A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality Chapter 2134: Six Jueqing Thunder Array

The tenth volume of the battle of Devil World, Chapter 2100, thirty, Chapter 4 and Six Extreme Youth Thunder

The gray robe man’s big sleeves also disappeared in an light glow. (.com)

Two days later, Han Li took the beast cart out of the Blue Waterfall City again, and went straight to Guangyuanzhai by the lake.

In pavilion in this dense forest, Han Li saw Lan Ying again, and spent a few hours with him in a secret room, then came out with a mysterious smile, and returned to it without any hassle. In the city.

This time, the Han Li Fangyi entering Inn stayed behind closed doors for several days.

Because when Han Li first arrived, it paid the magic stone fee for one month at a time, so at the beginning, the other Devil Races in the inn didn’t care too much.

But until the last few days of the month, there was no movement in the Han Li house, which attracted the attention of other sweats.

When the last day arrived, an Devil Race who was a buddy of the inn finally knocked carefully on the door of the house, and finally walked in, only to realize that the house was already empty.

Han Li sits on a dark gray flying chariot, recuperates in closed eyes.

Across from it, a young white girl and a beautiful young girl are sitting in other corners of flying chariot.

One expression serene, like a woodcarving, does not move, and the other is both eyes, turning steadily, looking left and right.

Correct Taoist Xie and Zhu Guoer.

Han Li After leaving the island quietly on the same day, he came to the place originally agreed upon and found the two of them back without delay.

After these days of flight, one of them, already, left the Blue Falls Lake area, and entering moved to other areas of adjacent Devil World.

In this way, Han Li also has loosens in mind.

He is now fully loaded, and naturally intends to leave Devil World and return to Spiritual World.

According to the plan that Long Clan Patriarch and the others discussed with him on the day, it is naturally impossible to return the same way, and once it is successful in the magic source sea, it is planned to return to Spiritual World through another Devil World passage that explores checked. (7 *

According to Long Clan Patriarch and the others, that passage is not only located in a remote area of ​​Devil World, not too much high-grade Devil Race, and the end to Spiritual World is not in the Human & Demon both race area, but in the adjacent Wood Race area.

In this way, as long as they accidentally enter passage, they will not be able to stop their return if they want to station in Devil Race.

All Long Clan Patriarch and the others are now die, but Han Li still intends to return according to the originally planned route.

After all, the rest of the passage is not clear where it is leading. In case it is leading to other continents of Spiritual World, he has to cry and laugh.

He didn’t want to toss another hundred or two hundred years in order to return to Human Race.

However, when Han Li thought of Zi Ling, it still felt a little painful.

It is naturally impossible to say that he has no feeling for this woman. After so many years, I only met just a moment ago with Zi Ling, but I couldn’t separate again in a hurry. The taste in my heart was inexpressible.

Of course, if it was n’t for Devilish Art repaired by Zi Ling, it would be controlled by Liu Ji. He will take this woman to return to Spiritual World, and he can find Secret Technique to remove Devil Qi from his body and let him repeat the Human Race spirit.

For now, Zi Ling can only stay at Devil World for a while.

Han Li pondered in meditation, and recalled the scenes of the time when he was in Mortal Realm. At the same time, another beautiful and unparalleled face could not help but emerge in his mind, and let his mind be touched.

I do n’t know how long after that, Han Li suddenly moved expression, at once opened his eyes, and in the eye bright light flashed.

Almost at the same time, the flying chariot rays of light at the bottom converged, but stopped suddenly, suspended in the air quietly.

Senior Han, what happened?” Zhu Guoer at once jumped up and asked in surprise.

Taoist Xie is still sitting cross-legged, expression remains the same.

“We seem to have inadvertently broken into a super magic formation. The latest chapter of the church. The magic formation is very secretly arranged, and by negligence, I didn’t even notice it in advance.” Han Li slowly stood up. , Said frowned slightly

“Super magic formation, even Senior didn’t notice it! Is it for us!” Zhu Guoer was a little uneasy.

“Crab, what do you think of this magic formation?” Han Li didn’t answer Zhu Guoer’s reply, instead he rushed to Taoist Xie and asked.

Taoist Xie hearing this, also opened both eyes, looked around after turning his head around, and then he didn’t hesitate to reply:

“This seems to be the great formation, but it is a bit incomplete. If I was Fellow Daoist, it would be better to go forward and go straight to the eye. Although it is the largest place of magic formation might, it can also leave this magic formation Unique place. “

After speaking these words, Taoist Xie kept silent again.

“Liu Jue Qing Lei Jue Zhen? Although I have never heard of it, it is natural that there is nothing wrong with the experience of Brother Xi. Then go ahead. Whether it came to us or not, since it fell into Among them, only to break the formation came out this way. “Han Li said after a moment of groan.

