After the Legend Chapter 102: 102

Friedo turns his head uneasily: “What’s so strange?!”

Ming Na no longer bothered about this issue, and said: “The eldest son of their family, Esparo, is the culprit who seriously injured my father! He actually escaped! How can I let him go?! So all the way Chase over and see him enter the entertainment oasis”

Friedo was taken aback when he heard the words: “Really?! This matter… Ziya should not know about it. With the grievances between the Heda family and Earl Xiao, it is impossible for her to receive the Earl’s enemy in her own place. !”

This time it was Minna’s turn to be surprised: “Why do you say that?”

“She has been calling herself Earl Xiao’s widow for the past few years, treating all those who have offended the Earl as her enemies, and her style of doing things has also changed. Many of the Heda family, who originally had some business here, were forced by her. If she knew that he was the eldest son of the Heda family, it would be good if she didn’t ask someone to cut him a few times, how could she have invited him as a guest?”

Ming Na pondered for a moment and said, “Even so, I don’t want to confess to her. I’ll tell you honestly, there is a force behind Esparo, and that force is closely related to Mrs. Ziya, I just want to tell you the truth. Find out who’s behind Esparo, and take him back without disturbing others.”

Friedo leaned back in his chair with a leisurely look on his face: “Oh? So you want me to enter the entertainment oasis and want to take the opportunity to investigate? Let me tell you, people are not casual, if you have a problem, I am The responsible person clearly knows that you have other intentions to go there. Why should I help you? Madam Ziya is my ally and you…not even my friend. Now that Earl Xiao is gone, I don’t need to be afraid you”

Ming Nazhe knew in her heart that it would be very troublesome for this friend to make troubles. She wanted him to agree to his request, in addition to revealing the facts and details, she also rolled her eyes, she smiled: “Fri You say that Madam Ziya is your ally, really? Why do I think…you are more like her servant?”

Friedo sank: “Be careful with your words, you’re not a child anymore!”

“Because I’m no longer a child, I can understand a lot of things.” Minna stretched her hands and feet and said casually, “I saw a man being very rude to your clerk when I was outside just now. I heard that he is Madam Ziya’s bodyguard? How much do you want him to do? But he looks like he was sent to deliver letters, he doesn’t seem to be a highly valued subordinate, but he dares to treat the people in your shop. People are yelling and complaining that you have been writing letters for a long time, no matter how you look at them, they don’t take you seriously, does Mrs. Zi Ya send such a person to send letters to you, does she really consider you a true ally?”

The more Friedo listened, the more ugly his face became, but he didn’t deny it, Ming Na added fire when he saw it: “I saw that your shop has been renovated and it is more beautiful than before, and there are many more shop assistants, so I can accompany you. Why is the waitress so old? When I came here, I clearly remember that the girls here are young and beautiful. Even during the day, there are many guests who come at night. There are only four or five tables outside. It’s not as lively as it used to be, but I’ve just been to the entertainment oasis in the past two days, and the bar business there is very good. I heard that many waitresses are bartenders dug from Murray and also do intelligence business. This is not your old line of business. Is it not very kind for Mrs. Ziya to do this?”

“Enough!” Friedo stopped her, “Minna, you used to be a pure and kind child, you shouldn’t say it!”

Minna rushed in front of him: “What’s not to say? Frido, you are smart and capable. I have grown up and have never met someone more knowledgeable than you, but those people look down on you and don’t know what you are. The precious thing is that I am your friend. Why do you want to stop me?!”

Friedo stared at Ming Na and said fiercely: “Friend? If you were a child, I might believe it, but you were just trying to provoke what you said just now, right? Do you use any means to achieve your goal? How dare you say that you are my friend?!”

“Why don’t you dare?” Ming Na raised her head, “If these words were fabricated by me to hurt you, I wouldn’t be worthy of being your friend, but these things are not true if you dare to say them? Since they are true, why am I? Can’t say it? True friendship will not be changed because of others’ provocation, and false friendship will be exposed by the truth!”

Friedo was panting, and his eyes became fiercer. Minna slowed down a little when he saw this: “Don’t be angry, Frido, even if I said these words on purpose, I ask that neither you nor Zi will be hurt. Mrs. Ya – as long as she and my family’s enemies are not in the same group, I just want to go to the entertainment oasis to find someone to investigate, but I don’t want to deal with Mrs. Zi Ya, at least I don’t want to go in her real identity! She is my grandfather’s mistress in the past. She and I will think of my hard-working grandma.” She grabbed Friedo’s hand: “Please, are you really unwilling to help me?”

