A Paragon of Wuhun Chapter 4212: I found it!

Chen Feng has been listening carefully to what Pu Jingyi said.

At this moment, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

“Hey, that’s not right! Wait!”

“You said Kong Yangyu used a light Horcrux before?”

Pu Jingyi nodded.

Chen Feng suddenly felt that he was missing something.

He tried hard to recall, recalling a scene he saw when he was observing the memory of the dark feather soul crane just now.

He always felt that the scene in that picture seemed quite familiar.

But in any case, I can’t remember.

It seems that I saw that scene, it was very short, it can be said to be like lightning.

From the angle of the Dark Feather Soul Crane, maybe when I just glanced over it, I saw an extremely inconspicuous, extremely small, and unnoticeable and memorable detail.

So that, Dark Feather Soul Crane himself did not remember.

When Chen Feng observes memory, he naturally ignores it.

But at this time, Chen Feng’s strong mental power and keen thinking made him notice that he seemed to have overlooked this detail.

Chen Feng thought desperately: “What the **** is it? What the **** is it? Why can’t I remember it?”

“But I feel that I have missed an extremely critical point!”

Chen Feng did not hesitate, the golden spiritual power immediately rushed out, and once again plunged into the gray memory ball!

Start reading the Dark Feather Soul Crane and the memories of his lifetime again.

This time, Chen Feng spent five hours.

Because, he carefully examined the memories of Dark Feather Soul Crane scene by scene, looking for it bit by bit, not letting go of any clues.

He must thoroughly find out all the details that may be overlooked by him!

Chen Feng closed his eyes tightly, concentrated all his mental energy, and looked carefully.

And his body is trembling slightly.

Even, his face was a little pale, and cold sweat oozes from his forehead.

Obviously, Chen Feng’s mental power is being consumed extremely.

There is no way. If you just scan the things that Dark Feather Soul Crane saw in his lifetime, then it will consume less than 10% or 20% of Chen Feng’s mental power.

But now, all the details are cut out bit by bit, which is very expensive!

Finally, five hours passed.

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly opened his eyes and yelled with joy: “I found it! I found it!”

His face is full of joy.

It turned out that at this moment, Chen Feng finally found what he wanted.

Chen Feng finally found it, a clue that he hadn’t noticed, but felt vital!

Chen Feng just opened his eyes and just came out of the spiritual world, but he felt black in front of him, his figure swayed, and he fell to the ground.

It turns out that his mental power has been over drained.

Chen Feng has a splitting headache, and his head looks like acupuncture.

But he couldn’t care about it, just let out a big laugh: “I found it!”

“So, this thing will definitely be done!”

He clenched his fists, his eyes filled with excitement!

Pu Jingyi didn’t ask Chen Feng what he found. He knew what to ask and what not to ask.

He just smiled with joy: “Subordinates, congratulations to Master Chen!”

Chen Feng got up and patted him on the shoulder again: “Thank you for this matter.”

“Moreover, I will rely on you next.”

“Despite Chen Gongzi’s orders, if there is anything he needs to do, he will only die!”

Chen Feng nodded, staring at him and said: “I won’t let you die, I will let you return to the Hall of Soul Destruction!”

“See my senior sister, no matter what method you use, tell her a word!”

Pu Jingyi trembled slightly all over.

At this time, what he was doing had a shuddering feeling for him.

Chen Feng stared at Pu Jingyi and said word by word: “Let my senior sister agree to Kong Yangyu! And…”

Chen Feng whispered a few words.

“Subordinates must do it!”

Pu Jingyi clasped his fists and said loudly.

Chen Feng nodded slowly, took out one thing, and cherished it and handed it to him.

It’s a whip.

Chen Feng watched, a gentle flash in his eyes.

This whip was the weapon of Han Yu’er when he was still in Qian Yuanzong.

Later, the whip was too low to be used, but Chen Feng kept it.

It couldn’t be better to use this as a token.

Pu Jingyi took it solemnly, and said a few more words to him, he was about to leave.

Chen Feng shook his head: “Don’t worry, you will stay here for one day.”

“This matter, there are many details, I still need to go through with you one by one.”

Pu Jingyi nodded.

This matter is so important that no detail should be overlooked.

“Moreover, your current strength is too low, you still need to improve your strength.”

After all, Chen Feng took out more than ten pills.

These pills were all obtained by him before.

For Chen Feng, these medicines are no longer useful, but for Pu Jingyi, they are the treasure!

Chen Feng took out a few more cheats, which contained swordsmanship, boxing techniques, palm techniques, and even inner strength, where the mind was located.

This is of no use to Chen Feng now, but it is of great use to Pu Jingyi.

Chen Feng looked at him, smiled and said: “I will help you break through!”

Pu Jingyi’s howling of ghosts and wolves resounded on the Qingluan Ruyi Boat.

In one night, Pu Jingyi’s strength broke through several major levels one after another, and went directly to the realm of Emperor Wudi of the two stars.

More than dozens of times stronger than before?

Chen Feng used various methods to help him improve his strength, and even taught him several extremely powerful martial arts and martial arts.

On the second day, Chen Feng and Chen Feng checked all the details carefully and confirmed that there were no problems before Pu Jingyi left.

Wearing a cloak to wrap his true face.

A flat boat went out to sea quietly.

Pu Jingyi came and went quietly, no one found his whereabouts

Looking at Pu Jingyi’s back, Chen Feng stood on the beach, his eyes full of confidence!

He believes that ~IndoMTL.com~ this time Pu Jingyi will be able to go back.

As for Chen Feng, his next plan will surely succeed!

Because, just yesterday, in the memory of the Dark Feather Soul Crane, Chen Feng found that vital thing!

At this time, Chen Feng entered the spiritual world.

In his spiritual world, a puff of gray smoke quietly emerged.

Extremely small, extremely ethereal, weak and invisible.

This gray smoke is exactly the memory of the scene that Chen Feng forcibly tore down from the memory of the dark feathered soul crane yesterday!

When Chen Feng entered it, he saw that the picture freezes.

It was viewed from the perspective of Dark Feather Soul Crane.

At this time, the Dark Feather Soul Crane was standing next to Han Yu’er.

And it may be boring, or it may be because of something to eat on the ground.

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