Absolute Great Teacher Chapter 2: Favorite degree + one

   The night is dark and the bonfire is swaying.

   Li Ziqi, in the cardamom years, is full of the pure air of a girl, especially the face of melon seeds, which is charming and cute.

   Although she is a minor, she has begun to take on the beauty of beauty. In a few years, she will definitely be on the Allure List and be famous all over the world.

   Sun Mo has no time to appreciate, and he is full of explorations of this peerless master teacher system.

  ”This system can help the host become a master teacher, and the host can obtain goodwill from the target by guiding the target.”

  ”A good impression can be used as currency to purchase goods from the system mall.”

  ”Commodities include, but are not limited to, various spells, secret treasures, elixirs, faculties, drawings…”

   Sun silently read a sentence to open the mall, and a sandalwood shelf appeared in front of him, but it was empty on it, with only a fruit shining dark red in the upper right corner.

  ”Xingyue fruit, priced at 1000 points of favorability, after taking it, it can be used to enhance the state.”

  Sun Mo’s face suddenly turned bad.

  ”Are you kidding me? You said a bunch of good things, just this? Believe it or not, I slap you on your face?”

   The land of Kyushu is full of spiritual energy. Some sages have created various cultivation methods to the extreme, which can be immortal and shatter the void. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and a mature system has been formed.

  A cultivator, who is a physical training realm at first, and then a god.

The    acupoints store essence and refine the gods. When all 108 acupoints are opened, you will step into the burning blood realm, followed by the divine power realm, which, as the name suggests, has power beyond mortals.

   Sun Mo feels that realm is the same as learning, which can be grown through systematic cultivation. He also graduated with a postgraduate degree. He thinks that cultivation will not be too difficult, so he wants more than Xingyueguo who can improve his realm. Peerless exercises.

   “Don’t worry, the mall permissions will gradually open!”

  The tone of the system is not urgent or slow.

  ”Is there any Jiuyin Scripture? Is there a Six-Medition Divine Sword?”

  Sun Mo is a literary youth. His usual leisure time is to read novels with his mobile phone. When he is interested, he will write a paragraph himself.


  The system is still calm: “But there is a more powerful genius.”

  Sun Mo and the system were arguing, but she ignored Li Ziqi who was on the sidelines, but she didn’t have any impatience, but looked at Sun Mo with interest.

   “It’s still handsome!”

   Li Ziqi bit the corner of his mouth. Usually those people, when they see themselves, always pile up a smiley face, trying to compliment themselves on all topics, no matter where they are like this young man, they don’t even brush their eyes.


   +1 from Li Ziqi’s favorability.

The prestige status of    and Li Ziqi, neutral (4/100)!

   Hearing this prompt, Sun Mo couldn’t help turning his head to look at Li Ziqi.


   Li Ziqi’s cheeks turned red when he was seen, and his head hung down.

   The flames illuminate Sun Mo’s cheeks, with sharp facial features, full of three-dimensionality, as if carved with a knife, and a pair of black eyes, not only full of agility, but also a slight sense of oppression.

   Li Ziqi’s breathing became a little bit quicker.


   +1 from Li Ziqi’s favorability.

The prestige status of    and Li Ziqi, neutral (5/100)!

   “Don’t be nervous, I won’t bite.”

   Sun Mo squeezed out a smile, confused, why did he increase his favorability? According to the system explanation, don’t you need guidance?

  ”The so-called famous teacher, speaking, speaking, and deed is an example, sitting, standing and walking can be an example. Your temperament can also impress disciples and make them feel awe and worship.”

   system science, very detailed, a bit like a big sister.

  ”What is that prestige relationship?”

  Sun Mo asked.

   “The host level is too low, no comment.”

   The system refused to answer.

   Sun Mo tried the system, his head hurts more and more. He first arrived, and there were all kinds of memories in his mind. He had just fallen into the water to save people and consumed a lot of physical energy. Now he is exhausted and he quickly falls asleep. Past.


  呱! Quack!

   A frog jumped onto Sun Mo’s face without anyone else. After leaving two slippery footprints, he jumped away.

   “This dream is really long, but that girl is pretty.”

   The cool dew wetted his body and was very uncomfortable. Sun Mo wiped it easily and turned his head and hit the locust tree beside him.


   There is pain.

   “Not a dream!”

   Sun Mo rubbed his forehead, looking for Li Ziqi, but by the extinguished campfire, there was no human figure, but he was tied with a pale pink silk scarf on his left wrist.

  ”See you at the admissions meeting in ten days.”

   Juanxiu’s handwriting reveals the gentle atmosphere of everyone.

   Sun Mo remembered the deity’s current situation and couldn’t help showing a wry smile. If you let the girl know that she was just a logistics worker, she would be disappointed?

   I went to the lake to wash my face first, ah, this face is eighth similar to the previous one, and then a little more handsome, but it also added some delicate and tender, between the eyebrows, there is no self-confidence, and a lot of it is nervous. .


   Sun Mo is actually very satisfied. No one dislikes being handsome. His previous handsome face gave him a lot of impression points in front of the vice principal. After all, he is handsome, and there are more opportunities.


