A Paragon of Wuhun Chapter 685: Try my $1!

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The six hundred and eighty-fifth chapter **** cut!

The surviving disciples of the Burning Fire Division, one by one, were extremely excited, and shouted arrogantly: “Brother Quan is too powerful, just kill this little bunny!”

“Haha, without Chen Feng, the little **** of the Bishui Sect, don’t you let us rub it?”

“Let’s enjoy it first, and then kill them all!”

They laughed wildly in unison.

“It’s not them who died, but you! You all will die!”

Suddenly, in the flames, there was a cold anger.

A figure separates the flames and jumps out!

His figure is as mighty as a god!

It is Chen Feng!

Chen Feng’s body was scorched black, and countless wounds were opened on his body, but he was not dead yet!

An Xueqing suddenly raised her head and was ecstatic when she saw this scene!

She stopped crying, and stared at Chen Feng’s figure blankly, with a smile on her face, but tears fell from her eyes.

Shen Yanbing’s tight heartstring suddenly loosened, only to feel the darkness in front of him, and almost fainted to the ground.

Zhang Bing snorted coldly: “This guy is really capable.”

But the smile at the corner of her mouth cannot be concealed.

“How is it possible?” Quan Hongwen widened his eyes, looked at this scene with a face full of disbelief, and cried out: “How can you run away from me?”

Chen Feng sneered: “Why is it impossible?”

He looked up to the sky and laughed: “Now it’s your turn to try my knife!”

Speaking, cut the soul cross, cut out sharply!

At this time, Quan Hongwen had exhausted all his strength in order to fire the long flame sword just now, and barely stretched out his arms to resist.

It’s no use!

Both arms were directly cut off, a huge cross-shaped wound appeared on the surface of the body, and then it fell to the ground.

Blood is flowing!

He screamed out loud, and Chen Feng ignored him again, but rushed towards the disciples of the Fire Division.

The disciples of the Burning Fire Division, at first glance, couldn’t even kill Chen Feng with the Flame Long Sword. They were so terrified that they looked at each other, and they all fled in all directions.

Chen Feng didn’t plan to let them go. The third move of the Dragon God Fist, Long Xiang nine days!

Six giant dragons, covering an area that is hundreds of meters long, enveloping all the disciples of the Fire Division who are fleeing!

The violent explosion sounded loudly.

No one escaped, a few were killed, and most were seriously injured!

They lay on the ground, clutching their wounds, groaning in pain!

Chen Feng walked up to Quan Hongwen and said with a sneer: “Are you going to kill me? You want to insult An Xueqing?”

Then he looked at the disciples of the Burning Branch Sect, and his voice was as cold as ice: “You guys, are you still humiliating the disciples of the Bishui Sect?”

“Killing people is nothing but nodding, but your behavior has exceeded the limit of my tolerance! Killing you will be cheaper for you!”

He laughed, laughing coldly: “Since you are so despicable, then I can kill you with peace of mind!”

“Six Dragons Swirling!”

A huge cyclone formed in front of him, exuding an extremely powerful absorption power.

Many disciples of the Burning Branch Sect were directly sucked by this huge force and flew backwards.

They struggled feebly in the air, screaming desperately from their mouths, but they were still directly sucked in by the cyclone!

However, the cyclone didn’t directly **** them all in, but sucked their limbs in bit by bit.

First feet, then legs, then…

They all made terrible screams, because they clearly felt that their feet were ground into flesh and blood little by little, and they disappeared directly.

Moreover, there are still limbs that keep getting stuck in.

Not only is it painful, but it also feels desperate, because they can clearly feel that their body is disappearing little by little.

Life~IndoMTL.com~ is gradually moving away from them!

Zhang Bing gritted his teeth and shouted: “Yes, they should be allowed to die like this! The death is terrible! Let them die in pain and despair!”

Finally, with a boom, the cyclone dissipated.

Almost all of the disciples of the Burning Fire Division died, only Quan Hongwen was left.

But he was actually worse. His legs were ground into powder by the huge cyclone and disappeared.

He only has a torso left!

Chen Feng took the knife, walked up to him, and said lightly: “Quan Hongwen, how do you want to die!”

“You dare not kill me, do you know who I am?” Quan Hongwen was still very arrogant and shouted arrogantly.

Chen Feng sneered: “I really don’t know!”

Quan Hongwen sneered and said: “The Young Master of the Chonghuo Palace is my fiancee!”

“She loves me so much. Now she does not claim to be the Young Palace Master, but has already claimed to be Mrs. Quan! If I die, she will never let you go! The entire Palace of Fire will not Let go of you!”

“You will be burned to ashes by endless fire!”

Speaking, he laughed.

He arrogantly said: “Now, kneel down and beg me for mercy, and become my slave in the future, I will spare you! Otherwise…”

He threatened with a cold face.

An Xueqing heard this, and her face suddenly showed a solemn look. Obviously, she was very jealous of the palace of heavy fire.

Chen Feng frowned and asked in a low voice: “What is the origin of this palace of heavy fire?”

“Chonghuo Palace is a small school in Danyang County. Its name is not obvious, but its strength is very strong. There are not many people in it, but everyone who comes out is a master.”

“Furthermore, the martial arts techniques they use are all derived from a very powerful fire, which is very weird and difficult to deal with!”

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