A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts Chapter 342: Stop

  Chapter 344 Stop

  Those marchers froze in place, feeling dazzled, but the hooded wizard who had been hit by a bolt of lightning looked at his blood-stained chest in disbelief, took a few steps forward, turned his head, and looked at his Companion, fell down in slow motion.

  Among the hooded wizards at the head, one leaned over to look, “Seriously injured, not dead yet.” He happened to avoid the second black lightning that flew towards him and hit the person behind him in the lower abdomen superior.

   Immediately afterwards, Felix’s fingertips pinched the black lightning, and it exploded cracklingly. Small electric arcs were like a huge net, covering them. These small black electric arcs were not as powerful as the original ones. Those two bolts of lightning across the sky were powerful, but they were even more troublesome. The marchers were struck by the arc like wheat, and fell to the ground convulsingly.

  Those hooded wizards were the first to react. They pulled the two wounded companions to the back, propped up one after another magic barriers and shields, and counterattacked along the gap. At the same time, they kept retreating, hiding themselves in the middle of the parade.

   But while they were safe, they were farther away from Felix, and most of the spells dimmed and disappeared in midair.

   “Counterattack! There’s only one of him—” shouted a red-faced wizard who couldn’t figure out the situation. He held a wand in one hand and a wine bottle in the other.

   “He is too far away!” Someone shouted furiously.

  The drunken red-faced wizard shouted: “Follow me!” He and a dozen people similar to him charged towards Felix and kept approaching him. Most of the marchers watched coldly. Sure enough, A mass of black arcs fell to their feet. These people didn’t even read the most basic defensive spells, like broken dolls, they all collapsed on the ground, howling.

  The next second, Felix disappeared from mid-air, and suddenly appeared fifty feet away from these people. His expression was indifferent, as if covered with a layer of frost, and flames seemed to be beating in his eyes.

  ”Stupid people.” His eyes did not stay on these wizards who were charging towards him. They were all idiots being coerced, and his eyes were on the large army of marchers.

   “Damn it! Is he trying to beat us all?” Someone shouted angrily.

  Before he could react, the light of a powerful spell exploded from the tip of the black wand held by Felix, and the red light shone on everyone’s faces.

  Felix’s goal is very clear, that is, the group of hooded wizards hiding in the middle of the team. They are likely to be the organizers of the riots. Moreover, they have uniform attire, and the cooperation is considered tacit. They should know each other, even fought together.

  The names of famous and non-famous wizarding groups slipped through my heart, but the most likely one is——

   “Death Eaters.” Felix muttered softly.

  These marchers were a mob without any cooperation with each other, they propped up the magic in a mess, and some even interfered with each other, resulting in the failure of casting the spell, which made Felix’s spell unimpeded, and the powerful disarming spell hit them one by one fly.

   But the counterattack is coming soon.

  Felix had to prop up a golden shield, as if it was unbreakable, and various spells ping-pong-pong on it, and a single spell had little effect on it, but he faced too many people, and the spells were connected into a shield. Dense light beams, after more than ten seconds, the golden shield finally couldn’t hold on, and collapsed into golden light spots, and before that, he had already shifted his position in advance.

  Felix uses apparition to disappear suddenly from time to time, avoiding the spells that focus on fire, and then appears more than ten feet away. Each appearance is accompanied by several spells, leading arcs from various hidden corners , Knocking out several people.

  Spells all over the sky kept chasing his figure, but they couldn’t touch his clothes. results.

  At this time, the scene was in chaos, and no one cared about the Roberts family floating in mid-air. When the effect of the floating spell disappeared, they fell from the sky screaming. He stopped, moved sideways, and prepared to hand it over to the staff of the Ministry of Magic not far away.

  The only three remaining staff managed to avoid the sharp edge of the marchers, and kept following behind the team, trying to rescue the Roberts family, but they had the same concerns as Mr. Weasley, and they were timid. Dare to use magic, for fear of causing accidental injury.

   “Great opportunity—” someone shouted from the crowd of marchers.

  They all raised their wands and shot spells of various colors in the direction of Felix. The dense magical radiance made the surroundings red and bright, but these spells stagnated when they were three feet away from Felix. , arranged to form a wall of spells.

  These spells did not stop, but moved forward in slow motion. Felix nimbly avoided a few steps to the side. Small pits were smashed out one after another, either scorched or rotten, and grass clippings flew.

  And within a few seconds, the Roberts family also fell safely into the hands of the staff of the Ministry of Magic, “Thank you! Mr. Haip!” A staff member of the Ministry of Magic shouted and used a spell to help them.

  His thanks were nothing more than a taunt to the marchers. A vicious curse flew out of the crowd and flew towards the Roberts family. Several people suddenly appeared. It was Mr. Weasley, who cast an iron armor curse, Charlie and Bill Standing on both sides, Sirius took a step forward and lifted the poisonous curse.

  ”Nice job, Arthur,” said the Ministry man happily.

  Felix turned his head sharply, the ebony wand stabbed out like a sharp sword, and a ball of golden flame exploded in the crowd.

  At this time, many people saw that the situation was not good, and hurriedly used Apparition to escape, including those hooded wizards.

  Felix couldn’t care too much for a while, so he could only cast a net to shake off a black arc, trying to form a closed grid. Once formed, it would be difficult for these people to apparate.

  In a panic, a hooded wizard said in a hoarse voice: “I promise you——”

  The magic in Felix’s hands paused slightly, and the hooded wizard took advantage of the gap to apparate and took away the two companions whose chests were pierced by black lightning. In the next second, a large net formed by the black arc Close completely to form an airtight cage.

   “Is there anything special about those two people?” Felix recalled carefully. At that time, they were standing in the front position.

  If they are Death Eaters, it means that the status of those two people is not low.

  Felix stood outside the cage~IndoMTL.com~calmly shaking out a stun spell, like catching a turtle in a jar. The two hooded wizards who couldn’t escape forcibly disapparated, only to scream, leaving behind an arm and a thigh.

  At this time, Felix had to hold back his strength. Most of these people were tourists from various countries. Even if they caused a riot, they couldn’t be killed, otherwise he would be in trouble.

   His first two slaps were all aimed at the hooded wizard. As for whether he would kill someone, he didn’t know.

  Mr. Weasley, Charlie, Bill, Sirius and three other Ministry of Magic staff also came to help. They chanted along the gap in the power grid, and the people inside lay down like wheat.

  After a while, Felix dispersed the magic, revealing hundreds of marchers inside, including a dozen hooded wizards. He lifted the mask and saw faces that were not unfamiliar. In addition to the broken limbs left behind due to the separation, the scene looks extremely scary.

  Sirius looked at those hooded wizards and snorted disdainfully.

  The riots have completely subsided.

  It was silent, and the surroundings were extremely silent, as if the pause button had been pressed, and even the crying of the child was stopped by the parents.

  (end of this chapter)

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