A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality Chapter 517: Profound Yin Scripture

Chapter 517 Profound Yin Scripture

First, it can never be true Old Devil Xuan Gu A section of ribs, now the shape is just Old Devil It’s just a means of covering people’s eyes.

Without mentioning the special material, just a trace of Spiritual Qi faintly emitted above, we know that it is not a Magical Treasure type thing, but it must also be a sacrifice item.

But whether Han Li is detected with Spiritual Sense or slowly injected into spiritual force, this rib has no response at all.

Han Li After frowning, I immediately remembered that Old Devil cultivation is the way of the demon ghost, I am afraid that this thing must rely on some ghost spirit to do it.

Although Han Li does not have the power of the ghost, the Soul Gathering Bowl obtained in his early years is still on him.

Although the ghost in the bowl has long been consumed by his refinement 傀儡, the Yin Qi in the remaining bowl alone is also quite a lot.

So he pressed the Storage Pouch with one hand, and the dark round bowl appeared in his hand.

Han Li glanced casually at Soul Gathering Bowl, and the five fingers held by him suddenly azure light flashes.

Sisi’s Yin Qi was sucked into the body by the Han Li through the palm of the hand, and then slowly passed to another hand holding the bone mass.

A cold black air mass gradually took shape and soon wrapped around this rib.

Han Li stared at the scene without blinking.

The ribs finally reacted, and the originally‘s white light slippery surface began to turn black. It didn’t take long for the whole group of Yin Qi to be sucked into the bone and turned into a white and black color.

Seeing these changes, there is no strange expression on Han Li‘s face, but he accidentally moves his eyebrows.

After closing your eyes and thinking, Han Li at once whole human sat up from the bed.

Then the more dazzling green light broke out in the palm of Soul Gathering Bowl.

At the same time, there is a voice of Devil May Cry on the other hand, and a larger group of dark Yin Qi Forming.

The ribs wrapped in it, impolite‘s madness devours these Yin Qi.

After a full skill of tea, inhale Yin Qi continuously, so that the object gradually becomes dark.

Suddenly a low humming sound came out from this thing, and then the dark rays of light bloomed out, and the room was suddenly filled with a weird aura.

Han Li hesitated to close Soul Gathering Bowl, while the other hand loosened five fingers, the ribs floated out of hand, and the Yin Qi that wrapped it collapsed under the impact of black glow.

The strange sight of looks at, Han Li‘s eyes flickered.

Except for whispering in the air and black glow has been glittering, the bone mass of black has no other changes.

After a while, Han Li complexion expression moved and suddenly waved into the air.

A sound of “嗖”, the ribs were sucked by him out of nowhere, and firmly grasped in his hands.

Then Han Li stared at the object, and Spiritual Sense penetrated it.

This time, I do n’t have the feeling of being impenetrable anymore. Spiritual Sense went very smoothly entering into the ribs.

As a result, after the black light flashes, the big ancient writings and the pictures appeared one after another.

jade slip“, Han Li murmured secretly, showing a look of shock.

This thing may be a specially made jade slip, which is also a kind of his conjecture.

So he held back the excitement in his heart and began to figure it out word by word.

“玄阴 Great Law

After reading the familiar words in the first half, Han Li fully affirmed the content of chant.

Although he has never practiced this prestigious Devil Dao cultivation method, the original “Blood Refining Divine Light” of clone cultivation is entirely from this technique, and there is naturally a lot of similarity in content.

So after watching technique before, he came to this judgment from many similar cultivation methods.

The rib-like jade slip is the so-called “Profound Yin Scripture“.

To be honest, Han Li was a little disappointed.

Since he has cultivation and Azure Essence Sword Art, although this Xuanyin Great Law is overbearing extremely and might is stronger, he will not stupidly rebuild this cultivation method.

However, he did not immediately withdraw Spiritual Sense from Profound Yin Scripture, and still looked at it step by step.

Because there are some Devil Dao Secret Technique recorded in the lower half of Profound Yin Scripture, these are not all cultivation.

With the incredible Secret Technique being displayed one by one, the Han Li’s expression changed from the original disappointment to a surprise, gradually mixed with a bit of solemnity, and the whole face was full of slight excitement.

The size of these Secret Technique might is incredible.

He is confident that if he can get Azure Essence Sword Art cultivation to Ninth Layer and match Profound Yin Scripture with Secret Technique of cultivation, although he is still not the opponent of Nascent Soul Stage cultivator, he also has the opportunity to escape.

