A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts Chapter 546: The last Horcrux

The onlookers saw the white-bearded old man walking out suddenly, with strong hope in his eyes, and they whispered in unison, “Dumbledore.” The voices of thousands of people mixed together, like a muffled thunder, It exploded in Voldemort’s ear.

He turned his head abruptly, “Dumbledore?”

At this moment, an invisible sharp blade slashed towards Voldemort, the air was cut open, and Fiendfire was also split in two.

Voldemort turned his head and raised the snakewood staff. From the tip of the staff, luxuriant snakewood branches condensed. These branches were entangled with each other to form a sharp spear of amazing length, which went straight through the bright white flames, splashing countless sparks. Straight to Felix.

Felix flashed into the air like a fish, and was standing on the ground when he reappeared. He held a dagger in his hand—it was transformed from an ebony wand. The front end of the dagger was a transparent blade extended by magic power. Cutting curses flew towards Voldemort extremely swiftly, cutting the snake-like Twigs chopped.

“Principal Dumbledore?” Felix stopped, also showing a puzzled expression.

Dumbledore shook his head slightly, and walked towards Voldemort calmly: “You are destined to return disappointed today, Tom.”

Voldemort returned a cold smile: “Dumbledore, you don’t know what I have done and what I have gained, and you want to preach to me?” He took two steps back, letting Dumbledore and Felix stand at the same time In his field of vision, he tilted his head and smiled: “Two against one?”

Felix waved his hand at him, “I’ll rest for a while.” He narrowed his silver-gray eyes and paced away.

Voldemort focused on Dumbledore, and raised his hand to release a deadly green light. Dumbledore turned his wrist lightly, and the stone on the ground turned into a golden shield, and there was a loud noise in the air, demanding his life The curse was blocked.

“Transfiguration,” said Voldemort disgustedly.

The house elf Bundy in the crowd nodded his head, “Nasty magic.” Draco Malfoy glanced at him, but met a pair of frightening eyes, which he subconsciously avoided, and immediately Annoyed at his withdrawal.

But the house elf didn’t care at all, just stared at the battlefield, and whispered: “I hate Transfiguration, like brown sugar.”

“Of course I know what you’ve done, Tom. You’ve just committed a horrific murder, and yet another innocent life has been lost because of you,” said Dumbledore, approaching Voldemort step by step. Phoenix Fawkes circled above his head, making a soft cry.

“You know? Then you should know who the wand in my hand is. You are no longer my opponent, Dumbledore. Try this!”

Voldemort raised the snake stick, leaned back slightly, and the magic power poured into the snake stick unscrupulously. He and the wand made a heart-pounding hiss at the same time, as if thousands of snakes were roaring. Strangely distorted, light and dark are uncertain.

“Parseltongue!” Harry shouted nervously from the crowd.

“What did he say?” Ron yelled, covering his ears. The wizards onlookers either did the same, or resisted with silent or shielding spells, but the nausea lingered like tarsal maggots.

Fox flew over, uttered a sharp chirping sound, and sang loudly. The discomfort is gone.

People raised their heads one after another—

“Avada Kedavra! (Parseltongue)” The evil hoarse voice continued to vibrate in the air, and countless solid ropes gushed out from the snakewood staff at an extremely fast speed, and the surrounding green lights converged into An ominous cloud cluster spread towards Dumbledore.

Dumbledore stopped suddenly, the ground under his feet undulated like waves, and earth dragons surged on the ground, coiling into lumps that kept building up, like fast-growing ancient trees. Then powerful vines extended from the top of the ancient tree, and they all swiped towards Voldemort.

The ropes and green clouds along the way were swept away one after another, and Felix felt relieved.

But Dumbledore was not easy either. Most of the dirt vines broke off and fell from a height of hundreds of feet and shattered into pieces, lifeless like a shattered pillar. Fortunately, the characteristic of Transfiguration is that it only needs magic power If you can keep up, you can continue to maintain the deformation, and these shattered pillars are re-condensed under Dumbledore’s control.

