A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality Chapter 1429: Flying spirits

Chapter Fourteen Twenty-nine Flying Spirits

Fellow Daoist Han itself has already Refining, a feather of Xunpeng, plus I have helped it to integrate into Xunpeng’s true blood and Relic. It is said that I and other Heavenly Peng people, other races can also say It’s nothing. But one thing is not as small For one thing, as for Fellow Daoist Han, you should wait for the two to speak up. You only need to say that he is a member of a tribe trained overseas. But understand. “The girl said.

“Keep the order of Great Elder.” This time, a pair of men and women bowed their heads at the same time.

The girl nodded with satisfaction and said solemnly to Han Li:

Fellow Daoist Han, I have invited Auxiliary Oath Scroll of Heavenly Peng out of secret room, and Elder Shi also just returned. It is also possible to participate in unlocking the seal on scroll. You prepared leave a name on scroll.

The so-called “Elder Shi” ​​is naturally the man in the black robe.

“There are several Elders in thank you for your trouble.” Han Li does not have polite, and promised, his eyes fell on the wooden box on the table.

See this action of Han Li, Jin Yue one-handed wooden box.

With a bang, the object was taken directly and fell into the girl’s palm.

This at once, not only Han Li, but also the eyes of the others.

Jin Yue expression is unchanged, several jade fingers brush the green leaves on the box.

The green glow was suddenly released, and the leaves were taken down by her lightly.

With a sound of “Puchi“, without the suppression of several Lingye leaves, the red mahogany box at once burned fiercely and turned into a ball of red fireball.

Jin Yue braced the fire with one hand, but shuddered without incident.

The firelight was converged, and a half-foot-long crimson scroll emerged from it. At both ends of the scroll, there were one blue one red and two ghost heads biting there. Lifelike, like the living ordinary.

Speaking in the mouth, he threw scroll forward and immediately floated steadily at the beginning of low altitude.

Then one of the wings behind the girl, one feather turned into a golden glow fiercely shooting, and flashes disappeared into scroll.

Elder Shi, wait for act to unlock the seal.” The girl finished casting and turned to the man in the black robe.

“This matter is related to the survival of this tribe. I will try my best.” The man in the black robe smiled slightly, the same black light shot on the black wing behind him, and a black feather was shot into scroll.

As for the Akasaka old man and the beautiful woman, they waited for the young girl to say something, and made the ordinary unparalleled move.

at once inhaled the scroll of four old Heavenly Peng Patriarch old feathers, and finally changed in the air.

Under the whole body red light flashes, its at once swelled several times. At the same time, the ghosts at both ends closed tightly and both eyes at once opened, revealing bright red **** eyes, two mouths loose, originally locked and scroll finally opened downward.

The red light glow flashes on the book, and there are countless symbols of various sizes rolling on it.

Han Li in the eye blue glow flashes, see this scroll clearly.

In red light, it is densely packed with small characters, most of which are personal names.

At the top of scroll, there are four golden characters “Heavenly Peng Oath” written in Flying Spirit Race.

The following are written in light silver text with oath content, the content is the same as those of Heavenly Peng family ancient book recorded ordinary.

There are rows of black blue names.

Han Li Divine Sense sweeps carefully on this scroll.

As soon as Fang contacted red clouds above, suddenly a long clear cry was sent out from scroll, then light glow rolled over, and a blue Great Peng Phantom flew from the drawing axis. When Fang Yi flew out, it was only about the size of a foot, but it was Spiritual Light large Put it, at once became as tall as a mountain, filled the whole hall with more than half, and covered all Han Li and the others under it.

Han Li and Bai Bi and the others were shocked. Several Elders, such as Jin Yue, remained calm, and it seems that this is not the first time they have seen this amazing scene.


Jin Yue Lifted with one hand, a bronze mirror in the hand was added, just a flash to the bird shadow.

The Phantom immediately murmured, and the body was immediately broken. It eventually turned into a azure red cloud(s) submerged in scroll.

“You use your own blood essence, sign it on it. Be sure to use your real name, otherwise no one can save you if you are sworn to backlash.” Jin Yue closed the bronze mirror and said to Han Li deeply.

Han Li suddenly, some other thoughts of originally have finally been put behind.

He took a deep breath, when striding up.

opened mouth spurted a golden thread, and golden light flashes made a small mouth on an index finger. As soon as the whole body spiritual force was pressed, a drop of light golden blood essence came out from the wound.

The “ZZ” originally sitting on the Elder Shi, reveals a strange look.

“Why, what’s wrong with Elder Shi?” asked Aksha old man, twisting his beard.

It’s nothing, Fellow Daoist Han is probably cultivation or any special cultivation method or it has swallowed some exotic fruits, otherwise blood essence will not show this color.” The man in the black robe said slowly after hesitating at once.

“This is true. This golden blood essence blood essence is indeed very rare, but most of them are abnormal changes that will occur after fleshly body is overbearing to a certain degree.” old man‘s eyes swept over Han Li, looking thoughtful said.

