A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts Chapter 299: memory

, update the latest chapter of a certain Hogwarts rune professor as soon as possible!

Thinking cabin.

Nick Flamel looked around. He looked at the furnishings in the house with great interest. He looked hundreds of years younger.

“You still have such magic? I’m really surprised.” He smiled and said, “My preparation is useless.”

Felix had a stern face, as if welcoming a bad guest. He stood in front of a dark green curtain, which was rolled up high, revealing the tall door behind him.

Felix stared at the door, it opened automatically, and there was a shadow inside, and it was completely unclear what was inside. Behind the door is his inner world, hiding all the deepest secrets and memories.

The two stepped in and stood in a long aisle with tall bookshelves on both sides. Every item on the shelf—books, notebooks, memory balls, and odds and ends—represents the truest version of myself.

Against the light, only the light of the thinking cabin can be seen. The faces of Felix and Nick Flamel are hidden in the darkness. Then, the figure belonging to Felix waved his arms, and the aisle was filled with wind and clouds, and the bookshelves twisted and changed. It formed a large number of thick clouds, layered on top of each other, occupying the original position.

The sky seems to be pulled to the feet, and the thick clouds are hanging down—they are like being in a sea of ​​clouds, with dark golden clouds on both sides, stretching forward from the position where the two stood, overlapping, and disappearing in the unknown at the end.

“Come in,” said Felix curtly and politely.

“Felix…” Nick Flamel shook his head. He felt guilty. He didn’t reveal some things to anyone, not even Dumbledore—he saw half of the prophecy. Change is about to come again, more shocking than ever.

But unfortunately, he can’t see the end, nor can he see the way forward, so he can only pin his hopes on the latecomers.

The dark golden clouds entangled and stretched, and pictures and voices appeared one after another.

Floating clouds gathered, a man with a sense of elegance waved up a slap-sized piece of paper in his hand, and vowed: “Felix, I will keep watching…”

Nick Flamel walked quickly through this section, stopped in front of a dark golden cloud that was constantly churning, and looked carefully. Felix was the only one in the picture. He was sitting quietly in the office, flipping through a stack of parchments. The pictures on the paper made him frown.

“Is this…?”

“The road that Salazar Slytherin gave up, I will pick it up and have a look.”

Nick Flamel nodded without commenting, and walked on, not interested in minutiae, but focused on the churning clouds that could affect emotions.

He walked a not-so-short distance, and the clothes on his body rolled up into a cloud of mist, causing the originally gathered images to scatter again, “I can only tell you, that person’s code name is Padfoot…”

Nick stopped at a place that was constantly surging, and he asked curiously: “Is this the Three Broomsticks?” He looked at the people in the picture, Felix and a middle-aged man with a hook nose Together, the middle-aged people were not interested, filling themselves cup by cup, with a numb expression.

“Severus, we should all move on,” said Felix in the screen.

“Can you forget the past?” said the middle-aged man, “Can you forget Chesterton Avery? What about Carlo, Knott, Parkinson, Selwyn…and Shafik Family?”

Felix stopped talking, and clinked glasses with the middle-aged man. When bringing the middle-aged man back to Hogwarts, Felix stared at the drunken man on the bed and said softly, “That’s why I thank you, professor.”

Nick Flamel asked: “Who is this?”

“The dean when I was in school.”

“He helped you?”


“Looks like a warm-hearted person.”

“… probably doesn’t count.”

Nick said clearly: “I am narrow-minded, people are complicated.”

They continued to move forward, stopping and stopping along the way. Nick Flamel stopped briefly on Felix chasing Sirius and Patronus expelling Dementors. Instead, he finished watching Felix’s speech at the Ministry of Magic.

“What do you think of the secrecy law?” asked the old man.

“I take a pessimistic view.”

“Are you going to push for the repeal of secrecy laws?”

“It’s thankless, and I don’t need to do anything, and I can’t last for many years.”

Nick sighed and said: “I agree with you, the magic world has been closed for too long, and the outside world is changing with each passing day…”

He changed the subject and said cheerfully: “Don’t look at me as an antique, one of my safe houses is ostentatiously placed in the Muggle community, without any magic – it will make all kinds of modern appliances fail, refrigerators, Air conditioners, ovens… and home game consoles, do you know this, Perenal likes it very much… I also have an identity, an expert in occult studies!”

In front of another cloud, Nick looked wistfully at Newt Scamander, and his words became more verbal: “When I first met Newt, he acted very dull and inarticulate , maybe it hasn’t changed now…” He said softly: “Many years have passed in a blink of an eye.”

Then he looked at Felix in the cloud, and that Felix said bluntly: “What family are you from?”

The young man on the opposite side stammered, “Eve—Avery.”

Nick Flamel asked curiously: “Is this the Avery mentioned by that professor just now?” Seeing Felix nodding, he couldn’t help asking: “What did he do?”