Voldemort was overwhelmed and disappeared in place.

“Bang bang bang bang!” The continuous offensive completely smashed the remaining twisted ropes and green clouds.

Dumbledore was panting slightly, and the wrinkles on his forehead were strangely smoothed out, and he suddenly looked younger by several years. The scene quieted down, and Voldemort looked at Dumbledore suspiciously. He had already overestimated the old man, but Dumbledore’s strength once again broke his perception.

Could it be that he didn’t use his full strength more than ten years ago?

Voldemort felt a strong sense of humiliation, followed by fear. But then, his eyes froze, “Your hand!”

Dumbledore looked at him calmly, and the wrinkles on his forehead disappeared again, and the change became more obvious now, even Harry could see it. “How did Principal Dumbledore’s face look younger…” Ron muttered softly. Harry’s heart skipped a beat, and he instinctively thought this was not normal.

Hermione’s eyes widened, and she let out a short inhalation sound.

Felix was also shocked. Dumbledore’s magic had permanently changed the terrain, but such a powerful transformation… He suddenly remembered what Dumbledore said before, the “special method” used to defeat Voldemort “.

He stared at Dumbledore’s stretched eyebrows, wondering what price he would have to pay?

Voldemort did not notice these subtle changes, and all his attention was on Dumbledore’s withered, charred hand, to be precise, on the inconspicuous black gemstone ring on his hand.

His face contorted immediately.

“Tom, you are so arrogant, thinking that no one can discover your secret.” Dumbledore said calmly, while waving the Elder Wand, the earth suddenly sank downward, and Voldemort was sucked by a powerful suction He went in, but before he disappeared, he was still staring at the ring on Dumbledore’s hand, his snake-like pupils trembling uncontrollably.

Horcrux, his Horcrux.

Dumbledore found out! He turned to look at Felix, and Felix looked solemn.

The next second, Voldemort was pulled into the vortex.

In an instant, the battle seemed to be over. The scene was quiet for a few seconds——

“Is he dead?” a wizard asked tremblingly.

“No.” A voice said without thinking. The nearby wizards all glared at the speaker. It was Harry, clutching his forehead with a painful expression on his face.

Voldemort’s mood swings were too violent for him to ignore. Images appeared in Harry’s mind. They were Voldemorts of different ages, and they all had one thing in common, that is, committing horrific murders without hesitation…

Then the scene changed abruptly: Voldemort, whose facial features were blurred like wax, handed a diary to the blond young man, who accepted it obediently;

Voldemort, who failed to find a job, appeared in the Room of Requirement, put a crown on the garbage mountain, and showed a smug smile on his face;

A pale hand threw the black gemstone ring in the abandoned hut;

The Slytherin locket was thrown into the glowing green liquid;

The baby-like hand caressed a giant python, and the cold voice called it “Nagini…”

As well as the familiar woman who appeared in sight, holding up a gold cup excitedly, from the reflection reflected in her pupils, it can be confirmed that this scene happened not long ago…

Dumbledore struggled to control the magic. The earth continued to crack, and thorns pierced out of the ground one after another, and there was a creepy muffled sound from the tightening vortex. Then, Voldemort reappeared, looking a little embarrassed, with scars drawn on his face and body. A few holes.

The snakewood staff in his hand groaned softly, and the gleaming green light covered his whole body along his pale hands, and the wound on his face was healed. He stared at Dumbledore and made a “hiss” sound from his mouth, the feeling just now appeared again, the snake wooden staff trembled, as if thousands of snakes were echoing him.


“Be careful, Headmaster Dumbledore, he wants to curse in Parseltongue—”

“Hush, Harry!” said Dumbledore loudly.

The next second, Voldemort suddenly disappeared, and Harry found himself locked in a circle surrounded by a monster with red eyes.

