A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts Chapter 8: Figure

What does it take to make a “real” magic golem?

First of all, we must understand, what is a magic puppet? To put it simply, it is a thing for guarding the home. As far as Felix knew, there were a group of stone puppets in Hogwarts school. The production process was extremely complicated, and they were immortal for thousands of years, always guarding the safety of Hogwarts.

But for teaching, there is no need to be so strict.

Find some high-quality clay, mix it with an appropriate amount of dragon dung, and mix it with the blood of some magical animals—of course dragon blood is the best, but as for teaching aids, it is natural to use cheap ones.

But he can get some advanced battle puppets for himself as a private collection…

Felix quickly sent an application report to Professor McGonagall. After some complicated communication, Professor McGonagall finally agreed to his idea and asked him to give it a try.

Along with the letter was a formal letter of appointment and a small bag of Galleon.

Felix quickly got the materials for the student version of the magic puppet. The clay was dug by himself, and the dragon dung and magical animal blood were bought from the black market. After that, he spent another three days wandering around Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley, as well as some magic black markets in various countries, and finally got together the advanced materials for his “hardcover” magic puppet.

Afterwards, Felix wrote to his “dear” old Slytherin classmates, temporarily borrowing a house-elf from their family, preparing to create a magical version of the assembly line.

Felix emptied his home, and at the same time cast the Untraceable Stretch Curse, transforming the room into the size of a square.

In front of him was a row of house-elves.

“Everyone, I’ll leave it up to you!” After Felix demonstrated how to make a puppet model, he retreated to the second line and delegated the task.

As for him himself, he is also very busy! In addition to redesigning his own “hardcover” battle puppet and adding various limited-level powerful rune circuits to it, he also had to take into account the food problem of the house elves so that they could devote themselves to their work.

Felix is ​​not talking nonsense, as evidenced by the testimony of the house elf: “Mr. Haipu is really great!” xN

Time slipped away day by day, and in a blink of an eye, half a month passed quietly.

Looking at the models of hundreds of magic puppets, Felix was very satisfied. Although these models did not have any rune circuits, they could barely be regarded as a rough piece.

But that’s enough.

Before parting, Felix prepared a sumptuous farewell dinner for the house-elves.

“You are really too generous!” xN

Harvesting another wave of thanks, Felix sent away these “voluntary laborers”.

In the following week, Felix began to engrave ancient runes of different difficulty according to the number of people in each grade, and at the same time used strengthening spells to prevent damage. After all, these are all money!

Felix had exhausted himself half to death before it was completely settled.

“I won’t do that next time! I’m so tired!”

Feeling drained, Felix turned pale, but his understanding of the ancient runes had taken a big step forward.

Randomly picked up a semi-finished magic puppet. The black gloves, the back of the gloves and the jacket, are all embedded with a golden sun emblem.

It took a few minutes to complete the ancient rune circuit. He waved his wand, and the magic puppet immediately moved.

First, he tentatively moved his hands and feet, kicked his legs, and punched, and then raised his index finger to make a classic pose. After a pause for a few seconds, he swung his arms violently. A football-sized flame followed the predetermined ancient rune circuit, Inspired from the fingers, it flew half a meter away…


Although Felix’s magic puppet was inspired by a fighting game, he did not copy it completely, and made some magical changes in appearance and moves.

The magic puppets are divided into 12 different shapes, there are handsome men and beautiful women, old people and children, enough for students to choose the type they like.

And each puppet, in addition to the basic fighting moves, also has the design of “external skills”. But considering the actual situation, Felix didn’t make it too complicated, but roughly divided it into four types: “flame”, “ice”, “thunderbolt” and “cutting”.

Taking flames as an example, considering safety issues (you can’t underestimate the bears of little wizards), the “external skills” released by the student version of the magic puppet are the most common flames, at best they are more cool in appearance.

He is well-informed at this point, and he even magically changed the skills of a character. The ultimate move is to transform into a flame bird—yes, it is a phoenix.

Felix is ​​very satisfied, perhaps, he can bring a new trend to Hogwarts!

After finishing the teaching aids, Felix focused on his “hardcover” battle puppet.

There are six in total.

If you have to put a label to satisfy your imagination, it can be summarized into the following keywords:

Miss Flame Master;

Ice Master beautiful young lady;

Master Thunderbolt, beautiful young lady;

Cutting master pretty lady;

Speedmaster beautiful lady;

Deformation master beautiful young lady;

Hehe, the characteristics are unexpectedly consistent~

Generally speaking, two new types of Speed ​​Assassin and Transformation Interference have been added to my Collector’s Edition. These 6 figurines are not parallel imports, but alchemy products that he spent a lot of high-grade materials, burning complicated ancient runes and protection magic.

Take Flame Master as an example. What is burned on her body is a powerful magical flame, which is extremely hot and can shoot out a distance of 20 meters. The power can blow half a wall and maintain this fighting intensity for ten minutes .

According to his estimation, if one of these six magic puppets ~IndoMTL.com~ is picked at random, it can easily beat a seventh-grade graduate.

And the six figures are integrated into one, with long-range attack, melee combat, speed, power storage, strong attack, and interference. It can be fought alone, or in teams of two or two, or in teams of three, four, or up to six, and its power also increases exponentially.

Well, Felix felt maliciously that it would not be a big problem for these six puppets to hold an unnamed potions professor for ten minutes!

The only downside is that it requires wizard manipulation.

But the key is that Felix himself is much stronger than the magic puppet…

Chicken ribs, chicken ribs, Felix shook his head, it seems that there is still a lot of room for improvement.

At least give them some fighting wisdom.

After looking at the remaining materials, he thought about it and decided to mix some inferior materials and make five more puppets, which are stronger than the student version and weaker than the collector’s version.

Just treat it as a prize for the opening of the class, five grades, one for each level!


Felix took out the small box and put the teaching aids in the box—needless to say, this box was also cast with the Untraceable Stretching Charm.

Felix didn’t think much about his six figurines. He waved his wand and let them float up to a green ring on his left index finger.

This object, which looks like a storage ring, is essentially an alchemy product reinforced with the Untraceable Stretching Curse and Stabilizing Runes.

There is also a concealed rune circuit engraved on it to minimize the fluctuation of magic. From the outside, it looks like a decorative gemstone ring.

But this ring stored one-third of his wealth in all his travels!

However, of the three caves of the cunning rabbit, Felix already has two caves, and the last one is still short.

As for the third cave, he already had an idea a few days ago.

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