A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts Chapter 477: One night at the Ministry of Magic

The night fell, and the 24-hour restaurant was extremely quiet. The waiter was dozing off on the chair behind the bar, and the hands of the clock on the gray wall had already pointed to ten o’clock.

Hermione sat on the bedside, looking at the bright and clear night sky through the window, she estimated the time in her mind, the owl will deliver the letter around noon tomorrow, right? This unexpected time travel will also come to an end tomorrow.

She lowered her head to look at the Time-Turner tied around her neck, the dark golden gravel had turned into a pale color, only occasionally a faint light appeared, Hermione remembered clearly that this phenomenon had been going on for a while It’s time.

After posting for a while, she took out a black notebook from under the pillow and completed today’s record:

“The 72nd day of time travel, the seventh day of the current time point: The closer to normal time, the closer the senses are to reality, which is much better than wandering aimlessly like a ghost at the beginning… Abandoned by the whole world It feels terrible, the time-turner keeps flashing, and I can’t touch anything. If it weren’t for some food prepared in the beaded bag, I wouldn’t be able to survive the initial period… Today, there are two more cracks on the time-turner , the reason is unknown…”

Hermione stopped, stared at the words on it for a while, and put the book on the bedside table. She quietly slipped out of the room, and the moment the door closed, the black book flipped “crash”, and an illusory image murmured, “The third item, the trophy, the door key, and the root of everything…it turns out to be You, little Crouch.”

On the other side, Hermione cast a disillusionment spell on herself. She stood at the landing on the second floor, staring at the couple in the living room. They were sitting on the sofa, chatting while watching TV

“When I see Hermione tomorrow, I must ask her. What does she mean by helping? Did she help on the field?” Mr. Granger said angrily.

“She has been very thoughtful since she was a child, and you still praise her for being smart?” Mrs. Granger looked at him and said.

“Using your cleverness to lie to your parents?” Mr. Granger said angrily, “You don’t know what a wizard said when I had the courage to ask about the Tournament! Because the death rate is too high , so it has been closed for hundreds of years. Listen to this!”

“Hermione said in her letter that this year’s security measures are in place…and it’s the last project, isn’t there a security officer in the video?” Mrs. Granger persuaded, “Why don’t we ask the first project tomorrow?” What are the three events? If it is too dangerous, discuss it with the school…” She pursed her lips, unable to contain her anger, “This little girl is too much, when the competition is over, let’s educate her together!”

They babbled for a long time, turned off the TV, got up and went upstairs. Hermione passed them around the corner, her hand outstretched, catching only a patch of air, and slowly dropping her arm in wordless silence.

24h open restaurant.

The silver light in Felix’s eyes gradually faded. After a moment of silence, he took out two glass bottles, one big and one small. The big one was filled with a viscous liquid that looked like mud, and was slowly bubbling up, and the small one had a handful of gray hairs in it.

This is Polyjuice Potion and Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge’s hair. There was a smile on Felix’s face, and the origin of his hair was very dramatic. Two years ago, when Fudge visited the corpse of the basilisk, he was accidentally poisoned and was taken to the school hospital for treatment.

He took the opportunity to grab a pinch.

The intentional move at the time saved him a lot of trouble.

Felix unscrewed the cork and put the ashes into the large glass bottle. The soup inside boiled immediately, and turned into an ugly blue-gray in the next second, like a bottle of boiling cement.

“Clerk, pay the bill.” Felix yelled, pocketing the Polyjuice Potion at the same time.

When he walked out of the restaurant, it was half past ten.

London’s night is frighteningly quiet, but there are also noisy noises. Felix is ​​walking alone on the street, and the sound of kicking footsteps echoes under the darkness. His figure flickers several times and appears in a dilapidated room. In front of the red phone booth.

He opened the door of the phone booth and walked in, skillfully dialed the number 62442, and an indifferent woman’s voice rang out from the phone booth.

“Welcome to the Ministry of Magic, please tell me your name and what you are going to do.”

“Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, let the guards confirm my identity.” Felix said calmly, his body had been transformed into a short man with messy gray hair under the effect of Polyjuice Potion , stout, potbellied.

He waited for a few seconds, and an obviously more angry wizard voice appeared, his tone was full of surprise: “Minister Fudge? It’s really you, what’s the matter with you coming so late? “

“It’s not something you can know.” Felix said in a deep voice.

“Oh sure…but why don’t you use your own fireplace?”

“I was a guest at a friend’s house nearby, and it suddenly occurred to me that there was something urgent that needed to be dealt with. Do I need to make up a formality tomorrow?” His voice became severe.

“No need, I’ll let you in right now…” the voice said in panic.

The phone booth began to descend slowly, and the sidewalk outside gradually rose to pass through the windows. After a period of darkness, Felix regained his vision. He calmly observed his surroundings. The light in the main hall was darker than the previous few times he came. Quite a few, there was no fire in the fireplace on the wall, and the statues in the distance stood silently in the pool, and there was no sound except for the water flowing in the fountain.

At this time, a rush of footsteps approached from a distance. Felix looked over the statue to the wizard running from the security checkpoint.

Coincidentally, he happened to know this person.

“Eric Munch,” said Felix.

“It’s me, Mr. Minister.” Eric Munch said with great honor with a smiling face.

“I’m glad you didn’t sleep in the chair.” Felix looked at him scrutinizingly.

“Why, of course I won’t do my best,” Eric blushed and stammered.

“Go back to your place, Mr. Munch! I’ll leave the fireplace when I’m done,” said Felix.

“I see, Mr. Minister.” Eric did not dare to breathe.

Felix nodded at him, took a few steps, and stopped again. “By the way, is there anyone in the ministry who hasn’t left yet?”

“I-I’m not sure…Mr. Minister,” Eric looked at him cautiously, “I guess Ms. Burns, Ms. Marchban and Mr. Ogden are all in… and the Department of Mysteries The weirdos of the, uh, I mean, the Reticents, I’ve never been able to track them down.”

“It’s so late” Felix said halfway, frowning and looking at the opposite side, he knew Eric would give the answer.

Sure enough, Eric’s words became more respectful and humble. “Ms. Marchbane and Mr. Ogden are working overtime to process the exam papers for the Wizarding Level Examination. They are very busy at this time of year. As for Ms. Burns,” he raised his eyelids and glanced at Felix, “you transferred A group of Aurors, as the guards of the third project, there are not enough manpower there.”

Felix was silent for a while, and snorted, “I see.”

He turned and walked into the elevator, pressed the button for the ninth floor, and the barrier slammed shut. The elevator rattled harshly, and Felix let out a slow breath inside, the first step going smoothly. When the elevator stopped, an indifferent female voice said, “Department of Mysteries.” Then the fence opened, and Felix walked out steadily.

Passing through a dimly lit corridor, he stopped in front of a black door. The flickering firelight shone on his face, making his expression uncertain. From the perspective of magic power, he saw a large area of ​​magic light, which almost blinded his eyes.

Just as he was hesitating whether to break the door violently, the door suddenly opened from the inside. A middle-aged wizard looked at him in surprise, and was stunned for a few seconds. He said with a stiff face, “Mr. Minister? What are you doing…” As he spoke, he quietly reached for his pocket. The next second, a The Confusion Charm hit him.

“Your name?”

“Saul Crocker,” said the wizard in a trance.

“Can you be my guide today?” Felix asked politely.

“Mr. Minister, this is a violation.” The wizard suddenly covered his head with a painful expression on his face.

“Okay, let’s change the question, is there anyone else in there?” Felix didn’t force the wizard to continue answering, he was afraid of triggering the confidentiality contract on the silent man.

“Bod is still inside, in the Hall of Prophecy.” The wizard replied with his calm face restored.

“Thank you.”

Then a red light hit the wizard, Saul Crocker the Reticent fell to the ground slowly, Felix flashed in from the door, the black door closed behind him, Felix took out an Echo Bird, the little bird shook its fiery red feathers and bounced in his hand.