Meeting Extreme Yin‘s Old Monster, no longer can only be obediently destroyed without any coping!

Among these Secret Techniques, the “Heavenly Corpse Fire” of Founder Extreme Yin is clearly among them. As for “Heavenly Demonic Corpse“, it is only the Corpse Refinement incidental to this Secret Technique cultivation.

Unfortunately, this Secret Technique must be based on Xuanyin Great Law and must have cultivation base above Nascent Soul Stage to cultivation. Otherwise he would be interested in trying one or two.

After all, might of Heavenly Corpse Fire, which he has seen with his own eyes, is indeed extremely sharp.

But even so, the weakness of Heavenly Corpse Fire is clearly leaked from cultivation chant.

Han Li sneered when I saw it!

If next time Extreme Yin uses this Devilish Fire to deal with him, he will definitely shock the other at once!

After watching it for a while, Han Li fancy two or three and Core Formation Stage can remember Secret Technique of cultivation silently. After prepared has time, etc., start cultivation them.

Put the small truncated ribs hidden Profound Yin Scripture carefully, Han Li is very satisfied with this harvest, and there is still a little bit of excitement in my heart.

After thinking about it, he touched Heavenly Void Cauldron in Storage Pouch again, and his heart of inquiry became hot.

Let’s leave immediately and go to secret room of Immortal’s cave.

If you can open the Heavenly Void Cauldron in a hurry, not to mention Heaven Mending Pill, just a few pieces of Ancient Treasure will greatly increase his strength.

Holding this idea, in addition to routinely observing Golden Silkworm once a day, Han Li is holding Xiaoding to study day and night all day long, and looking for various older ancient book from time to time, looking at whether or not to find a trace Kaiding’s method.

Unfortunately, after half a month, Han Li exhausted his brain and used all means, and had to admit that the Heavenly Void Cauldron, known as the first secret treasure of Chaotic Star Sea, was indeed not Core Formation Stage. He could open it.

This tripod is really good too!

I will not talk about the fire and water flooding. Han Li tried all the Magical Treasure and Ancient Treasure, and could not leave a half mark on Dingbi. And collected a trace of Devilbane Divine Lightning recovered by Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords just a moment ago, hit the shooting tripod, and also no response.

As for other incredible ways to start a trip, Han Li has also been tried one by one, naturally it is a futile thing.

Finally, Han Li can only retreat Xiaoding into Storage Pouch.

As for the Han Li‘s suspicion, it may have something to do with opening the Heavenly Void Cauldron. He is even afraid to touch it easily.

Celestial Ice Flame is the existence that even Nascent Soul Stage Old Monster fears.

Before cultivation base did not reach Core Formation Late Stage or formed Nascent Soul, he did not have any idea to manipulate Refining.

This is self-knowledge, Han Li still has it.

During this period, the two Golden Silkworms that served Rainbow Bead(s) are still in the same situation as before, and there is no major reaction. It seems that the medicinal properties have not been exerted.

On the contrary, tens of thousands of Gold Devouring Beetless in another wormhouse finally began to swallow each other on a large scale. It seems that the new Gold Devouring Beetles egg is about to be born, which makes Han Li very happy.

Now what he has to do next is to re-refinement at once 72-handle Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords

The Refining Crystal obtained on Lava Road, he has no intention to waste at all, prepared will put a little bit of Refining into flying sword.

In this way, although his Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords dare not say that it is indestructible, there are only a handful of things in the world that can destroy it.

This will be of great benefit to his future fight with high-grade cultivator.

But this Refining of Refining Crystal is an extremely hard work.

Depending on the special material of this object, although there is not much detail on ancient book, it is estimated that at least half a year is required for Han Li in order to use magic formation to slowly crystallize Refining.

If in the course of half of Refining, suddenly magic power is unable to sustain, this crystal even if is completely destroyed.

This is not a joke!

If it was cultivation base with trifling Core Formation Early Stage before, even with various Spirit Medicine assistance, he would not take a chance.

But now he has 10,000 years of spiritual liquid. Although he used a part of it before, the rest also saves him from worrying about magic power.

Considering that there will be a lot of dangers when Demonic Beast will be killed at sea, Magical Treasure is naturally the sharper the better.

In this way, refining flying sword, Han Li is bound to happen!

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