A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality Chapter 1677: Clan tribes

Chapter 167 Chapters of the Realms

Hearing big man‘s statement did not disappoint him. Liu Shui’er‘s eyes were mild, and his voice said slowly:

“Since Fellow Daoist Shi has figured this out, the three of us will work together to pass through Dark Beast Forest. I believe that when I work together, I can definitely succeed successfully.”

Hehe, I hope so,” Shi Kun said in a low voice.

Then the three of them talked for a little while, and then they flew along the coast in a change of direction.

In a blink of an eye, the place became empty Ruye, and there was no longer any figure.

But it didn’t take long for Han Li to wait. The sea surface was light flashes. In addition, two red and yellow colors of rainbow flashes emerged. After a few flashes, they reached the shore.

Yi Guang converged, and two aliens with different costumes appeared.

The two have strange looks.

A man is short and fat, but he has an oddly large battle armor on his body. He has a black body, and almost covers most of his head.

The other person is tall and thin, with a dry body like a corpse, but also wearing a gown of extremely which is also weird.

Two of them, Correct, who remained in place at Heavenly Cloud after Han Li and the others left.

But the two of them showed up, dust all over their bodies, and an ugly expression on their faces.

Puffy interracial even touched the sweat on his face and said with a lingering fear:

“It’s really evil. Actually, at once met two Ancient Ferocious Beast. If it is not impossible for them to fight, we will definitely not be spared. But that’s it, but the power of their battle will slightly affect at once, and let us self-destruct number treasure was able to escape. “

There is a bit of regret in the words of the chunky alien.

“Hmm, I can escape my life in front of the Ancient Ferocious Beast on both ends. already is a great blessing for us. But Sea Area is really weird here. We are not only trapped by a strange fog in the sea for more than ten days. As soon as I escaped from it, I encountered two heads of Ancient Ferocious Beast. “tall and thin alien, also expression said heavily.

“Fortunately, we finally flew out of this Sea Area. This piece of mountain range should be safer now.” The chubby alien looked at mountain range in front of his eyes and said with some uncertainty.

“The positioning disk in the sea has no effect at all. Now use it again here, and look at whether or not to find out where we are.” tall and thin said with a few thoughts.

“Okay, I’ll cast it now.” The chunky alien had no other opinion, nodded, and then a opened mouth, a smooth extremely jade plate sprayed out.

After this object circled in the air, at once turned into a small size, and at the same time the surface was white light. There was something looming.

The flesh of the chubby interracial person suddenly appeared, and suddenly a group of blood essence sprayed out, and at once turned into a group of blood mist.

Finger quickly formed hand seals, and finally blood mist a little more dignified.

Under the volume of blood mist, all disappeared into the jade plate and disappeared.

The surface of the jade plate is bloody light. at once makes the jade plate much clearer, and even some scenes are faintly visible.

Seeing this situation, the two aliens immediately opened their eyes and stared at the white jade plate without blinking.

But after a while, both complexion are a bit ugly.

“What’s going on, this positioning disk hasn’t determined our approximate location yet.” tall and thin asked muttering.

“Either this area is special and the positioning disk really cannot take effect. Or it is because the two Ancient Ferocious Beast triggered the nearby heaven and earth vital energy, and even this place is still affected. Although this positioning disk is mysterious, it cannot match the rumors Compared with the few treasure. “Said the chunky alien after thinking.

“Huh, I knew it was so useless, so I didn’t spend such a high price to take this thing from the auction house. This thing can cost almost half of your spirit stones savings.” tall and thin alien expression was a little angry.

“Although this thing is not good when it is Vast Cold Realm. Without it, you and I wouldn’t be able to determine its position in this world. Others would not buy this thing with the same scrutiny. This thing is only Crystal Race talents will be refinement. Each time Vast Cold Realm is turned on, they will make a fortune for their family. I heard that Crystal Race people can also refinement more mysterious positioning treasure, but I do n’t know if it is true or false! ”Dwarf old man also A little depressed,

“Forget it. It ’s all over now, and it ’s useless to say anything else. Since the positioning pad is still not available in this place, go on the road first, leave this area and talk about it again.” Chunky aliens use Divine Sense carefully to scan the nearby mountain range again, said.

“It can only be so.” tall and thin old man hesitated a little before he nodded.

Then the two of them stunned together and turned into red and yellow shocked rainbows and went to fiercely shooting in the distance.

After skill, the two are at end of mountain range in the sky, and disappeared.

But since then, the two aliens have completely disappeared and no one has ever seen them again.

A forest of in the sky, three Heavenly Cloud aliens are joining forces to form a three-color Spiritual Light, which runs out of flight.

