A Paragon of Wuhun Chapter 4131: Big secret!

Latest website: But Chen Feng still asked this seemingly absurd question.

Because the truth was so shocking that he couldn’t believe it! him

This issue must be determined.

Because, if there is a huge world there, and the Xuanjin Nine-Headed Jiao Clan lives in it, this world may be very powerful, countless times larger and more powerful than Dragon Vein Continent. But

Nothing too surprising.

No matter how big it is, it is still a world.

In such a huge world, there should be many.

But if this world were a garden, it would be a garden specially developed for raising pets.

Then, this thing is unusual, this is so shocking!

Xuanjin Jiaohuang stared at Chen Feng with determination and said word by word: “I’m sure, I’m very sure!”


He thought for a moment and hesitated for a while. Chen

Feng asked: “Because of what?”

Xuanjin Jiaohuang’s eyes were a little confused: “With your urging, I seem to have thought of some memory fragments passed down by my ancestors.”

He was thinking hard there, thinking, looking for fragments of the past.

Chen Feng just thought quietly beside it without disturbing it.

Because he knew that what the Xuanjin Nine-Headed Jiao said next might be earth-shattering!

Suddenly, countless rays of light shone in the eyes of the black gold nine-headed dragon.

It shouted: “I remembered! I remembered!” It

Staring at Chen Feng, he shouted excitedly: “I found a memory fragment.”

“Why am I so sure? Because we have met before, no, my ancestors have met the owner of that garden!”

“I have met our master!”

Yours, Master! Lord

People! Chen

When Fengguang heard these two words, goosebumps almost appeared all over his body, and he couldn’t help but tremble in his heart.

What kind of existence is this that can keep a black gold nine-headed dragon, whose strength exceeds that of the Nine-Star Martial Emperor, as a pet?

Xuanjin Jiaohuang murmured in a voice full of reverence and trembling: “

On the sky, countless red clouds spread out, like a rainbow bridge, like a road, and there were countless flowers in the sky, shining brightly. ”

“The rain of flowers falls down in the river, in that giant river reaching the sky, creating countless new tyrannical ethnic groups.”

“Every ethnic group is no weaker than our Black Gold Nine-Headed Jiao Clan!”

Chen Feng was shocked: “Creation! What kind of method is this?”

There is a huge chariot, shrouded in endless golden light, and on both sides of the chariot, there are two huge gods wearing golden armor! ”

“Each of these two gods is unimaginably large.”

“Their feet have already exceeded the height of the mountains.”

“I feel like he can crush us all with one kick!”

“And what pulls the chariot is a huge beast that only exists in legends, and its power is comparable to ancient gods and demons!”

“Every divine beast can easily kill our Black Gold Nine-Headed Jiao Clan!” Chen

Feng immediately asked urgently: “What is this mythical beast?”

If he knew what this divine beast was, combined with the ancient legends he had learned before, and the notes of the senior who had traveled to many worlds, Chen Feng might be able to deduce a scaly claw from it.

The eyes of the Xuanjin Nine-headed Jiao suddenly showed a look of pain.

Just as it was about to say something, there was a sudden sound and another mouthful of blood spurted out.

It was already just one breath away from death. At this moment, this mouthful of blood spurted out. Suddenly, its vitality was like a candle in the wind, and it could dissipate at any time!

It fell directly to the ground, with a look of extreme pain in its eyes and trembling

Said: “I can’t remember, I can’t remember! I can’t remember anything now!”

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

He knew that recalling these memory fragments would cause great damage. He said that if he continued to think about it, he might die at any time.

Moreover, the memory fragment of this scene is too long ago, and it cannot do it with its current strength. Chen

Feng had his own concerns, but he was not in a hurry and did not continue to press the Xuanjin Jiao Emperor. Wait

After the Xuanjin Jiao Emperor recovered a little, Chen Feng asked a few more questions.

Even, there are some duplicate questions. This

This means that Chen Feng is actually a little confused now. Change

As he said before, he would never ask again after asking once, because he could tell whether what the other person said was true. But

Today is different. This

This news is really shocking!

After asking the question, Chen Feng stopped talking.

Deep in the sea of ​​clouds, it suddenly became quiet.

Chen Feng looked into the distance, his eyes lost in thought. far

, the blood moon rises, and the **** light falls down. Head

Everywhere the light touched was filled with blood.

Chen Feng sighed softly.

He felt that what he had just heard was like a fantasy, like a myth.

However, Chen Feng knew very well: This is the fact!

The Xuanjin Nine-Headed Jiao Clan really existed.

The garden also existed, the huge chariot shrouded in golden light, and the two golden-armored gods, they all really existed!

A wry smile suddenly appeared on Chen Feng’s lips: “Isn’t this something that only appears in myths?” “

But this myth has now become a fact. ”

“Actually, what kind of myth is this!” Chen

Feng suddenly felt something in his heart: “It’s just that the gap between me and those beings is so huge that it’s unimaginable, so the ordinary things they do, in my opinion, are like myths!”

“It’s like, in the eyes of the Qianyuan Sect disciples, I am just like a myth!”

Thinking of this, Chen Feng suddenly felt enlightened! That

The gloom, doubts, shock, etc. that shrouded my heart all disappeared in an instant! “

They are just warriors more powerful than me! ”

Chen Feng’s originally sluggish thinking ~IndoMTL.com~ suddenly came to life. Next

For a moment, Chen Feng’s heart suddenly started beating wildly, and his heart was burning hot!

His blood flow accelerated, his eyes were a little red, and he was extremely excited.

Because at this time, he suddenly realized: “I seem to have discovered something extraordinary! I seem to be unintentionally learning a great secret!” “

This may be a secret that has been buried for hundreds of millions of years and is related to an extremely powerful and terrifying existence! “”

At the same time, it also means endless huge benefits and opportunities! “Chen

Countless questions flashed through Feng’s mind instantly: “Where is that garden? Who is that terrifying existence? What level? How many treasures are there in the garden?”

He took a deep breath, calmed down, and sorted out his thoughts:

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