After the Legend Chapter 108: 108

The hand gradually approached Minte. If he felt it, he quickly rolled to the side and jumped up. He found that it was a man covered in black like himself, also covering his face, and his hands immediately melted. Out of the ice sword, across the chest

The direction of the big bed continued to sound of men and women moaning and panting, but in this corner of the tent, the two men in black faced each other only one meter apart, but they did not dare to make a sound, so as not to disturb the people on the bed

After a long time, the latter one suddenly bent his eyes and pulled down his black drape, revealing a face full of beards. Minte’s eyes flashed and he relaxed a little, but he still didn’t dare to be careless

Jie rolled his eyes and pointed to the document in his hand. Minter didn’t know what he meant, but he suddenly revealed a bronze bracer on his left arm, shook it at the box, and turned it into a Gone, and then took out an identical one

Mintel’s eyes are straight, what is he doing?

Jie put the box back in place, beckoned to Minte, and touched Minte behind the tent. He hesitated for a while, but he followed, and found that he was following him through the crack /

The two left the main tent, and Jie quickly rushed to the tent area where the guests lived. After a while, he came to a second-class tent with an oil lamp in it, the light was dim, and the bed was covered with bulging, as if lying down personal

Jie looked back and saw Minte staring at the bed, smiled, walked over and lifted the quilt, Minte found that there was only one long pillow, and then he knew that it was Jie deliberately deceived

Jie said: “This is a temporary stay of a friend of mine, he is not here now, just lend it to me.” Then he said to Minte: “Give me what you got, I think, yours Employers shouldn’t need it, right?”

Mint paused: “Something? What? I just saw you took a whole box” The document was already stuffed into the ring, sorry he couldn’t get it

Jie Hao poured himself a cup of tea and said, “Your employer doesn’t seem to be very simple. I am afraid that he has a little status with a small guard and storage equipment? Or…” His eyes narrowed. Turn, “You’re more than just a bodyguard?”

Minte was shocked but didn’t show anything on his face: “I don’t understand what you mean, I’m just a guard, but I was trusted by the master to investigate this matter. Lend it to me just because I’m afraid that I will delay the trip because of some trivial things.” In short, it was because he was afraid that he would not eat or drink while tracking others. This excuse is a bit reluctant, but it is related to the secrets of noble families. What can others say?

Jie stared at him a few times and smiled, “Whatever you say, but I’m sure to get that thing. You or your employer can do whatever you want, even if I don’t dare to say anything, I can do anything for you. It can be done, but the advantage is that it will never be less. I believe that if the young master of your family is there, he will know what to choose.”

Mintel sneered: “It’s a pity that the young master is not talking about you now, no matter how much I get it, why should I give it to you?” This is the same as what Jie Shijie said to little Duras that night when he first saw Jie Shijie. almost meaning

Jie Di’s smile turned a little cold: “You should have read the first few pages just now and know that it has nothing to do with you, right? I remember that you are just a little guard of a noble family. That document means nothing to you. Worthless but useful to me I remember we still had a partnership, are you going to change your mind now?”

Minte raised his eyebrows: “It’s just those pages, who knows if it really doesn’t matter? I saw with my own eyes that what Paro was holding this thing and looked at it for a long time, maybe the next few pages mentioned the ground behind him. Who is it! I was entrusted by my employer to find out the culprit who kidnapped and sold my future young lady!” He stared at him and insisted on his fake identity to the end!

Jie chuckled and pulled out the dagger on his waist, playing with his mouth with interest, but said nonchalantly, “To be honest, I think you’re pretty good, and you dare to come to investigate alone at a young age. If it’s not forced, I really don’t want to hurt you. “

Mintel sneered: “What? You want to threaten me? My swordsmanship may not be as strong as yours, but it’s not that easy to deal with!”

