A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts Chapter 253: Christmas, a different experience

The three returned to the common room all the way, Hermione was extremely silent, but she had already made up her mind to tell Professor McGonagall about the Firebolt.

Harry received a brand new Firebolt this morning. She has heard Harry say the name of this broom more than once. The Firebolt claims to be “the fastest broom in the world”, and it is not in mass production yet. , There is no quotation, just thinking about it, you can guess how exaggerated the price is.

Harry described more than once his special training in Diagon Alley, watching the fascinating curve of the Firebolt outside the window of the Quidditch boutique with Professor Haip – this can already be regarded as Harry’s life. One of the spiritual sustenance of special training.

But Hermione thinks that Harry and Ron are not aware of the danger at all. It is very likely that this broom was sent anonymously by a dark wizard, and it contains an unknown curse. Especially after the experience of being manipulated by Quirrell on the broom in the first grade, she couldn’t understand why Harry was so careless?

‘What if it’s from Sirius Black? ’

It wasn’t until Harry took the initiative to talk about the wonderful gift from Professor Hap that Hermione joined the conversation, “The professor gave you a dementor?”

“It’s a dementor doll!” Harry emphasized, “it’s exactly like the real thing, that sudden chill and bad memory…” He shuddered.

“Didn’t you look at the card inside? Maybe there will be instructions on it.” Hermione guessed, but she really couldn’t think of any use.

Harry shook his head, “I only opened it for a glance, and then quickly closed the box… To be honest, I want to change it with Ron.” He looked at Ron, and Ron smiled broadly, “Ha Professor Pu gave me a whole set of comic books.”

Harry couldn’t help asking Hermione, “What gift did the professor give you?”

Hermione said: “It’s a chestnut memory disk.”

“Chestnut…what?” said Harry, puzzled.

“It’s hard to describe in words, wait, I’ll show you. Also, Harry, bring your dementor doll, let’s study it together, the professor must have his own intentions.”

A minute later, they are together again.

Harry looked at the chestnut memory disk in a daze, “This is… a handicraft plate? I saw something similar in the Dursleys, and they gave it to important customers.”

“Oh, of course not, I’ll demonstrate it to you, and Professor Haip hopes that I can make some comments…Maybe it will appear in the next semester’s class.” Hermione said, she tapped the chestnut plate with her wand, The complicated rune patterns were lit up, and the fine silver sand condensed into clouds. Hermione closed her eyes to recall carefully, and then stretched out her fingers to point on the clouds.

The fine sand fell rustlingly, and a familiar three-dimensional picture appeared in front of Harry and Ron.

“Merlin’s beard, this is – we are in the secret room, the secret room…” Ron’s eyes widened.

“It’s a reenactment of our past memories.” Hermione whispered.

Harry was also brought back a year ago by the sight in the chestnut plate, but it was the first time he looked at that experience from another perspective, and he couldn’t help asking Hermione: “I just jumped like that ?” He compared it, and the Slytherin statue was about five or six times his height. If he jumped wrongly, he would fall half to death and be eaten by the basilisk without waiting for the basilisk’s tail to sweep over. Lose.

“We’re all pretty brave,” Ron said to Hermione awkwardly, looking at “himself” clumsily luring the basilisk, “Well, Hermione—can I try?” Calling Hermione’s name for the first time since the altercation outside Hagrid’s hut.

Hermione pursed her lips, “Of course. You can choose another memory, the one with a deeper impression on you, and the effect will be better.”

Harry was glad they were talking again, because in his experience, Ron and Hermione would have had a cold war for a day or two.

“Let me think about it, I’m impressed…” Ron muttered, his wand tapped on the edge of the chestnut plate, and soon, a new three-dimensional picture appeared-the background was quite blurred, and a car could be vaguely seen The car was crashing straight into a tall tree, which was a Whomping Willow.

The branches of the Whomping Willow danced wildly, crackling and flapping on the car, like a continuous storm, the car barely rushed out, making two muffled noises, the door slammed open, throwing the salute and the two people away —It was Harry and Ron.

“Besides the one in the Chamber of Secrets, this is probably the experience that made me feel like I’m going to die the most.” Ron looked at the villain on the plate, “But there are still a lot of blurs, I can’t remember the car I hope it’s all right in the Forbidden Forest.”

Harry also tried it, “I happen to have something to show you, what Voldemort really looks like…”

A moment later, Ron and Hermione finally saw the scene of Harry facing Voldemort alone in the first grade——Quirrell lifted the garlic-smelling scarf and turned his back to Harry, revealing a dead white face Under the evil red eyes are two snake-like slender nostrils.

Ron and Hermione gasped, and they grabbed Harry’s arm nervously from left to right. When I told you, you didn’t exaggerate like that, did you?”

“That’s different, Harry. We were only listening to your description in words, but this time we saw the picture directly.” Ron said tremblingly: “He, he is so scary, You-Know-Who doesn’t even have a nose Is it?” His focus is always strange.

Harry almost laughed out loud, he quickly made himself serious, and said as objectively as possible: “Uh…he is really ugly, and I often had nightmares for a while.”

Then the three of them looked at the box in front of them, which was a gift from Professor Haipu to Harry.

Ron couldn’t help but confirm: “Are you really going to open it? The expression on your face when you opened it for the first time almost scared me to death.” He explained to Hermione: “Imagine that you are happily opening the gift , and then saw my companion suddenly fall off the bed, his face pale…”

Harry glanced at Hermione, and Hermione nodded at him, “We must make sure.”

