A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts Chapter 652: Solution

The latest website: On the outskirts of Hogsmeade village, a group of people bathed in the silvery moonlight cast by the full moon.

Felix looked at the werewolves, writing and drawing on a piece of parchment in his hand. Among the fourteen people, two have already completed the complete werewolf transformation, and now they are lying on the ground panting heavily. Although the two of them have turned into werewolves at this moment, their eyes are still clear, because they have been taking wolf poison for the past few days. potion.

The other nine werewolves were undergoing transformation—first, their bodies trembled abnormally, and then amidst painful roars, every part of their torso was forcibly widened and elongated, their shoulders were raised high, their clothes were torn, and they were covered with black fur The fat on his arms was hidden in the violent deformation, his hands and feet were curled up into wolf claws, and the sharp nails gleamed in the moonlight.

‘So, there is a slight difference in their transformation time. ’ Felix marked this on the parchment, watching the werewolves open and close their jaws, drooling from the corners of their mouths in brief moments of loss of control and pain.

For ordinary people, this saliva is no less than poisonous.

The remaining three werewolves, still in human form, cowered back, trying to stay away from their own kind. They looked at Felix Hep, who seemed to be recording all this with great interest, as usual, and felt a strange emotion in their hearts.

The effects of the war are manifold.

In the early days, many of the same kind were lobbied by people sent by the Dark Lord, promising to greatly improve the treatment of werewolves after the war. Look down on, preach blood theory, not to mention them werewolves whose blood is stained, and many wizards – a considerable number are pure blood wizards or death eaters, or both – still control them with disgust It’s called a beast.

The only one that has some degree of credibility is the reason Fenrir Greyback said when he bewitched them: Once the Dark Lord wins, werewolves can attack Muggles and expand the number of wolves without restraint. The fate arranged for a young wizard born in a Muggle family.

But these words can only attract the approval of those fanatical werewolves, and as far as they know, after these fanatical werewolves were threatened and wooed by the Ministry of Magic before the war, the rest who are still stubborn are now basically was locked in.

At this time, Felix picked a werewolf at random and stood in front of him. The deformed werewolf was a bit taller than him, as if he could crush the skull of the human in front of him by lowering his head, but when Felix injected the magic power into his body, the werewolf made his claws as hard as possible. Stay away from Hap’s head.

This is purely for Garen’s sake.

The werewolf thought indignantly while straightening his body obediently. He tilted his long chin to one side listlessly, and the others of his kind were already lying on the ground, looking at them panting. This is all the effect of the wolfsbane potion, it can keep the werewolf rational during the full moon, and at the same time suppress the wildness and energy in the body, making them exhausted, even if they want to go for a walk, they have no strength.

“Don’t move,” said Felix.

“I didn’t move!” The werewolf growled in dissatisfaction.

“Ah, I’m talking to the magic in you – you can understand it as talking to yourself.” Felix said.

The werewolf looked back resentfully, lowered his head and stared at the top of Felix’s head, his heart was about to move. But he quickly moved his head away again, not wanting to make any misunderstandings. If he really hurt the person in front of him—although even the werewolf himself thought his idea was whimsical—the werewolf group would definitely be in bad luck .

And werewolves don’t hate Felix Hemp.

Everyone at the scene thought so, otherwise they would not have accepted the invitation, but after meeting several times, they found that the real Haipu was slightly different from their fantasy image—in short , that creates a sense of disillusionment. “Straighten your hands,” Felix said. The werewolf hummed and complied, and then continued to think about his own business.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his spine, as if an invisible hand reached in and grabbed it, trying to tear it out of his body.

The werewolf moaned “ho ho”, lowered his head with difficulty, and saw Haip pulling out strands of magic power from him. S-Hip dragged a vague cloud of magic from himself.

He finally couldn’t hold on and fell to the ground, asking hoarsely, “What is this?”

“I’d like to know too,” said Felix.

He let the magic power hang in the air, and then walked towards the other werewolves one by one. During this period, the other three werewolves also transformed. When the full moon rose to the sky, the air in front of Felix was frozen with fourteen **** of magic power.

He stretched out these magical powers, they were like irregular sheets, densely packed with light spots, this shape is much more complicated than the Mandrake, Felix must be careful enough not to To destroy the really important magic structure.

Gradually, even the slowest people in the field realized that although these magic powers came from different werewolves, they were similar in shape. If you ignore those corners, you can see a three-dimensional tower structure, or more precisely——

“Is that the spine of a werewolf?” The werewolf asked with difficulty.

Felix paced among the fallen werewolves, lost in thought. His face was reflected in a light blue color, and he seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to be delivering a speech under the moonlight.

“Magic power…is obviously different in the body of a wizard than in the body of a magical animal.”

“The magical power in magical animals often operates in a specific way, which is related to their own structure. It works through the lines with magical power, which is their magic-like talent…The magical power of wizards is free and flexible. Unrestrained. When the werewolf saliva and the wizard’s blood are fused, a magical change will occur, turning the wizard into a werewolf irreversibly. Therefore, some people say that this is an incurable magical poison, that is, wolf’s poison…”

“In my opinion, werewolf transformation is an uncontrolled transformation of wizards into magical animals, oh… unlike Animagus, Animagus can only become Ordinary animals. Although they all have one thing in common, that is, the transformation process is not controlled by the wizard himself.”

