A Paragon of Wuhun Chapter 4635: It’s you!

Snake Seventeen’s whole person, like being struck by lightning!

In an instant, I was desperate and stayed there.

Just murmured: “Impossible, impossible!”

“You can’t have seen it! He just fled here! I just chased him all the way and fled here!”

He had a vague guess in his heart, but he couldn’t believe it.

Because, if this guess is true, then he feels that he is over!

His IQ was completely crushed, and Chen Feng was completely playing around in the applause, and he was playing around at will!

Then his spirit is almost broken!

He didn’t want to think about it at all!

The Great Demon of the Flame Sun said in a deep voice: “In fact, before your arrival, in the past few years, no one in my country of the Demon of the Flame Sun has come in.”

“If an ant comes in, it won’t escape my sight!”


Snake Seventeen heard this, but the guess in his heart came true instantly!

He knew immediately that his guess was absolutely true!

Snake Seventeen stayed there. After a while, he laughed miserably!

The sad laugh is getting bigger and bigger, but there is an unstoppable cry in the laugh!

Chen Feng, shouted loudly like a nervous breakdown: “Chen Feng, I was fooled by you! I was fooled by you again?”

“Knowing today, why did you have to?”

At this moment, a faint chuckle came.

At the same time, a breath rose sharply.

Suddenly, both Snake Seventeen and Yanyang Great Demon were shocked, and they straightened out abruptly: “Who!”

Snake Seventeen’s face changed in an instant, and he said in surprise: “Chen Feng? Is it you? Chen Feng?”

“Why are you here?”

Snake Seventeen and Yanyang Demon are both extremely shocked!

It’s just that Snake Seventeen was shocked that he followed Chen Feng’s breath all the way into this place.

However, he only felt a rather weak, Ruowu Chen Feng breath.

And this is also the most important reason why he believes that Chen Feng entered this place a few days ago.

But now, there is another Chen Feng aura rising up.

Moreover, it turned out to be behind me!

The horror of the Great Demon Yanyang is that after he came here, he didn’t feel any breath of strangers except the breath of Snake Seventeen.

But now, it is clearly felt.

“How did they hide? How did they escape my prying eyes?”

The next moment, they saw that not far from the side, there were two demons standing up slowly.

The two demons are the giant stone demon with the longest swords in the Valley of Fallen Stars.

Even in this Flame Sun Demon Country, there are many giant stone demon existence.

But the next moment, the two giant armored stone demons suddenly spread out!

A burst of black air evaporates, and then two figures inside are revealed!

It is Chen Feng and Pei Muyu!

Chen Feng looked at Snake Seventeen and suddenly smiled: “Snake Seventeen, when you are full of confidence and chasing after you, be sure to kill me by the sword, have you ever thought about today?”

After Snake Seventeen saw Chen Feng, his face was startled.

Then, it suddenly dawned on me, as if thinking of something suddenly:

“Chen Feng, you have been following me, right?”

In his impression, vaguely, he seemed to perceive that some demons were always following him.

Among them, it seems that there are two giant stone monsters.

It’s just that he didn’t care about it all the way.

When I remembered it at this time, I realized that the two giant armored stone demons turned out to be Chen Feng and Pei Muyu!

Chen Feng smiled and said: “Yes, remember it?”

Snake Seventeen was frightened and roared again: “The breath and whereabouts you left along the way, including the breath that went deep into the Flame Sun Demon Kingdom, are also fake!”


As soon as the voice fell, he patted his head fiercely:

“I’m so **** stupid! How can that breath be faked!”

“This breath is the breath that the Great Sword Emperor brought you all the way into here! Right?”

“He took your breath first, left it on purpose, and then went back there!”

“Fight with me, pretending to flee in another direction, it seems to be tempting me to chase in that direction!”

“Actually, just to let me discover your breath, and then chase all the way here!”

“In this trap! Right?”

Pei Muyu giggled: “Snake Seventeen, it seems that you are not as stupid as you thought!”

“Why is my elder brother playing around?”

All of Chen Feng’s plans, she must be the one who knows the most.

She looked at Chen Feng step by step, she was obviously much weaker than Snake Seventeen, but she played Snake Seventeen wantonly between her palms.

I am very proud of Chen Feng in my heart.

Snake Seventeen trembled heavily, and an indescribable shame flashed across his face!

After vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood again, the whole person almost died out.

The very weak breath is weaker again,

He yelled frantically, vomiting blood, and it took a long time to calm down a bit.

Snake Seventeen grinned again and again: “Chen Feng, so I chased you into here~ IndoMTL.com~ Everything is in your expectation, isn’t it?”

“So, you deliberately chose this Xuanming Seven Seas Realm, which has a lot to do with you, right?”

Chen Feng smiled slightly: “Yes, who told you Cthulhu Valley to be so arrogant and express your intentions so obvious.”

“I can naturally guess that you are going to chase me into the world of death trials, then I will naturally choose a world that is beneficial to me.”

Chen Feng flicked his fingers, calmly and calmly: “It just so happens that I got a treasure before.”

“You can let me choose to test the world by myself. Sure enough, I did not live up to my expectations and let me come here.”

Snake Seventeen breathed heavily, intermittently saying:

“Your first step is to unite the warriors of the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm, making me think that they are your support, right?”

Chen Feng smiled: “Continue!”

Snake Seventeen gasped and continued: “The second step is to let the Lingzhi puppet be your trump card.”

“Actually, they are not your trump card.”

Chen Feng laughed: “Continue.”

“And your third step is the Great Knife!”

“And the fourth step!”

“Yes, the fourth step!”

Snake Seventeen’s voice suddenly became high-pitched, and he slapped his hands heavily on the ground: “This is it!”

“It’s in the country of Yanyang Devil! It’s this Great Demon of Yanyang! Right?”


Chen Feng laughed loudly, and his heart was extremely happy!

At this point, Chen Feng’s plan is finally fully revealed!

“I work step by step, step by step, and the ultimate goal is to bring you here!”

“Not just for him to kill you!”

He pointed to the Great Demon of Yanyang who was silent beside him, and pointed to Snake Seventeen: “It’s even more so that you can kill him!”

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