The man in the black robe smiled and stopped talking about anything.

At this time, Han Li came up to scroll, and in a blank space, quickly wrote his name with his fingers.

When the light golden blood essence was stuck to scroll, the words were immediately immersed in it. After flashes, it turned into black blue characters and re-emerged, with no light, as if already had been written for many years.

At the same time, Han Li faintly felt that Primordial Spirit seemed to be watching at once by something, but it disappeared without a trace.

Han Li was shocked. It seems that this Heavenly Peng vow is indeed a bit of a way.

Dan Yue is like this, but he is more rest assured.

With this thing restraint, I want to come to these Elder of Heavenly Peng family, and it is very difficult to want abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal.

Not to mention the Han Li side secretly whispering, Jin Yue this girl waited for him to write the name, and immediately cast a rush scroll a little.

The object shuddered, rolled up quickly, and turned back into an scroll. When the two ghosts moved, they bit the ends.

Take another trick with one hand. After shrinking, scroll flew directly to the girl’s sleeve running.

“Okay, now that the matter is over. 胥 Elder says at once Diyuan trial and what you need to pay attention to in the meantime. You carefully remember, maybe there is a word that will be saved in trial Give you your life. “The girl said calmly after she folded scroll.

“Diyuan trial is our Flying Spirit Race seventy-two main branch, which must be held every three hundred years trial …” Akasu old man on the side, speaking slowly.

The three Han Li listen carefully …

Several days later, a few white-body giant birds flew out from the gate of the holy city, then flew out of restrictions, and flew straight in one direction.

On one of the giant birds, he sits Han Li in awe.

The white wings of at once are more than 20 feet away with one fan. After a few fanning, they flew to the end at the edge of the sky and turned into several black dot. After flashes, it disappeared without a trace.

Three months later, on top of a giant peak.

A huge square all around in a large emerald green building, with more than a hundred winged Flying Spirit Race people. In the middle, there is a big bird like Immortal Crane and a colorful Monster Bird. They are fighting each other in the mid-air Divine Ability.

The Immortal Crane has a strange action. When it grabs and pecks, it all makes a sound of breaking sound. The extremely looks sharp at first glance.

The first-born single-horned with winged Monster Bird and four-winged dorsal wing is covered with a colorful cloud. No matter what kind of attack on Immortal Crane falls on light glow, it will be carried on casually.

Seeing this anger at Immortal Crane, he suddenly flew backwards and counted 30 meters , then his wings were aimed at Monster Bird at the same time.

Dozens of fiercely shootings came out at once, and then on the way, at once turned into dozens of bright and sharp blades. After flashes passed, it was simultaneously tied to the opposite light glow.

The gorgeous light glow, despite being wonderful, was knocked down by so many sharp blades at the same time, and finally it uttered a trembling trembling violently, a look to be forcibly separated.

Immortal Crane Seeing this, my heart was overjoyed. When I wanted to urge the sharp blades again, the opposite Monster Bird There was a sudden scream in my mouth, opened mouth A gust of yellow wind rushed out, and wherever he went, those sharp blades were blown away, turning slowly in the air, completely out of control.

Immortal Crane was shocked, and also the same opened mouth, a spray of milky white beam flashes, penetrated the wind in an instant, and reached the front of Monster Bird.

A pair of Monster Bird purple eyeballs unusual glow flashes, black single-horned red glow flashing on top of their heads, but also sprayed out a red light, just hit the beam of light.

After the rumbling, both are gone.

“Inquiry brother, do you have any Divine Ability, although the show is good. If not, then it will be act.” A man’s voice came out from Monster Bird.

“Well, you horns are just these kinds of Divine Ability, how can you take me.” From Immortal Crane, the same coldly words were also issued.

“Okay, let Your Excellency see at once. I am newly repairing Divine Ability of refined into.” Monster Bird impolite said.

Then the four wings shook at the same time, and in a phantom, at once was transformed into a mouthful of yellow, which was very tall and simple.

“No!‘ At the sight of this scene, many people were immediately shocked by the retreat. Only some of them who held the height of cultivation base stood in place without moving at once.

Huang Zhong just swayed by himself, and a dull bell rang out.

Everyone who heard this sound buzzed their heads and was greatly affected.

Head-to-head to receive this kind of half-way prestige Immortal Crane, it turned out silently and fell down from the air.

At the same time, his body was white light flashes, at once turned into a Flying Spirit Race man over thirty years old, a white robe.

Another Flying Spirit Race person hurriedly flew from the nearby crowd, catching the man, and then fluttered to the ground.

Huang Zhong flashed and turned into another soap robe youth directly, holding a punch at the bottom, serene in his mouth said “you let me win

The man who turned into Immortal Crane just woke up. As soon as he left his companionship, complexion looked at the soap robe youth in the air unsightly.

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