“The principle…is not important!”

“Animagus has applied extremely advanced knowledge of human body transformation. If a wizard can experience this process many times, even if he doesn’t know the principle, he will be able to handle high-level transformation techniques like a fish in water in the future.”

“Werewolves transform without gaining similar benefits.”

“Maybe it’s because…the bodies of ordinary wizards are too fragile. It doesn’t matter whether they are strong or not, what matters is their magic power. They can’t bear their own ‘magic creatures’, so instead of getting any benefits, they eat I did my best…”

Under the moonlight, Felix took out the book of runes, holding the spine of the book with one hand, and covering it with the other hand, the pages of the book were flipped quickly, and the sound of “cracking” suppressed the wind in the wilderness at night. The slender hand lifted up little by little, and slowly pulled out a ‘spine’ made of runes from the book.

The werewolves opened their mouths wide.

Felix stared at his work for a moment, then pressed down on his body.

His heart began to pound, he raised his head to stare at the moonlight, his body was stretched a little bit, his mane fell down – he became a werewolf. All the werewolves on the ground were dumbfounded.


“Another form change.” The werewolf bathed in the moonlight grinned, as if laughing, but the other werewolves looked at him in awe, when Felix transformed back and changed himself After putting on the clothes, he began to adjust the ridge rune sequence.

“To improve efficiency, find the key.”

But even so, Felix can only adjust the order and reduce some unnecessary runes for the time being, but he can’t reduce the complexity of the overall structure. So in theory, Felix actually harvested an extremely complicated ancient magic tonight–werewolf transformation.

It must be explained: Felix himself turned into a magical animal, and transforming the magic of magical animals into ancient magic is actually two different things – the former is Felix who pushed the field of ancient runes to an unprecedented level , the ability obtained after becoming a ‘magic creature’. Just like the four founders of Hogwarts, Dumbledore… If you have to subdivide it, Felix thinks that he is a “magic”.

He can transform part of his body between flesh and blood and runes.

It is for this reason that Felix can transform himself into a magical animal. He thinks that Dumbledore can also do this, but not by relying on ‘magic culture’, but by transfiguration. As for whether Rowena Ravenclaw, who told himself the word “magical creature”, could do the same thing, Felix put a question mark in his heart. He thought Ms. Ravenclaw was more about describing A state, after all, her own research direction is not this.

Taking Thunderbird as an example:

Felix himself can turn into a Thunderbird without any pressure, the principle is very different from Transfiguration, but he can’t teach others how to turn into a Thunderbird – there is no shortcut other than studying ancient runes in depth.

But he can transform the magic-like talent possessed by Thunderbird itself—such as creating storms—into ancient magic, and then teach it to others, and others can also learn it.

There is an essential difference between becoming a Thunderbird and riding a storm. The former involves changes in the life essence of wizards, while the latter only needs to learn a simple ancient magic.

The weather at the end of February was still cold, but it was nothing to the werewolves. They lay on the ground, looking at Felix Hep who was working hard under the moonlight, and whispered for a while.

“What is he doing?”

“Not sure, but it looks complicated!”

“What are you going to do with that money?”

“I haven’t figured it out yet, I calculated it, enough to buy two years of discounted wolfbane potion.”

“I heard that the ‘Future World’ company has recruited a group of humanoid employees, including werewolves!”

“Want to try?”

“It may be too late…”

“It’s hard to say, there were advertisements in the newspapers a while ago.”

“I remember it was a giant monster?”

“A literate troll?”

“Cough—” Felix raised his head from the heavy morning dew, cleared his throat, “It’s almost there, let’s try.”

“Try what?” asked a werewolf on the ground.

“Let’s see if I can turn you into humans.” Felix said with a smile. Cohesive molding. Felix stretched out his hand, and the rune sequence turned into a ball of magic power in his hand, and he threw it onto a werewolf.

Felix looked at him expectantly.

After a while, the werewolf’s body returned to its human form, and Felix threw him a piece of clothing for him to wear, in case some villagers got up early and saw the effect.

The wizard stopped from the dancing, with a shocked expression on his face, he looked at his hand in disbelief.

“I… have I changed back?” He raised his head incredulously, the sky was slightly brighter at this time, but there was still a full moon hanging in the sky, and he looked at the werewolf kind lying on the ground, as if he was about to faint fall down.

“Mr. Haipu, am I… not a werewolf from now on?”

The people on the ground also fell silent, holding their breath and waiting for Felix’s answer.

Felix shook his head.

“This is the effect of magic, if…” He hesitated for a moment, but still shook his head, “No, I’m not a therapist, I can’t do a complete cure—”

“But I’m completely transformed now!” The wizard shouted.

