A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality Chapter 2392: Vibration Human Race

It didn’t take long for news that the three major Experts of Green Spirit Clan were killed by an Human Race Great Ascension.

As soon as the neighboring races adjacent to Green Spirit Clan heard of the news, they were all shocked, and they sent people around to check whether the news was true or not.

A little while later, the whole little Lingtian is completely stirred by this matter.

At this time, Moulin Colossal Ship had already flown out of the area controlled by Green Spirit Clan and headed for the Human Race residence on the other side of Little Spirit Sky.

A few days later, in the field of Human Race, on a giant peak almost ten thousand feet high, in a seemingly quaint Stone Palace, several Human Race Expert are talking around a stone table.

These Human Race are three men and one woman, all of them have Integration above cultivation base. While talking, expression is also extremely dignified.

“Is the message already correct? It is really Human Race Great Ascension that killed the three old Green Spirit Clan guys along with the ancient tree ancestors.” One of the dark-skinned middle-aged big man asked loudly.

“Although our spies cannot be in the entering Green Sea, from the perspective of the reactions of various ethnic groups, this message should probably not be wrong. Otherwise, now Green Spirit Clan will not be a few days, and everyone will be hurried back to Green. In the sea, a pair of prepared completely closed the forest. “Another white haired Cang Cang old man, hand twisted beard.

“But you and I are all very clear. In Little Lingtian, we Human Race have never been born Great Ascension Stage existence, not before, it is unlikely to be possible in the future.” A beautiful lady in a blue robe opposite her, Dai Mei frowned. .

“It was okay to say this before, now, do you have forgotten Fairy Maiden Yue? With Fairy Maiden Yue in such a short time from Void Refinement cultivation to Integration great accomplishment‘s amazing aptitude, maybe there is really hope to break the legend of Little Lingtian without Great Ascension. “A man with a cold face of extremely said so.

“It is natural to say that aptitude of the month Fellow Daoist has become the first Expert in our Human Race in just two thousand years. It can even fight against the ancient tree ancestors of the Green Spirit group without falling down. But if it is said that the moon Fellow Daoist can be in the small spirit sky Spiritual Qi In the absence of Advanced / Evolve Great Ascension, it is still unlikely. “The beautiful lady in blue robe heard the words” Fairy Maiden Yue “, expression slightly moved at once, but still shook her head and returned.

“It’s just impossible, with Fellow Daoist aptitude of Fairy Maiden Yue. There is still a chance.” The cold man impolite countered.

“If Fairy Maiden Yue is able to Advanced / Evolve Great Ascension, it will be a blessing for me and other Little Lingtian Human Race. However, with the current situation of the month Fellow Daoist, it will take at least hundreds of years to accumulate this bottleneck. By the way, Fairy Maiden Yue is now cultivation, a very important Secret Technique, I don’t know if I can participate in this party. “white haired old man said serene.

“Iron Fellow Daoist rest assured. Although Fairy Maiden Yue is not available for customs clearance now, I already directly sent the relevant information to its retreat, I believe it should also have news to me soon.” The thin man said suddenly.

“Very well, there is no such thing as Fairy Maiden Yue to participate in the discussion. The old man is a little uneasy. Now everyone talks about where did the Human Race Great Ascension appear?” white haired old man nodded in satisfaction, Asked again.

“Where can I go from here, in all likelihood, it is Great Ascension cultivator that outside world broke in.” Said the beautiful lady in blue robes with a raised eyebrow.

“This possibility is indeed the greatest. But since this person is Human Race Great Ascension, it must be from Spiritual World. And there is a way to break into the phantom sky, and I am sure to be able to leave the world through the passage when he came. I’ll wait, but there is a golden opportunity to go to Spiritual World. “Dark skin big man, agreed.

“Only in Spiritual World, we can have a glimpse of Advanced / Evolve Great Ascension. Although the clans have previously found exits from this world, it is a pity that no one can resist the power of passage‘s terrifying Plane. It can only be hoped. If Human Race Great Ascension really broke in from outside world, I really have the chance to wait for Xiaolingtian Human Race. “After the cold man thought for a while, in the eye flashed fieryly.

“But I do n’t know much about Spiritual World. Does this Great Ascension really come from Spiritual World? It is undecided whether it is Human Race cultivator. But one thing is certain, this person should come to live in this world Human Race Take a look at it, so some prevention of prepared also has to be done. In case this person does not read the meaning of kin, and if there is any other intention, I can’t wait for the slightest precaution. “white haired old man is very mature and said .

“Bai Weng’s statement makes sense. But that person can kill all three ancient tree ancestors enclosed with Green Spirit Clan together. The size of Divine Ability can be imagined. At that time, Fairy Maiden Yue must also come forward to have the possibility of confrontation. .After all, the month Fellow Daoist is the only existence among us waiting to be close to the real Great Ascension. “Said the cold man in the eye cold light flashes.

