A Paragon of Wuhun Chapter 5899: 2 losers!

Bai Yujing paused and said lightly, “Nangong Qingyun, I didn’t kill you that day because you had your troubles.”

“However, for the sake of a mere mortal soul, I have to sacrifice my life, what about it?”

Listening to his tone, countless cultivators are jealous, and the immortal soul of life that is willing to risk their lives to fight for it is the weeds on the roadside.

He didn’t even bother to look at it.

It was his indifferent tone that deeply hurt Nangong Qingyun.

Nangong Qingyun was instantly furious and roared wildly: “You are just lucky to have such a state!”

“If you are like me, your talent is limited by the order of heaven and earth, the upper limit is blocked, and you can’t get it after a thousand years of hard work! You can only wait to die!”

“You, are you still in the mood to say such a thing?”

Bai Yujing frowned slightly: “Cultivation is to go against the sky.”

“Although talent is important, luck is also a crucial part.”

He wanted to say something, but he frowned and finally sighed: “Well, if you insist on doing this, I won’t stop you.”

“But, if you want to fight elsewhere and disturb my cultivation again, don’t want your old life.”

Nangong Qingyun’s eyes were full of anger, but he couldn’t help Bai Yujing.

He knew that Bai Yujing was just disdainful.

Once he makes a move, he can easily kill him if he moves his finger.

After Chen Feng heard this, he looked at Nangong Qingyun suspiciously.

What difficulties does he have, even Bai Yujing sympathizes with him?

However, Chen Feng doesn’t care what reason he has.

If you want to kill yourself, then kill him first!

Beyond the long river of void, there is a familiar aura.

The clone he’s been waiting for is finally here!

Chen Feng did not take action, but maintained the sword intent to protect his body and rushed out of the long river of void.

Nangong Qingyun followed closely.

The moment he rushed out of the long river, he hissed and roared: “There is no limit now, let’s see where you can escape!”

Chen Feng smiled lightly: “The current you, your strength is not one in ten, but it is comparable to the peak of the second level of Jinxian.”

“So what?”

Nangong Qingyun smiled grimly: “Killing you, the second level of Jinxian is enough!”

He was about to shoot, but he saw a figure very similar to Chen Feng coming from the air!


Nangong Qingyun was stunned for a moment, but she could feel the breath coming from the figure, and she was horrified!

“No, it’s an incarnation!”

Incarnate outside the body, like a second self.

Not only has the strength comparable to the main body, but also can cultivate independently.

There was once a powerful person who condensed several incarnations outside the body, learned all kinds of secret methods in the world, and became one!

See through the mysteries of the Holy King’s Realm, step into the Holy King’s Realm, and fight the invincible hand in the same realm!

Nangong Qingyun’s eyes are full of jealousy!


“You have only cultivated for a hundred years, and not only have the strength far beyond the realm, but also mastered the forbidden method of incarnation outside the body!”

He vomited blood again and again, and his body could no longer support his strength.

The next moment, a silver spirit body rushed out of the flesh and rushed towards Chen Feng!

There is also a blood-colored bead that flew out of the flesh and hung on the head of the spirit.


“Kill you, the forbidden law of the immortal soul and the incarnation outside the body are mine!”

Nangong Qingyun has gone crazy!

He bet everything, and only by killing Chen Feng can he have a chance!

“Wishful thinking!”

Chen Feng snorted coldly and killed Nangong Qingyun with a knife.

And the strength of the incarnation outside the body is not as good as the body, and the immortal power condensation formation method is used to assist Chen Feng.

The formation is faster than people.

A huge cyan formation blocked Nangong Qingyun’s way.


The avatar outside the body shouted, retrograde formation.

Nangong Qingyun was instantly suppressed by the formation, and the few remaining primordial powers were quickly swallowed by the formation!

The reversal formation can burst out a power that is many times stronger than the ordinary formation!

However, it requires a lot of immortal power as support.

The incarnation outside the body absorbs the power of the immortal robbery. In terms of the concentration of immortal power, it does not even lose the main body!

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, Nangong Qingyun turned into a ray of silver light and got into the blood beads.

The blood beads hummed, and countless cracks appeared on the surface, piercing the dazzling red light!

A terrifying force spreads out from the inside of the blood drop!

“No, he’s going to blow himself up!”

The avatar exclaimed and rushed to Chen Feng immediately.


The blood beads burst, and endless blood-colored waves poured out, slamming into the avatar outside the body.

In just a few short breaths, the flesh and blood of the incarnation outside the body was blurred and shattered!

Chen Feng tried his best to activate the real dragon’s profound supernatural powers, but he couldn’t resist this power, and a big hole was blown to pieces in his chest!

It even broke one hand and one foot and fell straight into the depths of the void.

At this moment, Bai Yujing came from the air, tapped his fingertips, and held up Chen Feng from the air.

“You’re a real headache, boy.”

He sighed, and with Chen Feng, who was about to faint, stepped into a crack in the void and disappeared.


Seven days later.

Chen Feng opened his eyes and found himself in an unfamiliar place.

There are stone walls all around, except for a little blue flame, hanging in the air, barely illuminating the surroundings.

“Are you awake?”

Bai Yujing sat cross-legged beside him, and when he saw him wake up, he sighed: “Nangong Qingyun has been practicing the blood and soul refining method for nearly a thousand years.”

“Even if your lifespan is about to end, the power of your desperate violence will be enough to kill you thousands of times.”

“But he didn’t expect that your incarnation outside the body has the power to temporarily reverse the order of heaven and earth, and you are more physique, and this saves your life.”

On hearing this, he recovered from his confused state.

The tingling pain in his body was the injury left by Nangong Qingyun’s self-destruction, which almost shattered his whole body and blood, penetrating his heart.

“It was a bit of a fluke.”

Chen Feng sighed and said curiously, “Senior came to the rescue, and this junior is very grateful.”

“But, senior didn’t say not to intervene in this matter, why did you regret it?”

Bai Yujing said angrily, “If your master knows, I’m watching you die here, why don’t you fight with me?”

Chen Feng became more and more puzzled.

What kind of identity is my master?

Even a powerful sword immortal like Bai Yujing should give him a bit of thinness.

“This is Nangong Qingyun’s memory, you can see for yourself~IndoMTL.com~ Bai Yujing pointed at Chen Feng’s eyebrows.

Suddenly, the memories of Nangong Qingyun’s life flooded into his mind.

Nangong Qingyun is the big world called Great Sirius, the younger generation, the most talented immortal!

He was born with an immortal body since he was a child, and he was able to easily break through the immortal realm that was difficult for ordinary people to reach.

However, after breaking through the imaginary world, he could no longer feel the existence of the order of heaven and earth.

Not only him, but all the cultivators in the entire Great Sirius Star have encountered bottlenecks in their cultivation, and it has been difficult to break through.

He worked hard for hundreds of years, and finally discovered that it was the star soul of Great Sirius that suffered heavy damage and caused the collapse of the world order.

The only way to stay on Sirius is to die.

Nangong Qingyun was ruthless, and at the cost of destroying his body, he escaped from the Great Sirius and came here. In order to become stronger, he does not hesitate to practice evil powers, and uses the lives of innocent practitioners to temper blood pills and prolong life!

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