“I took a trick. I considered the problem from the perspective of ancient runes.” Seeing that the wizard was about to speak, Felix raised his hand to stop him, and continued: “Through research—not my research— The saliva of werewolves is highly poisonous, at least for Muggles, and for wizards, once bitten by a werewolf, it will be irreversibly turned into a werewolf.”

“The so-called werewolf transformation is actually part of the wizard’s body structure transformed by wolf poison. You can simply understand it as: you are like a magical animal, with an extra spell-casting organ. Of course, I am just a metaphor. The actual situation is more complicated… “

“This spell-casting organ will be affected by the change of the moon’s waxing and waning. On the day of the full moon, it will spontaneously absorb the magic power in the wizard’s body. You are forced to perform a series of complicated werewolf transformations.”

“We have an extra spell-casting organ?” The werewolf asked blankly: “Can it be removed?”

“No,” Felix breathed out, “at least I can’t do it now, as I said – the spell-casting organ is just a metaphor, in fact, your body has been completely changed by wolf’s poison, blood, saliva , body organs, bones…this is not my field of research.”

“Then what did you do to me?”

“Reverse the transformation process. If the werewolf transformation is regarded as a curse, then my approach is to find a solution to the curse, although it is only temporary.”

“Can we learn?” said the werewolf eagerly.

“I can announce it, but it’s too difficult to learn. This magic uses thousands of ancient runes…” Felix said: “I will try my best to perfect it in the next week, and I still need your help.” Cooperate.”

On the way back to the castle, Felix was thinking all the way. His biggest discovery tonight was actually obtaining the werewolf’s magic power structure map from the perspective of magic. On this basis, he actually has two vague ideas.

In addition to the ancient magic “reverse werewolf transformation” he showed —

Also experiment with deep body morphing. General human body deformation is only to change the appearance and posture (although this is already the content of the improvement class), but Felix’s idea is to go further on this basis, and change the magical structure in the body together.

This approach is similar to Animagus. It’s just that its deformed form is human.

It is not that no wizard has tried this idea before, but the internal body structure of the werewolf has not changed after transformation, so naturally it has no effect. Now with the magic structure diagram of the werewolf discovered by Felix, the situation may be quite different.

Walking on the road, Felix suddenly had a thought: Why is it a bit like the blood magic studied by Salazar Slytherin?

He pondered for a while, smiling. Have I been able to achieve this level, using ancient runes to analyze other people’s magic paths? This feeling is really good…

The first two methods are treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

The first kind – the ancient magic “Reverse Werewolf Transformation”, is actually to restore a werewolf wizard to a human form, and spend the full moon safely in a human form during the duration of the magic. Generally speaking, it is a wolf poison potion The advantage is to maintain the human form, but the disadvantage is that it is difficult to learn.

Without Felix’s help, he reckoned Lupine would have been able to do it. But after learning it, you can say goodbye to Wolfsbane Potion, which seems to verify a point of view in the magic world, that potions and magic are substitutes for each other.

The second method – human body deformation involving changes in the internal structure of the body, is also extremely difficult. Felix believes that no one can do it except Dumbledore, but now he has the magic structure diagram of the werewolf provided by him , the difficulty may drop sharply.

The good thing is that the wizard was in a purely human state during the metamorphosis.

As for the last idea—Felix frowned—it was to completely destroy the magical structures infected by Wolfsbane once and for all. A werewolf would not be a werewolf then. But this method involves the essence of magic, and a mistake may cause even a wizard to fail and become a squib.

Dumbledore’s caution about magic is still in his ears.

There is actually a fourth way of thinking, Felix thought. That is to publish the werewolf’s magic power structure diagram. Perhaps Snape, Belby, or Slughorn, potion masters, can come up with a solution from the perspective of potion.

Felix planned to ask Lupine what he thought when the time came. It just so happens that March 10 is his birthday.

The next morning.

Harry knocked on the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor’s office.

He came here to avoid endless questions from Ron and Hermione. Now he has been forced to reveal the details of the Dumbledore family meal he saw in the Pensieve. He really doesn’t want to talk about what happened later , So I found an excuse to come out to get some air.

It turned out Harry was somewhat flattered to find himself greeted warmly by Professor Bagshot.

“Please sit down, Harry.” Grindelwald said kindly, putting a book aside.

“Professor Bagshot ~IndoMTL.com~ Are you studying ancient runes?” Harry asked in surprise.

“Why, don’t I need to learn new knowledge at my age?” Grindelwald said, and glanced at Harry’s hand, “Yesterday you were a big show, Harry.”

“Oh, um – I guess so,” grumbled Harry.

“I heard that you want to be an Auror in the future. It’s a good idea,” Grindelwald said softly, “I happen to know a few magics, which are very powerful and should help you. It’s not black magic.” Seeing Harry’s expression, he added.

Harry murmured thanks. He was really worried that Professor Bagshot was going to teach him black magic, after all, the professor had admitted to following the dark wizard Grindelwald before.

Until then, Grindelwald seemed to mention something casually.

“I saw a black gemstone ring on your hand yesterday, why didn’t you wear it today?”


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