“It’s not easy for Fairy Maiden Yue to go out immediately. After all, the month Fellow Daoist is on …” The skinny man frowned and wanted to say something.

Just then, clear cry sounded outside the hall. A silver light fiercely shooting came, and after a few flashes, everyone came to in the sky. After a circle, it turned into a mouthful of silver small sword before the stone table of the crowd.

On silver small sword, there is a light white jade slip across it.

When everyone sees this situation, they can’t help but differ in expression.

After white haired old man groaned a little, she raised her hand and scared jade slip from silver small sword.

After small sword trembled, it was transformed into a silver light and left. After a flash, it disappeared without a trace in the hall door.

The at once of other people’s eyes on *swish* all fell into the hands of white haired old man.

old man puts jade slip on the forehead, and slightly closes both eyes and Divine Sense.

After a short while, old man expression moved, and both eyes opened with a touch of joy:

“Sure enough, it is the flying sword biography of Fairy Maiden Yue. The monthly Fellow Daoist already promises that when the Great Ascensionentering Human Race living area, I will see this person with me.”

“So very good, if the month Fellow Daoist goes out together, I will feel more at ease.” The skinny word hearing this said with great joy.

Others are also expression.

Then after a lot of discussion, they left Stone Palace and started to do some prepared .

In another hidden Valley, in a secret room exited by the cold frozen, on a round silver moon, a slender girl in white clothes sits on the quiet insight sitting on it.

The girl ’s body is like a statue that does n’t move at once, but it reveals an indescribably peerless style. The slightly low-hanging jade-like face is shrouded by a faint silver light, which makes people unable to see the real Face.

After more than half a month, there was a continuous mountain range in the sky at the boundary of the Human Race residential area. A roar sounded, and a small hill-like black Colossal Ship passed by from high altitude. After a few flashes, it moved toward the depth of the Human Race residential area fiercely shooting. And went.

Some of the low grade cultivator in mountain range below can’t help but startled.

Have you ever seen these Human Race in the little spirit sky deep in the year-round flying magical tool.

However, at the moment when black Colossal Ship was discovered, some interested people immediately sent the message to the rear transmitting through some special magical tool.

Therefore, although the Holy Spirit Boat is extremely eye-catching, in the Human Race area, no one came forward to block or interrogate under the high speed all the way.

Two days later, after flying over a wide lake, black Colossal Ship stopped between several crisp extremely hills.

Senior Han, where is my mother’s Immortal’s cave. In addition to my mother and me, there are several other uncles and sisters living in other mountain peak.” A girl voice filled with great joy passed from Colossal Ship at high altitude. come out.

Silver light flashes, Zhu Guoer was so excited that he rushed down from Colossal Ship, and flew towards one of the hills.

“It seems this girl is really homesick, otherwise she won’t be in such a hurry that she just goes out without even saying hello.” A chuckling man’s voice also sounded on Colossal Ship.

“Han Shi, Guo’er has never left home for so long before, and this time he can finally return to see his loved ones. Naturally, some truth is revealed.” Another extremely respectful voice also came out.

As soon as the voice fell, the air was azure light flashes, and Han Li appeared in front of Colossal Ship with a flower stone Patriarch, and looked at these hills condescendingly.

At this time, Zhu Guoer flew into the stone wall at the side of the mountain, and disappeared.

Han Li smiled slightly and waited quietly in the sky.

At this moment, he can naturally sense that someone on the other hills is quietly observing himself and behind Colossal Ship with some magical tool. At this moment, he did not dare to show up with fear.

Fully in the time it took to eat a meal, there was light glow flashes on the stone wall where Zhu Guoer disappeared, and an elegantly dressed Young woman emerged from it.

This Young woman looks similar to Zhu Guoer at six or seven points, and a pair of eyes reddish girl clutching next to it is Zhu Guoer who Correct entered earlier.

“Senior Shi Xianyun greetings Senior! I heard Guoer said that this time, thanks to the rescue of Senior, he was able to save his life outside, and the younger was really grateful.” Young woman swept over the Han Li and Hua Shi Patriarch who flew into the air and immediately took it with them. Zhu Guoer worshiped a long way down.

“You are the mother of Zhu Guoer, and cultivation base is not weak. Get up. I ’m here to ask Zhu Guoer to go home, but I also have some questions about it.” Han Li swept Young woman in the sky After Void Refinement cultivation base, expression moved slightly and calmly said.

“Yes, Senior first please go to Immortal’s cave. Although the Burrow does not have any spiritual tea spirit wine, but there are several spiritual fruits that are not common to outside world. I hope Senior can taste one or two.” Young woman from behind, respectful words Road.

“Oh, since you have this heart, then this Han is also impolite. Hua Shi, you should stay outside first.” Han Li nodded, and rushed to the next flower Patriarch and ordered.

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