The monster was like some kind of sticky glue, or a parasite, so tightly entangled with him that Harry didn’t know which was his body and which was the monster’s body. Harry was trapped In it, just like Voldemort just fell into the swamp deeper and deeper, but he has no ability to escape by himself.

The scar on his forehead ached with unprecedented intensity, and Harry felt like he was going to die, which was good, at least it was a relief from the pain. It’s just that all this is out of his control, the monster spoke, and it used its own mouth, so Harry could only feel his mouth opening and closing in extreme pain. Valley

The outsiders were taken aback, “Invisibility? Or did the apparition escape?” The Aurors of the Ministry of Magic looked around, when Harry suddenly fell to the ground, his body twisted stiffly, his neck lifted like a snake. When he got up, his pupils turned into the vertical eyes of a snake at some point.

“Harry?” Sirius called.

“Kill me now, Dumbledore?” came a hoarse voice from Harry’s mouth, exactly like Voldemort.

The onlookers back away in panic.

“What’s going on, that kid…”

“What’s wrong with him?”

“No, that voice——”

A circle of people came around, Dumbledore bent down, and looked into Harry’s snake-like eyes, he said hurriedly: “Harry, cheer up, don’t forget who you are!”

“Who am I?”‘Harry”s eyes suddenly turned blood red, and hissing sound came from his mouth, “Of course I am the greatest Dark Lord in history——”

“My God! That boy is possessed!”

Dumbledore put his arms around Harry’s shoulders and said in a deep voice: “You are Harry Potter, the son of James and Lily, think of them, Harry, they must be proud of you if they are still alive ! And your friends at school, Harry! Remember who you are!”

Harry found himself trapped in the endless darkness, his consciousness was blurred because of the pain, he felt himself falling… Then, he heard a vague voice, it was Dumbledore, he was calling own name.

What is my name?

Harry’s memory is a little fuzzy, is he Tom Riddle, or Harry Potter?

“Harry, cheer up!” Hermione said anxiously, “Think about Sirius, think about Remus, think about Hagrid…” She called out the names Harry was most familiar with. People, in the endless darkness, Harry regained consciousness.

“I’m Harry Potter,” Harry said to himself, and he raised his head to stare at the red-eyed monster that was tightly entangled in him. “You are Voldemort.”

Outside, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Sirius, and Dumbledore surrounded Harry tightly, calling his name non-stop. Alimia Bones looked worried, but turned her head and shouted: “All Aurors, separate the surrounding area, stay alert, and the therapist is in place.”

The house elf Bundy watched this scene, he seemed a little too calm when the others panicked, “It’s really kind of scary…” At this moment, a figure suddenly staggered towards him, Bundy Di raised his head indifferently, and found that it was the young man who had wrapped himself up tightly, only showing half of his pointed and thin chin.

“Student?” He muttered, snapped his fingers, and disappeared suddenly.

Draco Malfoy was pushed and fell to the ground by the crowd, and seeing Harry’s face distorted by pain through the messy gap, his heart also trembled. He was so frightened that he couldn’t get up at all, and he couldn’t imagine what kind of pain that person his age was suffering.

He saw Harry’s mouth open and his eyes turn emerald green again.

“Get out of my mind, Voldemort!”

Harry’s roar spread far away, his fist hit the ground, the ground trembled strangely, and the pebbles on the ground jumped up one after another.

“Hiss… I am you, Harry Potter is our common name…”

“No—it’s not—” Harry gritted his teeth, struggling to break free from the red-eyed monster’s arms.

“Get out of-my-brain-“

He hammered the ground with his fists, and his arms made a huge roar like a drumstick, as if hitting people’s hearts.

“Oh my god, look at that boy, what did he do—”


“Who is he?”

“It works, continue to wake Harry up, this is a contest of will.” Felix stood behind the crowd, his eyes changed colors like a revolving lantern, star rings, silver, silver gray, fingers condensed Strands of silver.

