A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts Chapter 63: Kill the snake

On the other side, Ron woke up under the effect of the potion.

“Hmm… where am I? Harry! Hermione?” Ron sat up in a daze, and then he saw Harry and Hermione dealing with the basilisk.

He quickly recalled what happened.

He caught up with Harry with the magic puppet, and the two spotted the basilisk, Harry tried to say something in Parseltongue, but the basilisk directly attacked.

They could only run as hard as they could, not even daring to turn their heads.

At this moment, a big silver bird appeared, it pecked the eyes of the basilisk blind, and immediately, he was swept away by the mad basilisk’s tail, his whole body was in severe pain, he almost thought he was dead.

Ron’s last image was of Harry holding him and the big silver bird turning into an ugly little dot and landing on his shoulder.

It is crying, is it sad for me?

Ron stood up, moved his hands and feet, and he was still intact?

He drew Lockhart’s wand and was about to step forward, but the scene of him being swept by the basilisk emerged before his eyes, and great fear seized his heart.

I will die!

He stared at the situation on the field. Harry was holding a strange silver sword in his hand. Was it brought by Hermione? But what about the professor, what about Dumbledore? He looked around, but found no sign of the professor.

Also, what are those sticks that look like devil’s nets? Ron felt that when he woke up, he couldn’t understand the situation at all.

At this time, the basilisk had already broken free from the third devil vine, and it looked more and more angry. It spit out snake letters, and its long fangs were like a row of sharp daggers.

It coiled its body in circles, its tail “cracked” and slapped the stone pillar, rolling up a piece of rubble.

In a panic, Harry climbed onto the toes of the Slytherin statue. The basilisk leaped forward, and the huge snake head smashed a half-meter-deep dent.

Hermione’s beaded pouch had already lost its function. She rushed out and cast a few red spells, but was easily bounced off by the basilisk’s scales.

What should I do?

Ron was trembling all over, and there was a battle between heaven and man in his heart.

Snape’s mouth curled into a silent mocking smile, and he raised his wand.

However, the next moment——

Ron Weasley rushed out, picked up a rock and threw it on the basilisk’s head.

“Hey! I’m here!” He waved his arms exaggeratedly to attract the basilisk’s attention.

The basilisk’s dark eye sockets turned towards Ron, and he couldn’t help swallowing.

Under the Illusion Curse, several professors have different thoughts.

“Stupid lion.” This was Snape’s view.

“Brave Gryffindor…” Dumbledore’s eyes were moist.

“Admirable courage,” said Felix, but that would never have been his choice.

Ron paid the price for his recklessness. He scrambled and scrambled to avoid the tail of the sweeping snake, and was hurt by the stones on the ground, and his finger was cut.

The basilisk opened its mouth wide, and its pale fangs reflected the green light hanging from the ceiling, making it look terrifying.

In a panic, Ron threw out the wand in his hand. The wand belonging to Lockhart drew an arc in the air and fell into the mouth of the basilisk by coincidence—but it had no effect.

And with this effort, Harry has already climbed up the huge statue, and under his feet is the huge head of Slytherin.

Harry stood on a high place, condescendingly looking down at the attacking basilisk, clutching the gleaming Gryffindor sword tightly in his hand.

With the basilisk at the center, Harry, Ron and Hermione happen to be in three different locations.

As if they had a tacit understanding, they looked over the basilisk and saw each other.

Suddenly, Ron ran desperately in Harry’s direction, hissing, the only Parseltongue he’d ever learned from Harry—he intended to Used to scold Malfoy.


This word instantly attracted the basilisk’s full attention, coupled with the sound Ron made as he stumbled all the way, it quickly locked on to the target.

The basilisk twisted its body, its scales scraped the ground, and quickly swam towards Ron.

Hermione ran out after him, but she was a little far away, and could only see the back of the basilisk.

Ron ran under the Slytherin statue, and he shouted, “Harry!” At this moment, time seemed to freeze—

The basilisk raised its head high, ready to attack, Hermione’s mouth opened wide, eyes full of surprise. And Harry, he raised the Gryffindor sword and jumped off the Slytherin statue.

The hands of the three professors outside the arena clenched their wands at the same time, and Snape took a deep breath.

Time seemed to slow down, Harry felt the howling wind blowing past his ears, the basilisk seemed to him to be as slow as a snail, and he even managed to adjust his falling posture in mid-air.

It’s like playing a different kind of Quidditch…


The surface of the silver Gryffindor sword glowed like water, piercing through the head of the basilisk like a bamboo. Harry used the speed of the fall and his own weight to completely penetrate the sword, leaving only the hilt .

The basilisk felt the threat of death and severe pain. It went completely mad, shaking its head desperately, and sweeping the gravel on the ground with its tail like a long whip. Harry clutched at the hilt of the sword, his leg was cut, but he was completely unaware of it.

Instead, he was turning the hilt furiously, causing the Gryffindor sword to open a **** hole in the basilisk’s head.

And the body of the basilisk suddenly became stiff, and Felix stared at this scene, not letting go of any details.

In his vision, the basilisk was imprisoned by the vast magic below it.

It’s Dumbledore!

Everything was like lightning. Five or six seconds later, Harry was thrown flying, “Wingardim Leviosa!” Harry caught it.

The vitality of the basilisk was extremely tenacious. After its head was pierced, it writhed for almost a minute before crashing down.

Ron limped up to the two of them, he was bruised and blue, but he smiled happily, “It’s unbelievable that we won, isn’t it?”

Harry laughed too. He was miserable too, with multiple scratches on his arms and a long **** on his thigh, which was the basilisk’s counterattack before it died.

He was about to say something, but his vision suddenly blurred.



Ron and Hermione’s voices seemed to be separated by a layer, and Harry had a hard time hearing it. He vaguely heard Hermione say, “It’s snake venom, and the basilisk’s poison is also very poisonous.”

Am I dying?

Harry asked himself. His lips were parted, but he didn’t know if he spoke or not.

“Harry!” Ron yelled.

Hermione yelled towards Felix and the others: “Professor, Headmaster…” Dumbledore stepped out after the Disillusionment Curse was lifted~IndoMTL.com~.

“Headmaster, Harry is going to die.” Ron said sadly, and he didn’t have time to think why Dumbledore came so coincidentally.

“He won’t die!” Dumbledore’s firm tone brought great comfort to Ron and Hermione.

Dumbledore waved his hand, and Fawkes, the Phoenix, let out a cry and flew down. It landed beside Harry, with big drops of tears dripping on his wound.

The wound stops bleeding quickly, shrinks, and heals completely.

“Principal? Professor?” Harry opened his eyes, he looked at the phoenix in front of him, and then at his wound, “What’s going on, I’m not…”

“Harry, Phoenix tears can detoxify and heal wounds.”

Harry looked at Fox in front of him curiously. Is this Phoenix? But it’s too ugly, and it’s too small, only the size of a palm.

“What’s its name?”


Harry looked at Phoenix and said gratefully: “Thank you, Fox, nice to meet you, I am Harry, Harry Potter.”

The little Phoenix jumped onto his shoulder, and kissed Harry’s face affectionately.

Dumbledore said: “The phoenix is ​​a very charming creature. It’s a pity that Fox has just experienced a nirvana. After a while, its whole body will be amazing red and golden feathers.”

“They can carry heavy loads, their tears can detoxify, and they make exceptionally loyal pets.”

Afterwards, they returned to the castle, and Harry, Ron and Hermione were sent to the school hospital.

Among them, both Ron and Hermione had bruises, Ron was more serious, and Harry had just been healed by Phoenix’s tears, except for dirty spots, there was nothing wrong with him.

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