Harry took a deep breath and opened the gift box——

At first glance, it was just a dementor doll with a relatively delicate shape, nothing unusual, but in the next second, a chill swept over the whole body, the doll seemed to come to life, the dementor’s robe began to flutter, and they even I saw such a scene: a gray rotten hand protruded from under the black robe, like a corpse that had been soaked in water for a long time…

Harry closed the box quickly while he was not suffocating. He said out of breath, “You all saw it.” Ron looked distressed.

“Card,” said Hermione suddenly.


“Card, Harry, there is a card under the dementor doll.”

Harry and Ron looked at each other, and Harry lifted his spirits, “So, we only need to endure it one more time, and then we will know why Professor Haipu gave me this thing?” Small, but unlikely by any stretch of the imagination.

But before confirming, he was still worried.

Hermione gave him a blank look, “I don’t think so.” She took the box and opened a gap slightly, just enough to accommodate her hand in. A dangerous gift… here it is!”

She successfully pulled out a card from the box, Harry and Ron stared at her blankly, “Hermione, you are so smart.”

Hermione waved her hand, “Oh, I just——I just thought about it a little bit more, you guys have fallen into a misunderstanding.” She read the content on the card——

“Harry, I heard that you asked Professor Lupine to learn the Patronus Charm, maybe this can help you.

Another: the doll is enchanted, as long as you don’t look at it, it will not be affected. “

She looked at the two of them: “There are only these contents above, and it has been clearly stated.”

“Whoa, that’s cool!” said Ron, “We can try again.”

Heaved a sigh of relief, Harry nodded and opened the box. The chill hit again, but he immediately closed his eyes, and the horrible cold and wet feeling disappeared very abruptly. He heard Ron’s excited voice: “It really works! Just look away.”

Harry opened his eyes and watched Ron keep turning his head back and forth, glance at the dementor doll, then quickly turned to the side, and then back… His appearance was so funny that Harry finally couldn’t bear it this time. Live laughing.

Malfoy Manor.

Draco Malfoy is unwrapping his own gift. In the gift box that says “Felix Heppe presents Draco Malfoy”, there is a whole set of comic books neatly stacked inside. The name of the book is no stranger – “The Adventures of Mick the Little Wizard”. For a period of time, this book has caused a lot of topics.

His mother, Narcissa Malfoy, walked in. She had blond hair and blue eyes. Narcissa put her hand on Draco’s shoulder tenderly, “Draco, we are going to have lunch, you Have you finished unwrapping your gift, what did Pansy give you?”

Draco muttered, “A dress.”

“Oh, our Draco has grown up.” Narcissa said with a smile, her eyes fell on the book in Draco’s hand: “Whose gift is this, a…a comic book? “

“A professor at school,” Draco said, turning the page.

Longbottom House.

The old house has been revitalized, and the dull tapestry has been cleaned to reveal its original golden red. Almost every few steps, you will see a small Christmas tree with brightly colored ribbons hanging on it.

A round-faced boy is trying to hang golden **** strung together on a Christmas tree.

“Gnar, Gnar!” Alice Longbottom called from a distance, “Your Uncle Algie and Aunt Anne are here.”

“Horse, come here right away, Mom!” Neville responded, he stood on tiptoe, spent more than ten seconds to finally hang the ball on the Christmas tree, his nose was covered with fine beads of sweat.

When he turned his head, Alice was standing behind him looking at him peacefully.

“Mom—” Neville blushed, he felt a little ashamed of his behavior just now.

At the dining table, a large family and relatives sat together, and they warmly celebrated the return of Frank and Alice. Halfway through the dinner, Uncle Algie, with a thin cheek and a goatee, said loudly: “Good! Very good!” After drank two glasses of high spirits in a row, his face was as red as if it was on fire.

He looked at Neville: “Boy, I heard that you have made great progress recently, show me your skills!”

Neville shrank cautiously behind Alice, Alice patted him on the shoulder, Neville stood up, he drew out his wand, the tip of the wand suddenly flashed red, and a spell flew out.

“Silent Curse!” Uncle Algie was taken aback and almost fell off the chair, “Don’t, Frank, don’t help me—I’m not capable at his age!”

Neville scratched his head and smiled foolishly.

Muggle world, London villa area.

“Justin, it’s eleven o’clock, the guests will come later, remember the excuse we discussed.”

“Know~dao~la~” said Justin with curly hair, he said unhappily: “The reason why I didn’t go to Eton College was because I was in poor health, so I had to hire tutors, and every year Go somewhere with fresh air… Mom, don’t you think that’s a lame excuse? Every year they see me, I’m alive and kicking.”

“Who made our family have a little wizard, I can’t go to Eton College, I’m more disappointed than you, but—” Mrs. Finlayry blinked mischievously: “When the guests leave, you have a good time with me Talking about what happened in school, I still can’t believe that Lockhart is a liar, his books are so beautiful…”

Justin rolled his eyes covertly.

Hogwarts~IndoMTL.com~Felix walked out of the office, along the way there were always gorgeous Christmas decorations, the ribbons woven of holly and mistletoe in the corridor pointed to the auditorium far away, and the armor in the castle was polished to shine.

He walked into the auditorium, and the four long wooden tables were moved to the wall, leaving only one table in the middle of the room for a dozen people to eat. Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Snape, Sprout, and Flitwick are all here. Filch also changed into a worn tuxedo.

“I hope I’m not late,” Felix said with a smile.

“Merry Christmas, Felix, I like the wool socks you sent. There are twelve colors in total, and I can change them.” Dumbledore said happily: “We are still waiting for the students to come, They may think it’s still the usual time, but it’s actually a little earlier—”

“We’re taking turns telling jokes to pass the time, and it’s Severus’ turn.”

Felix turned his head to look at Snape, who was stern, with resistance written all over his expressionless face.


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