Ron, Hermione, and Neville shouted eagerly, chattering—

“I’m Neville, Neville Longbottom, Harry, you taught me magic, remember?”

“Think of Ginny, Harry! Don’t you want to see her?” cried Hermione.

“Let’s take a car and fly across half of England—” Ron was stunned for a moment, staring at Harry, unable to speak, “Merlin’s socks, you and Ginny? When was that? Something?”

Finally, a cloud of black mist rushed out of Harry. Felix reached out to reach for it, but he missed it. He threw out another cloud of silver filaments, and a scream came from the black mist. , far in the air to restore Voldemort’s body.

His snake face is like wearing a mask, and it can accommodate too many emotions at the same time, joy, anger, sorrow, joy…

He gave Felix a vicious look, and disappeared without warning.

Felix didn’t care about Voldemort’s vicious eyes, and thought silently: “It seems to have some effect, but it’s not obvious… Is the emotion I chose wrong? What would it be, Horcrux…The soul is complete… Repent? Repent!”

He originally wanted to try to see if emotions could have an effect on Voldemort. If it was useful, he could conduct targeted research. But he suddenly had a new idea:

Horcruxes are a method of splitting the soul to obtain immortality. The price of course is to bear the pain of splitting the soul, becoming less and less human, and the subsequent instability of the soul. This is why Harry became a half-horcrux-when Voldemort was hit by a rebounding Killing Curse at Potter’s house in Godric’s Hollow, a fragment of Voldemort’s soul was also blown away, attached to the only living soul in the collapsed house. on the soul.

And Voldemort didn’t even notice the process.

Of course, it is not impossible to make his soul whole again, Felix thought. According to the notes on the book “Secrets of Cutting-Edge Black Magic”, “true repentance” can allow the split soul to return to its original body, but the pain that comes with it is destructive.

It is estimated that Voldemort did not intend to try this approach. But he doesn’t want to, other people can help.

The specific method is to capture Voldemort, the kind who wants to live and has no ability to resist. Then brainwash desperately, or create feelings of repentance… But this method is no easier than killing Voldemort directly.

Harry lay panting on the ground ~IndoMTL.com~ shivering from the cold, then he found himself levitating, lying on a stretcher, with footsteps everywhere, Harry wanted to say something, and pressed Then there was a whirl in my head.

He heard someone talking above his head, but he couldn’t tell who it was, it might be Headmaster Dumbledore, or Professor Hemp, or Ron and Hermione. He opened his eyes, his vision blurred. A hand stretched out towards him, hanging the glasses on his ear, and the environment suddenly became clear.

Dumbledore’s nose was close at hand, and as soon as he looked up he could see concerned blue eyes looking at him.

“Are you all right, Harry?”

“Fine.” Harry said slightly embarrassed. “Drink him, boy, it will make you feel better.” Harry looked up, and it was Mr. Slughorn who was speaking, holding a glass bottle the size of a thumb in his hand, looking at himself with a very complicated expression , There was chagrin in his eyes, but also admiration.

“Thanks,” Harry murmured, drinking the potion.

He found himself lying in a makeshift tent with a school crest hanging on the wall, and after staring at it several times, he realized that it wasn’t the Hogwarts crest – although it looked like it, it was an Illevil Nicki’s school badge.

Harry suddenly realized that this was Headmaster Ilvermorny’s tent. Thinking that the headmaster had been killed by Voldemort, he felt uncomfortable for a while, so he hated Voldemort for doing all this even more. His consciousness became more and more blurred, and a flash of light flashed in his trance, and he suddenly remembered the memory of Voldemort he had seen before.

Harry grabbed Dumbledore’s arm and said inarticulately, “Cup—Berratt Hicks.”

“What? Harry, what are you talking about?” Dumbledore lowered his head.

“Bellatrix! He gave the Cup to Bellatrix Lestrange!” Harry yelled, before passing out completely.

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