“Stay here, and notify me in time if outsiders appear or this gentleman wakes up unexpectedly.” Felix ordered softly.

The palm-sized bird nodded to him, jumped onto the wizard on the ground, and got into his pocket.

At this time, Felix had time to look around. He found himself standing in a huge circular room. Everything from the floor to the walls was black, and some candles with blue flames were dotted On the wall, provide dim lighting.

There are no windows here, only black doors are neatly inlaid on the wall, exactly the same as the one behind him, a total of twelve.

“Where is the Hall of Prophecy?” Felix said to himself, he wanted to solve the “Bode” that the wizard said first, but he really couldn’t see any difference. After a few seconds of hesitation, he pushed open a black door.

Inside the door is a deep pit that is sunken downwards. On the stone platform in the center of the deep pit stands an ancient archway. A pair of tattered black curtains are hung on the archway, which is automatic without wind.

There seemed to be people behind the curtain… people he was familiar with, as if he would see them when he lifted the curtain. Felix walked around the archway, but there was nothing behind it, and then he heard a whisper, which was very distinctive.

It seemed to be the voice of an immature child, Felix looked in a trance, thinking of his memory in the orphanage. But he may have heard it wrong, because the owner of the voice at this time turned into a woman, she whispered softly, Felix took a step closer, trying to hear it more clearly.

The voice got closer, and the murmur became clear and audible. It must be a very gentle woman. thought Felix.

“Unfortunately it’s fake.”

Occlumency operated spontaneously. He stared at the black curtain for a while, and then slowly exited the room. The moment he closed the door, there was a deafening rumbling sound, and the wall began to rotate rapidly. Quickly drawing his wand, he left an arch bridge sign on the door, and when the wall stopped, he glanced at his mark and walked towards the door next to it.

The second room is empty, except for a table by the wall, there is only a huge glass water tank in the center of the room filled with dark green liquid, some translucent brains are floating around in it, Felix Si took a look and left quickly.

The third room is a dark room full of planets. Felix stood at the door and looked around, then ran to other rooms.

Then he came to an extraordinarily tall room with a ceiling almost as high as a church. Rows of towering shelves in the room were inserted straight into the ceiling. These shelves were filled with dusty prophecy balls, large and small. The orb of prophecy shone with a faint silver light. Felix was thoughtful, Hall of Prophecy… so Bode is here.

“Sol? Is that you?” a voice asked in the distance.

Felix kept silent, quietly approaching “Saul?” The voice obviously raised the volume, and the light of the wand suddenly lit up in the dim room, and a man with a disheveled face and a sad face came from behind the shelf. Walking out, he froze for a moment when he saw Felix.

“Mr. Minister?”

“Sorry.” The red light flashed, and Bode leaned weakly on the shelf. It took Felix a while to transport the unconscious wizard from the foyer here, to accompany his colleagues, while the Echobird hid in the shadow of the chandelier above the foyer.

When he was walking out of the hall of prophecy, his eyes froze for a moment, and a strange feeling of intimacy came to his heart, as if there was something closely related to him hidden here… Felix closed his eyes, Go to a shelf by feeling.

He opened his eyes, and there was a shiny silver glass ball at eye level. It’s brighter than the surrounding prophecy spheres and, apparently, far less dusty. When he approached, the rhythm of the glass ball’s flickering accelerated obviously, as if to welcome his arrival.

On the label, Felix sees a date from two years ago, followed by a string of characters: S.P.T.toH.J.P. (to be verified). After getting ready for protection, he stretched out his hand and took the prophecy ball off the shelf, but was surprised to find that it was not blocked by anything.

Felix stared at it, the touch of the prophecy ball was incompatible with the cold room, it was warm and bright, holding it was like standing in the sun and basking in the sun for hours. At the same time, a hoarse voice appeared in my mind

“A change unseen in a thousand years…The legendary drama is staged here…The clown is stepping on the drums to return, the warrior is ready to go, the lion is old, the firebird is nirvana…Time! Time!”

