A Paragon of Wuhun Chapter 5357: Trap!

Remember in one second【】

Fairy Yuheng has a frown.

“There is a big change in attitude for no reason. I am afraid that someone is making a ghost in it.”

She looked at Chen Feng: “In the camp just now, have you noticed the attitude of those subordinates?”

Chen Feng nodded: “No one convinces me, all of them are eyeing.”

For this result, Fairy Yuheng could only hold his forehead and sigh.

However, since it was mentioned that someone was making trouble, Chen Feng suddenly thought.

An hour later.

Chen Feng led a team of thousands of people and left the human monk camp.

Along with Chen Feng, there were a few more people besides the three others, including the Tiancun Beast Slaves.

Among them, Xinghuai Daochang, Yan Pengpo and others are included.

They are the leaders of this group of thousands of casual training.

As a result, the thousand-member team was divided into ten teams, each led by a relatively strong casual repairer.

The ten casual cultivators absolutely obeyed Chen Feng’s instructions.

It seems that the entire 1,000-person casual repair team is even more well-trained than the teams that have been running in all the year round!

Soon, they stepped into the dense forest ahead.

Except for the huge trees towering into the clouds, there is no longer any scenery around.

It was silent, and there was no sound of birds or frogs.

There is a weirdness everywhere in the atmosphere.

Chen Feng, who was walking in the front, carefully looked at the surrounding situation while reminding the team behind him.

In this way, everyone came to a valley unharmed.

The gurgling stream injects vitality into this dead silence.

Two hours have passed.

Chen Feng stopped, turned around to signal the people behind him, and rested for a while.

However, the voice did not fall, and the sudden change occurred!


The whole valley suddenly burst into an extremely powerful atmosphere.

In an instant, the atmosphere of the monster race enveloped the entire team of thousands of people!

“Not good!”

Chen Feng’s face suddenly changed.

The next moment, a dense group of monsters appeared from around the valley.

The roar was surging, echoing in the huge valley.

“Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!”

Chen Feng immediately turned around and shouted at the team.

However, just as they turned around and were about to flee back, the rear of the team also exploded with a powerful demon atmosphere.

At this moment, there is nowhere to see what is going on.

“Ambush among us!”

“This is a trap!”

The fairy Yuheng on the side is extremely ugly!

Those monster races deliberately suppressed their breath before, waiting for an opportunity to move.

After the entire team entered the valley, they suddenly appeared, instantly surrounding the valley!

Such a trick can never be a temporary arrangement.

It can only be premeditated!

In the human monk camp, there must be someone connected with these monsters.

Chen Feng looked up and quickly scanned the surroundings.

There are about a thousand monster army ambush here.

“This should also be a team led by a commander.”

Chen Feng thought so.

Soon, he saw the monster commander in the monster army.

The man stood on the highest point of the mountain, condescendingly looking down at Chen Feng and the others.

He has a fierce appearance and is quite tall, three meters tall.

A piece of tiger skin is tied around his waist, and the whole body is covered with colorful tiger stripes.

“It seems that this person was cultivated by the tiger demon.”

Compared to the Silver Star Demon Emperor, this demon clan chieftain is obviously stronger!

Because his human form is more similar to the human race.

As soon as Chen Feng looked at him, the man’s eyes burst with fierce light, and he also stared at Chen Feng.


The whole valley shook frantically.

Those low-level beast-shaped monster races rushed down from all directions.

Wherever you pass, there is a state of destruction everywhere!

For a time, the team of 1,000 people led by Chen Feng quickly shrank, and there was nowhere to hide!

Under these disadvantages, Chen Feng’s expression changed several times.

Then he screamed: “Kill!”


In the casual repair team of thousands of people, a shocking roar broke out and went straight into the sky!

Immediately, the monster army struck.

A melee has begun!

However, the monster race itself has the advantage of physical strength.

Once you fight in close hand-to-hand combat, it can be said that most ordinary human warriors have no advantage!

Even if the cultivation base is above those low-level monsters, as long as a monster is close to them.

The monster clan opened his mouth wide, revealing his mouth full of fierce fangs.

One bite, screams sounded one after another.

Soon, the scarlet blood quickly diffused from the valley and drifted out of the valley.

It spread to the mountains and forests in the distance.

There, there is a figure.

It was a thinly clothed man.

He stood quietly among the mountains and forests, watching from a distance below the valley.

The wood is lush, blocking the sunlight.

The man stood in the shadows, making it difficult to see his expression at the moment.

^0^Remember in one second【】

In the Yuanwang Valley, the number of thousands of casual repair teams is continuously decreasing!

The casual repair team led by Chen Feng was unexpectedly vulnerable in front of the powerful monster race.

The low-level monster race alone is enough to make them fall one after another.

Looking from a distance, there is a purgatory on earth.

It was a one-sided massacre!

However, it was this kind of picture that made the man in the shadow curl his lips.

“Chen Feng, you won’t even think about it until you die, you fell into my trap a long time ago.”

There is complacency and arrogance in his voice.

At this moment, in the distant valley, the three-meter-high Tiger Demon Commander finally rushed in front of Chen Feng.

The person’s eyes lit up, and the look of anticipation immediately appeared.

“Let me see, how many catties do you have?”


In the valley, a loud noise suddenly sounded.

The powerful waves of air spread around, and many low-level monsters and casual cultivators who had no time to evade were directly lifted out.

Two powerful auras stalemately confront each other.

But soon, the balance between the two was broken.

“Is Human Race exhausted? I actually sent you out to explore the way.”

The tiger demon commander sneered.

This demon cultivation has five floors in the fairyland!

Has broken through half a step into the cave world and reached the cultivation level of the first cave world in the Shifang cave world!

He gave a fist, and the whole fist burst out with dazzling light.


The wind is blowing on the ground!

A large-scale hurricane was formed in a flash, and the sky was overwhelming and headed towards Chen Feng.

The hurricane was already as sharp as a knife cut, and at the moment it was filled with a lot of murderous aura.

In an instant, the lethality increased sharply!

Obviously this is a killer move of the demon clan commander ~ IndoMTL.com~ Unless there is a body against the sky, otherwise, there is no doubt that you will die!

“Chen Feng! Get out of the way!”

Not far away, Tiancun Beast Slave and Fairy Yuheng suddenly changed their faces.

They yelled at Chen Feng, their faces full of worry and fear.

Hearing these shouts, the tiger demon’s eyes were like electricity, and immediately sneered again and again.

“Want to escape? No way!”


His figure suddenly accelerated, as fast as lightning, and appeared in front of Chen Feng in the blink of an eye.

The speed is incredible!

The hurricane burst into the sky with dazzling light.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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