A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality Chapter 868: Refining

The eighteenth Sixty chapter eight Refining

Great Elder?” Upon hearing this, Han Li was really choking.

“Yes, don’t hide Junior Brother Han. When Junior Brother was at Nascent Soul Early Stage, the old man wanted to make Junior Brother Lu a Great Elder and then let Junior Brother assist. But now Junior Brother already has such Divine Ability and Advanced / Evolve Nascent Soul Middle Stage, and has done so much for own Sect . This post of Great Elder is naturally Junior Brother Han. Junior Brother Lu has no opinion at all. After all, which Great Elder is basically the largest Divine Ability person. “surnamed Cheng old man said with a smile.

many thank Senior Brother is kind! But this Han is probably unacceptable for Great Elder.” Silently, Han Li refused.

Junior Brother does not need to be too modest. This position is only worthy of acceptance by Junior Brother. Junior Brother will never let this Lu introduce Nascent Soul Early Stage cultivator, and serve as the first Great Elder of this State of Xi!” After a bitter smile, Lu Luo advised without hesitation. Road.

“I’m not modest, I really don’t want to take the Great Elder position. The two Senior Brothers should know that this Han is a painstaking cultivation guy who is focused on cultivation. For everything that may interfere with cultivation, it is better to hold more than one thing. Under this idea, how can I be the leader of a case? Moreover, this Han will often retreat cultivation for a long time, and have no time to manage Sect and lead the development of Setting Cloud Sect. The most important point is that I joined own Sect halfway. low grade disciple does not say That is, those Core Formation Stage martial nephew and Junior Brother are not familiar. It is more inappropriate to serve as own Sect Great Elder in this situation. It is enough to be an ordinary Elder. Great Elder still let Junior Brother Lu serve it! “Han Li a series of reasons, do not want to Blurted out.

“But Junior Brother …” Senior Brother Cheng frowned, what more to say.

“If you continue to mention this, the two Senior Brothers will be forced to leave Setting Cloud Sect.” Han Li complexion was positive, with a slight interruption of the road.

“Okay! Now that Junior Brother has said so, let’s discuss this matter later.” surnamed Cheng old man and Lu Luo glanced at each other, and they saw that Han Li was not a polite word, but they really did not want to accept the Great Elder position. Look.

Under the two looked at each other in blank dismay, this matter can only be put on hold temporarily.

“That’s it! Although this Han will not hold the post of Great Elder, as long as it is still Setting Cloud Sect Elder, it will naturally take care of own Sect. If there is nothing too unexpected, own Sect will surely maintain its prosperity for more than a thousand years, and it can still strive Yes. “Han Li expression Yisong said slowly.

Senior Brother Cheng hearing this can only laugh bitterly and will not mention it again. Instead, I asked Reverend Supreme Yang‘s intention this time.

This matter was also concealed by It’s nothing. Han Li said it briefly in the tone of serene, and finally asked surnamed Cheng old man:

“I heard the meaning in Yang Hua, it seems that this matter may have something to do with the newly emerged Seven Spirit Island and the big vortex. This place is not far from our State of Xi. Have you heard of extremely news about Senior Brother here?”

“It seems that there is no news about extremely. Now the rumors should be true. When vortex and Seven Spirit Island first appeared, they were closer to Cloud Mist Mountains. own Sect also sent some disciple to go in person Reconnaissance. No different from the rumors. Only a lot of Spiritual Qi emerged from vortex, and spiritual vein on the seven islands are rare. There is no extremely situation. As for the Gathering of the seven islands, the Junior Brother was still divided. The missing has not returned, own Sect has not participated in this meeting. “Senior Brother Cheng said frowning.

“In this case, it seems that we have to wait for the appointment before we can know the reason. I hope that like Reverend Supreme Yang said, I just want to use the power of Devilbane Divine Lightning, there will be no danger.” Han Li sighed and said .

“However, Junior Brother is better to be more careful. Even the three major cultivators have to join forces and even gather Nascent Soul Middle Stage cultivator, this is certainly not unusual.” Lu Luo also said worriedly.

“I will pay attention to this point. But it certainly won’t let me do too much.” Han Li suddenly laughed.

“This is also true! Junior Brother is so young, it is Advanced / Evolve Nascent Soul Middle Stage and there are almost no less than their Divine Ability. Even the three big cultivator will never easily complain with Junior Brother!” Lu Luo said haha.

Han Dan smiled a little and then stopped interface.

The following journey, the three are not talking. Soon after, they flew to Setting Cloud Sect.

The surnamed Cheng old man and Han Li broke up, and immediately went to the parliament hall of the parliament. They will immediately call the official disciple important disciple to announce that own Sect has become the first news of Cloud Mist Mountains. At the same time, they will also discuss some changes and countermeasures.

The Han Li went directly to the sealed Forbidden Land of Nangong Wan. It took a few hours to get expression out of the Forbidden Land with some fatigue.

An Forbidden Land, he immediately turned into a rainbow and flew to Immortal’s cave of Child and Mother Summit.

He just spent a lot of vital energy in Forbidden Land secret room to cast a Secret Technique to check the Spirit Seal curse in Nangong Wan.

The results make Han Li happy and worried!

