A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts Chapter 270: The club’s first cooperation

Felix and Newt exchange addresses, and he learns that Newt, retired and living in the Dorset countryside with his wife, has a “huge” basement for magical creatures in need.

“I don’t always keep them, more like a therapist, I will let the ‘patients’ return to nature after they recover.” Newt told him.

Although he guessed the answer, Felix still asked: “Mr. Scamander, if you don’t intend to gain something from them, how have you maintained your love for them for so long?”

Newt smiled and said, “How do you keep the love? Of course it’s because of the love itself.”

The following weekend, at the Rune Club assembly, Felix showed the members the Ouroboros Ring.

He flipped the dark green coin in his hand and let it dexterously shuttle across his fingertips. His behavior quickly attracted the attention of these students. The next second, the coin turned into a small snake and landed on the little finger of his right hand Condensed into a Ouroboros Ring.

He waved his wand, and dozens of coins flew out from the table in the corner, and landed in front of every little wizard accurately.

“Count it as your belated Christmas present.”

“It can replace the copper Nat that was given to you before, and it has two forms – coins and rings, as you choose. If you want to become the latter, you only need to silently say: Infinity, and then inject magic power. You can now You can try—”

The members of the club stretched out their hands and let the coins fall on their palms, feeling heavy. Neville, who participated in the assembly for the first time, rubbed the lines on the coin. Its surface had a unique thick luster, but it didn’t feel like metal. He looked up at Harry, who was sitting next to him. Mouth: Basilisk scales.

This is what Hermione told him, and he relayed it to Neville. In fact, when Harry knew this, he was still very surprised. He thought that the basilisk had been thrown back into the secret room since the exhibition, but Hermione told him that the basilisk is a precious magic material and has been taught Split up with Snape…

Neville’s heart was pounding, as if completing some kind of ritual, he said clearly and accurately: “Infinity.” The coin in his hand changed, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a dark green slender snake .

Navi held it up, and asked tentatively, “Do you know how to do it?” The little snake swam to his right pinky finger, wrapped around it twice, and twisted into a Ouroboros ring.

The ones who were most excited were those Slytherins. Draco Malfoy almost fell in love with the little snake that turned into a coin. He couldn’t help stretching out his index finger to gently touch its head. It is not as smooth as imagined, but has a warm touch, as if carved from a dark green gemstone.

The little snake raised its head, and looked at him with shiny black eyes.

Draco stretched out his finger, and the little snake swayed, entwined around his finger, gently swaying the snake body, connecting its head and tail to form a ring. Excitedly looking left and right, he caught sight of Pansy Parkinson and Daphne Greengrass out of the corner of his eye, their eyes wide open and their attention drawn away.

The reactions of the others were relatively calm. They neither rejected the shape of the snake, nor did they show a particular liking for it. Cedric wanted to ask if it could be changed to another form, but he thought that the “snake” was not the symbol of Slytherin House, but the Ouroboros symbol in alchemy and magic symbols, representing the Rune Club and Hype He gave up on a certain idea that the professor himself advocated.

Then he heard the voice of Professor Haipu——

“Its material comes from the thousand-year-old basilisk. You should have some impressions that it is the one in the secret room last year. I found that the scales of the basilisk have a strong magical inertia, and it is difficult to channel magic power, but they are also excellent. A material that isolates and stores magic power.”

“I used the scales of the basilisk as a container, and used the powder of African tree snake skin and bird snake eggshell to draw runes, and I have the ring of ouroboros that you see.”

When the African tree snake skin was mentioned, Hermione glanced at the professor quickly. She knew that this material was one of the important ingredients for making compound soup, but she didn’t know that it could also be ground into powder and used to draw monsters. Wen, but she was relieved when she thought that the professor had been troubled by the purpose of the basilisk scales for a long time and made many attempts.

Felix started to demonstrate. He waved his hand to let the students see a string of practical rune symbols near his wrist. Then he brought the ring of his right pinky finger close to them, and the ring of ouroboros suddenly swam, and the mouth of the snake loosened The snake tail, ejected from the body, swallowed these runes one by one, returned to Felix’s hand, and turned into a ring again.

“I have found in practice that it can store runes for a long time and delay the process of overflowing magic power to the utmost. Although I haven’t found out that doing so is of any use to me, the benefits to you are very obvious—— “

Under everyone’s gaze, he tapped the little snake’s head, and the little snake spit out the string of runes it had just swallowed. Felix revealed the answer and said: “As long as you successfully outline a rune, You can keep and analyze it for a long time until you are fully familiar with the structure of this rune.”

Felix raised the corner of his mouth, “So, our theme today is—cooperation and exchange.”

“In the previous gatherings, almost all of you have mastered at least one practical rune. Now I need you to exchange it with others for at least twenty runes that others are good at.”

He glanced at Hermione and added, “You can exchange up to three runes from the same person.” Otherwise, these students only need to find Hermione alone.

Draco couldn’t help complaining: “Professor, it’s not fair, there are the fewest Slytherin students here.”

“Well—it makes sense.” Felix followed suit, “In this case, add an additional condition, the exchange person cannot belong to the same academy as you.”

The other students looked at each other, Felix said with a smile: “You should have seen it, I want you to know each other, in the previous gatherings, you all sat together with the academy, this is not conducive to future cooperation… “

“Now, let’s get started.”

The members of the club began to act, and at this time it was clear who was the most popular among the four houses. Students from Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin gathered around Hedge Beside the little wizard Patch.

Pet Selton, a sixth-year Hufflepuff girl, couldn’t help but say, “What an unexpected development – oh, Warren, you’re here too.” She giggled.

Warren Pardis of Ravenclaw said with a straight face, “Don’t make trouble, I have helped you many times…”

Ever since she was called by Professor Haipu to compete with this girl in an ancient rune knowledge contest last year—there was no parchment to answer the questions at that time—she has been confrontational with herself, but the two of them occasionally go to the library to do homework together , Look up the information, it can be regarded as establishing a unique fighting friendship.

At least that’s what he thought~IndoMTL.com~Harry was on the outside of the crowd, he was not always good at dealing with this kind of situation, especially when he was asked to take the initiative to make friends. But when he noticed that Draco Malfoy’s face was not very good-looking, his mood suddenly brightened, as if he was back in Diagon Alley, eating Florin’s Cold Drink in the summer sun. The feeling of ice cream.

Draco caught Harry’s sight, and he whispered mockingly, “Potter—you’re as annoying as McAdam, why don’t you go back to your boxing room.”

Harry looked at him in astonishment, he didn’t care about Malfoy’s bad attitude-their relationship had never been friendly, but the information that popped out of his mouth was surprising–

“Have you watched “The Adventures of Mick the Little Wizard”?”

“No, no!” Draco immediately denied.

Harry said affirmatively: “You have definitely read it, McAdam and Boxing House are both things in the book,” he said with a smile: “And you have at least read the third book.”

Draco’s face darkened suddenly, and he opened his mouth several times, but he couldn’t think of a rebuttal.

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