A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts Chapter 333: Corrupt Horcrux

The latest URL: “Isn’t there no danger?”

Gonuk the goblin asked through the mask. He looked at the aisle ahead and took another step forward. Fierce sparks shot out from the empty air in front of him, hitting the goblin like a A tattered kite was knocked into the air.

Faisal and Rahman stepped forward to check Gonuk’s condition. The middle-aged wizard Rahman said, “It’s fine. He’s wearing protective clothing and passed out temporarily.”

“There are hidden traps?” Keremi asked Felix in amazement, “Didn’t the curse come from the black mist?” She picked up the curse detector and kept scanning, but suddenly something like an antenna in her hand It exploded, startling her.

“This can also explain the problem, there is indeed a curse.” She said with an ugly face.

“Actually, there are many more.” Felix said, from his perspective, the empty corridor is filled with dense light spots, each light spot represents a curse, they are like plankton same floating.

He turned his head and asked Keremi: “This pyramid… the part you explored before, is there any magic item that stores magic power?”

Kremi shook her head, “We found a lot of things that still have magic power, such as golden daggers and scarab amulets, but they are already very weak. Unlike those cursed items outside, innocent blood will maintain the effect of the curse .”

After a while, the goblin Gonuk woke up, opened his clothes for the first time, and then wailed, and Hermione realized that he was wearing a silver body armor.

“There’s a hole!” he yelled in pain, “I don’t know if it can be fixed.”

Felix walked in front, and everyone was a dozen steps away from him, watching him poke and tap the air here and there, one curse after another exploded like fireworks.

The dense numbers make the people who follow behind feel cold.

Felix stopped from time to time and looked at the stone slabs on both sides. He originally thought that there should be at least a dozen ancient magics based on the scale of these slabs, but the real number is less than this. He only saw three so far. , including full black lightning magic.

There are quite a few slates with the self-introduction of the wizard who opened this darkroom, including his travel experience. He said that he was a sojourner wizard from Greece who crossed the Aegean Sea and discovered a source of magic power in the upper tomb when exploring the pyramids—a four-cone gem, and then he decided to build a dark room for the benefit of future generations.

“The curse in the long corridor is progressive and stronger, if you are not sure, don’t force it, and leave the opportunity to others.” Hermione read the words on the slate, “So it is like this!” People are also stunned.

“Is it because the ancient wizards are too strong and we are too weak?” Keremy said discouragedly, it turned out that they couldn’t bear even the weakest test.

“Don’t make a decision lightly, maybe these words are just lies.” Felix said, he moved forward steadily, and a guess in his mind became clearer and clearer.

As a matter of fact, are the ancient wizards very strong? From the perspective of ancient magic, they are indeed powerful, but when it comes to the flexibility of their methods, they are far inferior to what they are now.

Most ancient wizards don’t know how to apparate. As for others, such as warning spells, life magic, and auxiliary magic, they are not as perfect as the current system. Those ancient wizards who are famous in history are constantly amplifying their own advantages. , and also exposed the shortcomings.

This is also the reason why Felix inferred from various magic handbooks that ancient wizards strictly guarded their secrets.

The road ahead was rugged and dangerous, and Felix had told them to retreat far away. He put on a cloak tanned from basilisk skin and dragon skin, and moved forward little by little, constantly cleaning up these curses.

These curses are also mixed with all kinds of powerful and weird black magic. I don’t know how they were preserved by the owner of the dark room. They may be stored on a stone or on the granite ceiling.

It’s just that most of the spells in the stone have dissipated over time, leaving only faint light and evil breath. They should exist on their own, not linked to the overall defense.

Felix is ​​more and more sure that the owner of the dark room is a dark wizard, a powerful dark wizard. Felix is ​​like entering a black magic museum, and many black magics that have been circulated in modern times can find corresponding shadows.

Finally he stopped in front of a bronze door with a bronze knocker and no extra decorations.

Gonuk the goblin shouted from a distance: “Can we come over?” He said eagerly, from the goblin’s point of view, everything here is the property of Gringotts. Eliminate hidden dangers, and compensation is the treasure in the ruins.

The crowd approached and lined up to look at the bronze door. Seeing that Felix was deep in thought, they didn’t dare to disturb him. His performance along the way has proved his strength and profound knowledge. None of them noticed the tingling curse.

After a long time, Felix breathed a sigh of relief.

“Have you encountered any problems?” Hermione asked in a low voice, her voice was amplified in the dark room, as if she was speaking next to her ear.

“I’m a little strange, there seems to be no danger ahead.”

This was something that puzzled him. He glanced around at the others, “Go to the side and avoid it.” Perhaps his expression was too serious, everyone pulled out their wands, and carefully moved them to the side, Felix Si also called the eagle-shaped magic lamp over.

After finishing all this, he stretched out his hand and knocked on the bronze door knocker. The sound of knocking on the door echoed one after another, and everyone’s hearts rose. After a few seconds, the door suddenly opened a gap, and the dust kept shaking off. Accompanied by the harsh “creaking” sound, the opening continued to expand, followed by the sound of something rubbing, Felix stepped back cautiously, two The black shadow smashed down, setting off high clouds of smoke and dust.

“Boom! Boom!”

The people hiding on both sides saw the true face of the black shadow clearly. “It’s a basilisk!” shrieked Hermione, who was absolutely sure, having fought a basilisk head-on in her second year.

It’s just that the corpses of two basilisks are in front of me. They have been dead for a long time, and because they have been placed in a confined space for too long, the dark green snakeskin has decayed quickly after coming into contact with the outside air, thick and thick. The rancid smell hits the face.


Several people retched, Felix waved his wand and cast the Bubble Curse on them, and he strode into the room with the Iron Armor Curse on himself, his judgment became clearer.

The eagle-shaped magic lamp followed behind, and the light shone into the interior from behind him, bringing this place isolated from the outside world back to the present world. They were all dead without exception, and when Felix stepped over them, the color of the basilisk lost its color along with the ring around it.

Felix went straight to the center ~IndoMTL.com~ where there was a circular altar.

On the altar stood a life-size statue, a middle-aged wizard with silver-white hair, yellow eyes, and a gentle smile. The wizard held a four-cone gem in his hand. The light emanates from the gem, which is the source of magic that Felix has been looking for.

A crack split from the top of the statue’s head, running down the center of the brow, almost breaking him in half. From this long crack, black and viscous blood seeped out, but it had already dried up, forming ugly stains.

Felix can almost imagine how it has been worn down, broken, and cracked by time for thousands of years, and it has become what it is now.

“It really is you, despicable Haierbo.” Felix said softly, he seemed to admire, and said mockingly: “So Horcruxes can also decay?”

As if responding to his words, Haierbo’s statue—or Horcrux, began to lose its luster a little bit and became dusty. Felix blew it lightly, and it fell apart completely.

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