Felix said with an inscrutable expression: “You will see, isn’t that why you came here?”

Not too far from here, Nick Flamel smacked his lips after listening to what Felix said in seventh grade class: “The seed of a miracle…” He pondered for a long time.

As they walked on, Nick couldn’t help laughing when Felix in his memory said to a freckled boy, “This is the Nick Flamel of mice.” Metaphor.”

Felix was a little embarrassed. When he said this, he didn’t expect to be caught by the Lord.

Nick mused, “So, the infamous Sirius Black is innocent and Peter Pettigrew is the traitor? Animagus… the only question is the Fidelity Charm, but keep it secret People can be transferred, or maybe the Potters lied to everyone from the beginning.”

Felix said calmly: “You should have thought of it earlier, skipped some key content.”

Nick smiled and said, “It’s impossible for me to stick my nose to your face and observe you in detail. Although it is not convincing, I still want to restore a part of your image in your heart.”

“Really.” Felix muttered.

Another cloud, Nicole May asked: “Who is this little girl?”

“Hermione Granger, my assistant in the Ancient Runes class.” Felix explained.

“It’s really understanding.” Nick said with admiration as he watched Hermione put a pot of green plants on the square table full of books, adding a touch of life to the dark left half of the space.

“But what happened before? You seem to have been hit… oh, I saw it, the magic riot, this method… is a bit inappropriate, but…”

Nick Flamel looked at the picture on the dark golden cloud. On one side was the Longbottom couple hugging Neville, and on the other was an unbelievable Felix. He stopped talking.

There was a relatively long road ahead, Nick said “interesting” to the golden rune ball, and didn’t stop there until he saw everything that happened at the Muggle meeting during the summer vacation.

“All curses end, I have used this magic too… I’m sorry, when people get old, it is easy to fall into meaningless memories.” Nick said with emotion: “What do you think of the organization of the Reform Society?”

“Young, with potential, representing the future.”

“Yes, youth has potential and represents the future.” Nick murmured.

Nick Flamel watched with great interest Felix’s question in the open class at the University of Paris. At that time, Felix used a hypothetical method to outline the current situation of the magic world and asked the professor’s opinion.

The old man said with a smile: “You are so brave, no wonder that Auror wants to catch you.”

Felix explained: “It happened to catch up, and I really wanted to know what a philosophy professor thought about this issue.”

“Use the wisdom of others?” The old man said: “The smart way.”

In the Chamber of Secrets, Nick couldn’t help complaining to Dumbledore: “I don’t quite agree with some of his practices, but… I’m not him, and I don’t know why he made this decision.”

Nick Flamel kept walking forward. In an office, he saw Dumbledore folded his hands and asked with a serious face: “Why are you so obsessed with coming to Hogwarts to teach?”

Nick asked, “Is this your interview?”

“Obviously, I’m hired.”

Nick nodded. The cloud in front of him had quietly turned into sea blue. This was the memory of Felix’s three years of graduation. The old man smiled and said, “It’s the same color as my eyes.” Here, he saw a more real side of Felix, like a real ordinary person working and living in a technology company, “It really surprised me.” Nick said.

The two years before this were Felix’s experience of traveling the world. Nick LeMay blinked and watched Felix shuttle in the black markets of different countries, picking and exchanging various magic items and handbooks, and Most of the people he deals with are dark wizards wandering in the gray area, robbing, fighting, counterattacking, setting traps…

“Blue represents sadness?” Nick asked, staring at the blue, glowing clouds.

“No, I enjoyed the experience,” Felix said.

“Uh… well.”

Then the clouds on both sides of the road turned dark gold again. He saw the younger Felix, who was in school. He was in the sixth and seventh grades, and everywhere he went, there was awe. Making a way, Felix smiled and nodded at them.

“Is it because the Shafiq family left the UK? No worries?” the old man thought.

But the next moment, Nick Flamel denied this guess. He saw that at the end of the fifth grade, Felix visited some pure-blood families one by one.

Nick Flamel stared at a dark golden cloud that was constantly tumbling, and he guessed that if the color of the cloud represented emotions, then Felix must have been happy at that time, the joy of revenge—

It was a magnificently decorated room, a young man with black hair and blue eyes was sitting on a single sofa with bright green and silver stripes.

There was a soft sound from the fireplace decorated with gold patterns, and a middle-aged wizard came out from inside. He saw Felix, his eyes showed surprise and panic.

“Felix Haipu…you, what are you doing here!” He roared angrily, “Who let you in, you are not welcome here!”

The young man said mildly: “I think it is necessary to come and visit, to address the differences between us.”

The wizard was furious, “What trick are you playing? Where is Dumbledore, he wants to attack the pure-blood family?”

But then, his body stiffened, like a leaning stone statue, his gaze kept moving down, until finally, he found himself kneeling on the ground.

