A Paragon of Wuhun Chapter 4308: Break!

“God, is so huge, so powerful, so perfect Ruyi boat?”

“Is it possible that this Wishful Boat is actually of Luoxue Class?”

“Luoxue-class Ruyi Boat!”

After someone next to you listened to it, they shouted in shock: “That’s the Ruyi Boat that can only be owned by the Nine Powers Sovereign Level!”

Someone next to him sneered and said: “Sect Master-level Ruyizhou?”

“Tell you, among the nine forces, there are only three Ruyi boats of the Luoxue class!”

“One ship is in the jungle of Shifang, and the other two are in the God of War Mansion. They are powerful artifacts that can only be used by the Marshal of God of War Mansion when traveling!”

Someone’s voice was trembling: “Could it be that the owner of this Zhanluoxue-class Ruyi Boat is actually Chen Feng?”

“Chen Feng has such a powerful hole card?”

Everyone turned their eyes to Chen Feng, their eyes full of admiration and disbelief.

Chen Feng, really brought them too many surprises and shocks!

Whenever they think they know Chen Feng’s details, they will find that Chen Feng’s depth is unfathomable, far beyond what they can guess!

Chen Feng seems to have an inexhaustible and powerful hole card!

Even in the stands, the elders of the nine major powers, the master-level elders, suddenly stood up.

Looking blankly at the Qingluan Ruyizhou that crashed down!

At this time, Xiahou Yinghao and the others had a little flicker in their eyes.

“In this way, it is not impossible for Chen Feng to break the Xuanwu trapped dragon killing formation!”

“Yes, this snow-falling Ruyi boat is one of the top magical treasures in the Dragon Vein Continent. It is not only extremely fast, but also extremely hard!”

“The power is so powerful that a mountain can be crushed! It may not be impossible to break through the basaltic trapped dragon formation!”

“It turns out that Chen Feng didn’t brag before, he can really do it!”

Xiahou Yinghao, at this time the spirit is about to collapse.

He was born in the God of War Mansion and has a wide range of knowledge, so he naturally knows what kind of power this Luxue-class Ruyi Boat has!

He turned around abruptly, staring at Chen Feng, with a hint of crying, and shouted:

“You, how can you have such a powerful treasure? How can you have such a powerful treasure?”

Chen Feng looked at him, shrugged and looked helpless: “I’m sorry, I am so strong!”

As soon as Chen Feng’s voice fell, there was a loud noise!

It turned out that the Qingluan Ruyizhou had already smashed into the **** waves.

At this time, standing in front of him is a huge flying battleship that is several kilometers long!

On the huge flying battleship, among the gazes of hundreds of experts in the God of War Palace!

This green light was suppressed fiercely!

There was a loud bang, and the next moment, this battleship was directly hit to pieces!

The hundreds of experts in the War God Mansion all screamed and flew out one after another!

Many people were directly hit by Shengsheng and turned into fans!

The others were all seriously wounded, screaming and screaming, spurting blood, and flying around.

This flying battleship is extremely strong.

Even if it hits a mountain, the mountain is broken! It won’t be it!

However, when facing Qingluan Ruyizhou, it was like cutting tofu with a knife, boiling and snowy, it was easily crushed!

The momentum of Qingluan Ruyizhou never stopped at all!

With a bang, it continued to crash on the next battleship!

Once again, smash this battleship to pieces!

Then, hit the next battleship again!

Then, it’s the next one!


Boom boom boom!

The sound of huge shock and impact is endless, resounding through the world!

The tremor was so loud that everyone’s eardrums rose!

Many people were even directly shocked to the ears and shed blood, trance, unstable standing, and falling to the ground.

The sound alone is so terrifying!

It can be seen how overbearing the power of this impact is!

Qingluan Ruyi Boat smashed 19 flying warships!

Finally, when it reappeared, there was nothing in front of it, and there was no more warship!

It’s empty!

Behind this Qingluan Ruyizhou, there was a huge cavity with a length of tens of thousands of meters and a diameter of kilometers!

Qingluan Ruyizhou, it turned out that this blood sea wave, this powerful basalt trapped dragon slaying formation, directly pierced through!

The Xuanwu trapped dragon killing formation has been chiseled out of a huge channel!

Quiet, as quiet as death!

At this time, whether it was the hundreds of thousands of remaining War God Mansion powerhouses in the Xuanwu Trapped Dragon Killing Array, or on the stands below, or on the Shenglong Platform, these powerhouses were all stunned!

They are all stupid!

They just cast their stunned eyes on the Qingluan Ruyizhou.

Everyone knows the strength of the Luoxue-class Ruyizhou, and everyone guessed that Chen Feng might break the Xuanwu trapped dragon killing array!

But they didn’t expect this Qingluan Ruyizhou to be so powerful!

In such an overbearing way, he went straight through!

It didn’t even work for a moment, it was just smashing 19 warships and piercing the basaltic trapped dragon killing array!

Finally, a trembling voice sounded like a dream: “This, this is the Luxue-class Ruyizhou?”

“Too strong! Too strong! Worthy of being the top artifact in the Dragon Vein Continent!”

“I saw this scene today, it’s worth it even if I die!”

“Yes, this beautiful scenery, I am afraid that it will only appear once in the Dragon Vessel Continent for hundreds of years and thousands of years! But I will be able to see it!”

“How lucky! Sansheng is lucky!”

Everyone sighed loudly, screamed in excitement, and completely lost the dignity of the so-called strong!

No way, this scene is really shocking!

It’s just that after watching this scene, one person felt very different from the others.

It is to win the sunrise.

The moment he saw Qingluan Ruyizhou appeared, he was stupid.

Because he has seen this Qingluan Ruyizhou before!

At the beginning, when everyone in their family came to this empty mulberry tree on the family’s wishful boat, they once ran into this Qingluan wishful boat!

At the time, he still admired the vision very much.

I think that Qingluan Ruyizhou~IndoMTL.com~ must be a senior expert, and want to get the guidance of this senior expert.

Seeing this situation today, he suddenly discovered:

“It turns out that the senior man I think is Chen Feng!”

He thought of what he said on his Ruyi Boat that day, and his admiration for the senior man.

I thought of the disdainful words I had said to Chen Feng before, and I even wanted to get my head in my arms.

“It’s really called having eyes but not knowing Mount Tai!”

The Qingluan Ruyizhou brushed it and hovered next to Chen Feng.

At the corner of Chen Feng’s mouth, a smile was drawn slightly, and he stepped slowly on top of the Qingluan Ruyi Boat.

He looked down at this Qingluan Ruyizhou, with emotion in his eyes.

On that day, when he got the Qingluan Ruyizhou, Chen Feng didn’t expect that this treasure could have such a power and could play such a key role!

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