“Don’t be nervous—” Jie said slowly and leisurely, “We are all secretly doing things so that people can hear anything, but it’s not fun. Even if my identity is exposed, they won’t dare to treat me like you. Those people must be suspicious of the guards dressed like this and ran into the guests’ tents?”

And said it wasn’t a threat? Minte snorted coldly, and turned into an ice sword as soon as his wrist turned into an ice sword. If he really wanted to fight with force, he might not be an opponent. If he couldn’t beat him, he would just run away. With that thing, he didn’t have to keep lurking.

Jie smiled nonchalantly, then glanced behind him suddenly, Minte felt like he was about to avoid it, but he was a step too late, his neck was cold, and a black sharp blade was already on his neck. It’s chilly

He recognizes that this is the weapon used by the ghostly black shadow that he saw that day, and he can’t help but regret it. How could he forget that there is such a person? Moreover, when did the other party run behind him, he didn’t realize it? !

Mintel looked at Jie, who was still smiling happily, and glanced at the dark shadow behind him from the corner of his eyes. He gritted his teeth with hatred. After weighing, he said, “Okay, I can give you something, But I’m going to make a copy and take it with me!”

Jie stared at the pattern on the dagger carefully: “Little Minte – your name is Minte, right? Did you forget what I said? Those things have nothing to do with you, you don’t need to know too much”

The black blade cut through the skin, leaving a thin bloodstain. Minte took a deep breath: “I understand.” He has already read a few pages, as long as he reports the contents, even if he doesn’t know it fully, Mallory will also have a solution. The most important thing now is to spread the information!

With a flip of his hand, he took out the document from the storage ring, and the chill on his neck disappeared immediately. Then he lightened his hand, and the document was taken away by the shadow and sent to Jie

Jie flipped a few times at random, then took out the box from the wristband, opened the lock, took out the certificate and glanced at it, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised

Mint stared at his bracers, and with a thought, asked, “Why did you replace the whole case? Just take the useful stuff with you, don’t you? And why would you have another one? the same?”

“It’s my uncle’s craftsman who makes the box. If he can make one, he can make another.” Jie looked at the things in his hands, a little carelessly, “each of our cousins ​​has one like this. The box, but the pattern is different. The one just now is actually much rougher in workmanship, but you can’t see it at first glance.” After a while, he was a little puzzled: “Speaking of which, how did you unlock the lock? I don’t seem to have any idea. see key”

Didn’t he see Nam peeking at the file? Minte immediately decided not to talk about it. After all, one more hole card means one more chip. He said, “When the person in the main account opened the box, I did something so that the lock couldn’t be locked, right? Is that your cousin? I heard that he is a close friend of Prince Norja.” He changed the subject

“A friend of wine and meat, what kind of a close friend?” Jie sneered, “How could that idiot be my cousin?!”

Mintel sighed inwardly and kept staring at Jie, who was a little uncomfortable: “What are you looking at me for?”

“You lost your beard”

“Huh?!” Jie was startled, touched his beard, and it was a little loose. It seemed that he touched the ground when he was pulling the face towel just now… He turned his eyes and glanced at Minte: “It seems… you guessed it?”

“As long as you take off your beard, you can probably tell your age. In addition to what you just said, your identity is ready to be revealed. And your wrist guard is engraved with the pattern of a griffin and a winged beast. It is the symbol of the Norga royal family.” Mint pointed out the opponent’s flaws keenly, “Judging from his age and his swordsmanship, the most likely one is Duke Jada.” A few years ago, there was a relationship between the earth and the earth

Jie, or Duke Jada, looked at Mint a little unexpectedly, with admiration in his eyes: “Yes, Ai, it seems that you are smarter than I thought”

Minte twitched the corners of his mouth and said, “Since you are the Duke of Nuojia, why did you come to Weisha? If you said it was to save that Miss Junia, why did you come here in disguise? Alone in the middle of the night. Stealing from someone else’s room…isn’t what a duke should do?”

