A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts Chapter 59: Separate action

Ron and Hermione looked wonderful at the moment.

Harry stood up with difficulty, “Thanks to your information, Hermione, Parseltongue can indeed control the Basilisk.”

Hermione covered her mouth, “Harry, you almost died, you know that?”

“Yes, I’m sorry!” Justin said on the ground, “He was trying to save me…”

He got up, wiped his hands on his clothes, and formally extended his hand: “Harry, I’m sorry, I have misunderstood you. I once looked for Professor Haip, and he assured me that you are definitely not the murderer. But I was terrified in that duel class…”

“It’s nothing.” Harry pretended to be relaxed, and he also stretched out his hand, and the two held together.

“Happy result, right?” said Ron, “I don’t want to interrupt the friendly atmosphere, but I think we need to inform the professor as soon as possible…”

“Wait,” Harry walked to a wooden door in front of him, which was ajar.

“Could it be…” Hermione covered her mouth.

“It’s possible,” said Harry, “but it should be gone by now.”

He pushed open the door and walked in.

Ron and Hermione followed him.

This is a very small room, which is full of dust, and a long track dragged and disappeared at a wall.

“Do you think there is an entrance to the Chamber of Secrets here?” Hermione asked.

“We discussed it, didn’t we?” Harry looked carefully at the place where the traces of the basilisk disappeared, “there may be only one entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, but in order to facilitate the movement of the basilisk, Slytherin may be in the pipe group of the castle More than one exit was left.”

Harry said in Parseltongue, “Open it.” Justin, who had just entered, shuddered.

He was a little disappointed that the wall didn’t respond at all.

Ron speculated: “Harry, if this exit was really prepared by Slytherin for the Basilisk, he must have set special conditions—”

“Conversely, that is to say, the real entrance to the Chamber of Secrets must not have these restrictions!” Hermione said excitedly.

“Then what are you waiting for?” Ron said with an expression of “the problem is finally solved”, “We just need to inform the professor, no matter who it is, as long as it’s not Lockhart…”

Harry said: “No, you are going to inform the professor.”

The three looked at him puzzled.

“Listen, you can find someone, Headmaster Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Professor Haip, or even Snape.”

“What about you, Harry?”

“I’ll follow along to prevent the basilisk from coming out again. Judging from my conversation with it, it doesn’t have a good temper. In case it can’t help but attack halfway…” Harry gave them a meaningful look , “We have already guessed the real entrance to the chamber of secrets, haven’t we? See you there!”

Harry took a deep breath and hurried away.

“Let’s go!” Ron and Hermione acted immediately.

“Wait!” Justin stood up, “I’ll help too.”

Hermione and Ron looked at each other, “Well, if you find any professor, let him go to the abandoned girls’ bathroom where Myrtle usually stays. The monster in the secret room is a basilisk. Tell the professor to be careful Don’t look into its eyes.”

The three of them split up.

On the other end, Harry ran all the way in the direction of the bathroom, and when he was about to arrive, he met a person at the corner, and the two collided fiercely.

Harry’s glasses were knocked off, and his body ached so badly that it reminded him of falling off his broom at a Quidditch match. He glanced at the little wizard opposite, and from the color of his hair, he recognized Draco Malfoy.

Malfoy was also hit badly, his expression was very dull, as if he was knocked stupid, a black notebook was thrown out of his arms.

“Potter…” he said with confusion in his eyes, and then finally came back to his senses, “Potter!”

Harry picked up his glasses from the floor and quickly stood up, “Get out, Malfoy!” He left immediately.

Draco, who stayed where he was, glanced around blankly, his expression suddenly becoming frightened.

“Call ~ call ~”

Harry ran all the way, and finally came to the girls’ bathroom. He pushed the door open and entered, turning a blind eye to the stagnant water on the ground.

He tentatively said in Parseltongue, “Are you there? The monster in the Chamber of Secrets?” while preparing to close his eyes at any moment.

After waiting for a few seconds, just when he thought everything was safe, he heard a rustling sound.

It’s a basilisk!

Harry moved his steps following the slight sound, and he judged that the basilisk came back from other pipes. According to their previous analysis, although the castle of Hogwarts is full of various pipes, the chamber of secrets cannot be hidden in the pipes, so there must be a unique connection between the two.

And this place is the entrance to the secret room.

As a result of their discussion, the entrance to the secret room is most likely at the place where Myrtle was killed that year—the abandoned girls’ bathroom~IndoMTL.com~ Because Myrtle introduced with great interest that on the day she died, I heard a boy’s voice once.

This boy can only be the heir to the secret room of the previous generation!

Following the slight voice, Harry came to the center of the bathroom, where there was a row of circular sinks. He gently put his schoolbag aside, ignored the water on the ground, lay down on the ground, and put his ear on the metal pipe of the sink.

After a sound like a sticky hose passing across the ground, the sound disappeared completely.

After waiting quietly for more than ten seconds, Harry stood up, went around the sink, and inspected it carefully. As expected, he found a pattern of a small snake on the side wall of a faucet.

He couldn’t contain the excitement in his heart, and whispered in a Parseltongue: “Open.”

Immediately, the faucet emitted a dazzling white light and began to spin rapidly. Then the sink moved, and Harry watched it slowly disappear from view, revealing a very thick water pipe.

Harry stepped over the stagnant water and looked around. It was dark in front of the water pipe, as if leading straight to hell.

Harry was hesitating whether to go down or not. According to his past habits, he definitely didn’t want to jump directly. But the last time he was confined by Professor Haipu, he copied the previous young wizard’s reckless behavior and punishment measures for two days, and he felt that he could be stable.

“What are you doing?”

A very melancholy voice appeared behind him, very close to him, as if speaking against the back of his head.

Harry was startled, his feet slipped, he fell in, and disappeared into the secret passage.

The last thing he saw was the rather surprised look on Myrtle’s face.

My schoolbag…

There is Professor Heppe’s magic puppet!

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