A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality Chapter 2142: Return to Wood Race

The three Han Li needless to say, the devilish creature guards on black Colossal Ship are all wearing silver battle armor, fiery red jacket, and the lowest cultivation base has Deity Transformation or more cultivation base.

There are more than a hundred people standing at the beginning of the bareboat, including several Integration Realm Devil Race lords.

The eyes of these Devil Race guards looking at Han Li and the others are also one by one skeptical of extremely, and they haven’t got anything to do with understand for a while.

According to the original plan, this space passage has been requisitioned all day today. There should be only one such Warship in and out. But now, how come a flying chariot from the opposite side!

Seeing the moment when flying chariot Colossal Ship intersects, when the Devil Race on Colossal Ship is still in the future, how will you react in the future, a sudden old extremely voice is heard from the Colossal Ship cabin:

“Hum, it’s a Spiritual World alien! Now that you’re here, don’t rush back, and accompany my husband back to Sacred Realm.”

As soon as the voice fell, an killing intent burst out of the cabin, and then flying chariot in the sky fluctuated together. A white spacial rift(s) opened.

Ghost howling is loud!

A giant white bone giant claw protruded out of it, and fished it down severely.

The five Bai Sensen bone fingers have not really been grasped yet, the five gray-white baleful auras are rolled out from the fingertips first.

When the outermost light barrier side of flying chariot came into contact with the gray air, it shattered and opened, and it didn’t even resist for a moment.

Standing at Han Li complexion in flying chariot, he shouted without hesitation, the body at once golden light was released, and in the boom, he transformed into a tall golden hair Giant Ape again.

golden ape As soon as the two arms were blurred, the two furry fists slammed into the air severely.

golden Boxing Shadow appears again flashes!

After the loud sound of “Boom”, the gray-white baleful aura and the boxing shadow collided, and they were scattered by shock, but the originally golden boxing shadow at once shrank nearly half of the size, and rays of light was also at once. Becomes dim extremely up.

The Taoist Xie in the eye cold light flashes standing on one side, after a opened mouth, a golden beam of light burst out, flashes elapsed, hitting the palm of the white bone claw almost simultaneously with the fist shadow.

The muffled sound like Zhongming burst out!

golden light bursts open under the bone claw, and under the interweaving and fusion, it forms a huge light cluster like the sun of golden, and it turns continuously.

Even though the huge bone claw contains immense power in it, under the support of golden light, it can’t help but freeze in the air.

At the same time, the surrounding void sky was volatile and the entire space was buzzing. The meeting space in some places even began to distort and blur, and this section of space passage was somewhat unstable.

The Devil Race guards standing on Colossal Ship saw this scene, and at the same time complexion changed greatly, many people in the eye flashed with fear.

If it really collapses, none of them can run away.

But at this moment, coldly snorted came out from the cabin of Colossal Ship!

The five fingers of the bone claw snapped together, and the five bone fingers grabbed the light group like at once,

A bang!

The golden light group was grabbed by the bone claw, and the instant destruction disappeared.

Han Li Seeing this, she took a breath in her heart.

But at this time, other in vivo magic power has already been transferred to peak, and flying chariot under the body rushed in.

A beep.

flying chariot shuddered and disappeared in the original place flashes.

The next moment, a hundred feet away, the space fluctuated together, and flying chariot emerged again from flashes, and immediately turned into a ball of fiercely shooting of green light.

After the white bone giant claw trembled, it also crashed with a muffled sound.

After seeing this in Devil Race, looked at each other in blank dismay can’t help but get up.

“Leave them alone, it’s important to hurry!” After a short while, the old voice with no emotion came from the cabin.

“Yes, sir!”

There was a commotion in the bow, and many people were immediately busy again. While

After a while of Colossal Ship silhouette rays of light circulation, the rapid at once increased by more than half, and flew towards the other end of passage.

“Master Devour, just let them go. Otherwise, send some people to get them back.” A twelve-three-year-old Devil Race boy in the cabin of Colossal Ship was lying on a teacher’s chair half white haired old man, asked unwillingly.

“Forget it. The old man’s business matters, let these little bugs pass. Besides the old man himself act , I am afraid that others have no ability to arrest them back. ” white haired The old man was wearing a soap robe, his hands were over knees, and he said lightly.

“They really are so powerful? But, Lord Tianfu didn’t use much real power just now.” The teenager’s face was beautiful, there were a few purple moire on his face, and hearing this was a little surprised.

Hehe, even if the old man did not use real power. The two guys who act resisted also did not use all Divine Ability. Really want fight to get up, the old man couldn’t possibly take them down in person.” The old man seemed quite The doting young man explained with a smile.

