A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality Chapter 1418: Three choices

Chapter 1418 Three Choices

The two guest-like people are a pair of middle-aged men and women with husband and wife appearance, and are talking to the owner.

One is Void Refinement Early Stage and the other is Void Refinement Middle Stage. As far as the storekeeper is concerned, it is actually a terrible existence of Void Refinement Late Stage.

Why would people like cultivation base open any shop here?

Han Li was shocked.

The men and women glanced at the sight of someone coming in.

They saw Han Li’s Deity Transformation Middle Stage cultivation base and felt strange extremely on their faces. They were also surprised.

It’s the skinny shop storekeeper. Just a glance, it no longer cares about Han Li, and continues to talk lazily with the two in front of them.

“If you don’t find spirit stones, please don’t think about Zixianmu, expensive husband and wife! As for high-grade spirit stone, do you think I lack these things?” The skinny and sticky man was even louder.

Brother Yu, exchange spirit stones for purple immortal wood, this condition is too harsh. This thing is only possible in the depths of the earth can existence. Don’t say that Void Refinement cultivator like husband and wife, it is a few Elder in the family, nor Dare to easily entering so deep. “The female that still has the charm, said unwillingly.

“The old man will just ignore it. Do you become the old man’s purple fairy tree due to the strong wind? Without sucking spirit stones, this matter will not be mentioned.” The thin storekeeper pair of eyes turned over, and polite said nothing at all.

This pair of husband and wife heard storekeeper, so naturally complexion is ugly. But no matter how the two pleaded below, old man didn’t let it go.

In the end, the pair of men and women can only leave with helplessness.

They never talked to Han Li from beginning to end.

“Boy, what’s the matter with your husband?” The owner waited for the pair of husband and wife to step out of the door, and sat down on the chair behind the table, looking impatient.

“I heard that Senior has Azure Luo Fruit for sale here, but it’s true.” Han Li serene extremely asked.

Azure Luo Fruit. That is one of the most precious things in this store. A flying spirit of trifling will not be able to replace it at all. Don’t waste my time and leave here quickly.” Middle-aged people listened to the words of Han Li, After looking at Han Li pair of eyes with carefully, he made a sound coldly snorted from his nose and directly opened the Han Li.

Senior doesn’t say conditions, how can I know that I can’t trade this with my juniors?” Han Li smiled slightly, his feet never moved at once.

“Hmm, refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit!” The skinny middle-aged man was furious. One of the pair of silver wings of behind suddenly rushed into Han Li.

“After a muffled sound, an invisible huge force suddenly rushed towards Han Li, even the surrounding air buzzed.

Han Li There was no dodge at the corner of his eyes, but he raised his hand and made a flick of his finger as a sword.

A golden glow flashes, that huge force is divided in two and is easily cut off. Passing from both sides of Han Li, there was a loud noise.

“Alas! No wonder there is some confidence, it seems to have a bit of ability.” The skinny shopkeeper said with a frivolity, in the eye fine light flashes, a little unexpected.

“Is the junior eligible to trade with Senior now?” Han Li asked expression again as usual.

“Well, you are qualified. But if you want to play Azure Luo Fruit‘s idea, you still don’t know the heights and heights, there is no possibility.” The owner said lightly.

“I do n’t even tell my juniors how to exchange them, and how do I know that I ca n’t pay for what Senior wants.” Han Li replied with a smile.

“Since you are so confident, your husband has no other guests now, so it ’s okay to talk to you. Azure Luo Fruit is rare, so I wo n’t say much. If you want to exchange this thing, I will give you three options. As long as you can If you reach any of them, Azure Luo Fruit can be exchanged for you. “The owner groaned a little, but expression re-exported slowly. “Three choices, it seems that Azure Luo Fruit is really hard to get. Otherwise, why should Senior give so many choices.” After hearing the words of each other, Han Li laughed bitterly.

“You know just fine. First, if you can take out the rumored Netherworld lotus or the dark blood crystal, I will say nothing to you, and I will give you Azure Luo Fruit immediately.” Said.

“These two spirits, simply, are rumored. Whether World really has this thing, or two things. It is impossible for younger people to have these two things.” Han Li shook his head again and again.

Hehe, a rumored thing.” Middle-aged man hearing this, even a hint of irony appeared on his face. But

“Since the first choice, you don’t think it is possible. Then the second choice, I will say something you can definitely find. If you have five or six hundred top grade spirit stones in your hand, the old man can barely sell you a Azure Luo Fruit . “

“Five or six hundred top grade spirit stones, Senior is really a lion’s mouth. So many top grade spirit stones, it is estimated that several Elder in the family can’t get it out. This, even the younger ones can’t do it.” Han Li expression changed a few times, a bit ugly Already.

If the other party only said more than a hundred top grade spirit stones words, he gritted his teeth and used his own storage of many Spirit Medicines in exchange for at once. Maybe it was still possible. This quantity of five or six hundred, he did not want to, and gave up directly.