He could only see the young man’s shoes.

“It’s a very hidden spell, isn’t it? I found it in the restricted section…I came here today to introduce myself formally. What’s the matter? I don’t remember clearly, his face was swollen into a pumpkin, uh, the spell rebounded.”

“…Jem!” The man surnamed Parkinson growled.

A house elf suddenly appeared, and a red light flashed in the next second, and the elf fell unconscious on the ground.

Felix stood up, passed by the wizard, looked at the portrait hanging on the wall, “I did my homework before I came, and there was a Minister of Magic in your family, Perseus Parkinson , tried to pass the bill that ‘muggle marriage will be considered illegal’ during the administration, but failed.”

“It’s a pity, isn’t it? This kind of thinking can only be kept in the family and cannot be accepted by the public.” He pointed his wand on the wizard’s head.

Kneeling on the ground, the face of Patriarch Parkinson turned purple. It only took two minutes to go from hatred, unwillingness, to decadence and fear.

“What do you need me to do, Mr. Hype?”

“Be good, stop jumping around, I promised Principal Dumbledore not to pursue it.”

Nick LeMay said softly: “I said that the Parkinson family has been quiet these years, but they were very radical in the past.” He asked curiously: “The family that has suddenly become depressed in recent years has something to do with you? “

“Well, then I need to count carefully.” Felix said uncertainly.

As they continued to move forward, a huge cloud kept churning, bringing out strands of hazy clouds, and the picture gradually became clear. It was the memory of Felix launching a duel at the beginning of the fifth grade——

In the corner of the Hogwarts auditorium, after Dumbledore finished his welcome speech, the young Felix put on his gloves unhurriedly, the seats on both sides of him were empty, which made it easy for him to stand up, He calmly walked up to a blond boy.

Felix slowly took off his gloves and said slowly: “Shafik, one of the holy 28 pure blood families? Sneak attack, I guess, you have dirty blood running through every inch of your veins, I wonder if it’s true…” He threw the glove over the blond boy’s face.

The blond boy’s body was already stiff, and he was sweating profusely. His white gloves stuck to his neck, and because his body kept shaking, they fell to the ground, stained with dust.

He murmured, “Felix…”

“All right, I’ve said it all, don’t let me down.” Felix stared at him firmly, and said mockingly, “You’re Shafiq.”

“I, I’ll take…I—” The blond-haired Shafiq fell from the seat, his whole body limp.

“Felix Hemp!” Snape strode over from the professor’s chair, he growled, “What do you want to do?”

“Professor,” Felix bowed slightly, “As you can see, I want to see if the blood of this family is red or black.”

Snape’s hands were shaking with anger, and he whispered: “Stop your boring revenge games, Dumbledore has already intervened, out of your sight! Trust me, he will make the Shafiq family Pay the price.”

“I want more,” Felix said, with a strange light in his eyes: “Why do you want to let this rotten family continue to be an eyesore?”

“Felix Hemp,” Snape suppressed the panic in his heart, he saw the shadow of another person in his young student’s eyes, “I forbid you to do this.”

Felix played with his wand, but said nothing.

Dumbledore came over, and he said in a deep voice: “Minerva, take Shafiq away, the others—” he raised his voice, “Lead by the prefect, return to the lounge.”

On the memory tunnel, Felix asked: “Do you have any insights, Nick? Think I’m too much?”

Nick did not respond to the unpleasant subject and continued walking. He saw Felix walk out of the school gate at the end of the fourth grade, knocking his attackers to the ground under all kinds of curses.

Even if one of them had his head twice its original size, it would be hard to feel sympathy-because he cast the spell himself.

The memory of the entire fourth grade is pale and extremely monotonous. Felix can be seen everywhere practicing spells in various deserted corners. Thousands of pictures together constitute the entire memory of this year.

In a dark cave in the Forbidden Forest, a blinding green light illuminates the cramped, dank space, revealing a tense face.

“Death Curse…”

“Yeah, it’s said to be quite useful, and I found it after a lot of effort.” Felix said in a relaxed tone.

Nick shook his head, disapproving of his words: “The Unforgivable Curse will corrupt the mind. Even an Auror must receive regular psychological counseling, let alone you were a child at the time.”

“The situation is special, I didn’t think about it that much, and you missed it, a ghost friend of mine stopped me.”

“It’s that lady, I remember you called her Helena?”

“The other one, the one covered in silver-white blood.”

Nick Flamel insists: “You shouldn’t be learning the Dark Arts anyway, especially at such a young age…”

“Oh, thank you for your concern.”

The old man said with a straight face: “I can tell that this is a lie.”