At their behind, there are more than a dozen heads that resemble elk, but their lion-like monsters are chasing after them.

In a more distant place, in a glacier area shrouded in snow and snow by all over the sky, several eccentrics covered with about 1 chi long (0.33m) white hair were flying slowly in the low air that was not higher than 30 meters .

The white snowflakes and the ice wind that can almost freeze people instantly seem to have no effect on these people, making them disappear into the snow in an instant.

Deep in the dense forest somewhere, two men wearing green robes and with yellowish-looking skin, each holding a red small banner flag, swayed at a tall 30 meters tall giant tree.

The giant tree is green extremely, and a evil ghost-like cricket face is born in the middle of the trunk.

But at the moment it was wrapped in a raging Lie Huo/raging inferno, and a scream of extremely was screaming in the mouth of the strange face, constantly ejecting a stream of green liquid to resist the attack of the flame.

A dozen thick extremely tentacles and half-tree roots are dancing constantly in the soil beneath the giant tree feet. A few feet deep grooves appear on the ground, showing the strength of the force.

If it is an ordinary flame, it may really be swept away by these tree roots.

But the flames around them seem to be indestructible when facing the roots of these trees. Even if the root of the tree swept past the flame, it did not shake at once, as if phantom ordinary.

After a moment of skill, the green giant tree spit green liquid and became thinner. Eventually, it could no longer resist the flames of all around. The screams ceased and turned into a pile of black ashes.

The two withering men saw this, immediately closed the flag in their hands, and flew off each other. at once crossed such a long distance before the ashes.

They respectively leaned over and grabbed each, and they each picked out a crystal of emerald green extremely from the ashes.

When the two men saw the object, they immediately ignored it, exulting.

In a remote corner of Vast Cold Realm, an endless desert in the sky, a dozen first-generation men and women with strange horns are clustering together, listening to what a young man with three golden short horns in the middle said.

Everyone was shocked, as if he heard something incredible.

While this young man’s gaze has passed, the heads of other men and women are slightly lower, and they show awe.

“You all know the real goal this time. In order to make this operation a success. Several Elder members in the family even took great damage to vital energy, and personally used the treasure of Profound Heaven *** to wait for me refinement five treasure against the sky, and also used several chess piece lurking in the Heavenly Cloud in the clan to draw all the attention of the Heavenly Cloud high-level. If this is really done, what it will mean for my clan, you want to come very clear No need for me to say anything more, “said the golden horn youth serene.

“Please envoy rest assured, I’ll wait to finish this thing desperately.” After listening to everything else, expression faintly excited again, almost echoing in unison.

“Very good, although I have been in Tianjiao Sacred Mountain cultivation, and I haven’t known you for a long time. But I believe that this and other major issues related to the future rise and fall of my family, all Fellow Daoist will do their best. This time our entering Vast Cold Realm team Although there are more than a dozen, only the five teams with treasure are responsible for this matter. The remaining teams are only responsible for assisting and acting as a cover for our actions. In case they are seen by other ethnic groups. Now follow I planned to go. “The golden horn youth nodded with satisfaction, and then said in his mouth.

So under the leadership of the youth, this team of Horned Worm Race flew to the depths of the desert immediately.

In a lake in the sky, the two lower bodies are fishtails, and the upper bodies are male and female aliens, standing side by side.

On the opposite side, there is another ten feet long, but a strange whale with nine golden eyes on its forehead exudes an amazing aura.

The two face each other distantly.

An alien man’s eyes are silver and white, but female both eyes is golden light Cancan, which is somewhat similar to that weird whale.

At this moment, the whale roared endlessly, with nine eyes staring at the opposite two at the same time, a strong and bad look,

After witnessing this scene, the two aliens expression dignified extremely, and after a few words of conversation, the fishtail alien female, both eyes golden light flashes suddenly made a sound similar to the roar of the strange whale.

When the strange whale heard the sound of the same kind, nine eyes blinked at the same time, it seemed a little hesitant. ‘

Seeing this situation, the fish tail female instead loosened expression, but the roar from the mouth did not stop for a moment, and it was even a little louder than before.

The giant whale roar suddenly stopped at once, and then the in the eye golden light flickered, and the huge body shook, turning around several alien men and women several times. Then he returned to his place, and roared again in his mouth.

This time, when the fishtail female heard the roar of the strange whale, his face was overjoyed, his body just flickered, at once flew to the strange whale in the sky, and slowly landed on its back.

This seemingly mighty whale looks docile extremely without any irritation, and when prompted by the alien female, it turns blue light flashes and walks towards fiercely shooting in the distance.

The alien man, who also has a fish tail, followed immediately.

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