A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts Chapter 560: Hawthorn Wand

In the next two days, Felix found that he could always meet Filch on various occasions.

From the faculty lounge, the ancient rune classroom, to the entrance of the auditorium, behind a certain pillar in the corridor, you can see his stiff and fawning face from time to time… Felix has been waiting for the Weasley twins The news of being in confinement turned out to be completely silent. He guessed that Filch spent all his time wondering how he had ‘meeted’ him.

On the morning of the third day, Filch squatted at the door of the ancient rune office with an iron bucket, rags and other cleaning tools, working hard while panting.

“Hey…” Filch showed his big yellow teeth, “Professor Haip, I see the door is a bit dirty…”

“Come in and sit down, Mr. Filch.”

Filch shied away, but quickly dodged in, showing an agility that was completely out of his age. His eyes seemed to light up when he saw Varun entertaining himself on the sofa and controlling a group of colorful little figures dancing with his own magic wand.

“Mr. Filch?” Felix called twice before he recovered.

Filch rubbed his hands flatteringly, “Your Nixiu is really smart, it is said that you can also write.”

“Thanks,” Felix said curtly. “Bang.” He closed the door.

“I’m a Squib, Mr. Hype.” Filch whispered, “A Squib means—”

“I know the definition of a squib,” Felix said. “We can get to the point faster because I see that you seem to be struggling for a long time.”

“Oh, yes, yes.” Filch said pitifully, “Squibs…well, we’ve never been taken seriously, second-class citizens, not even as good as those house-elves, at least they can use magic… …you don’t know, every day I have to carry a kerosene lamp to fight wits and courage with those mischievous students who stay out at night…”

“I remember that the school purchased a batch of small magic lamps.” Felix reminded him.

“Yes, yes, but the lights are too bright to catch people easily,” said Filch slyly.

Felix was silent, not wanting to comment on the war between Filch and the students at all. All he knew was that Hogwarts needed someone to help keep order, lock the doors at night, and clean the castle at his leisure, and so there was Filch.

Filch has done a good job, but he has also extended his rights infinitely, and has repeatedly suggested that the school restore corporal punishment. The root cause is naturally out of jealousy towards the students.

At the same time, Felix also understood why Filch came to him.

“…we don’t even have a birth record! The only way to prove our identity is by looking up our parents’ names… when I was ten years old and didn’t show any magical abilities, my family was very upset When I was eleven years old, I naturally didn’t receive a notification from Hogwarts, and they began to discuss sending me away to a Muggle school, but they failed because there was a war outside at that time!” Old Fei “There were dead people everywhere, and they were terrified, so they had to keep me…and pretend I didn’t exist, because I made them feel ashamed, and the rest of the family didn’t come…”

“Professor Haipu—Mr. Haipu—of course you know how much I have been ridiculed. As an adult, I wandered alone in the wizarding world. If Ms. Oakby hadn’t encouraged me…”

“Idris Okbe?” Felix asked.

“It was her. She was a good person, better than anyone else. It’s a pity that she died ten years ago. Good people don’t last long…” Filch said emotionally.

Felix blinked. He had heard something similar in the principal’s office, where fat Slughorn was lamenting the misfortune of one of his favorite students, Lily, while eating a frosted pineapple. Felix believed these words to be entirely sincere, for Slughorn had paid for a vial of Felicia.

The full name of Oakby in Filch’s mouth is Idris Oakby. Her only well-known contribution is founding the Squib Support Association.

Okbai died ten years ago at the age of 113. But in Filch’s mouth, it became “good people don’t live long”…

“Twenty years ago, I was doing handyman for people everywhere. I was reluctant to buy newspapers, and I picked up people’s leftovers every day, until one day,” Filch suddenly blushed and his eyes widened. Circle: “Do you know what I saw?”

“A job posting?”

Felix conjures up in his mind the image of a stubborn, cynical, idle middle-aged man: doing menial jobs and burning with jealousy. He had better options, of course, but his entire childhood had been spent in the wizarding world, and letting Filch go would be tantamount to killing him. He just dawdled around like this, until one day, this middle-aged man got a newspaper from a trash can—or from a wizard on the street—that completely changed his fate.

Seeing the above recruitment notice, Filch, the Hogwarts castle administrator, was born.

“That’s right! I still came to Hogwarts! Although it was thirty years late, I still came. I saw young students, sir, you don’t know how jealous I am of them…” Phil Strange as if crazy, half of his face was twisted and trembling strangely, as if for the first time he freely revealed the dark secret in his heart.

Varen, who was playing with the colored figurine, was stunned, staring blankly at Filch, whose expression was out of control. It looked at the big devil, then at Filch, wondering if he should sneak out and call his cat over, his snot was about to drip into the iron bucket.