Nick Flamel stood in front of a huge black cloud in a bad mood. The black cloud exuded a deep black mist, like a giant beast with teeth and claws. He seemed to be able to hear the roar of the giant beast, but everything was wrong. His illusion, this is the picture at the beginning of the fourth grade——

Dozens of owls hovered over the long empty dining table, only the young Felix was sitting with his back to them, the owls dropped red letters, the letters twisted and opened their mouths, speaking viciously if.

“Dirty Mudblood! Shame on Slytherin, don’t let me see you, I will crush your bones one by one…”

“Have you ever heard of the Unforgivable Curse? Cruciatus, Cruciatus!” followed by harsh laughter.

“…curse your name, curse your blood!”

The voices of dozens of roaring letters echoed in the auditorium, intertwined together, but it was difficult to hear clearly, and only a few bad words could be heard from a few words.

The little wizards shrank aside, the Slytherin students watched coldly, and the people from the other three houses were whispering and noisy.


All the letters were blown to ashes, Felix stood up expressionlessly, and a path was automatically parted among the crowd.

“Oh, my God!” Professor McGonagall hurried over and said in a panic, the Slytherin dining table was already in a mess. She yelled angrily: “Evil, despicable, guy who only hides in the gutter! Totally low…shameless!”

“Are you all right, Hep?” she said cautiously, putting her hand on Felix’s shoulder, and it bounced away like an electric shock.

“I’m fine, Professor,” said young Felix calmly, “better than ever.”

On the corridor, Nick Flamel frowned deeply, and opened his mouth several times, wanting to say something, but he didn’t say anything, followed by a long gray cloud, and groups of low dark clouds swirled and danced, They seem to have entered a deep sea, black reefs are connected with whirlpools, rolling up a large amount of sea water and mist.

Some words kept getting into Nick Flamel’s ears like worms.

“You want to do something? I’m just teaching you the principles of being a human being. Wherever scum is, scum is scum. A mudblood is a mudblood. Am I wrong? Listen to me, what I said wrong…”

“You have caught up with the good time. Let me tell you, two years in the morning, you will be used as material for practicing magic. I know a big man who has this habit.”

“I have house-elf jars at home that are just the right size.”

Nick Flamel kept speeding up his pace, trying to cross the road, but the road seemed extremely long. He turned his head, and Felix listened calmly, turning a blind eye to all this.

“Felix, don’t you care?”

“I’m actually quite lucky,” Felix laughed. “Those in my grade can’t beat me, and those in the upper grades are limited by the school rules and can only watch. After all, the punishment at that time was quite severe…”

“But if I can’t help but take the initiative to attack the senior students, it’s not within the scope of protection. They must be allowed to protect themselves, right? So they have been chattering in my ears for a long time, very childish , can only play tricks, like a nagging, chattering fly-in fact, it doesn’t affect me.”

Nick Flamel did not speak, the black clouds on both sides were still tormenting his ears——

“You sent my brother to the hospital, dear brother, I want to teach you a lesson… Unfortunately, Professor Snape warned me, what a pity, who made me four grades higher than you, don’t you You want to hit me, little Mudblood? Do you know which family I belong to?”

“What’s your name?” This is Felix who just entered school, he said warily.

“Oh, I am your prefect, Chesterton, Chesterton Avery, remember this surname, I hope you can call me Prefect Avery, we will get along for at least three years , if you have not dropped out.”

Nick Flamel strode forward, leaving all kinds of annoying voices behind, Felix followed unhurriedly, “walk slowly, I suddenly found out, find someone to share the past, this feeling Not bad… Honestly, I’m tired of making up lies, but it’s hard to find the right one.”

The old man ignored Felix’s nagging, and finally, he passed through the area, a faint golden sun appeared, and a great joy enveloped him.

Golden, ethereal clouds float like cotton candy, reflecting colored light. Nick Lemay stared at the above picture obsessively:

A little boy with short black hair is sitting in the yard, quietly reading a book. There are more than a dozen boys and girls in the yard, laughing and playing. Four and a half older children are surrounded by a simple basketball. Box sweat.

“Hey, little Felix, come play with us!”

The short-haired boy raised the book in his hand, “Wait until I read these two pages—” He suddenly raised his head, his eyes brightened and looked ahead, as if he was looking at Nick Flamel.

Felix slowly caught up~IndoMTL.com~Your movements are really not slow, huh? This is…” He looked at the boy on the screen, the boy blinked his light blue eyes, showed a bright smile, and stretched out his hand towards him.

Felix blinked and stretched out his hand as well, and the two of them seemed to hold hands together.


An owl landed on the boy’s hand with a letter in its beak.

It was a brown letter made of parchment, with an address written in dark green ink on one side, a wax seal and a coat of arms on the other side, with a capital “H” letter in the center of the coat of arms, Surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake.

On the corridor——

“This is?”

“The day I received the admission letter from Hogwarts.”

“Come here, Felix.” Nick Flamel said softly, and the two returned to reality.

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