Happily, Fire Toad Beast Demon Core is indeed effective. It really makes the Spirit Seal curse in Nangong Wan Spiritual Sense look slightly weakened. Worryingly, the effect of this Fire Toad Beast Demon Core was significantly worse than originally expected. It’s hard to say whether this curse can be lifted like this. You have to observe longer before you can draw a conclusion.

Fortunately, Han Li is pleased that even if this Dan can not lift the poison spell at one time, it can continue the duration of the soul spell, and even weaken the final effect of the spell. Finally did not go to Fallen Devil Valley to kill the beast.

half a day later, Han Li appeared in the retreat secret room in Immortal’s cave, the body was motionless, and the both eyes was closed in meditation.

He now only uses cultivation to force the Nangong Wan incident to be forgotten for a while, otherwise he would always worry about this incident and it would easily cause Heart’s Demon disorder.

Han Li has been in the process since entering secret room, and now it’s finally calming down, and it slowly opened both eyes.

A opened mouth, a group of dragon eye-sized golden silk blasts ejected from the mouth, dripping swiftly around the chest and suspended.

looks at silk ball, Han Li raised his hand expressionlessly, bounced his finger, and hit an blue technique on it.

Sudden thunder sounded, a slender arc flickered on the gold group, and then turned into a group of golden glow flashes a few times, all the arcs suddenly disappeared without a trace, leaving only a small place in place Ball of broad bean-sized blue fire balls.

The fire group just came out. Han Li didn’t wait for it to react at all. Another opened mouth, a ray of flame of the same color ejected from the mouth. at once involved the fire group. Then it turned into an egg-sized fire ball in a blink of an eye, fiercely shooting returned and was swallowed into the belly by Han Li.

Han Li didn’t say a word. Immediately a strange seal was formed in the hand, and both eyes closed again.

He started Refining which was the last trace of Celestial Ice Flame from Heavenly Void Cauldron. If Refining really allowed him to drive Heavenly Void Cauldron shortly after this flame, it would be enough for him to cross the world without any problem.

More than half a month later, Han Li woke up from the entry, after both eyes flashed at once, suddenly raised it with one hand and raised a finger.

With a sound of “Puchi“, a small ball of blue flames emerges at the fingertips.

Looking at the flames of blue, he didn’t say a word of lips tightly closed, but his fingers trembled at once slightly after a while.

The flames flickered along with them, and instantly turned into a thin blue Fire Snake, and then quickly coiled around and wrapped around this finger tightly.

“Go” low roaring sound in Han Li‘s mouth.

A pair of fire wings emerged on the back of the mini blue Fire Snake. After the wings fluttered, they flew away from their fingers and shot towards the roof. But as they approached the roof, they circled again, flying around the extremely flexible walls of secret room.

Han Li silently looks at Fire Snake every move, came over a full after the time it takes to drink one cup of tea, then suddenly stretched out a finger a little.

With a bang, Fire Snake burst into the air by itself. The scattered flames were like showers ordinary at once fiercely shooting towards Han Li, but flashes disappeared into Han Li and disappeared.

Han Li only revealed a smile at this time, muttered to himself:

“It seems that Celestial Ice Flame Refining is getting faster and faster. It took Refining for half a year or even a year at first, but now it has Refining with the same Ice Flame in half a month.”

The following Han Li tilted his head for a moment to think about it. After a shot of Storage Pouch on the waist, a flat round small tripod appeared in his hand after a group of green light flashed. It is only a few inches in size, but it is antique and exquisite extremely.

This Correct Han Li carefully put away the Heavenly Void Cauldron.

Looking at this tripod, Han Li‘s face was groaning, but he immediately threw the tripod into the air, and Xiaoding floated in the air steadily for a while.

Han Li rubbed both hands, blue flame suddenly burst out between the palms, a fist size blue fireball emerged, but then two palms each had a thumb thickness blue flame fiercely shooting, just hit blue fireball. Immediately after fireball tumbled, it rose sharply.

A moment later, a huge fireball the size of a skull appeared silently on the chest.

This fireball flickers constantly, but the blue flames are rolling on the surface, but there is no trace of heat, it is a bit strange.

Han Li looked up at Xiao Ding in the air. With a thought, fireball suddenly turned into a ball of blue light fiercely shooting, and at once hit Xiao Ding in the air.

A weird scene appeared. Instead of being blown off by Xiao Ding, Xiao Ding merged with at once like water and fire, and Ice Flame burned fiercely on Ding. And Heavenly Void Cauldron is slowly turning in Ice Flame.

Han Li coldly stared at Xiao Ding in the flame, both eyes was slightly stunned, and then the powerful Spiritual Sense was released. at once covered this Ding, and started carefully to see if Xiao Ding had changed from Ice Flame to ordinary.

As time passed, Han Li‘s brows gradually tightened.

Xiao Ding, who was wrapped in Celestial Ice Flame after he completely Refining, is still the same as ordinary, and there is no difference.

Han Li lowered his head and thought about it, then raised his head again, and spiritual force in the body rushed into in the eye. Suddenly a pair of pupils blue glow dazzled, staring at Heavenly Void Cauldron eyes did not blink at once.

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