A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts Chapter 56: “Harry, show off!”

The little wizards were discussing enthusiastically. As fifth grade students, they rarely come into contact with such interesting courses—every professor is pushing their potential as much as possible.

Of course, to some extent, this is also the debt they owed in the previous four years.

In the corridor, Warren Pardis said to his friend with some annoyance: “I can actually win, but my luck is not very good.”

“It’s because you are too radical, you have answered at least ten questions wrong.” His friend replied.

The little wizards came out of the classroom busily, and Felix rubbed his sore fingers.

The “scenarios effect” of this knowledge contest was all spelled out by him spell by spell. From the nine-square grid, to the score change, to the color feedback of the correct and incorrect answers, all are handled by him.

“Mistake, next time it will be changed to ten points.”

In the two classes in the afternoon, Felix tried it in the sixth and seventh grades respectively, and the results were extremely good – even the “extremely poor students” of the ancient runes remained awake enough in class.

This clarified his thoughts.

“We can do more game-based teaching of this kind in the future, but the premise is that we have made sufficient preparations.” In the evening cafeteria, Felix feebly inserted a piece of potato drenched in black sauce. Feel a little weak.

Small amounts add up, and the number of spells he cast today obviously exceeded the standard.

Common room.

The twins Fred and George are manipulating magic puppets to fight. They have already learned the second and third sets of practical runes.

This made their battle very enjoyable. The magic puppet in Fred’s hand would emit a circle of lightning every time he punched, making a “crackling” sound. The roots stand upright.

On the other side, George didn’t give in too much. His magic puppet was the very popular “Fire Man”. Every time he used the iconic “Big Fireball”, it would attract a lot of admiration.

At this time, Percy Weasley came in from outside the lounge. He had just completed his inspection mission. Seeing him, Ron in the corner simply turned his head away.

The two are still in a cold war.

“Ron, haven’t you made up yet?” Hermione asked worriedly.

“Unless he apologizes to me,” said Ron stubbornly.

Harry sighed, and he couldn’t say much, after all, Ron was equivalent to taking the blame for the three of them and losing face.

“Hey, Percy, I hear you got ten points today from Professor Happer?” a Gryffindor asked.

Percy puffed out his chest reservedly, making his prefect badge more conspicuous, “Yes, Professor Haip has tried a new teaching method. I have to admit that he is quite a wise man.”

“You beat Slytherin!”

Percy said modestly: “It’s just a competition, let me say one more word, ten points, I lead the opponent by nine points.”

The Gryffindors were amazed again, Percy is indeed a top student who has passed 12 certificates.

“Nine points ahead!” Ron repeated with a look of disdain.

Harry quickly changed the subject, “Hermione, did you ask Professor Haip about the basilisk?”

Hermione shook her head, “I rarely see the professor from Monday to Friday.” Unless there are papers that need her to correct.

“But it will be too late until the weekend!” Harry said reluctantly, “In case there is an attack in the middle…”

He slammed the table hard, startling the two young wizards passing by. They gave Harry a fearful look and quickly passed him.

“Look, they all think I’m a murderer!”

“Harry, why don’t we go to Professor Haip now?” Hermione gave him a careful look.

Harry glanced at the wall clock, it was past nine o’clock in the evening, “Tomorrow.” He collapsed on the chair decadently, like a deflated rubber ball.

They were basically sure that the monster in the Chamber of Secrets was the basilisk, and regarding Hermione’s confusion—the basilisk’s eyes were lethal, but the two current attacks were only petrified—Harry also had his own speculation: The victims were not looking directly at the basilisk, Mrs Norris was through the reflection of the stagnant water, and Colin Creevey was through the lens of the camera.

Whether this is true, however, remains to be determined.

At this time Ron said to him: “Harry, is the magic puppet that Professor Haip gave you in your schoolbag?”

“Yes.” Harry replied weakly.

He practiced a few times in private, but his skills were still a little short, and he was just able to control the puppet to walk normally.

“How about we try?” Ron glanced at Percy in the crowd.

“Here?” Harry hesitated.

Hermione’s eyes lit up, she had wanted to try it for a long time, and she had a soft spot for this look when the public class started.

With ice-blue hair and a delicate and lovely face, it hit her heart perfectly.

“Maybe… this is not a good choice…” Hermione said duplicity, but she did not stop Harry from taking the magic puppet out of his schoolbag at all.

“Hey! What are you doing?” Fred walked over with his arm around George’s shoulder.

“Oh, it’s just a magic puppet.” Ron tried to say in a calm tone.

Seeing the puppet in Harry’s hand, Fred was taken aback, “This is no ordinary puppet.” Just from the outside, the two are completely incomparable.

“Professor Hype sent it,” said Ron.

Fred picked up the magic puppet, “This thing…” He glanced at George, “I can barely feel its magic fluctuations, it’s even more delicate than Diggory’s ghost doll—it was disassembled with us The difference is even greater.”

“You have also disassembled—”

“Hush!” Fred raised his finger, “Hold down, this is a little secret between us and Professor Haipu…”

George took the puppet and said by the way: “Once we broke the magic puppet in our hand.”

“It was ‘accidentally’ broken, and we were terrified at the time—” said Fred.

“Worried about being deducted points and locked up—”

“Or hang up and whip with a whip dipped in cold water—”

“So we tremblingly apologize—”

“And then? What punishment did you get?” Ron asked.

“No, little Ronnie,” Fred blinked, showing a smirk, “The professor said that we are very talented in alchemy, so he added ten points to each of us, but—”

George sighed, “When we put the second damaged puppet part in front of him, he resisted so much that we didn’t deduct points.”

Hermione rolled her eyes.

Looking at this unusually delicate magic puppet, George admired it from time to time, and finally he returned it to Harry: “It’s amazing, what did you do?”

“Yes—” Ron was about to speak when Hermione stepped on him hard.

The twins looked at each other and shrugged.

Fred said: “Shall we demonstrate it for you? This puppet must have many new functions, and I don’t think you are very proficient.”

“Who said that! Harry~IndoMTL.com~ show your hand.”

Harry drew out his wand, and under his guidance, the magic puppet swayed to its feet.

Several young wizards looked over from a distance.

Harry tried his best to manipulate the magic puppet, but unfortunately, it could only sway ice-blue snowflakes at best.

“Harry, you don’t have enough control.” Fred explained the reason.

Harry pointed his wand at the magic golem, and he felt he had touched its core. So he concentrated all his attention, trying to wake up the silent rune circuit.

His magic power touched a world of ice and snow. The sharpness and coldness made him seem to have eaten ten popsicles in one go, and his consciousness seemed to be frozen.

Harry’s face was purple with cold, and he let out a cold breath.

“Harry, what’s wrong with you?” Ron stood up in a panic. At this moment, everyone could see that something was wrong with him.

However, the next second——

“Chi Chi Chi Chi!”

The magic puppet suddenly lit up, light blue ice crystals fell one after another, and the surrounding temperature dropped sharply. “She” raised her arms suddenly, and a series of icy blue icicles rose from the ground, and the cold air was like a rolling air wave. Spread around.

Several people watched this scene dumbfounded.

In front of the palm-sized magic puppet, a row of half-person-high icicles extended seven or eight meters away, completely freezing the door of the common room.

The cold icy mist filled the air, and the little wizards in the common room sneezed collectively.

At the same time, Professor Haipu, who was far away in the office, was sipping tea and flipping through an ancient alchemy book in a happy mood.

Next to him is the day’s Daily Prophet, with today’s front-page headline: “The Good and the Bad: The Huge Gap Between Two New Professors,” by Rita Skeeter.

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