“They have such a Divine Ability! It seems that these aliens should also be quite old.” The teenager’s eyes rolled a few times and said thoughtfully.

“If you can sneak into our Sacred Realm and try hard to break through the character returned by passage, naturally there can be no weak people. But if it is not in the space passage, the old man dare not use too much magic power, how can these people let go “The old man said indifferently, but his face was flashes.

“Of course, outside of passage, these trifling aliens can only be obedient in front of Patriarch.” The teenager said in a hurry.

The old man laughed a few times, and both eyes twisted his at once beard. It seemed that the boy was extremely happy, but in fact, he was still a little confused.

The white young man who sprayed golden light on flying chariot just now, aura made him feel a little familiar, but he couldn’t remember where he had seen it for a while.

“Forget it, after returning to Sacred Realm, let people check at once. Since it is hard to remember, it should not be too important character.” white haired old man finally thought so secretly.

After three or four hours, at the other end of Space passage, several Devil Race guards are patrolling back and forth at the exit.

On the ground below, there are three triangle towers more than a thousand feet high, which are arranged on the ground in the shape of a “pin”.

Suddenly, the passage fluctuated together. A group of flying chariot wrapped in green light emerged from fiercely shooting. After a few flashes, it passed directly from the patrol team in the sky flashes.

This at once naturally surprised all nearby patrol teams. The sharp screams rang from all over the place at once, and went straight to the flying chariot aggressively.

At the same time, the triangular giant tower below originally also began to faint light glow, and a variety of stone gates appeared on the side wall.

Sharp people in stone gate, a large number of Devil Race swarmed out of it

But flying chariot is so fast that it is not conceivable by these Devil Race defenders at all. After seeing the sound of “嗤嗤” breaking through, flying chariot‘s faint Phantom arrived at the end at Tianbian. After another flash, it disappeared completely.

At this time, only a few demon lords roared out of the triangle magic tower.

“Yes, this is indeed the Wood Race territory. I have been to Wood Race in the past, and the tree environment here is very unique, and I should not be mistaken.” In the void of tens of thousands of li(0.5km) away, flying chariot also They kept galloping all the way, but Han Li on flying chariot looked at the dense forest fire composed of thousand feet (333 m) tall giant woods below, exhaling a long breath.

“This is Spiritual World. Sure enough, Spiritual Qi is very dense, and it is much stronger than our little spirit sky.” Zhu Guoer kept looking around and said with great excitement.

Many of Human Race in Xiaolingtian are in Spiritual World cultivator. Naturally, when talking about Spiritual World to the children who have never left Xiaolingtian, they are all very emotional and talk about their safety. Benefits.

Spiritual World is good, but our Human Race is not too big in the Spiritual World power, and it is now in a crisis, not as good as you think.” Han Li looked away and shook his head.

“Anyway, Spiritual World is indeed more suitable for us than Human Race cultivator cultivation. By the way, Senior, when do you plan to return to xiaolingtian. Be sure to bring a junior with you.” After a smile, he said in a hurry.

“This rest assured, when you don’t say it, I will bring you too. After all, I am not very familiar with Xiao Lingtian, and I need a guide.” Han Li replied without thinking.

“That junior would be many thank Senior first.” Zhu Guoer was overjoyed and hurriedly gathered his thanks for his gift.

Han Li nodded, and said nothing more, and continued to urge flying chariot forward all the way to fiercely shooting.

With his full effort to promote the swiftness of flying chariot, naturally he will not be afraid of any chasing after him.

But this time, after the flying chariot party flew for half a day, Han Li watched the scenery of the road all the way, and expression gradually became intensive.

Although the giant trees and dense forests encountered on the road are one by one, some of the trees are beginning to show a dark green color, which is completely different from other lush green trees.

With more and more flying chariot flying areas, this kind of dark green trees is getting more and more, and even nearly half of the giant trees are dense forests of such trees.

In this dense forest, some strange gas of purple black is permeated. Although it is just a faint (one/first) layer, it is extremely thin, but it is still extremely uncomfortable after watching it.

Although Zhu Guoer didn’t have much experience, after seeing all these trees all the way, the excitement on his face could not help but fade away gradually, and it was replaced by a look of uncertainty.

Senior Han, these trees seem to be very similar to the plants of Devil World. And the mist that seems to have Devil Qi among them. What is going on?” After flying a distance, Zhu Guoer finally couldn’t bear it anymore. Asked live.

“Not yet too clear, but most of them should be the means of Devil Race people. And we have been flying for so long, we have not found any Wood Race people, which is even more strange. Wood Race is not as good as our Human Race. , But the strength should not be underestimated. “Han Li complexion Yin Qing changed for a while before returning solemnly.


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