A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts Chapter 7: Lesson preparation

After reading the information, Felix bid farewell.

On the way back, he stopped by Diagon Alley and purchased two sets of ancient magic text textbooks from the third to seventh grades from Lihen Bookstore. One set is brand new, and the other is a “treasure” that he has spent a lot of time carefully selecting from the pile of old books.

The textbooks in the old book version come from four top scholars. Although the handwriting is different, the notes are consistent and detailed. He thinks he can refer to it and use it as a research.

On the second day, he started the exciting lesson preparation session. First, he looked through the textbooks—it was surprisingly easy!

Professor Babuling is worthy of being an expert in ancient runes, and the textbooks he selected are very distinctive: they are mainly based on current mainstream views, but also interspersed with a certain proportion of practical runes.

The current mainstream view is that the ancient rune is an ancient text, which was used by ancient wizards to record magic, and the responsibility of modern researchers is to translate those leftover magic manuscripts.

This is only a part of the truth. In fact, although they are all named “ancient rune”, it actually has a long history – in distant times, it was a mysterious line used to carry the magic power of wizards. Widely used in ancient magic and ancient alchemical creations.

And these magical ancient runes are the power that Felix pursues, and it is also the scope of his research.

Then he read the notes of several masters, among which the parts about difficult points, understanding ideas and solutions were very inspiring to him-this could help him understand how the little wizard thinks about this course of.

So he likes Xueba, after all, birds of a feather flock together.

With Xueba’s notes and the teaching syllabus he got from Professor McGonagall, he is very clear about the teaching content he wants to complete.

Next, it is the consideration of the teaching form.

Although he has already obtained the teaching position he has been longing for, and the Hogwarts thousand-year-old book collection has once again opened the door to him, but he is also a legendary graduate after all, and returning to his alma mater, he must not be complained about his poor teaching. ?

He can’t afford to lose this man! Those who come out of the Snake Court are good noodles!

“What should I do to be attractive enough?” Felix thought over and over again, and the first thought that came to his mind was the sea tactics.

At this moment, he is not fighting alone! In his past and present lives, the lingering psychological shadow of many candidates has been attached to him.

There was a strange “Jie Jie” laugh in the cabin.

Closer to home, Felix took out a piece of parchment and wrote the words “Tactical Question Sea” on it, and immediately led to two branches, one was the advantages, and it said “quickly consolidate the knowledge learned”; One branch represents shortcomings, and it says “easy to trigger resistance”.

Of course Felix has to make achievements, but he also knows what level those little wizards are – if he doesn’t want to beat Professor Binns to become “the most unpopular professor”, he has to take it easy. point.

“The key is to be interesting and informative, but interesting and question-sea tactics are opposite strategies…” Felix murmured, “Perhaps we can start by writing diaries and small essays in ancient runes.”

Time flies in thinking…

“The final assessment is also very important, you can consider adding a practical part.”

The ancient magic text is boring, but in fact it is the necessary knowledge for in-depth study of the mysteries of magic. One end is connected with ancient magic, and the other end is connected with ancient alchemy.

The former represents great power, while the latter represents once glorious magical creations.

“Ancient magic is not advisable, and I can’t even handle it now. But it is a feasible idea to use what I have learned to complete, or at least repair an alchemy product…” Felix entered a kind of “brainstorming” , all kinds of thoughts and inspirations splashed out, and the quills on the table danced quickly, bringing out afterimages.

Until the evening, Felix completed the preliminary design of the course.

“As expected of me.” He looked at his results with satisfaction: they were three densely packed parchment papers filled with words and flow charts.

The remaining question is what kind of alchemy product should be used as the teaching medium.

This is not an easy task, because Felix didn’t plan to prepare five alchemy products according to the third to seventh grades—it’s too troublesome and takes up his study time.

He is going to choose an appropriate alchemy item and divide it into different difficulty gradients.

For example, third-year freshmen only need to complete some content such as [Connection], [Penetration], [Balance], [Coordination], etc., which are analogous to connecting wires and pushing and pulling switches in physics experiments.