Fortunately, Filch took out a dirty handkerchief from his pocket just in time. He blew his nose violently as if venting, and the corners of his handkerchief flew wildly. Filch raised his head, showing his red nose, and smiled flatteringly: “Mr. Haip, I made you laugh. You are one of the few people in school who helped me. I don’t think there is any need to hide—”

He looked at a pair of silver eyes, and the silver light covered the pupils and the whites of the eyes. He had never seen such a scene before, and he was speechless in fear.

“Filch, do you know the definition of a squib?” Felix asked.

Filch felt baffled. He wanted to explain at the beginning of the conversation, but was stopped by Felix. Now that Felix picked up the topic again, Filch thought he was mocking him. , his face became ugly.

“Like many concepts in the wizarding world, squib is a very broad concept, and we can define it from various angles.” Felix said calmly: “The common definition in the wizarding world is that-born in a wizard family, but People who cannot display any magical ability are called squibs.”

Filch looked at him blankly.

“Hai, Professor Haipu?”

“I hope you can notice the subtle difference here, which is the key to sustaining the conversation—” Filch’s face showed obvious confusion, but he closed his mouth obediently. Professor Haipu’s expression at the moment is a little scary. “—A lot of parents are actually unable to determine whether their children are Squibs, and there is no way to quantify… What really makes them give up is the Hogwarts notification letter. If they receive it, they are naturally not Squibs. Even if he cast the spell at the beginning It’s lame… You actually have the experience of casting spells, right?” Felix asked abruptly.

Filch was stunned, he faltered and said, “I didn’t, I didn’t—”

“No, you don’t understand what I mean…” Felix’s silver eyes stared at him, staring at the meager magic power in his body like a stubborn stone, but this is just an exaggerated metaphor, from any angle, Magic and stones are two different things. They cannot be the same.

Felix murmured: “It’s not a complete spell, it’s those small, occasional experiences that you even take as delusions: fiddle with a small piece of paper, and reduce the force before the cup shatters. …you’ve had this experience, haven’t you?”

“I…” Filch thought hard, and put on a thoughtful look, “I guess there is… Right!” He suddenly yelled, which startled Varen again, and it held up its little The wand stood in the way. Filch tried to keep his eyes wide open, flashes of memory flashing, “I remember a particularly stubborn stain a few years ago, and I used a whole bottle of detergent to no avail, and I just stared at it, stared at it… …seeing it in a daze, and then it disappeared…does that count?”

He looked at Felix expectantly.

“We can try it,” said Felix with interest, jumping up from his armchair as if staring at an interesting experiment.

Half an hour later, Filch left excitedly.

“Mr. Filch,” Felix called to him from behind, “your magic response is too weak, if you don’t mind, I would like to ask—”

“Oh, no, that’s good enough for me,” Filch smiled cheerfully, holding a small gem-encrusted stick in both hands, “even if it only works once in ten times, it’s fine for me.” It’s a great thing to say!”

Not for me, Felix thought.

After careful study, he discovered that the magic fluctuations on Filch’s body were much weaker than Varen’s. Even comparing Valen and Filch is a little bullying, although Valen is a snuffer, but it is a normal snuffer, not a squib snuffer.

In terms of talent, it simply beats Filch.

Felix spent a lot of thought, and finally added five ‘amplification circuits’ to have a slight effect. As a result, the small wooden stick in Filch’s hand was inlaid with seven gemstones: one stored magic power, five engraved with amplification circuits, and only the last one contained the real magic—the cleansing spell.

It can only go so far.

Felix pulled back his complicated thoughts and said calmly: “You misunderstood, Argus. I want to say that your situation is very typical, and I plan to spend more time studying a few similar cases—— Of course not now—you should know some friends who have the same trouble as you?”

Filch blinked twice, and asked tentatively: “Do you want to know them?”

Felix shrugged, “As you said, the Ministry of Magic does not have their names. It is not easy to find them…”

Closing the door, Felix sat on the sofa and played Crackle and Blast with Warren.

But his mind had flown elsewhere.

Squibs have always played the role of invisible people. In comparison, the recent series of preferential policies introduced by the Ministry of Magic to attract werewolves to register actively is enough to illustrate their attitude.

One Filch is of course not important, but the group of Squibs is naturally connected to the magical world and the ordinary world. If one day the wizarding world is forced to be made public, the most suitable candidates for traveling between the two worlds that Felix can think of are the Squib group.

Felix seemed to see the second hole card beckoning to him… Well, he decided to ignore it for now, Voldemort is still alive and kicking. He intends to lose the preliminary work to the employees of the “future world” company.

There must be something for them to do.

“Hey! (You lost!)”

Felix came back to his senses and saw Varun take out a small notebook from his pocket and quickly record, “On a certain day of a certain year, the first time the Great Demon King lost to the genius Nixie Varun… ’ Felix confiscated the book angrily.

“This one doesn’t count, let’s play another hundred rounds!”

At the last ancient rune class before Christmas, Felix looked at the students who were not in the mood for class at all.

“Professor, Professor Flitwick allowed us to move freely in class.” A student boldly hinted. His words drew murmurs of approval, “Yes, professor, you just need to give the last two minutes to assign homework.” Another student boldly said.

