A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts Chapter 345: Dispute

  Chapter 347 Objection

  Before dawn, the cold, off-white light pierced through the fog in the forest little by little, and this unknown conversation was coming to an end.

   “Master, the newspaper said that the Longbottoms are already recovered, and they will accuse me…” the figure lying on the ground whispered.

  ”Time will erase all traces. Didn’t they also forget my reputation? How many people have crawled at my feet and kissed my robe?” Voldemort said softly.

  Barty Crouch Jr.’s body suddenly trembled, as if being whipped by an invisible whip.

  But Voldemort ignored him, and said lazily: “I want to share with you an opinion, magic is power. Do you know why extracting memories and veritaserum can’t be used as evidence in court? It’s because they are unreliable. All means can be deceived by a clever wizard. Let me ask you—were you caught on the spot?”

  ”No, no,” whispered Barty Crouch Jr.

  Voldemort sneered twice, “That’s right. There are too many ways to deny their accusations, compound potion, forgetting curse, confusing curse… The key is whether there is a witness with enough weight!”

  ”If Dumbledore came forward to identify you, it would be troublesome, but an ordinary Auror couple? Don’t forget, their own memories have been glued together, how credible is it? “

  Barty Crouch Jr.’s face flushed with excitement.

  ”In an ideal situation, according to the original plan, I will be successfully resurrected, and I will recruit the old Ministry in the dark to accumulate strength. After you kill Moody, you will inherit the old Crouch’s reputation and connections, and enter the Ministry of Magic… when the time comes ,” he said softly, “You will receive incomparable honor, the position of Minister of Magic is just the most inconspicuous reward.”

  ”Your will is my mission, master.”


  The sun finally came out, and the fog in the forest completely dissipated without leaving any traces. The camp became lively.

  Felix didn’t sleep for a long time. He always felt that Barty Crouch came for unknown reasons, and he thought for a long time, but he didn’t have any clue. When it was daylight, he saw Keremy coming out of the cubicle, holding a cup of hot cocoa, holding a thin blanket in the other hand, half-closed her eyes, and yawned profusely.

  ”What, can’t sleep?”

  Kremy blinked, and then saw Felix sitting on the sofa, “Professor, why don’t you turn on the light?” She walked to the table where she had dinner yesterday, and patted a bronze eagle The magic lamp flapped its wings, flew into the air and spit out a ball of light, instantly lighting up the tent.

  She sat opposite Felix, covered herself with a blanket, and couldn’t help yawning again, “Oh, I really can’t sleep, I’m going to stay up for a while and go back to the company to sleep. When are we leaving? “

   “You can leave anytime you want,” Felix said gently, “We don’t need a door key, just apparate and leave.” He glanced at the other two compartments in the tent that were simply separated, ” Wait for Remus and Arik.”

  Cremy hugged a thin blanket, drank hot cocoa, and chatted casually.

   “After the vacation is over, I will go back to Gringotts to hand over the work… Unfortunately, I made a lot of friends in Egypt.” She wrung her fingers and said something interesting, “By the way “She suddenly asked with great interest: “Professor, did Bill ever call you your nickname—the Wandering Sphinx to your face?”


  ”This nickname is very interesting, why is no one calling it?” Keremi showed a regretful expression, “I heard someone in the company call you Snake King behind my back, I don’t think it’s very good, it’s easy to remind people Basilisk…”

   “Well, I can’t care what others say.” Felix made himself a cup of tea, very leisurely and authentic.

  Before she knew it, Keremy’s hot cocoa ran out, and she stared at Felix’s tea. “Would you like to try it?” Felix asked, and Keremi said hesitantly, “I heard that drinking can make you sleepless…”

  At this time, a deep female voice came from outside the door: “Is Mr. Felix Hep inside? I am Olim Maxim, from the Beauxbaton School of Magic in France.”

  Felix showed a surprised expression, “Wait a minute, ma’am.” He stood up, and stretched out his hand while walking towards the door, “Swoosh!” A coat flew out of the room and put it on him, Fasten the button flexibly.

  Cremy also slipped back into the room with a blanket and an empty glass.

  Out of the tent, I saw a tall woman head-on. Different from the side I glimpsed in the middle of the night, she has obviously been dressed up, wrapped from head to toe in a blue cotton sateen dress, her hair is combed back into a shiny black bun, and she wears a scarf around her neck. Opal necklace.

  ”Madame Maxime?” Felix tentatively said the address he overheard.

  Madam Maxim burst into an elegant smile, and she stretched out her hand. Felix froze for a moment, grabbed it lightly, and touched the back of her hand with his lips.

  ”Mr. Hype,” said Mrs. Maxime, “forgive me for visiting, but we are leaving during the day, and I really don’t want to miss my meeting with the new school manager.”

  ”Has Beauxbaton got the news?”