“Huh, the thing is the old man’s husband. The old man thinks that the Azure Luo Fruit value is so much spirit stones, so naturally such conditions are opened.” But the owner said carelessly.

Han Li hearing this, can only be speechless.

“You ca n’t accept the first two conditions. The last option, I guess you have no way to achieve it. Do you want to listen?” The skinny middle-aged man said coldly.

Senior said the last one!” said Han Li gloomy.

When I heard Han Li say this, the owner’s face showed a weird expression, and he said it after a while:

“This last condition does not mean that everyone is eligible. Before I say that, I must ask you at once. Can you master the power of lightning?”

lightning?” Han Li‘s pupils shrank and they were surprised.

“Yes, if you don’t have Thunder Attribute Divine Ability at all, or if you only know about it, the third option is not necessary for the old man to continue.”

“If the power of lightning, this Han can still control some by itself.” Han Li felt a little strange, but after thinking about at once, he still honestly responded.

“Yes, you can say nothing. Let me show you one or two first, let me see if you are really qualified.” The skinny middle-aged man didn’t intend to believe Han Li so simply, but both eyes bright light flashed. Said.

“No problem!” Han Li promised, the wings on the back just shook slightly.

The thunder of “Booming” is a masterpiece. Numerous silver arcs suddenly appear on the wings. After interlacing, all the arcs condense and contract. In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen silver lightning ball appear in Han Li all around.

The size of each fist is crackling up and down. But the terrible power contained in these lightning ball made the thin middle-aged people’s pupils shrink, revealing a little pleasantly surprised look.

“Yes, you didn’t exaggerate. Sure enough, lightning Divine Ability is not small. You can listen to my last choice. In fact, it’s very simple. The last condition is what you use to exchange Azure Luo Fruit. It just wants you to help me conquer an Thunder Attribute Spirit Beast. “

“Conquer Spirit Beast!” Han Li mesh light flashes, I was surprised.

“Why, you think it’s very simple. To tell you the truth, this Spirit Beast is a bit special. Although I caught it already alive, I still can’t subdue it. I haven’t seen too few people, but none of them It can help me to surrender. Many people are not good at Divine Ability, but are hurt by this animal backlash. However, if you are confident that you are quite accomplished in the power of lightning. It is not a chance. But the ugly word comes to the front, At that time, it will be injured or dead, but the old man will not care at all. “The skinny middle-aged man said profoundly. .

Thunder Attribute Spirit Beast? Senior whether or not bluntly, it’s Ho Spirit Beast.” After Han Li listened, his brows frowned.

“What kind of Spirit Beast is not easy to tell you for the time being. You really decided to help the old man, I will take you to see this beast, and you will know at the first sight.” Middle-aged man both eyes flashed a bit of deceit .

After hearing the other’s vague answer, Han Li felt cursed naturally after touching his chin. , But there are still a variety of thoughts in my mind thinking about it.

This person is a Void Refinement Late Stage existence, but he can’t surrender a captured Spirit Beast, there must be something weird inside. However, since the other party pointed out that people who need to be proficient in the power of lightning, can act help. It doesn’t seem to be meaningless.

Han Li pondered for a while, then asked again:

Senior refers to the degree of surrender, which is considered acceptable.”

“Of course, it is to assist the husband, let him capture it obediently, and accept the husband’s confession ceremony.” The middle-aged man said without hesitation.

“If this is the case, the junior is willing to assist Senior and try it.” Han Li is no longer hesitant. “Very good! The ceremony of recognizing the Lord, the old man needs to go to prepared at once beforehand. Four days later, you can come here to find the old man.” The owner said with a smile. “Four days later, I arrived here on time. The junior quit first.” Han Li said nothing, and left the shop with a few punches.

Looking at the disappearing gate of Han Li, the skinny middle-aged man raised his hand and touched the goatee on his chin. in the eye showed a touch of excitement.

After coming out of the store, Han Li did not leave the trading hall in a hurry, but returned to the stone pillar where the transaction information appeared again. I hope there are other surprises to discover …

Until it was late and the trading hall was about to close, Han Li silhouette flew out of the giant gate with joy.

His income is really rich this time. In addition to the traces of Azure Luo Fruit, from the trading hall of the Heavenly Peng family, several rare materials that could not be found in Human Race were found. There are both tool refining and Linghua spirit grass.

One of them, Spirit Medicine, also happens to be in combination with Golden Marrow Crystal Insect, refinement Sacred Brahma True Devil Dharma Idol, another flavor of the main drug.

This naturally overjoyed Han Li.

As long as he finds the other two Spirit Medicine, he can gather all the materials and condense the true body of Dharma Idol.

Han Li thought about it, whole human turned into a ball of green light, and flew straight to the residence.

Tomorrow is the three-day period agreed with the Heavenly Peng family.

But Han Li and mouth corner in Laiguang laughed, as if they had completely forgotten ordinary.

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