Felix looked at them with a half-smile, “It’s not impossible. I will assign homework first. If you think the rest of the time should be free, I completely agree…”

There was already suppressed cheers from the audience, and the two students who spoke enjoyed heroic gazes.

“Since some students are unable to cast spells during the holidays, I will not leave practice assignments. The whole content is on the ‘answer parchment’, and you will find a new gift symbol on it… the one hanging on the Christmas tree , yes, that is your vacation homework.”

Students opened the parchment one after another.

Harry stared at the ‘Christmas tree’ in a daze: there was a little lion under the tree, looking silly. It kept jumping up and opening its claws to pull down the gift box hanging on the branch, but the result was of course in vain.

There is also a picture of a glowing wand next to the gift box.

He turned his head and saw Hermione happily poked it with her wand, and the gift box on the tree immediately fell down, and was rushed by the anxious little lion. “Bang!” The little lion was overwhelmed by the test paper.

“Very innovative, isn’t it?” she said cheerfully.

“Yeah, it looks pretty festive,” Harry muttered, no trace of joy could be seen on his face.

“You know, O.W.Ls year.” Felix said cheerfully from the podium, and after a while, pretending to have just seen the gloomy atmosphere in the classroom, “Oh, come on, I always hoped that you would Study happily…well, I can give you a chance.”

All students look up.

“If you can prove to me that you have indeed mastered this part of knowledge, my homework just makes you repeat meaningless labor… I can consider reducing it appropriately.” Felix said with a very sinister heart, “I I specially prepared an exam, it is not necessary, and it is really not good to have an exam before Christmas…”

The students who had been clamoring for free activities just now lost their temper. They stared blankly for a long time, and finally looked at Felix.

“Hurry up and distribute the test papers, Professor!” a student shouted.

This statement basically marked the end of the open and secret struggle between the professor and the students, and the students suffered a crushing defeat.

Of course, they also think it’s a good deal.

Harry spread out the thick test paper and was about to answer the question, but Hermione made the paper rattle. He couldn’t help but glanced to the side, and found that Hermione was quickly scanning the whole picture of the test paper with a happy expression on her face. Harry was inspired and followed suit, and he soon discovered a secret.

The test paper is divided into ten parts, including translation, reasoning meaning, and investigation of the production steps of twelve kinds of amulets. Reminiscent of the professor’s explanation just now, Harry immediately started from the part he was best at. Ron on the side just answered the question in silence. Harry used his mouth to signal twice that he didn’t find it, so he had no choice but to give up.

As time passed, there was only the slight rustle of the quill pen rubbing against the parchment in the classroom, which sounded pleasing to the eye.

Finally, the get out of class bell rang.

Harry looked up and looked around the classroom. It was found that very few students had finished answering the test paper, and only Hermione was staring at the test paper and chanting words.

“Stop answering questions.” Felix announced, and all the test papers flew towards him and were neatly stacked on the podium. “I will finish the corrections before the holiday…Okay, you can leave now.”

The students exchanged expressions of excitement and excitement, packed up their things and left the classroom one by one.

“You go first,” Draco Malfoy said to his two followers, and Crabbe and Goyle scrunched up their faces, seemingly not understanding, until he said it again, and they shrugged, went alone.

Draco stood in front of Felix, beads of sweat dripping from the tip of his nose.

“That’s it~IndoMTL.com~Professor Haipu—”he said hesitantly.

Felix raised his hand to stop him, turned his head and glanced at Harry, Ron and Hermione who were still dawdling in the doorway and refused to leave, “Bang!” The door slammed shut in front of them . “Now we can talk.”

Draco froze for a moment, and said in a low voice: “Professor, I want to ask if you have time for Christmas. I want to invite you to my house…”

“Lucius asked you to ask?” Felix asked calmly.

Draco looked up at him with no emotion on his face. He stammered, “No, no, it’s me… I think… Well, you’ve always been very kind to me, not only teaching me Apparition and Apparition, but even Occlumency.” It is a profound magic, even if my father knows it, he will let me express his gratitude.”

Felix looked down at him. His fair hair and pointed chin were just like his father’s. Felix didn’t speak for a long time.

“Don’t think too much, many things are not up to you to participate in, all you have to do is enjoy a pleasant vacation.”

“But Potter and the others—” Draco said dissatisfied with a blush on his pale face.

“They are different from you.” Felix said decisively, “Merry Christmas to you in advance, Mr. Malfoy.”

Draco turned abruptly away, he pushed open the door – “Draco?” he heard the professor’s voice say, and Draco turned his head excitedly. Professor Haipu stood in front of the huge window, and the clean and clear sunlight outside poured into the classroom and fell on the professor’s back. It completely blinded him to see the man’s face, and he squinted his eyes.

“Your wand is made of hawthorn?” asked the professor.

“Yes, Professor,” Draco said.

“The wand made of this material is especially suitable for medical magic, you may consider it.”

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