Then he gently touched flying chariot on one foot, and then the gray light burst out, and it turned into (one/first) layer light barrier and shrouded outside the car.

At the same time, when flying chariot shuddered, it turned into a long rainbow thread and broke again.

at once is much faster than before.

Zhu Guoer opened his eyes wide, and kept looking left and right, he seemed to want to see some traces of magic formation.

But flying chariot all around is empty and you don’t see any extremely at all.

“Don’t watch, because your cultivation base is not enough to find the Illusion Technique restrictions of all around!” Han Li saw this and said something.

Then one of his sleeves shook outside flying chariot, and a golden Sword Qi rolled out of it.


Where golden light passed, the void at once shattered like a piece of paper, and the landscape of all around changed greatly, transfiguring white sea of mist.

flying chariot is struggling to move forward with extremely in the mist.

“Ah, this is …” Zhu Guoer at once was startled.

“This is just the beginning. If we return to the same way as before, it has already inspired the powerful restrictions in magic formation. It is impossible for serene to go down like this.” Han Li explained a few words.

“However, even if is like this. Six days ago, the Six Vast Thunder Thunder restrictions will also start to actively attack. With Fellow Daoist Han Divine Ability, you have to guard against one or two.” Taoist Xie still closed her eyes, but reminded the exit.

many thank crab Fellow Daoist points, this Han will be more careful.” Han Li expression moved slightly, thank you, then both hands Qi Yang, dozens of groups Spiritual Light came out at the same time fiercely shooting, submerged in flying chariot suddenly disappeared.

Correct Dozens of pieces of equipment such as formation flag formation plate.

The next moment. Dozens of strands of dark magic patterns have emerged from the flying chariot and turned into rune magic formation of various sizes, condensing on the four walls, as if originally imprinted on ordinary.

arrangeAfter this magic formation, Han Li both hands behind the back stood at the front of flying chariot, and looked into the distance and said nothing.

And in the depth of the pupil, the dazzling blue glow flickered endlessly, and he saw something vaguely through the layers of white mist.

Suddenly, he sinks complexion, formed hand seals with one hand, and begins to mumble into words.

All the black rune on the four walls of flying chariot were all black light flashes, one by one rune rushed out from it, and under the denseness, it instantly transformed into a black Runenet, all over the gray light barrier.

After a while, a slight thunder came from the quiet sea of mist on both sides of originally.

The sound was not loud at first, but as the white mist of all around started to roll in waves, the thunder immediately roared.

In both sea of mists, blue electro-optical light started to flash.

At the same time, white sea of mist also became swamp as thick as at once, which made flying chariot tremble and quickly slow down.

Han Li coldly snorted, suddenly a opened mouth, a group of youthful spirits sprayed out, flashes passed away, there was no trace in flying chariot.

At the same time, he was surrounded by blue light glow on both feet, a strong stream of spiritual force poured into flying chariot.

There was a buzzing sound from flying chariot, and at the same time, the silhouette black Rune trembled and shattered the nearby white mist. It was quickly mentioned again, and it went forward fiercely shooting like a crossbow.

The thunder of “Booming” suddenly started. As the flying chariot speeded up suddenly, the blue arc in all around sea of mist also suddenly appeared, turning into countless blue electric snakes, rushing to flying chariot.

Each blue electro-optical hit the black runnet, and this thing trembled, forming rune as flashes.

Under the simultaneous bombardment of hundreds or thousands of channels, the black Runenet trembled violently, flashing wildly, as if it could not support ordinary at any time.

But Han Li turned a blind eye to this, just continued to urge the flying chariot below him to move forward at an alarming speed.

A bang!

black Runnet was finally shattered and fragmented by the blue arc, and dozens of blue electro-optic lights went straight to flying chariot without any obstruction.

Han Li raised her eyebrows slightly, and her ten fingers suddenly came out to all around void continuously flick.

At the same time, the same roar suddenly started, and golden arcs ejected from the fingertips. They also formed a golden lightning net, which shattered the blue arcs in one stroke.

And after this moment of delay, the black rune on flying chariot flashed rays of light again, and black rune sprang up again, and then condensed into a black sign net.

That’s it. Although the blue arc is powerful in extremely, the Han Li uses the power of magic formation and Devilbane Divine Lightning in succession.

In a blink of an eye, flying chariot flew over ten thousand miles away, and the sea of mist in the front began to thin out, but at the same time, the blue arc became more dense, and the already was close to the center of magic formation.

Soon, fists of blue lightning ball began to appear in the roaring electric light of all around, but each one hovered quietly in the distance, and did not join the blue arc attack.

At this moment, in the sea of mist of the thin extremely in the distance, there was a voice of female:

“Sister Treasured Flower, at this time, you have done everything you can to already, even if there is a great skill, it is difficult to fly now. If you are willing to seize it, little sister can be seen leaving a trail of soul in the past, let you go again Into the samsara way. “


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