Felix couldn’t help but hold the prophecy ball tightly and listened to it again.

“The clown, the warrior, the lion, the firebird… what do they all refer to?” Step away from here and draw a circle on the black door.

Felix went straight to the next room, and the moment he opened the door, he realized that he had finally found the right place. In the dazzling diamond-like jumping light in the sun, he saw all kinds of clocks, alarm clocks, clocks, travel clocks, grandfather clocks, and old things like sundials… They were either hanging on the wall, Or put it on the ground, or put it on a long table and bookshelf.

On a closet with a glass front door, the wall where the closet sits is covered with assorted hourglasses.

Felix, who has always been calm, has an excited expression on his face. These are the hourglasses used on the Time Converter, and his eyes glanced at the folders on the bookshelf, the drawers under the long table, and fell on the room At the end is a tall bell-shaped crystal glass cover.

Different from other rooms, the crystal glass cover is the only light source in this room. The diamond-like jumping light that Felix saw before came from it. airflow.

That is time energy.

“Time…time…” Felix said softly, he understood why the prophecy ball was particularly attractive to him, “because I am also a part of the prophecy.” He closed his eyes, “Then Who am I? Lions and firebirds are impossible, the rest are clowns? Or warriors? Or maybe they all exist because of me?” He opened his eyes suddenly, the light blue pupils turned into deep silver flames, Burning, filled the entire eye socket.

The pitch-black floor was covered with silver light, and everything was like the reappearance of the earlier scene. Felix pulled the thinking cabin out of his mind, but this time he tried his best. A series of phantoms came out of Felix’s body. They were part of Felix’s thoughts and the pinnacle creations of memory magic. Sit or stand, study carefully.

Felix himself stared at the bell-shaped crystal glass cover, and soon, the first phantom put the folder back on the bookshelf, walked over and merged with him. Felix’s body froze suddenly, and after two minutes, he finally digested the knowledge.

But then, the second and third phantoms returned, and this time Felix froze for five minutes, during which time he was like a stone statue made of clay. Felix sighed, and resignedly took out the Ravenclaw’s crown that had not been used for a long time from the ring, and said mockingly: “I should say, thanks to Varen for leaving this for me?” He put on the crown, A sense of coolness spreads all over the body.

More phantoms came over…

In the early morning, Felix held a floating hourglass in his hand, and the crystal glass cover in front of him was also opened, and the airflow flowed into the hourglass. The surface of the domain, but even this small step is enough for him to crack the secret of how to replenish the energy of the hourglass.

He also rummaged through the Ministry of Magic’s experimental records on time travel, which were more detailed than the information collected by Nick Flamel, and many of them were even described by the time traveler himself. For example, going back to the experience of Heloise Mintab five centuries ago is very informative. Her self-reporting occupies twelve parchments, and the analysis and guesses surrounding these twelve parchments fill the entire world. There are a full thirty drawers.

When Felix stopped, the hourglass floating in the air fell to his hand, and the fine white sand in the hourglass was coated with a layer of golden substance.

“The energy of one hourglass may not be enough, and there are problems with two hourglasses. I should make more preparations.” He turned his head, stared at the hourglasses of different shapes hanging in the closet, and muttered in a low voice, “Just temporarily Borrow.”

He waved his hand, the glass front door of the closet opened, and hourglasses flew towards Felix… After an unknown amount of time, hundreds of hourglasses floated crookedly around Felix, at the cost of the closet It was empty, and the crystal glass shade was dim.

His magic power is running low.

At this moment, Felix raised his head abruptly, his eyes fixed on one direction, and the Echo Bird he left behind was triggered!

He collected all the hourglasses and touched his face. The effect of the compound potion had long since disappeared. He put on a cloak for himself, put on a hood, and walked out of the Hall of Time.

In the circular room, a silent man was bending over to look at the wreckage on the ground. Everything happened so suddenly. As soon as he opened the door and entered, a fireball fell from the sky. He was startled, thinking he was under attack, and when he came back to his senses, he found a delicate structure in the flames.