Friedo threw off her hand and went back to the chair to sit down, calmed down and returned to his languid expression: “What’s in it for me to help you? You know I never do it. Losing money”

Minnazhe: “Friedo, you don’t seem to be short of money”

“There is no shortage, but I can’t help you just because I don’t have a shortage of money, can I? Don’t say anything about my friends, I am the same to all my friends now, the transaction is OK, help without talking, otherwise there will be an accident , I was scolded instead!”

It sounds like he has suffered from this. Ming Na thought about it and said: “I don’t have much money, but I have some gems and potions, and there is nothing else that can help you, but…I feel You may want more power and status. I’m not from Weisha, so I can’t give you these. If it’s in East, it’s different.” After a pause, she gave her a high five: “That’s right! Frido, Come back to China with me! We need teachers like you!” Ms. Lia once complained about the lack of teachers in the department for training

Friedo dragged his voice: “You—you—? Why do I feel like you missed something important and didn’t explain clearly?” He didn’t believe that as an intelligence dealer, he would be a noble lady The right person for a tutor although this lady is not a lady now

Ming Na looked at him and immediately surrendered: “Okay, okay, I’ll be honest, I occasionally help the Security Agency with some small tasks. You are a trader of intelligence, you must know where it is.” She leaned closer Frido: “The agency trains new and old employees every year. They need to teach teachers of various dialects, customs, customs and trades, but it is not easy to find so many teachers. In order to hire knowledgeable people in the agency. Li is even willing to apply for the title of nobility for them! Even so, it is always difficult to recruit good candidates. If you go, you will be able to solve this problem right away! The Weishans don’t know how powerful you are, but you will be very popular in Ito. Respect!”

Friedo paused, didn’t speak, and after a while he suddenly laughed: “Are you kidding me? Xiao Mingna, I’m from Weisha, and it is impossible for any national intelligence agency to truly trust a foreign country. human”

“Why don’t you believe in you if you’re going to be a teacher and not a spy?” Ming Na disagreed, “This kind of work won’t come into contact with any secrets, or it won’t be recruited. We have several foreign teachers.” Then she lowered her voice: “What’s more, are you really from Weisha? I remember that you were born and raised in Mongli, and this is not the territory of Weisha!” Consumers have absolute influence here, but they have not been able to set up government agencies here

Friedo tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, and it took a long time before he said, “Forget it, all my friends from property and business are here. If I leave, I have to start all over again. Let’s stay.” He smiled at Mingna. : “But thank you for your kindness. If I need it in the future, I will go to your place”

Minna nodded regretfully: “Okay, in fact, it’s still doing intelligence work, and it’s much better at the Security Agency.” She took out a few vials from the ring and handed them to Frido, who asked curiously: “What is this?” “Magic Medicine” Ming Na showed him a bottle, “This is a common poison for detoxification, as long as it doesn’t kill people immediately, it can detox the others, it is to supplement physical strength. Your body is not strong enough, this can help you. , you have to drink three bottles in total, one bottle for three days, and after nine days of drinking, your strength will be as strong as an ordinary person.”

Friedo’s eyes flashed with ecstasy, but he quickly suppressed it: “Why give me this?”

“This is the reward” Ming Na smiled, “Didn’t you say that you won’t do business at a loss? These are all good things, and you may not be able to buy them with money”

Friedo nodded very solemnly, put away the medicine, and when he sat down again, he stared at the ring on Minna’s neck with some curiosity. He seemed to have seen just now that she took something from here?

Ming Na hurriedly tucked the ring back into her collar: “This is a storage ring, made by Shaonan’s alchemist, but I can’t give it to you, but I know someone who can do it. Now Shaonan prohibits buying and selling this, if you Really want, I can help you ask, but you have to pay for materials”

Friedo’s eyes flashed, and he asked with a smile: “When do you plan to enter the entertainment oasis? If you use your current appearance, I have a few suggestions, how about you listen?”

two hours later

Minna looked at herself in the mirror again, and could hardly recognize her Change your expression, pretend to be silent, look gloomy, and your whole person’s temperament will be completely different

Friedo made up a whole set of life stories for her, and told her a few dialect habits, fiddling with the accessories on her clothes, she looked like a teenager who just came out of the southwest countryside of Wissa Street

Finally, Friedo added: “You’ve already acted like this, most people will never be suspicious, but Ziya is very good at looking at men. No matter how much you act like, you’re still a girl at heart. I advise you. If you want to deceive Zi Ya, it is best to treat yourself as a boy from now on, forget all girls’ speech and behavior habits, and even the way of thinking, and face other people as a man”

Ming Na replied solemnly: “You are right, I will temporarily forget that I am Ming Na, and I am now a young Jiaominte”

Friedo looked up and down and nodded with satisfaction: “Well, it’s getting late today, you go back first, come back tomorrow morning, and I’ll take you there.” After a while, he added: “I think How to get some flavor on yourself? Men and women smell differently.”

