A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality Chapter 1042: Slayer

Chapter One: The Two Thousands of Forty Cut Demon

Ancient Devil shook his hands, and suddenly blade light turned into a large number of black crescents, rushing to Han Li fiercely shooting.

This monster doesn’t care about other cultivator, seems to have identified the opponent Han Li, and intends to pursue it.

It’s no wonder that among these people, Han Li and Tian Lan Saintess have the lowest cultivation base, while Lin Yinping is in the empty Neutralize Xu youth. Compared with Han Li, it seems to be the best opponent. Already.

Of course, this is also because this Ancient Devil is not the devil soul of the year, and has never played against Han Li, otherwise it will never have such an idea that it will regret it.

Han Li saw the Ancient Devil attack aggressively, without revealing shock, but the sleeves shuddered, silver small shield flew out, and turned into a giant shield in a blink of an eye.

He glanced at this devil and sighed lightly.

Ancient Devil saw Han Li expression from afar, but couldn’t help but start to feel a sense of strange pressure coming from under his feet.

Before it looked down, “Puchi“, a group of yellow light parcel figures appeared strangely from the ground, appearing a few feet away behind.

Then the figure low roaring sound, both hands waved, a silver giant axe severely cut off with a vicious wind.

This witness is ugly woman Gui Ling, which is always lurking under the foot of Han Li. This is the horrible cultivation base of the demon Tenth Level Demonic Beast.

The axe blade hasn’t fallen yet, but the terrible spiritual force on the axe has made the surrounding ground boom, and it suddenly collapses.

Ancient Devil complexion has changed. Regardless of the attack on Han Li’s, the body turns ghost as soon as the body shakes. At the same time, the swords in the hands are crossed upwards.

black glow skyrocketed, two thick blade light shot out and hit the silver axe.

The black and silver rays of light came together strangely and burst immediately.

A wave of hot and cold attributes swept away in all directions, blade glow temporarily let the axe fall for a while, then collapsed and disappeared.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ancient Devil only came to perform other Devilish Art. Under both hands and formed hand seals, the body suddenly heard the sound of a bone joint blast, the body at once skyrocketed, and at the same time, the exposed area appeared a large bowl mouth. Black and green scales, shiny is like covering (one/first) layer smooth battle armor ordinary in an instant,

originally The injured part was also shrouded in black Devil Qi. The granulation wriggled constantly, but it was so fast as recover completely.

After the Ancient Devil body has played a full circle, in the eye fierce light flashes, took a deep breath, and then opened mouth, a circle of shock waves appeared as if it was a substantial turbulence, and the falling axe fell into it for a while, as if invisible The object blocked ordinary and could no longer drop in the slightest. .

And this devil suddenly heard a weird curse. After the scales black light lighted up, about 1 chi long (0.33m) black purple Devil Flame, whole human were all wrapped in it, burning, it looked weird extremely, what a powerful Secret Technique to use.

Gui Ling was stunned in the heart, but retreat was not seen in the figure. Instead, shouts out was heard in the mouth. The figure suddenly rose, and (one/first) layer blue battle armor also appeared on his body.

At the same time that the demon became bigger, the Spiritual Light was also huge. With this power, it finally fell down again.

The change of Gui Ling is obviously beyond Ancient Devil‘s expectation. The looks at has a ugly woman that is much taller than him. this devil is also shocked. The curse in his mouth has to stop. The both hands black blade rises quickly and welcomes. His body floated backwards.

When the black blade came into contact with the giant axe, an astonishing roar erupted, and a spirit wind scattered. However, the Ancient Devil, which had been guarded for a long time, was safe and sound. Instead, with the help of this spirit, at once shot back at a rapid speed, without any damage.

However, Ancient Devil sneered during the shot, and the blue Chang Ge held by the third arm suddenly burst out of (one/first) layer black Devil Flame, followed by a wave, and turned into a meteor heading directly to the huge body of Gui Ling.

The speed is as fast as a lightning flash. After flashes hits the body of Gui Ling huge, a burst of thorns erupts with battle armor.

Then Ancient Devil didn’t wait for the body to stabilize, and the sound of the spell in his mouth re-emerged, he would have to cast Secret Technique which is about already prepared . It seems that he doesn’t think that a blow just now can really kill a Demonic Beast of Tenth Level Shape Transformation.

But at this moment, the metamorphosis is protruding!

At the this devil behind, a faint black light flashes, a crystal-like ink flying knife emerged, silent, and then the black line flashes, the strangeness of this flying knife flashes is gone.

Almost at the same time, Ancient Devil was aware of something wrong in advance due to its terrible Spiritual Awareness, and had to move out of fiercely shooting when it was in shape.

But suddenly, a head of Ancient Devil seemed to be pierced by a cone-like thing, and Spiritual Sense suddenly hurt at once.

Even if this devil Spiritual Sense is so powerful, the body can’t help but hesitate to delay at once.

On this point of delay, a slight blood line appeared on the neck of a skull, and then the skull rolled down with no sign of blood, and the blood on the neck at once fiercely shooting was several feet high.