Is it an alchemy item? Who brought it? Just as he was wondering, he suddenly felt groggy. The last image in his mind was the sudden disappearance of the burning wreckage, and a pair of feet passing by without stopping.

Felix used body transformation to make himself look a lot shorter, and his face turned **** yellow. He took the elevator to the Ministry of Magic hall, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Apparation ready!

However, his state is extremely bad at the moment, if it becomes split, it will be a big joke. He walked towards the fireplace area step by step, and glanced at the time halfway, it was not too late.

“Sir! Sir!”

The voice of a guard behind him, trying to stop Felix. His outlandish attire has already aroused suspicion, but there is no way, he must wear a hood, who let him still wear the Ravenclaw diadem on his head, if he takes it off, he will definitely faint immediately.

Felix hastened his pace silently.

“Sir! Sir” the guard yelled again, seeing Felix getting closer to the fireplace. In order to meet the work needs of the Ministry of Magic staff, a fire had already been lit in the fireplace.

The guard blew his whistle urgently.

The footsteps kept approaching, and a dozen guards quickly ran towards Felix, pointed at him with their wands.

“This hidden guest, no matter who you are, you will be arrested immediately!” Someone shouted, and Felix’s response was a dazzling red light, and the shouter flew far away.

“Attack!” The other guards didn’t hold back their hands, and all kinds of dazzling lights attacked him.

Felix put on the Iron Armor Curse for himself, and raised his spirits to fly away the spells one by one. He panted slightly, and suppressed the discomfort both physically and mentally. The afterimage of the wand waved, and the three guards fell instantly. , Two seconds later, two more guards fell down.

In the blink of an eye, the road in front of Felix was cleared, and he left quickly without stopping.

There is another sound of footsteps

“Mr. Scrimgeour! Great, we found a thug who trespassed in the Ministry of Magic!” The guard was overjoyed, and Scrimgeour was followed by seven or eight Aurors. lion.

“Combat level, the highest! Teams of two, attack freely!” Scrimgeour shook his head and shouted loudly. He tossed his staff aside and cast a spell swiftly.

Felix deflected the difficult spell and stepped back to avoid the two stun spells. The magic power in his body was almost exhausted, and he had to calculate carefully. At this time, a blazing fireball flew towards him, the speed was extremely fast, Felix widened his eyes, and instantly released the Iron Armor Curse. The fireball exploded on the Iron Armor Curse, sending out There was a loud bang.

Felix staggered and took a few steps to the side, nearly falling down. An uncontrollable anger surged in his heart, and he attacked me with the magic I taught?

“He’s injured!” Scrimgeour pointed at the shattered Iron Armor Charm, and the magic barrier was stained with a large amount of blood red. “Use rune magic! Listen to my password and release it together!”

The Aurors were scattered around in twos and threes. After hearing the order, they drew the flame rune with one hand, and released the fire spell with the other hand. Seven or eight orange-red fireballs the size of a human head were rapidly forming.


Felix is ​​extremely angry~IndoMTL.com~ Get out! “

He swung his wand violently, and a wonderful change occurred in his body at this moment, rune patterns climbed up his face one after another, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. The fireball in the hands of the Aurors exploded uncontrollably, forming a huge shock wave that threw them far away.

At the same time, the hundreds of feet high and resplendent magic hall made a “humming” sound, like some kind of resonance, and in everyone’s shocked eyes, large expanses of glass curtain walls shattered to pieces.

Aurors, guards, and Ministry of Magic staff at work fell silent.

The Aurors looked at each other, and they looked to Scrimgeour, waiting for his decision. The skin on Scrimgeour’s face trembled violently. He raised a hand, but he still couldn’t make up his mind. This man has never killed him, but if he pushes him into a hurry…


Felix stood in the fireplace, the emerald green flame licking his body, he looked at Scrimgeour with a ginger-colored strange face, bowed slightly to express his apology, and disappeared in a second.

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