   Jinling City, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, even the green bricks and green tiles covered with moss, has a strong historical heritage.

  Walking along Hongwu Street to the end, is where the Zhongzhou Academy is located. A magnificent stone gate stands domineering and solemn.

   It was almost noon when Sun Mo hurried back with the memory in his mind.

   “Where have you been?”

  Uncle Qin, who was guarding the doorman, saw Sun Mo and immediately stretched out his head and shouted: “Gong Li has been looking for you all morning, and you will be miserable this time.”

   Sun Mo nodded, said hello, and walked quickly into the campus.

  ”Gong Li said, if I see you back, I will tell you to find him in the logistics office.”

   Uncle Qin has a very loud voice, no matter how you listen to it, there is a smell of schadenfreude.

   The passing students saw Sun Mo, immediately pointed and muttered, this one, now the most popular celebrity in the school, is just a bad reputation.

   went up to the office building and pushed open the door of the logistics office. The smell of dry smoke came out. Sun Mo hadn’t seen anyone, and the harsh curses had already sounded.

  ”Where did you die? Did you know that it’s class time and you can’t leave campus for no reason? You think you are a famous teacher.”

   A middle-aged man sitting in the corner stood up, limped over, and pointed at Sun Mo.

   “They are not famous teachers, but they are the principal’s fiancé. What’s wrong with absenteeism? Do you dare to manage?”

   This ridiculous sound is extremely harsh.

   Sun Mo glanced at him. He was a middle-aged man with short hair, holding a teapot in his right hand, and taking a sip from time to time. He remembered that this guy was named Liu Tong.

   “I care about whose fiancé you are, the next time, you will immediately roll me up and go.”

   Li Gong cursed, his tone was furious: “Now go and clean the warehouse, and sort out the next few rooms. I will check it tomorrow morning.”

  Sun Mo retired.

   “Wait, this month’s salary is cut in half.”

   Gong Li added another sentence, and then waved his hand impatiently, like catching another fly.

  ”You ridiculed him so much, what if this kid really resigned?”

  The gray-haired Chen Mu was a little worried, afraid of being implicated: “I heard that Principal Ann wrote the letter of appointment himself.”

  ”Hey, what are you afraid of, a soft meal?”

   Gong Li disdain, besides, even if the principal complained, there were people on it, and Sun Mo got out one day earlier, and he was promoted one day earlier.

   After the interns came to the school, they would start with a well-qualified teacher, start with an assistant, and study slowly. Sun Mo was miserable, and he followed Li Gong.

   Li Gong is not a teacher. He is just a foreman in the logistics office. He also does chores. He fixes a table and makes up a chair. Basically, as long as you have vision, you know that Sun Mo has little chance of becoming a teacher.

   “Hmph, I am here, let alone a famous teacher, in his life, even a teacher can’t be a teacher, if I am in a good mood, I can teach him some carpentry work, at least mixed food and clothing.”

   Gong Li took a sip of tea and looked triumphant. For him, there are not many opportunities to fix this kind of trainee teacher.

   Chen Mu opened his mouth and swallowed his words back. Forget it, it’s not a lot of trouble. Now the school is in troubled times and the troubles are constant. It is better to protect yourself and let your life go!

   Standing in the hallway, Sun Mo’s face was gloomy. He was never a self-sufficient person~ IndoMTL.com~ if not yet familiar with this body, did not understand the concept of aura, and thoroughly figured out the current situation , He would definitely blow his fist, let that lame Li Gong know why the flower is so red.

   “Is it Mr. Li? Save it for you first!”

   Sun Mo made a note on his lame notebook: “Then that fiancée seems to be very fond of Sun Mo?”

  The old principal of Zhongzhou Academy failed to be crowned a saint three years ago. Although luckily he did not die, he is still unconscious.

  His son is not filial and evades responsibility. Granddaughter An Xinhui has no choice but to temporarily serve as the principal.

   An Xinhui Huihui has a pure heart and a beautiful appearance. She graduated from Yunzhou Tianji Academy. Unlike Zhongzhou Academy, which has long fallen to Ding and other ‘prestigious schools’, it is one of the current nine prestigious schools.

   Even at the Yunzhou Tianji Academy, An Xinhui is still in the limelight, and she has won the reputation of Nuo Da, and she was on the top of the country in the first grade.

   It’s just being a principal and a student, but they are two different things. In the past three years, An Xinhui has worked hard, but still can’t restore the decline of Zhongzhou Academy.

  Sun Mo came to the school for half a month, and only at the news conference, he took a look at An Xinhui from a distance, and has not had any private communication so far.

   After graduating from the deity, Zhongzhou Academy was to help the green horse Zhumei’s fiancee, so that Zhongzhou Academy returned to the top nine giants, but who knew he was directly given the nickname of a soft rice man, and was also lost In the logistics department, not to mention a good position, even a normal teaching assistant did not get.

   “I, a soft rice man, should I be a bit at a loss?”

  Sun Mo is speechless.

   “Ding, the task is released, please become a teaching assistant within one month, and reward a silver treasure chest.”

   The sound of the system sounded without warning.

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