A Paragon of Wuhun Chapter 4167: Mist

Latest website: But in fact, it did not endanger his life. But

The disadvantages are also the same.

Precisely because he has not encountered any powerful opponents, Chen Feng has never had a chance to break through.

He has never been able to bring himself to fight an extremely powerful opponent, and has never been able to push himself to the edge!

I have never been able to fully stimulate myself and squeeze my potential!

Therefore, he had no chance to break through. And

This feeling also made Chen Feng become more and more irritable.

It feels like the last step is there, but you just can’t take that step! And

It’s just wandering there, wasting time!

People become more and more irritable!

More and more bored! Chen

Feng has a feeling that he is full of energy but can’t use it! Very

At this point, he was so suffocated that his whole body was aching and aching. It seemed that every bone and every muscle was indescribably uncomfortable!

Chen Feng wished he could yell for a while to suppress the annoyance in his heart! End

On the third day, the scenery in front of Chen Feng suddenly changed!

He is still on the field of blood, still on the vast wilderness.

But the scenery in front of us changed drastically.

It was no longer empty, but a layer of mist began to emerge.

Chen Feng suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Although he felt indescribably uncomfortable and depressed all over his body at this time, he still suppressed the emotion and began to observe.

Chen Feng discovered that the mist seemed to stretch endlessly, extending to unknown places on both his left and right sides.

There is no end in sight.

Although this fog does not look thick, just a thin layer, it seems that nothing can be seen clearly inside. to

Chen Feng’s eyesight was only shadowy, and he could only see a little bit. Display

Of course, it is unrealistic to get around this thick fog. And

Chen Feng soon let out a soft sigh.

It turned out that he discovered that on his left hand side, there was a gap dozens of feet in front.

When Chen Feng arrived there, he saw that there was actually a road here. in

Here, the mist seems to shrink on both sides, leaving a channel about three feet wide in the middle. Two

The dense fog towers into the clouds, like two high walls. Only

This passage is so deep and narrow that it is extremely deep. I don’t know where it leads, and I can’t see the end at a glance. Only

At the end of the line of sight, it shrank sharply, became smaller, and finally disappeared. Chen

Feng thought thoughtfully and said softly: “This passage was specially opened for me to take?” “

So, what is in this fog? ”

Chen Feng thought for a moment, then got close to the mist and released his aura. That

It is a very strong and majestic warrior aura. Same

At the same time, it was also mixed with his extremely tyrannical blood. And

This blood energy is the biggest attraction to these big demons!

So, the next moment, Chen Feng suddenly heard what seemed to be a strange sound coming from him. That

The sound was like a huge wave coming from a very far distance. Wave

The tide is coming, overwhelming!

Chen Feng just felt a strange feeling: “Where did the waves come from here?” Suddenly

Of course, I just thought of something! at

Yes, his face changed suddenly!

Hurry up and take back that strong blood energy! Next

In a moment, he saw a black line in the thick white fog, rushing towards this side!

As I got closer, I saw that there were shadows inside the black line!

So, where is the tide coming from? That

A black line is actually composed of countless demons!

Those big demons come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Yes

Some are like monsters, and some are like humans.

Some are wearing heavy armor, and some are light and floating in the air.

Some are even riding on that huge mount, covered in black energy, and they are killing fiercely!

It’s like a big mountain pressing down on you!

At a glance, Chen Feng could tell there were dozens or even hundreds of these big demons.

It turns out that the sound of waves was not coming just now! And

It’s the sound of them coming! Chen

Feng looked at it and couldn’t help but sucked in a breath of cold air. In an instant, his body flashed and he opened a safe distance.

The next moment, those demons slammed into the edge of the mist.

The entire mist condensed instantly. And

Chen Feng seemed to hear a loud bang, but in fact he heard nothing. Because

Because all the sounds and everything were sealed in the thin mist.

Even, Chen Feng could see the roars and curses of these demons through the mist, but he couldn’t hear them at all.

It seems that this thin layer of mist can isolate everything! This

The big demons looked at Chen Feng with extremely greedy eyes, looking at this piece of food exuding hot blood!

They frantically wanted to devour Chen Feng, but they couldn’t do it at all. fog

The Qi seems to be weak, but in fact it is extremely strong and insurmountable! him

They roared and banged there, but to no avail.

After a long time, they all dispersed. Chen

Feng let out a long sigh at this time and found that his back was already wet. him

He said softly: “Fortunately, I didn’t rush into the mist. Otherwise, I’m afraid I would have died in that moment.” Yuan

Come on, these demons are all sealed inside!

Although Chen Feng now wants to find an opponent to train with, it does not mean that he wants to face dozens of big demons.

That is courting death!

Chen Feng pondered for a moment, then no longer hesitated, and walked straight forward along the passage. Very

Quickly, Chen Feng knew that he had made the right choice. Shun

After walking along this road for several hours, Chen Feng did not encounter a big demon. He soon understood and understood the reason. “

Presumably, the people who created the Valley of Fallen Stars on that day were not very confident in the strength of those who followed. “”

Therefore, this road was specially opened for their convenience. “This

The passage is extremely long~IndoMTL.com~Chen Feng’s speed is also extremely fast. No

With the obstruction of those big demons, his speed was even ridiculously fast.

Chen Feng estimated that he had traveled at least hundreds of thousands of miles in three to five hours.

And this mist becomes thicker and thicker as it moves forward. 1

At first, Chen Feng could still see the big demon inside through the mist, but later the mist became so thick that it was like a white stone wall.

Chen Feng can no longer see anything inside, and just keeps moving forward. But

Chen Feng could feel that the mist was full of dangers. The danger hidden inside seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, and the level of the demon inside was getting higher and higher.

Even a few times, when Chen Feng was walking in the middle of the road, he suddenly felt frightened and looked to the side.

He could feel it, right behind the thick fog!

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