A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts Chapter 161: Eavesdropping

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The elevator descended rapidly, and after a short period of darkness, Felix caught a glimpse of the light under his feet, and the light was continuously enlarged.

The noisy sound came into their ears, and they came to a huge underground building.

Felix studied the patterns and frescoes on the vaulted ceiling.

Maxwell noticed his gaze: “We have adopted a new style – constellation pattern, and some historical events, see that big round ball?” He pointed to the silver-white ball above the dome, it A soft light was being emitted, illuminating the entire foyer like daytime.

“There was no such thing in the past, thanks to the previous minister.”

The elevator landed, and Felix walked out of the ‘cage’. He looked around, the rotunda was divided into upper and lower floors, on the first floor where he was, several long desks were juxtaposed in the center of the open space, most of the seats were full, and people were passing by in a hurry.

The second floor was supported by some pillars, and the very edge happened to be an aisle with railings. He saw someone standing in front of the railings, looking down condescendingly.

“The buildings here are arranged horizontally?” Felix asked.

“What, oh, yes, similar to a spider web, we stand in the center of the spider web.” Maxwell said: “It’s not the same as the British Ministry of Magic, I heard that you have opened up more than a dozen floors? “

“As far as I know, it’s the tenth floor.” Felix said.

Next, Maxwell led Felix out of the foyer, walked straight along an open passage, and came to a small office. A piece of paper was pasted on it—Temporary Registration Point No. 2.

“I’ll bring you here directly, so I don’t have to go to the front desk to ask the receptionist, there’s always a long line…” Maxwell pushed the door open, “Good afternoon, Willie, I’m bringing a friend to register, to participate Muggle Studies Conference.”

A light-haired wizard raised his head, “Of course… a lot of people have come here recently, and I don’t even have time for entertainment.” He suddenly looked at Felix: “Do you like playing explosive cards?”

Maxwell interrupted him impatiently, “Willie, we are in a hurry, and we have to go to the hotel in a while. I feel angry when I think of that American woman.”

“Ha! But you have to follow her instructions, don’t you?” The wizard named Willie handed over a form while registering Felix’s wand, “Just fill in whatever you want, mainly name, country and purpose of visit.”

Maxwell’s beard trembled, “I am following the minister’s order.”

Felix quickly filled out the basic information, ignoring the column of magic proficiency on the form. When he handed it to Willy, the wizard stuffed it into the drawer without looking at it, and turned to Maxwell and said happily : “But the minister asked you to listen to her, did that woman ask you to work as a waiter?”

Maxwell returned a rude gesture.

When they walked out of the office, Maxwell explained: “This meeting is an application from the Magical Congress of America to the International Federation of Wizards. After all the committee members approve it, we will host it.”

“Why don’t you go to America?”

“They asked, who knows what they think?” Maxwell obviously didn’t want to talk about it, and Felix guessed that it might have something to do with the “that woman” he said.

The two came to a fireplace, “Busleys Hotel, remember? You go first.”

Felix grabbed a handful of Floo powder, and in the clear flames, he clearly called out “Buslace Hotel”, and his figure disappeared.

Felix stepped out of the fireplace, the interior decoration in front of him was dominated by red and gold, the most conspicuous were the red carpet and golden stone pillars, which reminded Felix of Gryffindor College in Hogwarts .

He was slightly amused.

Soon, Maxwell emerged from the fireplace, led Felix into a room, and hurried away.

Felix pushed open the door, the furnishings inside were very simple, he spent some time casting some protective spells, and then wandered around the hotel.

The hotel has a total of seven floors. Felix walked to the first floor, chatted with the waiter at the front desk, and quickly judged that this is a Muggle hotel, and the location is very remote.

“Your tour group is really weird. Tourists will flock here only in autumn to enjoy the flowers and scenery. Now the surrounding area is bare…”

“And once we move in, we are not allowed to clean the room, and there are all kinds of weird requests.”

Felix responded with a few words. He didn’t know what the French Ministry of Magic was talking about, so he didn’t want to say more.

There were two men standing at the door, with one hand in their trouser pocket. Their demeanor looked very similar to Maxwell’s. He guessed that they were guards arranged by the Ministry of Magic.

Felix asked the waiter if there was a person named “Caredy Bubbaji”. The waiter checked the service list, “No, her room is 203, and it is still vacant. It was just this morning. Cleaned.”

After thanking him politely, Felix began to walk up from the first floor, checking for traces of black magic.

Meet several wizards from different countries on the way. They are also invited experts. Felix chatted with them a few times. Except for the language barrier, most of them are very friendly.

On the fourth floor, he found a huge auditorium with several hundred seats.

‘It looks like the meeting is going on here. ’

The fifth and sixth floors were all empty, but Felix walked over one by one until he heard some movement on the seventh floor.

‘I really caught you? Or is it actually the staff in the hotel? ’

Felix’s figure gradually merged with the surrounding environment, his footsteps were low and inaudible, and he stopped at the door of room 705.

The sound inside was very small, but Felix saw two bright sources of magic power through the black and white perspective. He tapped the wall with his wand, and the intersection between the tip of the wand and the wall became softer.

The conversation in the room clearly reached Felix’s ears——

“Have you not got the list yet?” It was a woman’s voice.

“No, he has a very hard mouth.” A deep man’s voice sounded.

“You can’t—” The woman’s voice suddenly stopped ~IndoMTL.com~ as if a tongue-locking spell had been cast on it.

“You are also aware of the problem, we cannot take strong measures, at least I refuse.”

The woman cursed in a low voice.

After a long time, when Felix thought the conversation was over, the man said decadently: “This is really a complete disaster.”

The sound of footsteps came, and Felix left quickly.

In the room, he was still thinking about the information he had obtained by chance.

It turns out that one of the attackers was caught last time. Judging from the dialogue between the two sides, the identity of the attacker is still very special, which makes them have some scruples.

A relative of an official?

Felix suddenly felt worthless for the Galleons he had spent—the information he got was not as good as what he overheard at the door.

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