As for the seventh grade, let’s not say let you build a rocket, but make a load-carrying car, it’s not that I make things difficult for you, right?

“What should be used as a carrier? First of all, it can’t be too simple, and it can’t distinguish the difficulty; but it can’t be too complicated, otherwise I will be tired.”

There are eight hundred little wizards in Hogwarts. Even if only one third of them choose ancient runes, it is an unbearable workload for him who wants to engage in “teaching innovation”.

Felix has some headaches, he wants to strike a balance between “efficiency” and “quality”…

After being busy for three days, Felix searched through his collection of books, but he couldn’t find a suitable entry point.

“There are too few ancient rune books on the market, and there are even fewer practical ones!” Felix wailed in his heart, which also made him yearn for Hogwarts’ collection of books even more.

That is his OnePiece!

Felix heard all kinds of strange legends when he was in school, such as the four founders of Hogwarts who left their mysterious treasures, but in his opinion, if he can master all the magical knowledge in the library , this person’s achievements will not be lower than any one of the Big Four.

The biggest treasure house is right in front of your eyes, but most people turn a blind eye to it!

Didn’t he regret it because he missed it? Otherwise, why has he been planning to return to Hogwarts for the past few years? Aren’t you thinking about the white moonlight in your heart?

After finding nothing, Felix walked out of his hut, ready to go out for a walk.

“Mr. Haipu, I haven’t seen you these days!” An elegant lady met him by chance.

“Linda, I’ve been busy preparing for my new job recently.”

“Have you found a job?”


After a brief conversation, the lady left with a little reluctance.

I have to mention that Felix’s gentle personality and handsome appearance have always made him popular with the neighbors.

Streets of London’s West End.

Felix wandered aimlessly. Compared with the hurried pedestrians on the road, he looked extraordinarily leisurely, like a person from two worlds.

Although it is true to say so.

On the way, Felix passed by a dentist’s office. Looking at the clean and tidy shop, his eyes paused, and a thought that had haunted his mind for a long time reappeared.

No rush, come back in a few days.

He continued walking, and finally stopped at a youth activity room. Hearing the familiar “Yo Falk Kinda” and “Dog Xi Nei”, Felix walked in in a mysterious way.

The light inside was a little dim, and teenagers of half age were frantically tapping the buttons and shaking the joystick tirelessly, uttering strange words of “huhuhaha”.

A fighting game~

Felix really felt like returning to his childhood, of course not his childhood in this life, but his previous life. The familiar characters on the screen made him feel very kind, especially the young ladies in thin clothes.

“Fireman’s skills are so cool!!”

“The ice girl’s big move is full screen ~IndoMTL.com~ What do you know!”

Felix laughed dumbfounded. Sure enough, game fans all over the world get the same name, move characteristics + gender.

Just as I was about to turn around and leave, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed, wait, what was I thinking just now?


Figures? Yes, do it!

Felix’s eyes lit up. He finally found an alchemy product suitable for the fifth grade. It was complicated enough but not difficult. Isn’t this just a figure, no, isn’t this just a magic puppet?

His day and night thoughts these days can finally come to an end.

Using the characters in fighting games as templates and ancient rune circuits as means, reproduce some characters in the game!

This kind of magic puppet (figure) is acceptable to children in the wizarding world, and little Muggle wizards have no psychological barriers.

As for the difficulty, it is also easy to adjust. For the third and fourth grade students, he can complete the engraving of the main body of the magic puppet, leaving some nodes and branch structures for them to complete.

Senior students need to do it by themselves and complete at least one functional module.

The more Felix thought about it, the more excited he became. He could even hold a doll fighting contest!

After all, children in the wizarding world are too miserable, and there is only one way to entertain them. What good is Quidditch?

He doesn’t like Quidditch, and it’s definitely not because he failed his first-year flying class!

A picture appeared in Felix’s mind:

When two students met, each held a palm-sized magic puppet in a classic duel pose.

Come to an exciting magic showdown!

Felix fell into some kind of delusion, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but raise high.

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