Jie was stunned, and there was a bit of bitterness in his smile: “It’s not surprising that this matter is very important for me to do it myself”

Any insider? Mint quickly recalled the intelligence of the security agency about the dispute over the royal family of Norga

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of hooves galloping outside, and then someone rang the big bell at the door to wake everyone up

Mint hurriedly approached the door to see what was going on. Jada lost an eye to the shadow, and the latter stepped out and came back shortly after to report: “It’s the Westard Guard, it’s here. The gate is open, it seems to surround the entire entertainment oasis”

Whistard Guards? Mintel turned his attention to the document and wondered if it had something to do with it?

The main tent was disturbed at the same time as the bell rang, and the young nobleman dressed in scolding: “What’s the matter?! How did the Westard army come?!” By the way, he touched the beautiful face of Namjoon beside him The latter had already put on the red gauze, combed his hair slowly, and smiled at him.

The man in gray standing on the side was a little unhappy when he saw this, and said dryly: “Obviously the news has been leaked, we must go quickly, if we are found by the Weisha army, the consequences will be very serious”

Although the young man was mediocre, he knew that this person was someone trusted by the prince, and what he said must be reasonable, so he had to tidy up his clothes in a hurry, and asked someone to hold the box where the documents were placed. He stepped back and looked back at the beauty who had just enjoyed it: “Nam, come with me, anyway, you can only be a dancer for a lifetime if you stay”

Nam’s face flashed a little stunned, but she quickly calmed down: “I’m very willing, but… can you let me talk to the class teacher? It’ll be fine soon”

“I can’t wait, let’s go now!” Without saying a word, the young man pulled her out and got out of the tent. A group of followers had already prepared their carriages, and everyone was waiting for them. She looked back anxiously. , but was forcibly pushed into the carriage and left with the youth and his party

Mint hid at the edge, hesitating whether to follow. At this moment, he caught sight of Esparo running out of the tent, getting into the carriage with the man in gray, and walking away to look back in the direction of the gate. Hustle, he didn’t think about it for a long time, he decorated the carriage

He didn’t run far, there were two more people beside him, and when he turned around, he saw that it was Jada and his shadowy entourage! He asked angrily: “What are you doing here?!”

Jada snorted and laughed: “That kid dares to come to the inland of Wissa, maybe there is a border guard leader helping him, I want to know who is there”

This is Nuojia’s internal affairs, Mintel snorted coldly, and didn’t ask any more questions, just by the moonlight, followed the group closely, farther and farther away from the entertainment oasis

Running and running, he found that the seventeen or eight horses running ahead suddenly slowed down, ran to both sides, then took a big circle, and ran back to the road again, but there were a few fewer horses. Where have they gone?

Mintel was suspicious, and suddenly had a bad feeling, and shouted: “Be careful!” At the same time, he jumped up, dodging a knife cut out of the sand, Jada and the shadow were also tumbling. Dodging the sneak attack for a while, a dozen or 20 big men on horseback surrounded him, some with machetes, some with wide and straight swords, and the former was someone from the entertainment oasis

A man with a machete gave Minte a sinister smile: “You really are a spy, and Mr. Nick wanted to get rid of you for a long time.” The other with a wide straight sword went to Jada respectfully A gift: “I’m sorry, Your Excellency, since you found out, we can’t let you leave here”

Jada sneered and whispered a few words to Sombra. The latter nodded and ran out of the encirclement in a flash. He scolded the man who floated to the carriage with the wide and straight sword, and said ruthlessly. : “Kill me! Don’t leave your mouth alive!” Everyone responded in unison, wielding their weapons and slashing at Minte and Jada

Jada grinned: “Although we were a little unhappy before, but now, I’m afraid we will fight together”

Minte didn’t respond, he quickly drew out his ice sword and stabbed at an attacker who was less than two meters away from him

(It turns out…I can’t accumulate drafts…why is it necessary?)

Please remember the domain name of the first publication of this book: . Ghost Blowing Lamp Mobile Version Reading URL:

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