if it is a secret weapon, there is no reason not to let me know!”

Sargent’s attitude is very firm: “You can rest assured, it is definitely an excellent weapon for siege and land grabbing, you will see the effect tomorrow, don’t you believe me?”

Jada looked at him and frowned slightly: “Sargent, are you hiding something from me? Since it’s a good weapon, why don’t you let me see it? Isn’t this a cannon?”

Sargent paused, lowered his head and said softly: “Why do you have to watch now? It will be difficult to see at night. If you insist, how about I come with you tomorrow? It’s only a few hours, you Can’t you wait a few hours?”

Jada kept staring at him, the suspicion in his eyes deepened, he turned his head sharply to look at the carriage circle, and walked away: “I want to see now!”

Sargent was shocked, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull him, before his hand touched his shoulder, he had already retracted, but a smile changed on his face: “Okay, since you want to see, I will accompany you Let’s take a look.” After saying that, he took the initiative to pick up the hanging oil lamp on the side and invited Jada to the largest carriage with a smile.

Jada always felt something was wrong when he saw him like this. When did Sargent ever have such a flattering look? Even after he became the heir to the throne, he took the initiative to identify himself as a subordinate, and he never saw himself with such a face

While he was wondering, Sargent suddenly stopped, his whole body twitched, and the oil lamp fell to the ground with a snap, startling Jada: “What’s wrong with you?! Are you sick?!”

Sargent didn’t just kept opening his left eye to him, but his body twitched more and more, and soon he couldn’t stand. Jada tried to help him, but he still couldn’t stop it The ground slid to the ground and Jada was a little flustered: “What’s the matter? Hurry up and talk!” Then he shouted: “Guards! Guards!”

Sargent grabbed his arm with all his strength, gasping for breath, his eyes were about to pop out, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn’t. However, he saw a faint green light flashing on Sargent’s chest, as if there was something in his arms. He stared at the green dot in confusion: “What is this?”

At the same time, Mint, who was hiding in the dark, opened his mouth in surprise, because he saw that on a carriage closest to Jada, the tarpaulin had been silently cut open, and the huge inside was The worm slowly came out, two evil eyes flashing green, staring straight at Sargent, and at the same time holding a large claws high, slowly reaching behind Jada and Jada at the moment. Da, but still holding Sargent and calling, completely unaware of the scene behind

Mintel felt that his calf was shaking slightly. He gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and tried to retreat quietly, but the leg couldn’t step out anyway, watching the big claw lift higher and higher. But Jada and Sargent had no idea. He didn’t know where the courage came from, and shouted: “Get out of the way!” The people rushed out at the same time, smashed Jada and the two away vigorously, and rolled to the ground. At the same time, the big claw also swung down vigorously, cutting a half-foot-deep mark on the ground

As soon as the hit was in the air, the giant worm gave a dissatisfied cry and slowly climbed out of the carriage, and the other carriages nearby also swayed

(I seem to… write more and more terrifying, ahem…)

Please remember the domain name of the first publication of this book: . Ghost Blowing Lamp Mobile Version Reading URL:

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