   “There is a list of school directors in the principal’s office. When Mr. Nick LeMay passed away, I saw your name appear on it.” Madam Maxime said sadly.

  ”So you are the principal of Beauxbatons.”

  They walked into the tent, and Madame Maxime sat in Keremi’s seat. She occupied the entire sofa by herself, and she had to turn her legs sideways.

  Felix took out an empty teacup and put it in front of the two of them. While directing the teapot to pour tea, he said, “Actually, I wanted to visit Beauxbatons a long time ago, but I heard about some details of the Tournament. It hasn’t been finalized yet, and there are many objections, so I didn’t leave to avoid suspicion.”

  Madam Maxim said: “Every Triwizard Tournament is a big trouble, not to mention two more schools. The Ministry of Magic is not very happy…”

  Felix knew that she should be talking about the French Ministry of Magic.

  ”At least the general direction should be determined, is there anything difficult to choose?”

  Madam Maxim took a sip of tea, she said casually: “The general direction is determined, but the details must not be sloppy, because if you agree this time, it may become an example for the next time.”

  ”Every school has its own ideas, and so does every Ministry of Magic. We need to confirm all the rules before lighting the Goblet of Fire.”

   “Is it the United States and Africa who have proposed unacceptable conditions?” Felix asked.

  He really didn’t pay much attention to the progress of the Tournament, but when he went to the Fire Dragon Reserve, he heard Charlie Weasley’s captain mention that in order to spread the influence of the event from Europe, Fudge made a Many compromises.

  ”The venue of the competition is determined first, or in Europe. According to the order, it’s Hogwarts’ turn this time,” Madam Maxim said, “Ilvermorny and Waggadu can only line up at the back. “

  Felix nodded. He knew that the Triwizard Tournament had been held in rotation before it was suspended.

   “As for the specific items of the competition, it will be decided by the Ministry of Magic where the competition is held, that is, the British Ministry of Magic, and it will be kept secret from us.” She paused and snorted, “Dumbledore I must know, but I believe in his character…”

  ”Our principals can participate in the decision, and it is the more subtle aspects, such as the number of participants, the age of the players, and details such as forbidden magic. This is where the controversy is.”

  ”For example?”

  ”Ilvermorny asked for an increase in the number of people. It is said that they have four colleges, and each college must select at least one warrior.”

  Felix laughed dumbfoundedly: “Isn’t it the Goblet of Fire’s job to choose the warriors? They still want to do it for them?”

  Madam Maxim nodded and said: “They did have this idea, but Beauxbatons, Hogwarts and Durmstrang firmly disagreed, so they gave up.”

   “There is also Vagadu’s self-transformation,” she pursed her lips, and said with some shock: “I only found out after I learned about it. They actually mastered the body transformation magic that is very similar to Animagus. , Nearly one-third of the senior Waggadu students can transform into leopards and elephants, not to mention those elite students can do more…”

  ”Self-transformation? I’ve heard of this magic, but it shouldn’t disrupt the balance of the game, right?”

   “It depends on how you look at it.” Mrs. Maxim explained: “Some animals have advantages that humans don’t have. advantage.”

  ”But this doesn’t explain anything. It can only be said that the students of Waggadu showed their own characteristics.” Felix didn’t think there was any problem.

   “Then do you know how much time Waggadu’s students spent on this magic?” Madame Maxime asked.

   “Could it be very long?” Felix guessed.

   “At least three to five years of study.” Mrs. Maxim said: “They enter school at the age of ten. After a year of observation, they choose the appropriate direction by themselves. Generally, they focus on two or three subjects, three or four. As a minor. Wait until the senior year, they will put all their energy on the main subject ~IndoMTL.com~ For example, a little wizard, from the second grade, can get in touch with all the knowledge of self-transformation, and start to prepare And practice, and then after several years of uninterrupted practice, until you have learned it. Even those who have enough energy to learn can choose the second form and the third form.”

  ”It’s really distinctive.” Felix nodded and said, the principal of Ouagadou should think that this is the knowledge that students must master, so he did this. It is somewhat similar to the suggestion he gave Dumbledore, but if you really want to analyze it, the difference is quite big.

  “Where is the dispute?”

  ”If you look at it alone, there is no problem, but how about comparing Waggadu and Durmstrang? Waggadu’s students participate in the competition with magic that has been practiced for several years, without any restrictions, and Durmstrang Strong’s students have to endure not being able to use the black magic they are best at, of course Karkaroff disagrees, they have lost too many times in the past, and they don’t want to lose face again.”

  Felix understands that this is the crux of the problem. The Tournament represents honor, and the unprecedented Five-Power Tournament represents unprecedented honor. The champion is destined to be recorded in history and passed down for many years.

  In the face of great honor, every slight advantage has to be counted, let alone such a big gap, no one wants to dance in shackles.

  (end of this chapter)

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