At this moment, only complexion in the distance Han Li bleached and released a seal of both hands pinch, expression seems to be a lot of weakness.

A hit in the Ancient Devil head Spiritual Sense just now is a simplified version of the Spiritual Sense attack that he researched with reference to Great Development Technique‘s “Shocking Soul Stab” and slightly modified it himself.

Although there is no last few layers of cultivation Great Development Technique, and might is far from being comparable to the real “spiritual stab”, but after it is displayed, if anyone does not take special precautions, anyone will be greatly affected . Therefore, this Secret Technique was named “Soul Sting” by him to distinguish it from the real “Shocking Soul Stab“.

However, even if he deliberately reduced the might by this Spiritual Sense attack method, after one hit, he still made him Spiritual Sense dizzy for a while, and was really unable to perform the second hit.

Ancient Devil‘s residual head blinked both eyes. It seemed that he didn’t believe what was going on, but immediately issued a furious sharp roar. Suddenly there were countless Devil Qis covering his body.

As soon as Devil Qi rolls over, this devil disappears and disappears.

The next moment, in the place outside San Forty, there was a change in space!

Then a strange emergence of black qi, Ancient Devil fell suddenly, and appeared in Devil Qi. It seems that a skull that was beheaded, although it did not really kill this devil, also made it really badly hit.

From the moment Gui Ling emerged and fell, Ancient Devil was severed and severely wounded after his head was chopped off. This series of actions were like flashes of light, just an instant.

But the young Xu surname above and Silver Winged Yaksha were stunned!

This is not the same as what they had originally negotiated. What they originally planned was just to join forces to knock this devil from the vicinity of Teleportation Formation temporarily.

As for whether or not hurting this devil, simply is not their consideration. But now that this devil is being pushed down by them, although the front of Han Li is the same as their plan, they attacked this devil at once with Gui Ling, but what happened to the changes behind?

Han Li is really desperately trying to kill this devil. And how did that weird flying knife appear in Ancient Devil behind? They did not even notice the appearance of this treasure.

If it appears in their behind, what do they find on whether or not?

As soon as this kind of thought emerged, Xu Qingjun and Silver Winged Yaksha felt a cold behind, and complexion changed slightly.

But Ancient Devil is unlucky!

So many large cultivator-level opponents attacked one after another without giving it a chance to breathe. There was an amazing Divine Ability but it was too late to cast a few points, and it was baffled. Otherwise, let it really exhibit the amazing Devilish Art. Even if Han Li and the others joins forces, it is definitely not a matter of time and time to want to hit this devil.

Therefore, Ancient Devil emerged. The remaining head twisted, and Han Li was glared resentfully with the eyes of resentment, and the black qi re-emerged towards the black robe female.

It knows that in its current situation, it can no longer be pleased with Han Li and the others, and it has no meaning at all.

But Han Li‘s gaze towards this devil reveals a satirical expression.

A group of silver light burst suddenly near Ancient Devil, then the figure flashed, and a weird one emerged.

Ancient Devil was startled. Like a bird in a hurry, Devil Qi wrapped himself inside, and then looked out. As a result, Fang Yi contacted the other party both eyes, but suddenly turned around, except the two demon in his head. Other than purple light, there is no other feeling.

Enchanting Technique!”

Ancient Devil Spiritual Sense is the same as Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivator. Therefore, it once deterred Old Devil Qian Bright Crystal, and only let this devil lose sight of at once for a moment, then wake up immediately.

But for a moment, she was so distracted that in the thunder, a Cuimang appeared before Devil Qi. The interweaving of glittering golden arc made Ancient Devil sober and clear.

Devilbane Divine Lightning!” Ancient Devil was startled, and actually recognized the origin of golden arc, which had caused many Ancient Demon devil to suffer. If he was not injured, he still has a way to urge Secret Technique to resist one or two, but now he is unwilling to take a hard fight, for fear that vital energy will be damaged again.

The this devil immediately waved with one hand, and suddenly a sudden rally in front of it turned into a dark small shield, directly facing green glow. And his own body flickered, at once went to another place outside the few feet.

But at the same time that this devil was standing still, there was a sudden thunder.

“Not good!” this devil suddenly felt in his heart and had not waited for him to act. With a silver arc, Han Li‘s wings spread out and appeared in this devil behind. The sleeves trembled, a purple flame and dozens of mouths. golden small sword fiercely shooting.

At this time, the ingenuity of Han Li 掐 is already constant. Ancient Devil just wants to hide, and he has no time to completely avoid it.

Unfortunately, the only head of this devil turned 180 degrees suddenly, and the weird at once turned up to face Han Li, and then mouthed again, and black shock waves that excited extremely blurted again and again, and As soon as the two magic arms swayed, two black blades emerged immediately, followed by a wave.

But when this devil didn’t expect it, just as his head was turning, his original wave was moving forward, and black flying knife, which cut off one of its heads, appeared strangely again, and flashes was missing.

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