A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts Chapter 92: Duel Lesson

“You said Lockhart blamed other people’s deeds on himself?” Hermione asked with a look of shock.

“Keep your voice down!” said Ron.

After dinner, the three of them hid in a corner of the common room and discussed quietly.

Ron rummaged through his schoolbag and took out three pieces of parchment, “Look at it, Hermione.”

The little witch immediately took it and buried herself in reading.

After a while, she raised her head and stammered, “How is it possible, this kind of thing! I mean, how did Lockhart manage to let others sell the story to him?”

Harry said suddenly: “It may not have been sold to him, but he may have snatched it by force.”

Ron and Hermione stared at him blankly. There were too many things hidden behind this guess.

The time came to Thursday in a blink of an eye.

The auditorium was redecorated, and around the square gold-plated stage in the center, young wizards were crowded.

When Felix and Snape appeared together and stood in the center of the stage, the little wizards had different moods, mixed with surprise and regret.

“Professor Snape?” On the stage, Felix glanced at him.

Snape shook his head expressionlessly, so Felix took a step forward and tapped himself with his wand, “Be quiet, little wizards—”

“Our classes will start soon.”

Felix turned around in a circle, and wherever he looked, the crowd became quiet.

“Before we begin, there are a few things that need to be clarified in advance.”

Felix’s eyes were calm, and his voice rang in the ears of every little wizard, “First, Professor Lockhart, who was originally in charge of the dueling course, generously entrusted the course to Me, let me take full responsibility;”

The little wizards whispered, “I don’t think so.” Dean Thomas said to Neville, “If you want me to say, Lockhart in the new semester is even more confused, he can even forget the acting class word.”

“I think he’s been under too much pressure these days. I’m like that sometimes, when I’m nervous, my mind goes blank.” Neville said in a low voice.

“Speaking of which, I was surprised that no Auror suddenly rushed in to take him away.”

After a brief pause, Felix continued: “Secondly, Professor Snape will serve as a special guest professor and provide guidance and advice for our dueling courses throughout;”

The discussion in the audience grew louder.

“—As for the third, it is about the dueling course itself. After discussing with Professor Snape, we agreed that the time and format of the course should be fixed. So in the future, our course will be held every two weeks Do it once, at 8:00 p.m. on Thursdays of the second and fourth weeks of each month.”

After the little wizards digested the information, Felix waved his wand, and the ceiling of the auditorium became dark. At the same time, milky white light shrouded the stage and the little wizards like an upside-down bowl.

Some noisy voices seemed to blend into the open wilderness, becoming muffled and inaudible.

“Now, we are officially in class.”

Felix extended his hand to Snape.

In the solemn silence, Snape said in his characteristic flat tone: “The duel of wizards is a tradition with a long history. Over time, some **** and barbaric rules have been eliminated. Finally, we tamed it in a cage, and made the duel a means to show the wizard’s own charm.”

Many young wizards have noticed that in this environment, Professor Snape’s voice has a strange charm bonus.

Ron whispered, “I’ve long thought that Snape had a talent for telling ghost stories.”

“What did you say?” Hermione tilted her head. But then he was surprised to find that his voice became hazy and deep.

“Magic,” said Harry, but the other two could only see his mouth.

“—but the basics of dueling are still there, and there are many people who spend their lives understanding duels just like trolls, foolishly waving wands, comparing the strength of magic and the height of their voices,” said At this point, Snape’s eyes fell on the little wizard of Gryffindor College, full of sarcasm.

“But dueling itself is a delicate art. If you are willing to spend even a little time, you will realize that the World Wizarding Dueling Conference publishes related guide books every few years.”

Snape rarely explained his views on duels today. Although his words made the young wizards confused, they could feel Snape’s respect for duels.

Halfway through the talk, Snape still couldn’t change his habit of secretly connoting a certain professor. He said: “Although Hogwarts does not have the tradition of dueling and combat magic as much as Durmstrang, But a lot of that stuff is already covered in one course.”

Snape gently raised the wand in his hand, his eyes were fixed on the front, and he squeezed a few words out of his teeth, “Yes, Defense Against the Dark Arts.”

“But this course has never played its due role over the years, which makes some students not even have the most basic ability to judge danger.”

In the solemn and depressing atmosphere, many young wizards felt that they seemed to be back in the Potions class.

This professor has always had the ability to bring the surrounding atmosphere under his control on his own.

Next, Felix clapped his hands, allowing the little wizards to focus on him.

“Today’s lecture is about the disarming spell. We have already seen its function in the first duel class. It is a very useful spell.”

Felix enumerated some advantages of the Disarming Curse~IndoMTL.com~Easy to learn, effective, and low risk, whether it is used in daily practice or in some formal duel occasions, there is no problem. “

“Has anyone mastered this magic?”

Sparse arms were raised, most of them were young wizards of senior grades, “The proportion is much lower than I expected.” Felix shook his head.

He called up a seventh-year Gryffindor student.

“Professor Haip, my name is Albert Balk.” The pimple-faced student said excitedly, “I am going to apply for the Ministry of Magic’s Auror exam, and I have been preparing for it for two years.”

Felix understood.

Under the signal of Felix, Balk waved his wand, a red curse pierced the air, and used a standard disarming spell.

Next, Felix introduced in detail how to learn the Disarming Curse, and used Balk as a “teaching tool”, asking him to try to use the spell repeatedly and point out the key points.

Under his demonstration, many young wizards have a basic understanding of this spell.

“Next –“

Felix swung his wand, hundreds of parchments flew out from the suitcase in the corner, and they flew right in front of every little wizard.

Harry quickly picked up one, looking at the dense introductions and spell-casting techniques on it, his scalp burst a little.

He looked at the stage, and Professor Haipu said calmly: “I don’t think you can learn a spell in just two hours. In fact, if there are ten successful examples , it was beyond my expectation.”

“The content on this parchment is for your practice and reference after class. I will explain how to use it later.”

“Now, let’s do a formal exercise.”

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