A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality Chapter 186: act

Chapter 186 act

Han Li’s mouth corner twitched at once, and cursed couldn’t help but opened the closed both eyes helplessly.

magic power is almost full, but someone is here now. He doesn’t dare to continue to meditate, especially if he doesn’t know who is coming!

“Which Senior Brother is here? Save little sister!”

A yellow-robed girl stumbled from the nearby woods to the tree where Han Li was located. He looked up in a panic and shouted for help, it seemed to be determined that there must be his own savior on it. Not far from her behind, a figure of white walked slowly, contrary to female‘s panic, it seemed very leisurely!

Seeing all this, Han Li rolled her eyes and was very dissatisfied with the female companion‘s behavior in causing disasters. As for the other party to find her hiding place, she was not surprised.

Because all Yellow Maple Valley disciple has been operated by Sect Leader Zhong Lingdao before departure, these disciples can sense the position of companion within a certain range. Of course, there is a certain time limit. Only Effective within ten days. The purpose is to let disciple of this sect support each other, which can greatly increase the chance of winning.

It is said that other factions disciple have also been blessed with a similar magic spell.

Unfortunately Han Li, like this woman.

He also knows that it is the female companion who has been with Junior Sister Chen. In addition to being more hot, his appearance is very ordinary.

Han Li looked coldly at the woman’s pleading expression, and instead of jumping frantically, she jumped out of the tree, but penetrated the tiny gap between the leaves, and carefully looked at the white figure that followed.

Whether to save or not to save, he wants to see the depth of the magic power coming first, and then say that he is unwilling to take his own life for the sake of not knowing female.

If Baiying magic power ordinary, Han Li naturally impolite‘s act will kill it, and a “hero saves the beauty”. However, if magic power is profoundly amazing, Han Li must consider whether it is better to join forces with the companion under the tree, or to escape immediately!

But just in case, he put his hand on Storage Pouch, took out magical toolGold Beetle Swarm Blades” and defensive talisman, and wrapped the anonymous silk thread lightly on his finger.

tut tut, it ’s really ugly to run! Is female disciple of Yellow Maple Valley so useless? It ’s a long way to ask for help from other stinky men. Is it that your love is in the tree? ? “

Bai Ying gradually approached, revealing his true face. It was a beautiful white female with fluttering white clothes, and his face was slightly different, but the two eyebrows stood slightly up, and his face was baleful aura.

In this case, although she was talking about yellow-robed girl under the tree, she revealed that murderous intention both eyes kept walking towards the tree. Obviously, she was not as arrogant as she said. There was still a bit of worry for the Han Li that could not be hidden. of!

Twelfth Layer cultivation method

After seeing each other’s depth easily, Han Li was relieved.

However, he still has some doubts. The woman under the tree, companion, looks like Twelfth Layer cultivation method. How could he be hunted down so miserably! Does the other party have any special means, and what awesome magical tool?

When Han Li was wondering, the white female coldly snorted made a sound, and suddenly the two sleeves were thrown, and the two white lights flew out of the sleeves and went straight to yellow-robed girl.

Senior Brother rescued me, my magical tool was completely destroyed and I couldn’t resist it!” yellow-robed girl looked pale and hurried out of his mouth.

At this point, the two golden lights descended from the fiercely shooting on the canopy, intercepted white light halfway, and got into a fight. It turned out that Han Li was driving the “Gold Beetle Swarm Blades” in the hand, and the two golden light were just two of them Child Blade.

The yellow-robed girl has a happy face, which calms down.

The reason why Han Li is act. On the one hand, he felt that the white female It’s nothing was terrible, and he should be able to cope with the past. On the other hand, he wanted to find a helper on the way, lest he be too lonely when facing the enemy. After all, how can a Twelfth Layer cultivation method companion play a role in the starting battle in the future!

“I’m finally willing to act! I thought Your Excellency would always pretend to be deaf and dumb!” Bai Yi female said with a smirk, no surprise on his face, but with a lift of his hand, a huge blaze of fire went straight Canopy hit.

With the sound of “Booming”, the upper body of the tree red light smashed, and it turned into ashes in a blink of an eye. But there was still no sign of anyone’s appearance, which made the white female stunned.

“The great fireball talisman, the girl is really reluctant!” After half-focused trunk, suddenly turned out Han Li’s silhouette, he said with a smile.

Eleventh Layer?”

female in white was a stun, and then it showed contempt.

The expression of yellow-robed girl just relaxed a little, and immediately panicked again, secretly sorrowing in my heart. I thought it was expert Senior Brother in the door. I didn’t expect it would be a magic power. It was not as good as my greenhorn Junior Brother.

“If you just hid it and watched the excitement just now, maybe this girl will let you go in a better mood. But since it’s a shot, let’s do the same thing together!” The pair of white female He raised his eyebrows more and more sharply, and said in a dark tone. Let her originally also have some beautiful faces and become stunned.

Han Li smiled slightly, commanding the Golden Blade fight without saying a word, and the body walked towards the woman casually.

“Stop, What do you want to do?”

The white female shouted cleverly. He raised his hand and took a picture of himself with defense magic spell. He raised the mask.

At this time, Han Li is only twenty feet away from her! It makes him feel bad!

It turned out that Han Li was interested in this tactic after easily killing disciple of Heavenly Imperial Fortress last time with transparent silk. Just now on the tree, when he saw that female in white did not release defense magic spell, he naturally wanted to reproduce the scene of that day as soon as he was inspired.

But unfortunately, the other party was really vigilant and realized that something was wrong early in the day and filled the loophole. Let Han Li sigh, female is indeed more cautious than men!

Since it doesn’t work out, naturally there is only a storm.

After disappointment, Han Li will not talk nonsense anymore. After defense magic spell was released, he held Mother Blade and trembled gently. From Storage Pouch, six identical Golden Blades flew out, and he hurled fiercely at the other side.

When yellow-robed girl saw Han Li’s magical tool, it seemed extraordinary. originally‘s thought of dying was alive again. He immediately threw out an talisman and turned it into a Daoist priest long Fire Snake. fiercely shooting passed.

Whitish female sneered, and Yushou gently rested, and a big Small Mirror appeared in his hands.

She took a light shot of the mirror, and a piece of green light sprayed out, covering the fluttering Golden Blade and Fire Snake, making them stop in the air and swirling, and could no longer fall, as if being cast by restrictions The same.

Han Li eyes are straight! What is this magical tool? Why so bad? How can I fix other people’s magical tool and magic spell?

Junior Brother Don’t worry, she magical tool Only one area can be settled at a time, and it can only be settled for half an hour at a time. ” yellow-robed girl See Han Li’s Horrified, immediately comforted.

Han Li hearing this, that’s the peace of mind, but the next sentence of the female companion immediately raised the Han Li’s heart again.

“However, this evil female is descendant of Masked Moon Sect and Elder. There are many weird magical tools. Junior Brother is still more careful!”

Han Li is speechless.

“No wonder that female disciple, which is Twelfth Layer, this companion Senior Sister, will be defeated so embarrassed. It turned out that the other party is a treasure girl! If you knew it earlier, you wouldn’t jump out of this hero!” Han Li has regretted it, I feel like I’m desperate!

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