A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts Chapter 109: Dobby

Under Felix’s gaze, a large amount of black ink suddenly leaked from the diary, dripping onto the ground, and the floor was corroded, emitting bursts of black smoke.

“Clean up!” The ink is gone.

The diary was also completely destroyed.

As a Horcrux, it is extremely resistant to conventional spells, but it cannot resist the burning of Fiendfire. Especially Felix’s Fiercefire Sword, which can be regarded as his most destructive magic.

But under his deliberate protection, it didn’t burn into ashes. The Fiercefire sword only burned a fist-sized hole in the diary—for Felix, its wreckage was still useful.

Felix’s eyes fell on the house-elf named Dobby.

With the help of the potion, he almost understood what happened——

As a servant of the Malfoy family, Dobby could hear a lot of Lucius Malfoy’s secrets. Watts, he was deeply worried about the great benefactor of the house elves – Harry Potter, which led him to act secretly again and again, trying to protect Harry.

Including but not limited to intercepting Harry Potter’s letters, preventing Harry from getting on the train, controlling the Bludger to injure Harry on the Quidditch pitch…

Of course, it also includes sneaking into the office and stealing the diary today while Felix is ​​in class.

The effect of the potion has almost worn off, and the elf’s eyelids are twitching, ready to wake up at any time.

Dobby slowly opened his eyes.

He dragged his slender body to get up from the ground, opened his slender palms and observed repeatedly, with a confused expression on his face.

“Where is Dobby? Dobby remembered that Dobby violated his master’s wishes and sneaked while that person was in class…” he said while looking at the surrounding environment. Soon, his eyes met Felix who was sitting on the sofa——

He let out a cry of alarm, stumbled back a few steps, and grabbed his face with his hands in horror.

Through the slits between his bony fingers, Dobby’s large eyes were filled with fear. “Fee, Fee, Felix Heap!”

The little elf was about to run away subconsciously, his short body became blurred, but in the next second, his body froze.

Felix put down his wand, and his emotional voice reached Dobby’s ears: “Excellent talent, house-elf is really a kind of magical creature, but unfortunately, the magic power is too weak.”

Dobby’s magical power is not even one-tenth of that of a normal adult wizard.

Great talent, little magic, that’s the hallmark of a house-elf. When Felix was in school, he spent a lot of time studying the weaknesses of various magical creatures, including house elves.

With one-on-one in a short period of time, the elves can rely on their own talents to surprise and gain the upper hand in the battle against ordinary wizards; but if they train in a targeted manner for a month or two, they will be no match for wizards at all.

The panicked elf struggled desperately, trying to get rid of the invisible shackles. But when Felix uttered a name, Dobby’s body froze as if under a petrification spell.

“Lucius Malfoy.”

Dobby’s expression became more frightened. Felix’s words seemed to awaken his body’s instincts. He trembled all over: “Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!” The cabinet hits.

Felix waved his wand, pulled him to the position opposite to him, and said calmly: “Dobby, I have no desire for the Dark Lord’s relics, and you don’t have to worry about what I will do dangerously. behavior.”

“Dobby doesn’t believe it!” he screamed, “That’s…that’s the most evil magical creation, it will affect you, and make you as horrible as a monster who can’t name…”


A tattered diary fell on the small table between the two of them. There was a big hole in it, and the edges were neat, as if it had always been like this.

Dobby’s voice seemed to be strangled by someone, and he couldn’t speak a word. After a long time——

“This is…” Dobby stood up awkwardly, with a puzzled and puzzled expression on his face, he took two steps closer cautiously, then jumped onto the table, half bent over, and carefully looked at the damaged diary.

His eyes widened like tennis balls, “It’s unbelievable! Unbelievable…Mr. Harry Potter is safe!” Tears rolled down his long pointed nose.

He wiped away his tears with the tattered pillowcase he was wearing and muttered incessantly. But he soon realized something, yelling, “Bad Dobby! Bad, bad Dobby!” He looked around for something to punish himself.

Felix shook his head. The house elves once had a war with wizards. After the defeat, they signed an extremely harsh magic contract. Passed down from generation to generation, obeying the master’s orders has become a deep-rooted instinct.

Examples like Dobby who dared to trespass on the territory of powerful wizards without the permission of their masters are completely different among house-elves.

Felix tapped the arm of the sofa with his fingers, and Dobby seemed to have been hit with a hammer, and he regained his sanity.

“Let’s have a good chat, Dobby.”

Dobby looked at him cautiously, “What do you want to know, noble and powerful Mr. Haipu?”

Although Felix had already learned what happened, he was still interested in some questions. He asked: “I want to know that the diary was once circulated in the hands of three people, Ginny Weasley, De Racko Malfoy, and myself. But why did you come ~IndoMTL.com~ to steal the journal while I had it?”

There are three holders, two are little wizards, and one is a powerful professor, who is not good to choose? This difficulty is too great.

Dobby’s expression was rather reserved. He bent his body and said in a low voice: “Because I can’t, sir. My body is preventing me from doing this. One is a little master, and the other is also noble…I can’t, I can’t.” . . . ” He let out a scream.

Felix pondered, the reason of ‘not touching the little master’ is easy to understand, but what does ‘noble Ginny’ mean?

Is it the glory of a pure-blooded family…

So, I’m really not a pureblood? Or do house elves rely on outside information to make judgments?

Felix shook his head, not caring much about the answer to the question.

“Then how did you overcome your body’s instincts and do these things, Lucius Malfoy probably didn’t allow you to act without permission?”

The question seemed to scare Dobby, who sobbed softly.

“Dobby, Dobby is willing to do anything to save Harry Potter. Dobby had to punish himself, hitting the wall with all his might, burning his hands with a soldering iron…” Speaking of this, the house elf tennis player His eyes widened, “But it’s all worth it, for Mr. Harry Potter’s safety! Dobby can do what the master doesn’t expressly prohibit, although Dobby’s behavior will not please the master, Dobby You have to punish yourself. My God! Bad Dobby! Very bad, very bad Dobby!”

He tugged hard at his ear.

Well… Felix looked at him, this is also a talent among the house elves, you can catch this kind of loophole in the rules.

Felix looked at the wall clock on the wall, almost twenty minutes had passed, and he was going to temporarily end this conversation.

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