Minna, no, it’s Mintel now. Zheng nodded and walked out of the room. Frido sent him away. On the way, he met the middle-aged clerk who had brought him in. He respectfully stepped aside and looked at Min With fear in his eyes, Frido was curious: “Why is he looking at you like this?”

Mint’s mouth curved slightly: “It’s nothing, he was a little murderous when he came in, he was probably frightened”

“Murderous?” Friedo was stunned

Min Te Zhe: “Yeah, I am also a master now, and it is normal to have murderous intent.” Seeing Frido’s face turning red and white, Min Te couldn’t help but burst into laughter: “What are you afraid of? I don’t What’s going to happen to you, old friend!” He patted Friedo on the shoulder, hilariously seeing his muscles stiff.

Back to the leather boot shop of the intelligence station, the brothers almost regarded him as a guest, saying that the shop was closed and come back tomorrow, Minte angrily and funny asked them to take a closer look, only to realize that this person was going out in the afternoon The local colleague Luma was amazed at the effect of his make-up, and when he learned that it was Frido’s help, he said, “If we can confirm that he is reliable, it would be good to get him back to our office. This is a talent.”

Mintel laughed: “I’ve already asked him, and he’s a little moved, but he’s still reluctant to pursue his career here and see if there’s a chance in the future.”

Luma nodded and asked again, “Are you boiling potion? What are you doing?”

“Just a little more manly” Minte carefully poured the freshly boiled concoction into the crystal bowl, blew it, and sipped it

The taste is not very good, but after drinking this, his body will emit an almost inaudible smell of sweat, which makes him more like a man because he is afraid that the body odor will be too bad for secret operations. He only drinks a few sips and wakes up. Come on, the effect is immediate

Early in the morning, he went to find Frido, and the two rode to the entertainment oasis together, begging to see Mrs. Ziya. After layers of notification, the main tent finally sent someone to bring them in

Minte quietly surveyed the surrounding situation all the way. The guards were indeed strict. There was a person standing guard every ten meters. Just from the entrance of the main tent area to the front of the main tent, it was just a short distance of less than 100 meters. After two levels, is it necessary to do this?

When passing the checkpoint, Frido also glanced at the big man in charge of the body search, and glanced at Minte. Those big men in Han Qi are all experienced people, and they were shocked by Minte’s I dare not mess around, I hurriedly searched, and let them go

Arriving in front of the main tent, Frido was about to go inside, but was stopped by the handsome young man guarding the door, “Madam is seeing guests, you can wait in the tent next to you.” Everything was restricted by Zi Ya, so he could not bear to walk into the small tent by the roadside. When he saw Minte following behind him, he suddenly felt better, and he was eager to eliminate this former child, so that the one who looked down on him could make him feel better. Women are taught a lesson

It took half a day for this to wait. Friedo asked several times, and the answer was “The madam is seeing the guests, you can continue to wait.” His face became more and more ugly, seeing Minte look carefully He reacted and smiled bitterly: “Your speculation is right, I helped her come up with ideas, solved several major forces in Mengli, and made her a real underground king, but now she is despised by her. In the end, it is because I am not enough. strong”

“You’re strong, Frido,” Minter whispered, “it’s not just about force”

Friedo smiled, took a deep breath, and waited again

It was time for dinner, and the maid served a simple meal. The two of them didn’t eat at noon and were so hungry that they were about to start when they saw a guard walk in and said, “The madam wants to see you, hurry up”

Minte put down the food and stood up. Seeing that Frido was still sitting still, he nudged him lightly. Seeing that he got up with a dark face, he patted his shoulder and walked out of the small room with him. The tent was about to enter the big tent, when Minte caught a glimpse of the guest who had just left looking back, he hurriedly turned his head, his heart awe-inspiring

Isn’t that Esparo? Is it him that Mrs. Ziya entertained for most of the day? It seems that there is really some secret between them.

Mintel squinted, this time really trying to find a way to stay

Please remember the domain name of the first publication of this book: . Ghost Blowing Lamp Mobile Version Reading URL:

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